Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 08, 2000, Image 15
Estimated Daily Livestock Slaughter Under Federal Inspection Wednesday, July 5,2000 Wednesday 2000-02-09 (est) Week ago (est) Year ago (act) Week to date (est) Same Period Last Week (est) Same Period Last Year (act) Morrison’s Cove Livestock Martinsburg, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Monday, July 3,2000 CATTLE: 72 HEAD. STEERS: CHOICE 68.00-71.00, GOOD 65.00-68.00. HEIFERS: CHOICE 67.00-70.00, GOOD 60.00-66.00, UTILITY AND COMMERCIAL 37.50-48.00, CANNER AND LOW CUTTER 22.00-36.00. BULLOCKS: 48.00-55.00. BULLS: YG#147.00-58.00. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS 57.50- 69.00, BULLS 55.00-68.00, HEIFERS WATERING SYSTEM by This medicator accurately meters | antibiotics, coccidiostats, drugs, (| disinfects, sulfas, vaccines, wormers, vitamins, fertilizers or chemical additives into livestock and poultry drinking water or into irrigation systems i ■pa Dosmatic * Medicator • MwjjjHHjpßi Easily installed in the water line this ”B ” w medicator has only half the moving parts I as the average one It delivers properly I mixed medication automatically as the water is consumed Water Powered Chemical Feed Pump Non-Electric, Rugged Industrial Grade Construction CDhemilizer }^|^r MEDICATOR 1/ ’ jL The Smart 2 Part System 2 Chemical Pump WATER MOTOR CHEMICAU FEED LINE iChtmcal By Rums W*l*r Motor Go*s Dradly Into Wal«> Flow To M Miad) ' V See us For All Your DAIRY - POULTRY - SWINE Remodeling & Equipment . Installation Needs 7/8/00 Hours: Mon-Fri 6:30 to 5:30 Sat 7:30 to Noon Farmer Boy Ag Systems Inc. X 410 East Lincoln Avenue, Myerstown, PA 17067 Same Day Shipping 717-866-7565 • 1 -800-845-3374 M » CATTLE 127.000 129.000 129.000 253.000 391.000 261.000 CALVES HOGS 5.000 364,000 4.000 348,000 5.000 359,000 8.000 692,000 12.000 1,034,000 11.000 751,000 50.00- CALVES: 135. PRIME, NO MARKET TEST, CHOICE 90.00- 105.00, GOOD 80.00-90.00, STAN DARD 20.00-55.00; HOLSTEIN BULLS 90-130 LBS. 60.00-110.00, HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 90-130 LBS. 100.00-210.00. HOGS: 214....U5#1-2 45.50-47.00, US#l-3 43.00-44.00. SOWS; US#l-3 33.00-39.00. BOARS; 13.00-30.00. FEEDER PIGS: 58. US#l-3 20-50 LBS. 19.00-65.00. SHEEP: 45 HEAD. CHOICE LAMBS 85.00- GOOD LAMBS 80.00- 85.00, SL. EWES 22.00-38.00. GOATS: 12.00-81.00. • Standard large volume supply pipe -1 05” (27mm). • Opaque supply pipe prevents algae • Standard support pipe 1.05” (27 mm) • Optional extruded aluminum support rail • Easy push together assembly • No glue necessary Experienced & knowledgeable"! SALES STAFF J 2-YEAR GUARANTEE SHEEP 13.000 11.000 13.000 19.000 31.000 26.000 CATTLE 265...(SUPPLIED BY THE AUCTlON)...steers were active. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-4 1185-1425 lbs 65.25-71.00, Select 1-3 62.00- Standard 1-2 53.00-57.50. HOLSTEINS: Choice 2-3 1150-1550 lbs 60.50-64.00. HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 1080-1400 lbs 64.75-74.00, Select 1-3 62.00-66.00, Stan dard 1-2 52.00-59.00. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 43.00- 49.50, one 52.00, Boners 80-85% lean 38.00- Lean 85-90% lean 33.00- 36.75. Shells down to 24.50. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 965-1650 lbs 52.00- one 65.00, Yield Grade 2 930-1450 lbs 49.00-55.50. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: Medium 1 360-740 lbs 82.00-109.00; HEIFERS: Medium 1 320-800 lbs 73.00- 92.00; BULLS: Medium 1 290-550 lbs 87.00- 400-900 lbs 59.00-65.00. CALVES 101...VEALERS: Good 70- 190 lbs 30.00-65.00. A Divn FEED BINS We assemble, deliver and set bins on your farm ' Weather tight die-formed tool ‘ Stronger engineered sidewal * Ground controlled fill caps * Galvanized roll-formed legs ‘ Engineered leg braced systei ‘ Fast flowing hopper bottom With CORE AUGL and Flex-flo™ AUGER SYSTEM in 2 1/4” dia. to 5” dia 3’ & 4* CRAFT PAPER FOR FEEDING Mercer Livestock Auction Mercer, Pa. Tuesday, July 4,2000 Report Supplied By PDA of (gig) 'ater Flow Controlled Left or Right J-Type Connection iss Steel Shut ;s Steel Seat igger Pin Chicks FARM CALVES; No 1 Holstein bulls 85-120 lbs 120.00-165.00, No 2 85-110 lbs 85.00-120.00; No 1 Holstein heifers 90- 105 lbs 200.00-275.00. Beef type bulls and heifers 70-190 lbs 80.00-165.00. HOGS 20...50W5: one 67.00. FEEDER PIGS 0...N0 MARKET TEST! SHEEP 6... SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 70-95 lbs 66.00-89.00. GOATS 0...N0 MARKET TEST! St. Louis Feeder Cattle Springfield, IL Thu Jul 6,2000 Report Supplied By USDA USDA-IL Market News Service Farmers Livestock Marketing Assn auction at Greenville,lL Wed Jul 5,2000 Cattle and calves: 519 head. Com pared to last week, slaughter steers and heifers were steady. Supply mainly Choice slaughter steers and heifers. Light supply of holstein steers. Total Receipts this week: 519 Last week: 802 Last year: 671 SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-4 1000-1500 lbs 66.0069.00,1500-1600 lbs 65.00- Yield Grade 2-3 and Fancy 2-4 1125-1500 lbs 69.00-71.00, few up to 71.25; Select and Choice 2-3 975-1375 lbs 64.00-67,00. Select 2-3 950-1275 lbs 60.00- HOLSTEIN STEERS: Choice 2-3 1300-1700 lbs 61.00-64.00, few up to Duraßed* COW MATTRESS The Only One Of Its Kind 80 at. Waterproof The Heaviest 0 The Driest 0 The Most Effective 0 The Strongest 0 The BEST Why Buy Anything Else? Duraßrisket® B—HfM"* Easy to install 8 ft. sections $ 12. 00 per stall North Brook Farms an ggg ja Toll Free: 877-624-2638 ■■■ Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 8, 2000-Al5 64.25; Select and Choice 2-3 1250-1575 lbs 59.00-62.00; Select 2-3 1150-1600 lbs 54.00-59.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 950-1300 lbs 66.00-69.00, YG 2-3 and Fancy 2-4 1050-1350 lbs 69.00-71.00, few up to 71.25; Select and Choice 2-3 900- 1250 lbs 64.00-67.00. Select 2-3 900-1200 lbs 60.00-64.00. HEIFERETTES: Few Medium and Large Frame 1150-1400 lbs 45.00-56.00. FEEDER CATTLE: Compared with last week not enough of any one class of feeder steers and heifers to fully estab lish a market. Slaughter Cows and Bulls: 160 head. Compared to last week cows and bulls fully steady. SLAUGHTER COWS: % Lean Weight Price Breakers 75-80 % 850-1200 lbs 38.00-42.00 Boners 80-85 % 850-1200 lbs 40.00-45.00 High Yielding 80-85 % over 1100 lbs 42.00-45 00 Lean 85-90 % 850-1200 lbs 36.00-39.00 85-90 % 750-850 lbs 32.00-36.00 85-90 % under 750 lbs 28.00-32.00 BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2 1500-1900 lbs 48.00-53.00, individual YG 2 2150 lbs 45.00. Yield Gr 1 1600-2000 lbs 53.00- 54.00, Individual 1600 lbs at 56.00. HOPE POLYBOARD Milk houses, manger liners, MUDGUARD non woven geotextile Get out of the mud l Martin’s Farm Supply Greencastlc 717-597-4283 Martin Construction Co. Kutztown 610-683-6120 Ammon Fisher Ronks 717-687-0349 Farmer Boy Ag Systems Mytntown 800-845-3374