Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 01, 2000, Image 99
' YINGLINGS EQUIPMENT 3291 Taneytown Rd., Gettysburg, PA FOR PARTS: (2) Oliver 600 (2) MH Pony MF 35 (2) Molene BF IH 350, IH 200 JD 430 Crawler, Running, Coming In Massey 760 Combine, 4WD, 18’ Grainhead, 4R Corn Head. .$7,500 PARTS FOR: Most Tractors, Balers & Haybines, Hay & Combines, Kubota & Cub Cadets NEW & USED EQUIPMENT "Accepting VISA and MttterCtrd" Built for orchards and vineyards @ 3830 NARROW 3830 4 Wh Front *l9, The no frills tractors 301 OS 42 HP, Bx 2 Transmission, 2 Wheel Drive $ 13,500 00 Built to save you time TN/TND/TNS Tractors TN 75 62 HP 2 Wheel Drive, BxB Syncro Trans *21,200°° TN 75S 62 HP 4 Wheel Drive Supersteer (Demo) *26,500°° Reliable Performance, 12 x 12 Hyd. Shuttle Shift, Turf Tires $18,500 SPECIAL PROMOTION PRICES GOOD THROI (717)354-4191 (800) 346-8319 110 South Railroad Ave., New Holland, PA 17557 w Monday Thru Friday 7:30-5:00; Saturday 7-Noon Visit our Web Site; Ramstone Farm Equipment Walkersvitle, MD (301) 898-7426 IH 574 Dsl./Ldr., Ex $6,500 ACWD, 40 HP $BOO JD 1207 Haybine, T Like New $2,500 NH 55 Hay Rake/Dolly Wheels,,ooo NH 450 Sickel Bar Mower, 3 Ft $B5O Bobcat Skid Ldr., 440-B $4,750 IH 510 Soybean Drill 24 Hoe D.D...51,500 MF 33 Grain Drill, Grass Box, 15 Hoes7oo IH 700 Plow 5x16 Auto Reset $BOO IH 470 Disc, 20 ft. Foldup $l,BOO (H 8 ft. Pull Disc, 20 Blades, Exc $4OO Woods 84 Rotary Mower, 3 Pt $6OO NH Super 717 Pickup Head & 2R 30” Corn Head $1,500 JD Flail Mower 3 Pt., 7’ $5OO Woods CBO Bush Hog Pull Type $4OO New Chain for NH 853 Baler $3OO ‘95 Ford F 250 4x4, Auto. Trailer Towing Pkg, 1 Owner, MD Inspected.... sls,OOO visit our website: TN9OF NARROW TN9OF 80 HP 24 Wheel Dr. Cab With Air Supersteer *33,500°° 7810 S 90 HP Two Wheel Drive *24,900°° and make Trans., Cab/Air Suspension Seat Front & Rear Weights $ 39,900 00 •UGH JUNE 30 AND SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE ICWHOLLAN) ou mone Heavy Grass with Ease 9518 Rotary Cutter, 6ft. $895 I\EWHOLLAN) TRACTORS IH 3788 2+2 Engine, Trans Rebuilt New T/A Clutch 111 Remotes Western Interior New 20 Bx3B Firestone Tires Like New $23,000 1987 Case IH 3594 w/Cab MFD Duals 24 Speed VG Conti Shaip $27,500 1998 Case IH MX 100, 2WD No Cab 190 Hrs Like New $33,500 1986 Case 2594 w/Duals. 24 Spd Radar 3400 Hrs $18,900 IH 1466 T/A out, $6,900 1992 MF 3140 w/Cab MFD New Tncs Sluip 1986 MF .1545, MFD 42(X) His New Tires VG Corn! $20,750 1977 MF 275 Complete Engine Overhaul Good Ruhbei Nice $8,900 1984 .ID 4050 w/C.ih MFD Power Shift, Sharp $28,900 1992 Ford 7740, Power Stai MFD Nice IISCT.I.I (1) tire, 70", $5OO (2) 18.4-38 Tires on Rims 70'r CALI. Set of 18.4-42 A\le Duals for Case 10 801 l Hubs, hieslone Tnes 8s 1 /, CALL Set of 20.8-38 A\le Duals CALL 16 Front Knd Weights loi Magnum Late Stvlc CALL Artswaj 480 Grinder Mixer Sell Contained Hyd Nilc digital scales nice $5,900 Kill Bros. 475 Grain Cart $4,700 GRAIN DRILLS ‘92 JD 750, No Till Drill Vei v Good Cond $13,500 Great Plains 30 Conventional Dull $5,900 Case IH 5100 press w hts & glass seed box $4,700 JDlS’Rotaiy Hoe $9OO Case IH 5100 Grain Drill, Pi ess Wheels Glass Seed Box SKID LOADERS Case 1845 C, aux hyd nice tillage White 588 4\ 18 Spi mg Reset Plow, Excellent Brillion 21 X Fold Packer IH 720 4x20 Spring Reset Plow /Sc\ {GROFF) RAMROD A Mini-Skid For Any Task 900 T-G Operating Capacity ripping (SAE Carrying) Width 36"*42‘ (914-1067 mm) 900 lbs (409 kg) Hydraulic Pumps Two Maximum Pressure 3000 RSI (206 bar) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 1, 2000-Cl9 1983 Case 2290 Power Shill New 20 8-38 Radials New R! 34 AC 3700 Mrs One Owner E\ Conti $13.900 IH 720 5x 18 $3,000 Krause 1900 21 Rock Flex Disc New Paml i. Beaune Blades $7,900 White 4xlB " $875 Glenco 9 Shank Soil Saver, Excel $3,900 IH 6500 9 Shank Disc chisel $25,500 v nice Dunham Lehr 21 rock Ilex disc good blades $3,800 Hutch Master 12‘ heavy duty disc $4,200 $16,750 Rhino 12 lock Ilex disc Sunflower 16’ nucLlold disc l.andoll 1 1 shank disc chisel COMBINES 'B6 CIH 1680 Standaid Rokn Kock Flap Choppci Giain Loss Monitoi Cioss Flow Pan 2300 His Always Shcddcd Vci \ Ciootl Cond $35,000 •91 .11) 9500, 1 IQIEBTBIAId Engine His Fully Equipped Miaip $49,500 .11) 6620 new concave & new lasp bais all new bells many new pails in held now w/|3 gram head good cond $12,000 *B4 1460 combine excellent cond must sec MF 550 w/l 3 Flex Head MF 750 MFD CIH 4WD unit lot 16110 senes combine $4,400 IH 843.6 RN C1H1063 IH 844 JD 643 (2) Jll 920 CIH 1020, 22 CIH 1020, 20 Ilex head $11,300 $2,800 $5,700 $3,200 ' f‘ $3,500 $3,500 $3,900 $2,900 $19,500 $6,900 $6,700 $5,500 HF.ADS $4,900 $10,500 $2,600 $10,200 $8,300 - $8,700 $11,500 $7,700 :ac;i: