Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 08, 2000, Image 5
National Egg Market ATLANTA, GA JULY 05,2000 Report Supplied By USDA NATIONAL EGG MARKET - AT A GLANCE Prices were unchanged. The market tone ranged steady at best to weak, mostly barely steady. Demand was gen erally light to moderate, instances good where feature activity stimulated addi tional interest. Supplies of all sizes ranged adequate to ample. Breaking stock offerings were adequate to fully adequate for the light demand, and demand for additional quality product was limited as dealers cautiously watched further market developments. Light type hens were fully adequate for the unaggressive demand. North Atlantic Eggs Atlanta, Georgia Report Supplied by USDA Thursday, July 0,2000 IN PHILADELPHIA, PRICES WERE UNCHANGED TO 1 CENT LOWER ON THE LARGER SIZES AND UNCHANGED FOR MEDIUMS. PRICES PAID TO PRODUCERS IN NEW ENGLAND WERE 1 CENT LOWER LOWER FOR EXTRA LARGE AND LARGE, UNCHANGED ON THE REMAINDER OF SIZES. IN BOSTON, PRICES WERE UN CHANGED. THE MARKET TONE WAS BARELY STEADY AND AT TEMPTING TO SETTLE. DEMAND WAS MOSTLY LIGHT TO MDOERATE AND BEST WHERE SPECIALS WERE IN PROGRESS. SUPPLIES OF ALL SIZES RANGED ADEQUATE TO AMPLE. BREAKING STOCK OFFERINGS WERE ADE QUATE TO FULLY ADEQUATE FOR USED POULTRY Ei 48” Acme Fans w/1 HP 3 phase motors without Motor 125 36” Acme Fans w/1/2 HP 3 phase motors Without Motor 48" American Cool Air Fans without motor 36” Stainless Steel Housing Fans 2 12 Ft. Diameter 30 ton feed bins.... (8 leg w/22” Hopper openings) 0 60,000 lb. Weigh-Tronix Bin Scales (4 Load Cell per Unit) 8 Pit Scraper Power Units *** 48” Acme Fans and 12’Feed Bins F. 0.8. Gettysburg, PA area Fans, feed bins and bin scales will be for sale as they become available. Call Wayne Hershey at 1-800-432-0988 ext. 3034 We are open Mon. - Fri. 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Our Service Department is Available 24 Hours/Day. THE LIGHT DEMAND. LIGHT TYPE HENS WERE FULLY ADEQUATE FOR SLAUGHTER REQUIRE MENTS. PHILADELPHIA: PRICES TO RE TAILERS, SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS, USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A WHITE EGGS IN CAR TONS, DELIVERED TO STORE DOOR, CENTS PER DOZEN. EXTRA LARGE .SB-.64, MEDIUM .S6-.62, MEDIUM .40-.45. BOSTON: EXTRA LARGE .93-.95, LARGE .BS-.87, MEDIUM .57-.59. NEW ENGLAND: JUMBO 1.17-1.20, EX. LRGE. .73-.76, LRGE. .6S-.68, MEDIUM .38-.41, SMALL .15-.18. Delmarva Broiler/Fryer ATLANTA, GA. JULY 5,2000 Report Supplied By USDA DELMARVA BROILER/FRYER MARKET. FEDERAL-STATE Movement of ready-to-cook whole birds was slow to fair at best. Seller offer ings were fully adequate to ample for im mediate deliveries. Live supplies were at least adequate; weights were mostly de sirable to heavy. Processing schedules were moderately heavy. Less than truck lot asking prices were unchanged at S 3 to 65 cents. Trade sentiment was barely steady. In the parts complex, wings and tenders were in best balance. Other items were at least adequate for the generally light and unaggressive buying interest. ACTUAL SLAUGHTER WEEK ENDING 07/o'/ 2 000 WAS 13,160,633 @ 5.12 ESTIMATED SLAUGHTER OF BROILER/FRYERS IN DELMARVA (000) ESTIMATED ACTUAL AVG. WEIGHT ACTUAL AVG. WEIGHT 07/05 07/03 07/03 06/28 06/26 2,404 2,427 5.22 2,418 5.14 SPECIAL LOW PRICES SCALE COMPONENTS RELAY WITH AND JACK j-pJ INDICATOR UNIT CONVERTOR WEIGH BAR 2O-DX-0601 (60,000 lb) IPMENT FOR SALE $125 ea. $75 ea. $lOO ea. $6O ea. ...$B5 ea. $l5O ea. $BOO ea. $5OO ea. $3OO ea. 07/04 06/30 06/30 06/27 06/23 (a) 3,565 5.14 2,435 5.03 (a) not released to avoid disclosing in dividual operations. BROILER/FRYER CURRENT NEGOTIATED PRICES FOR IMME DIATE DELIVERY INCLUDES MOSTLY MULTIPLE-DROP SHIP MENTS OF BRANDED AND WING TAGGED TO NEW YORK CITY FROMDELMARVA BRANDED U.S. GRADE A RANGE 50-66 WEIGHTED AVERAGE 55.63 NO. OF BOXES 6,072 7 of 8 plants reporting. Livestock Cooperative Auction Market of North Jersey Poultry & Egg Hackettstown, NJ. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, July 5,2000 PULLETS 3.50 EA. BANTAMS 2.25-2.75 EA. ROOSTERS 1.10-1.30 LBS., 4.00 EA. BUNNIES 1.00-4.00 EA. DUCKS 2.50-6.50 EA., 1.35-1.50 LB. RABBITS 2.00-3.25 EA., .15-1.10 LB. PIGEONS 2.50-3.25 EA. GUINEAS 4.00-6.50 EA. GRADE A EGGS: WHITE JUMBO. EX. LRGE. .66.-82, LARGE .60; BROWN EGGS, JUMBO, EX. LRGE. •91-.95, LARGE .84-.59. Eighty-Four Livestock Auction Eighty-Four, Pa. Monday, July 3,2000. Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE 210...(PDA)...Compared with last week’s cows and bulls steady. SLAUGHTER STEERS: couple Choice 2-3 815 & 930 lbs 70.00 & 70.50. HEIFERS; Standard 1-247.50-54.00. 20-DX-0650 (60,000 lb) 20-DX-0351 (30,0001 b) Also available over 50 used motors in stock (Not for Fans) SPECIAL SALE We are currently overstocked on grain bin & feed hopper bins, bolts & nuts Grade 8 Hex Bin Bolts Grade 8 Hex Bin Bolts Grade 5 Hex Bin Bolts Grade 5 Hex Nuts llershey CO., INC Your Partner in Agri-Business 255 Plane Tree Drive, Lancaster, Pa 17602 Toll Free 800-HEC-0988 Fax (717) 291-1534 Email COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 41.00- 47.50, Boners 80-85% lean 37.00-41.50, Lean 85-90% lean 33.50-37.50. Shells 32.00 & down. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1015-1975 lbs 52.00- Yield Grade 2 1145-1765 lbs 44.50-50.50. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: few Medium and Large 1 350-660 lbs 84.50- 109.00, few Medium and Large 2 320- 610 lbs 85.50-93.00; HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1 320-610 lbs 85.50-93.00. Medium and Large 2 390-450 lbs 76.00- 79.50, 510-845 lbs 59.00-77.50; BULLS; few Medium and Large 1 320-510 lbs 93.00- Medium and Large 2 410- 675 lbs 73.50-87.00. CALVES 187...VEALERS: one Choice 135 lbs 100.00, Standard and Good 90-110 lbs 45.00-60.00, 60-85 lbs 35.00- Utility 40-75 lbs 20.00- 32.50, FARM CALVES; Holstein bulls steady to 35.00 higher.No 1 Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 115.00-167.50 mostly 120.00- No 2 70-125 lbs 55.00- 115.00; few No 1 Holstein heifers 90-100 lbs 310.00-330.00, No 2 70-135 lbs 115.00- Beef type bulls and heifers 80-105 lbs 130.00-160.00,130-290 lbs 84.00-115.00. HOGS 9... BARROWS AND GILTS: couple 40-45% lean 250 & 255 lbs 38.00 & 45.50. SOWS: US 1-3 315-475 lbs 36.50- 38.00. Ip l' J assn' i-sr Z' © G) © *■ >R UNIT INDI CONVERTOR With Digital Indicator (20-DX-0221) 3/8x1” 5/16x3/4 .04 ea 3/8” 5/16” Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 8, 2000-A5 some markets I not available due | to the holiday ! %*. --> :' ;,*>; . s ,- ~i,.- ',.„■ <>. •' -, ta "SSSt- \ WEIGH ' BARS 54 USED SHENANDOAH COMMUNITY NESTS Less than (3) Years Old, Excellent Condition, New Nests Fronts and Belts Included CALL FOB PRICE Also, 12X16 HiEFER SHED - $5OO FIRM (717)367-2520 .06 ea .015 ea ,015 ea. BOARS: one 430 lbs 15.50. FEEDER PIGS 10... US 1-3 35-45 lbs 34.00-42.00, US 2-3 30-40 lbs 21.00-25.00 per head. SHEEP 58... SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 55-75 lbs 87.00-89.00, 80-100 lbs 74.00- FEEDER LAMBS: Good and Choice 45-70 lbs 60.00-77.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 12.00-32.00. GOATS 79... Medium Billies 34.00- 60.00, Large Nannies and Wethers 49.00- Medium 38.00-46.00, Large Kids 26.00-33.00, Small 10.00-25.00. Livestock Cooperative Auction Market Of North Jersey Hackettstown, N. J. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, July 25,2000 CALVES .09-2.90. COWS.I7-.5lVj. EASY COWS. 19V2-.44. FEEDERS 300-600 LBS. ,44-.94. HEIFERS .46V2-.79. BULLS AiVi-.iT/i. STEERS .35-.65V2. HOGS, NONE. ROASTING PIGS EA. 25.00-54.00. BOARS, NONE. SOWS, NONE. SHEEP.IS-. 74. LAMBS EA. 20.00-59.00. LAMBS PER LB. .42-1.32. GOATS EA. 12.00-112.50. KIDS EA. 17.00-72.50. 648 HEAD TOTAL.