Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 01, 2000, Image 68
828- Lancaster Fannlnfl, Saturday, July 1, 2000 SAT JULY 1 9 30AM Farr Bagley Farms, complete line of farm equipment at 17700 Comus Rd Dickerson Mt Co Md T rout Aucts SAT JULY 1 9 30AM Real Estate 501 & 507 Edward Rd Narvon Caernarvon Twp Lane Co Pa For Gerald P 8 Lois M Kreider Dora Kreider Miller 8 Sieqnst Aucts SAT JULY 1 10AM Haymakers Special Consignment Auction at Jisscher Farm on Rle 282 S (Nichols NY Howard W Visscher • 3UCt SAT JULY 1 10AM Construction < equip Farmall s offset mower Showed School Rd Berlin Md Pete Richardson Auct Sales Inc SAT JULY 1 -10 AM The Watson Family Oliver collection Salt 'Spnngville NY 50 mi W of Albany MacFaddens Auct ' SAT JULY 1 11 AM 100 Head I Hay Day Complete registerd & hi i grade Holstein dispersal for Paul .4 John Hayes Held at Tom & Brenda Hoskmg farm in Cortland Pn NY Hoskmg Sales _ *AUCTION*AUCTION*AUCTI ANNUAL PUBLIC SALE A U We will otlei tor sale the following farm tractors & farm equipment U Q located 7 miles South of Martmsburg, WV - OR - 14 miles North of Q ■p Wmchestei, VA olt 1-8 1, Take Exit #5 (Inwood) Route 51 East approx, y | 3 1/2 miles turn right at Shutt’s Cash Grocery - 2of a mile to sale. | 0 TUESDAY - JULY 4, 2000 • 9:00 AM o N A nice selection of Farm Tractors including 20 to 100 hp tractors, 8N N Fords, Fergusons and more. Farm Equipment hay rakes, elevators. A haybmcs, balers, 3 pt moweis, post hole diggers, plows, trans. discs, A U tools and much more This is only a general list l Consignments arriving U C daily’ C T TERMS: Cash. Good check, VISA or Master Card, ID required to T 1 acquire a bidding number Nothing to be removed until settled tor. All | announcements sale day take precedence over all advertising. q OPEN DAILY-CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME ty Bring A Load - Bnv A Load - Trade A Load * EDGAR A. BOHRER, SR. - SALE MANAGER BONDED & INSURED - WVLIC #lB y WEB SITE - bohicrauction com Q EDGAR A. BOHRER, JR. - AUCTIONEER J WVLIC. #llO4 | 304-229-8354 q Not Responsible For Accidents On Premises Lunch Rights Reserved * *AUCTION*AUCTION*AUCTION*AUCTION* LARGE TWO DAY PUBLIC AUCTION of Pedal Tractors, Farm Toys, Toy Trucks & Related Items Will sell for local family, who is selling their home and moving a 20 year col lection - moved to the COCHRAN AUCTION COMPLEX, 7704 Mapleville Road, Boonsboro, Wash. Co., Maryland, for convenience of sale on; SAT. EVENING, JULY 15,2000 @ 6:00 P.M. Approximately 300 lots of Sales Brochures, Manuals &. Calendars on Farm Related Items, Some Early Lunch Boxes; Several Early Wmd-up Toys; Truck & Airplane Banks; Buckeye Cast Iron Seat; Purina Chow Signs; JD & Int. Afghans; BB Guns; Games Empire Child’s Electric Stove; 1928 Erector Set in Wooden Box m Exc. Cond.; Roy Roger’s Flash Light & Many Other Items Too Numerous To Mention. SUNDAY, JULY 16,2000 @ 12:00 (Noon) (30) Pedal Tractors; (175) Toy Tractors & (50) Farm Toy Farm Implements; Precision Series Tractors; Construction Toys; Toy Trucks; Hess Trucks; JD Mail Wagon-Repro; 1938 Marx Reversible Coupe “The Maruel Car” and others. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Very Nice Collection with most items in very good condition. Absolutely no consignments for this auction - Everything sells to the highest bidder. Plan to attend! NO BUYER’S PREMIUM! Call (301) 739-0538 for a sale flyer! JAMES G. COCHRAN THOMAS E. BIKLE CEO/Auctioneer Director of Marketing 4® Obchian*®* AUCTIONEERS & ASSOCIATES LTD. Professional Auctioneers iAppraisers Since 1972 Mam Office: 7704 Mapleville Rd., P.O. Box 222, Boonsboro, MD 21713-0222 (301) 739-0538 'TOLU FREE (MD) 1-800-310-2844 • FAX (301) 432-2844 PA Lie. #(ASOOOB32-L) 'SAT JULY 1 11AM Red Roof Farms Dewitlville NY Cattle Machinery 8 Milking Equip Dis persal Empire Livestock Mktg LLC Don Yahn Auctioneer MON JULY 3 10AM Public Auc tioHnrnTsnii3nHß m stJWpIUSKQBaUJHLn Auction Inc MON JULY 3 SPM eauipment at Auction Center on Rt 568 Alleghenyville Pa between Rt 625 8 '0 Elmer Blalt Est Brdec knock Twp Berks Co Samuel M 8 PhilipJO Ferraro aucts ' UES jULY 4 SAM Farmersville Auction In Farmersville, 3 miles F of Brownstown Pa Antiques collectibles Larry Rutt.a uct TUES JULY 4 - 9AM Farm trac tors farm equip 7 miles S of Mar linsburg WV Edgar A Bohrer Sr 8 Edgar A Bhrer Jr auct TUES JULY 4 9AM Country home furnishings complete busi ness liquidation 131 Kline Rd Bethel, Berks Co Pa Furniture crafts sheds outdoor furniture floor coverings 14 (trailer For Phillip Lapp Les Longenecker auct TUES JULY 4 9 30AM Haar s Auction 1 mi N Dillsburg alont Rt 15 or approx 12 mi S ofHar nsburg along rt 15 to Ore Bank Rd L to Harr s Estate of Lloyd Wagener 8 Others Furniture 8 tools George Haar auct TUES JULY 4 10AM Antique Chevrolet auto parts 8 tools Jeepster Ford A JD B Hess Ertl Winross Zieglerville Pa TedMaurer auct __ WED JULY 5 - 9AM antiques 8 collectibles at the Sechler Farm in Washmgtonville to close the estate of Andrew Sechler Ken neth E Hassmger Neil A Court ney aucts WED JULY 5 ■ 9AM Lumber 8 Building Supplies To be held at Wolgemuth Auction 109 N Maple Ave , Leola Lane Co , Pa 717-656 2947 WED JULY 5 2PM Antiques household good, collectibles 8 tools Held at the Horst Auction Center Corner of Rt 322 8 Durlach Rd , Ephrata Lane Co Pa Horst Aucts WED JULY 5 6 30PM Consign ment Auciton Winross Ertl Hess trucks Nascat items beanie babies 8 misc toys At ABC Diffenbach Auction Inc . 100 W Jackson St New Holland Pa _ THURS JULY 6 - SAM Longaberger baskets & pottery, jewelry classic cars glassware furnishings & other, lawn & gar den tools At Alderfer Auciton Center 501 Fairrouns Rd . Hal field Pa Alderfer Auction Co THURS JULY 6 -10 AM Farm ON*AUCTION* tractors equip lawn garden shop & hand tools guns bicy misc & more Quarnck Equip & cles antiques & collects & SAT Auctions Rt 119 to Gallatin Ave JULY 8 - 9AM Real estate exit turn west on Bute Rd 2 appls furn cooms jewelry & miles to sign Quarnck Auction watches antiques & collects Service glass & china misc By Beniamin THURS JULY 6 3PM Autos H Staley estate Probst Famkily tractor & garden items power Auction School Benefit Quilt & Consignment Sale ANNUAL SALE SAT., JULY 8, 2000 9:00 AM Sale will be held at Shermans View School, Perry County, located 3 miles west of Loysville, 1 mile south of Centre, off Route 274, 35 miles north west of Harrisburg. Approximately 50 quilts 12:30 PM. Lots of different colors, sizes and styles of quilts and crafts. Several wagon loads of miscellaneous items. 1 load of used tools & antiques, plus the usual line of household goods and flowers. One new 2 seated spring wagon with 12V lights from Conoco Coach & Woodworking Shop. Lunch Stand, Homemade ice cream. Soups, Sandwiches, 8.8. Q. chicken, and lots of baked goods. Sale will beheld under a tent, we will sell your items on commission. Consignment welcome. For more information, call 717-536- 3554 or 717-789-9460. Sale by Perry County Amish Parochial school Steve PetersheimAuct. 001349-L 557 Stevens Road, Ephrata, PA 2 BEDROOM RANCH STYLE HOUSE Eat-m kitchen with Quality Custom cabinets, built-in china closet, Amana range garbage disposal, large liv ing room with built-in bookshelves & cabinets, 2 bed rooms -1 with a double closet & wall AC, modern bath room, foyer area with laundry hookup, lots of built-in cab inets, water softener, new hot water heater, 2-car garage with door opener, electric heat & work bench, alum, sid ing, 6'xlo' greenhouse, public sewer, well water. * 200 amp service * 10’x16' storage barn * Large garden area * Macadam driveway NOTE: House is a 1 owner only 30 yrs old, a beautiful country setting bordered by a small stream Recent new roof, mature shade, a must see Two acre lot. OPEN HOUSE: Sat. July 8 100PMto3 00 PM Sat., July 15 1:00 PM to 300 PM or by appointment. For appointment to see or help to obtain bank financing call 733-3511 TERMS: 10% at the auction, balance at final settlement on or before Sept 8, 2000 Attorney: Michael P. Kane, 299-5251 Auction By ELVIN M. & MARY A. MARTIN (717) 733-7792 Professional / auctioneering I MARTIfTAUCTION SERVICE ) \ 410 West Church Rd ( Mwoeao-L E P hrata - PA 17522 (717) 733-3511 AUCTIONEERING SERVICE COMPLETE PUBLIC AUCTION Monday, July 17, 2000 6:00 PM HISTORIC STONE INN -1814 The enchanting Woodward Inn, built in 1814 & owned and operated bv the Hosterman Family for over 130 years, will be offered at public auction Location on Rl 45 in Centre Co, midway between Lewisburg & State College, 105 Mountain Ave, Rt 45. Woodward PA DIRECTIONS: From the East lake 1-80 to Exit 30A South on Rl 15 to Lewisburg then right on Rt 45 west for 25 miles to the village of Woodward Auction will be on the left From State College Take Atherton St south or Rt 322 then take the Rt 45 East Exit Continue east on Rt 45 for 25 miles to the village of Woodward The inn is on the right at the bottom on the hill TERMS; 10% down balance in 45 days Attorney John Miller Jr, Bellefome PA, 1-814-355-5474 ly register ouv, ... been operating as an inn since 1814 It is currently operating as a part-time Bed & Breakfast and has a restaurant with a 40 seat capac ity The inn boasts 4300 sq ft of living space furnished with 4 Generations of Family Furniture & Antiques, 8 private guest rooms, private & shared baths, 19 rooms including a 2 Bedroom innkeeper apartment, a 17x19 commercial licensed kitchen, 2 dining rooms, & 3 sitting rooms In addition there is a 3 bedroom house w/kitchen, bath, & living room, a large 2 car garage w/workshop & storage, and creek side property with fantastic fly Fishing Purchase with or without contents Suitable for a Bed & Breakfast Lodge, Fishing Club, or as a private rcsidcnce-what a showplace for collection of antiques Contact auctioneers for information packet View website at http //members aol com/mnforsale Broker Inquiries Welcome KENNETH E, HASSINGER NEIL A. COURTNEY RR 02, Box 985 . R D #1 Box 239 McClure, PA 17841 dk Richfield, PA 17086 (570) 658-3536 (570) 539-8791 AU-001532-L *** AU-002651 -L RENTZEL’S AUCTION BARN THURS., JULY 6, 2000 12:00 NOON Preview: July 5,3-7 PM LOCATED: 1/-1/10 Mile N. of Manchester, PA along Rt. 181 (North George Street Ext.), in York County. Turn right at gray rock Auction Barn Sign. SELLING THE PERSONAL PROPERTY HANDED DOWN 7 GENERATIONS OF A HOME IN NASHVILLE, YORK COUNTY. FURNITURE Early PA Tall Case Clock w/Dovetailed Case & Painted Dial, DIAMOND DYES Case w/Amazing Lithography, Fine Jelly Cupboards, (2) PA Cradles, PA Blanket Chests, DR. MYERS REMEDIES Counter Case, BUCK,S Wheelbar row & ACME JR. Wagon (Both Original), Rope Beds, Washstands, Spindle Leg Dropleaf Table, Marble Top Stand, Early Baby Carriage, Dough Trays, Empire Chests, High Chairs, Ornate Victorian Loveseat, Drysink, LIMBERT ARTS & CRAFTS STAND (signed), CLARKS 4&6 Drawer Spool Cabinets, Oak Drop Leaf Table, Grain Fainted School Master Desk, Oak Bible Stand, Pair Early MAILPOUCH Paper Signs, Country Painted Furniture, Mortised Benches & Stools, Pump Scooter, Small Yellow Paint Pet House, MASON & HAMLIN Pump Organ, AMF Pedal Tractor, Old Rockers & Chairs, Old Spindle Leg Schoolmaster Desk, Grain painted Post Office Mail Slot Top, DAVIS SWING CHURN (Original Paint), Country Store Seed Display, Old Poplar & Oak Pieces Plus Misc. 20’s, 30’s & 40’s Furniture. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: The Above Is Only A Brief Listing, There Will Also Be Hundreds Of Misc. Small Items Which Could Not Be Unpacked By Advertising Deadline. Please Plan to Attend Inspection Or Contact Us for More information On The Small Items. TERMS: CASH, GOOD CHECK, VISA, MASTERCARD & DISCOVER AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: Rentzel’s Auction Service Emigsville, Pa Blaine Rentzel, Lonn Hess, &Todd Hatterer Auction Barn: 717-266-7200 Office: 717-764-6412 #RH-000026-L