Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 01, 2000, Image 88

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    CB-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, July 1, 2000
Oswalt 180 TMR mixer,
scales 8< mixer in working
order, $950. Chester Co,
JD 1010 Backhoe, New
Paint/Tires, Good Overall
Cond., $6,500 814-674-8119
D 4 Cat 6U good blade,
5553 hours, runs good,
pony needs work, tracks
good, call before 9AM
Bradford 570-265-3932
NH haybine 469 9' cut w/
cylinder & hoses $BOO. 32'
hay 8< grain elevator on
rubber elect. $BOO
JD 7600 MFWD, cab,
power shift, w/front 3pt
hitch, 8700 hrs, runs good,
$29,500 080. JD 4055
MFWD, cab, power shift,
w/front 3pt hitch, 7200
hrs, excellent, $24,500.
JD 2520 dsl, WF, syncro
trans, $6250; JD 6600, cab,
4WD, power quad trans,
good cond. 717-445-6156.
metal. Highest price paid.
717-284-2800 Lancaster
Old hay loader, built in
1900's, on steel wheels.
John Deere MT tractor
w/cultivators, 7' mower,
operator's manual.
New Holland SI 049 bale
wagon, only 400 hrs,
sheded, looks like new,
$22,500. NH 1063 pull type,
160 bale, good, $9,500.
1037 105 bale $6,700. 1033
105 bale, $4,700. Hesston
4600 baler, center line,
small sq, hydraulic ten
sion, good, $4,900. Roeder
Implement, Seneca, KS,
Gravity Wagon- Country
Bov #295 Box on Pequea
#lOB6 10 Ton Gear. Like
New $l5OO 215-766-0479
JD 7720, 1980 Dial-A
AAatic, 30.5Lx32 Tires,
3700 Hrs, Good Cond.,
$13,000 814-358-2217
WANTED: Woods 6'
mower model L-306 to fit
B-N Formoll. 610-588-7346
IH 1066 Cab, 3pt Dual Re
motes, Field Ready.
$9,250/obo. 215-646-6951
JD 336 Baler w/thrower:
JD 640 Hay rake w/dolly
whl; (2) Hay wagons, high
sides; NH 479 Haybine; JD
345 auto reset 4-bottom
plow; 36' Zimmerman ele
vator. all in Good Cond.,
G6OOO Ag Bagger, 8' tun
nel w/hyd. package, bag
boom & cradle, 1 yr old,
$18,500. 540-867-9003.
Case IH 1660 combine,
very very nice, runs ex
cellent. If you're fussy,
this is the one!. Zeisloft
Eq. 800-919-3322.
Ronk 15HP Electric
Motor, 1 -Phase 240 V.
Call 717-597-4247
Large selection gram
heads & corn heads for
JD, IH, Gleaner & others.
Zeisloft Eq., Bloomsburg,
PA 800-919-3322.
JD 2020 W/JD4B loader
$6,900 OBO; JD 2350 w/
loader, 1270 hrs, $15,800
080. LanCo,
(2) of 67x34.00-30 Fire
stone 12 ply deep tread,
on rims to fit IH 1460 com
bine, like new, $2,500. No
Sunday calls.
715 Com 8< Soy Bean
Special, Hydrostatic
Drive, Cab, Deisel Engine,
has Cracked Block.
Selling As Is. $2,000
Including Steel Wheels.
15KW diesel generator,
brand new paid $5,000,
$3,500 080 717-687-3540
or 717-687-0668.
New 5800 watt diesel Gen
Set, self contained, total
enclosed, elec start,
$2500. 717-776-7725
(H 140 w/cultivators, high
clearance, gas, $4,800
OBO; Case IH 485 W/2250
loader, 900 hrs, F/R shut
tle shift, 2 pr outlets,
mdep PTO, $12,900 080.
LanCo, 717-872-1320.
AC 7060 cab, 3700 hrs $6,800
IH 1486 cab & duals $8,900
Case 2590 cab & duals $9,200
Case 1070, 108 hp. $6,600
Case 870 diesel w/cab $6,600
Case 830 65 hp diesel, NF $3,600
IH 544, 52hp gas, hydro w/ldr $5,800
IH 624, 60hp, diesel, cab. loader $5,800
IH 656, gas, Idr, WF $5,200
Case 2390 cab & duals $9,200
Kubota 87100, 4x4 Idr/mow, turl tires $7,800
Farmhand Tub Grinder, PTO, Best Offer $7,200
New Brush Hog. s'. 3 pt $5OO
Skid Loaders: NH L 555 dsl , L 455 dsl, L 445 dsl
V.Bl nv -
* ~ '
East Main St., Honey Brook, PA
610/273-3131 or 610-273-3737
5’ 3 pt. Rotary Mower NH 315 Baler w/Thrower
Ferris 3 Wheel Comm- NH 316 Baler w/70
ercial Mower 61" Thrower
NH 489 Haybine Owatonna 342 Skid
NH 770 Pick-Up Head I T° l f d ® r ~
~ „ ... r Kuhn Tedder
Richie Hog Waterer skag Commercial Walk
NH 782 Harvester Behind Mower
I GRUETT we rebuild
kioti Ip O
Compact Tractors uiumttwurpath mimp AEWHOLLAfO
Service - Sales - Parts
Specializing in Detroit Diesel
237 Green Hill Road, Newville, PA 17241
Phone 717-776-7725 • Fax 717-776-4127
• John Deere Engines
I A 150... 1
5 Rebuilt Exchange Engines • Used ?
K Engines • Used Parts • Gen. sets • S
S Power units S
We ship UPS Daily
Dealer Inquiry Welcome
Parts for...
same as new $16,500
Kubota L 295 4x4 w/Ldr, 30 HP, 800 hrs , nice $7,500
Ford 3600 N w/cab air diesel, 8 sp,
3 pt PTO nice $6,500
Ford NH 630 round baler, like new $7,500
Ford NH 38 flail chopper, nice $4,500
NH 256 hay rake, nice .$1,750
Farmall M 1942, nice $2,400
Farmall Super MTA, exc , needs paint $4,300
Loader for Farmall M $650
JD 60 w/ldr original $2,750
Call Scott 908*782*7658
Ml Ml Ml
* Kubota L2250,4WD, Shuttle, PS, w/Loader
1600 hrs $lO,BOO
K FNH 3930 4WD, Shuttle, 800 hrs. w/Woods
■ Dual Loader, Excellent Cond Coming In
Oliver 1250, Gas w/Schwartz Loader.s4,9oo
m AC Dl5 Gas, PS w/lndustnal Loader
flj & Backhoe $6,900
| JD 1020 Gas, PS, Live PTO w/JD 47 Loader,
Good Cond $8,900
174 Ford 3000, gas, PS, Bx 2 trans, 3 pt., live
Good Cond $8,900
73 Ford 4000, gas, PS, Bx 2 Trans., 3pt., Ind.
PTO, 14.9x28 $6,900
I Ford 1720 27hp Diesel, FWD, Shuttle, PS,
3 pt, Live PTO, Ag Tires, w/Ford QT Loader,
420 Mrs $12,500
» 215/536-3321 888/393-3208
| "Cash buyer - good used equipment "
I MF 283 tractor w/Woods Idr only 800 hrs I
_ MF 180 diesel tractor, good running cond *
| MFl7sdsl completely overhauled, new paiflSHSlbber I
_ MFlSOdsl completely overhauled new paint & rubber *
| Case 1835 C skid Idr eng overhaul hydra redone gd shape I
MF 245 gas good rubber & overhaultgTtTlHnp *
| MF 230 diesel, eng overhaul, new paint & rubber I
_ MF 1030 compact tractor 500 hrs "
I Ferguson 40 gas. nice running, new paint I
I OMC 235 12 hydro swing JD 8300 Bxl6 grain drill |
■ mow/cond Cultipackers 10 12'. 14 & B
| Glcnco 10 tooth chisel plow dlf sizes I
—.Brillion 10 cultimulcher NEW 7'& 8 scraper blades m
J JD 10 cultimulßSlEl 5 & 6 finish mowers I
_MF 7 sickle bar mower NEW gates and hay feeders *
■ MFBBO 4\l6sp re plow Used Brilhon cultipackers I
"MF 3pth hay rake and Cultimulcher parts ■
Mf Tractor parts Dismantling 20 30 35 40 50 65 85 90 135 150
165 175 178 180 205\4 265 270 281 285 383 399 4\VD 1080
1085 1100 1130 1105 1135 1150 1155, 2745 2775 280.5 3090
IfaHO Mil 22 10 44 Balus 1 1211
40 t Centerville Ud Newvillt* PA 17241
I oil 81 e\il 11 2 links, N on 2 n
(717) 776-6242 No Sunday Calls
We Shi^UPSj
Tractor & Equipment Repair
Your Shop or Ours!
Roll Back Service Available
Nelson Horst
128 Shady Road, Newburg, PA 17240
JD 6400 power-quad, 38” NH 782 Forage Harvester
rubber, 1,500 hrs. 1000 w/770 pickup head, elec,
and 540 PTO sharp controls $3,100
★ JD 215 grain head, dial-o-matic, completely
★ JD 640 loader w/|oy stick & extra valves
★ JD 930 Mo-Co discbme w/rolls, excellent
★ H&S manure spreader model 270 w/hydraulic
endgate, single axle, 270 bu
★ F-710tront mounted mower, 17hp,
48” deck, 180 hrs
★ JD 26i lawn mower, I7hp, w/48" deck,
very nice
■' Martin’s Tractor Parts "
866 Greenspring Rd
NewviUe, PA 17241
Used Tractors: JD 3120, $6,800; JD 3020 PS, $5,500;
JD 4020, 71,$8|BSH3
Used Tractor Parts
Most Makes and Models Have Large Selection
Recent Arrivals AC 170, Case 500, JD 4020, IH M. Farmall
M, JD 3010, Case 1490, AC 200, JD 4430, AC 6080, Oliver
770, IH 986, JD 1020, JD 4000, IH 856, Oliver 1800, Oliver
1855, JD 2510, JD 4020, IH 250, JD 2510, IH 250, Oliver
1800, Oliver 1855, JD 4230, JD 2510, IH “M", IH 884, IH
1466, JD 4430, Farmall M, IH 544, JD 4230
Call (717) 776-7542 or 6057
TJTST (717) 776-7327 Fax mm
(or detailed information