PUBLIC AUCTION The late Judge H. Clay Burkholder and Catharine Burkholder OUTSTANDING ANTIQUES, ORIENTAL ITEMS, STERLING SILVER, Removed from their Lancaster residence and will be sold at Blue Ball Fire Hall (Along Route 322 East), Blue Ball, Lancaster County PA. (1 1/2 Blocks from the Intersection of Route 23 and 322, Exit 22 of PA Turnpike) Watch for sale arrows. WALNUT 2-PIECE BLIND DUTCH CUPBOARD with candle drawers FINE EARLY RED SINGLE DOOR CUPBOARD FINE WALNUT HEPPLEWHITE INLAID SLANT TOP DESK 2-PIECE ARCH DOOR CORNER CUPBOARD FINE CHIPPENDALE TABLE with boards and ball & claw feet ■ FALCK’S PURE ORANGE JUICE STAND Mrs. Burkholder’s father sold fresh orange juice at fairs FINE WHIELDON ENGLAND “PHEASANT” CHINA DINNER SET Copeland “Queen’s Bird” China Dinner Set, Haviland Limoge China Dinner Set, Fine Collection of 22 English Kings & Queens Mugs, 6 Flow Blue Touraine Plates, 6 Flow Blue Soups, Ruby Blown Pitcher, Fine Set of Crystal Goblets, Sherberts, Wines & Cordials; Cut Glass Decanters, 2 Historical Blue Plates, Small Platter, Teapots (1 damaged). Cups and Saucers; Pair ot Thumbprint Covered Compotes and Sugar, Flint Glass Wines, Colored Ironstone Plates, Rose Spatter Cup, Copper Luster Teapot and Creamers, Pink Luster, Knife Rests, Rohrer’s Lancaster Shot Glass, Lauiel Wreath lionstone Tea Set, Wedgewood, Pioverb Plates, Watteau Flow Blue Pitcher, China Tea Sets, Colored China Vegetable Dish, 3 Deed’s Platters, Collection ot Cups and Sauceis me. Diesden, Bone China, Belleek, Czech, Wedgewood, etc , Tulip & Sawtooth Celery Stand, Limoge, Steubenvile & Wedgewood Plates, Blue Stoneware Butter Crock, Blue Decorated Stoneware Crock, Wedgewood Creameis, Bisque Baby, Limoge Pm Boxes, Snutf Boxes, Blue Blown Jar, Punch Bowl & Cups, English Tea Set, 6 Royal Doulton Toby Mugs, China Head Doll. Lady's Hamilton Lapel Wnst Watch, Other Jewelry, Early Lodge Items, Eatly Santa Claus, 7 Springly Boards, Early Tiilip Butterprint, Wood Carvings, Small Curly Maple Music Box, 3 Coverlets (one dated), Fine Silk Quilt Dated 1888, Fine Lot of Early Clothing, Early Quilt Patches, Early Linens, Old Lace, Old Dolls, Oik Hats, Homespun Linen, Doilies, Scarves. 20 Books of Carl W. Drepperd (Some Signed), Loads of Fine Books (Many Signed by Author), Anna Kaienina by Leo Tolstole (Mrs. Burkholder was a model for illustrations), Loma Doone by R D Blackmore, Flamed Illustrations Helen Mason Grose, 2 Vol. Life of Henry Clay, Early Treasure Island Book, Set of Mai k TWam, Tennyson & Longfellow Books; Collection of Writings by Lyman Wmdolph, Early Documents, Old Ledgeis, Gody’s Ladies Book, Lancastci Co Books, Loads of Good Early Books, Catherine Galebaugh 1828 Music Book, Political Items, Early War Papeis, Hand Done Sheet Music, 1919 & 1920 Life & Liberty Magazines, 1919 F & M Poster, 1858 and Other Receipt Books, Large 1853 Family Bible, 1786 German Bible, Early Indentures, Fine Early Scrape Book, Lot of Old Lancaster Items, Old Valentines, RR Passes Starting at 1908, 1919 Demuths History of Tobacco Shop, Old Childrens' Books, Post Card Albums, 3 Early Stamp Albums plus First Day Covers, Old Play Bills, Lot of Early Papei Advertising Items. SET OF STERLING FLATWARE Loads of Coin and Sterling Silver some with Hallmarks; Sterling Serving Pieces, Napkin Rings, Reed & Barton Tea Set with Teapot, Sugar, Creamer & Tray; Pewter Teapot, Brass Scones. Brass Butcher Bell, Daugerrotypes (One Painted), Lodge Sword. #456 Iron Door Stop, Iron Scottie Dog Door Stop, Iron Frog, Iron Doll High Chair, Brass Kettle, Bronze Tray, Small Iron Aunt Jamina, Tin Advertising r Caijp, Iron Fido & Pig Banks, Lot of Lead Soldiers, Early Rye Baskets, Old Games ORIENTAL ITEMS From the late Elizabeth Falck who was a missionary in China and Japan Fine Painting on Canvas, 5 Early Masks, Musician Figurines, Teakwood Table, Nest of Tables, Oriental Trunks, Coffee Table, Oriental Stand, Lady’s Informal Robe-Late Qing Dynasty; Other Early Chinese Robes, Budda Figurines, Ginger Jars, Cups & Saucers, Vases, Rose Medallion Plates. Figurines, Pewter Pieces, Bells, Copper Pieces, tJSvMpHHiI *r Candlesticks, Dancing Sword, Carving Set, Bronze and Shell Carvings, Lamp, Jewelry Box, Early Fans, Doll Purses, $ Chinese Paper Currency, Paintings, Wall Hangings, Colored Paintings on Rice Paper, Paperwork, Games, Books, Post ~ Cards, Manuscript-Sister Constance, loads of other fine items, out of this outstanding homestead. NOTE: No Everyday items, they will be sold at house at a later date. Items can be seen Saturday, July 8 from 7:00 a.m. on. A Great sale, don’t miss it. Not Responsible for Accidents Refreshments will be sold JEWELRY and EARLY PAPER ITEMS SATURDAY, JULY 8,2000 • 9:00 AM Walnut Blanket Chest with 2 Drawers in Base, 6-Legged Cherry Dropleaf Table, Walnut Queen Anne Tilt Top Candlestand, Low Dry Sink with Drawer, 2 Apothecary Glass Door Cupboards from Falck Drug Store, Marble Top Dresser, Early Slant Front Desk, Empire Buicau, Oak Sectional Bookcase, Early Night Stand, Reproduction Philadelphia Highboy, Low Boy Dressing Table and Bench. 5-Drawer Chest of Draweis and Chippendale Mirror; Fine Carved Double Poster Bed, Dropleat Gateleg Table, Small Round Book Shell, Early Cherry Night Stand, Victorian 2-Diawei Sewing Stand. Martha Washington Sewing Stand, Early Red Dough Tray, Fine Hepplewhite Sofa, Fine Victorian Rose Carved Sofa, Chippendale Fireside Chairs, Lady’s Victorian Side Chair, Early Rush Seat Ladderback Rocker, 5 Victorian Rose Carved Chairs, 6 Original Decorated Plank Seat Chairs, Early Windsor Arm Chair, Decorated Boston Rockei, 8 Dining Room Chairs (one with arms), Walnut Needle-point Foot Stool, Child’s Original Decorated Plank Seat Rocker, Victorian What Not Shell, Large Chippendale Mir ror, Banjo, Cottage, Shelt and Chime Clocks 12 DRAWER SPICE CHEST EARLY ORIENTAL ROOM SIZE AND THROW RUGS rugs strictly cash Oil Painting in Goldleaf Frame Signed W. Sparrott, 1800 Oil Portrait painting, Water Color in Maple Frame, Primitive Profile in the Style of St. Memin Drepperd Print, 1936 Print South View of Lancaster, PA, 5 Silhouettes, Goldleaf and Other Frames honstone Teapot, Large Dresden Bowl, Blown Creamer, Bavarian DUDLEY MASONIC POCKET WATCH Sale to commence at 9:00 A.M. SHARP! DALE L. PUTT, Auctioneer 1815 SAMPLER AU-000733-L Phone Akron (717) 859-1430 ■ Terms Dy Catharine Burkholder and the Late Judge H. Clay Burkholder Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 1, 2000-839 TUES.OCT 17-Fat Cattle Sale. andS Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc, ratlin rn°Thp rattle 548 Alexander Spring Road, Cattle Co The Cattle raHicio pa K * Exchange tiipc opt 17.74(,dm PaoHar WED OCT 25 9AM Farm Cattle'sale Carlisle Livestock Auction* Rd ar CarlSe 54 pA Ale>