Consuming Thoughts by Fay Strickler Penn State Extension Home Economist For Berks Co. According to legend, cheese was “discovered” several thou sand years B.C. by an Arabian traveler who, before starting on a journey, poured milk into a pouch made of a sheep’s stom ach. Later, after making camp for the evening, the traveler opened the pouch to discover that the combined action of the sun’s heat and enzymes in the sheep skin lining caused the milk to separate into a thickened mass (curd) and a thin, watery fluid (whey). On this journey , the traveler had inadvertently dis covered a simple method for making cheese. Today, the cheesemaking pro cess begins as it first did with the separation of milk into curds and whey. -Curd information is facili tated by acid produced by coagu lating enzymes and by select mi croorganisms. “Natural” is a term used to distinguish natural cheese from process cheese, which is made by grinding and heating blends of natural cheese with the aid of an emulsifier. Natural cheese is made pri marily from cow’s milk, although Built with land Pride quality & reliability. landpnde com Betts Equipment 3139 Windy Bush Road.Rt 232 New Hope, PA 18938 215-598-7501 Hoober, Inc. Mam Street Intercourse, PA 17534 717-768-8231 Hoober, Inc. East Mam Street McAlisterville, PA 17049 717-463-2191 Deerfield Ag & Turf Center, Inc. RR 2 Box 212 Watsontown, PA 17777 570-538-3557 Detlan Equipment, Inc. 141 East Mam St. Silverdale, PA 18962 215-257-5177 Thomas L Dunlap Rt. 220, Mam St Exit Jersey Shore, PA 17740 570-398-1391 there are varieties made from the milk of other animals (sheep, goats, buffaloes, reindeer and camels). A few unique cheeses are made from whey, the nutri tious liquid by-product of cheese making. Just as there are great nations of the world, there are great fam ilies or related groups of natural cheese. Listed below are the nine major cheese families and the most popular varieties associated with each. Cheese Families Cheddar: Cheddar, Colby, Monterey Jack; Dutch: Edam, Gouda; Parmesan: Parmesan, Romano, Sapsago; Blue-Veined: Blue, Gorgonzola, Roquefort, Stilton; Whey: Primost, Gjetost, Ricotta; Italian: Provolone, Moz zarella, Scamorze; Swiss; Swiss. Gruyere; Fresh Uncured: Cream Cheese, Neufchatel, Cottage Cheese; Surface-Ripened: Cam embert, Brie, Brick, Muenster. Cooking with cheese: Cheese, like all protein foods, is adversely affected by high heat or pro longed cooking. Although pro cess cheese is less susceptible to heat than natural cheese, it is Lp^KlOEi All-Flex Mowers • 11', 14', 16'8" and 22' Widths • Three decks • Generous deck overlap • Mowing height of 1" to 5 1/2" • High blade tip speed ensures a sharp cut • Automatic deck transport locks • Narrow transport widths Eckroth Bros Farm Equip Rd 2, Box 24A New Rmgold, PA 17960 570-943-2131 Eckroth Equipment Co. 4910 Kernsville Rd Orefield, PA 18069 610-366-2095 Hines Equipment RT. 220, Belwood, PA 814-742-8171 Keller Brothers R 7 Box 405 Lebanon, PA 17042 717-949-6501 1950 Fruitville Pike Lancaster, PA 17601 717-569-2500 M.S.Yearsley & Sons West Chester, PA 6ip-696-2990 Pikeville Equipment Inc R 0 2, Oysterdale Road Oley, PA 19547 610-927-6277 still advisable to follow these two basic rules of cheese cookery: 1. Use low to medium heat. 2. Do not overcook; heat just until cheese melts. For best results, follow these tips when cooking with cheese: • When adding cheese to hot foods, shred natural cheese; cube or slice process cheese. • When broiling, place pan so that cheese is several inches below the heat source. Broil just until cheese melts. • When making a sauce, add shredded cheese at the end of cooking time and heat just until melted. • When topping a casserole, place cheese on top for the last few minutes of baking. • When using cheese in baked dishes, bake at low to moderate oven temperatures: 325°F to 375°F or 165° to 190°C. Storing & Freezing Cheese The ideal way to store cheese is in the refrigerator. However, if you discover you have an abun dance of cheese and do not antic ipate being able to use it close to the “Best When Purchased By” date stamped on the package, the cheese may be frozen. Most cheese, when in its origi nal, unopened package, may be frozen for eight weeks and still be of acceptable quality provided if it is tightly wrapped and sealed in moisture-vaporproof wrap de signed for freezing. Remember to label and date the package before placing the cheese in the freezer. If the cheese has been cut into small cubes, keep it frozen for no longer than three weeks. Thaw cheese, unopened, in the refriger ator. Stoltzfus Farm Service Cochranville, PA 610-593-2407 Stouffer Bros Inc. 1066 Lincoln Way West Chambersburg, PA 17201 717-263-8424 New Jersey Rodio Tractor Sales North White Horse Pike Hammonton, N J 08037 609-561-0141 Warren County Service Center 228 Route 94, Blairtown, N J 908-362-6916 Frank Rymon & Sons, Inc. RD 3, Box 355 Washington, NJ 07882 908-689-1464 If you have recipes for top ics listed below, please share them with us. We welcome your recipes, but ask that you include accurate measure ments, a complete list of in gredients, and clear instruc tions with each recipe you submit. Be sure to include your name and address. Reci pes should reach our office Which Calcium Supplement Is The Best? MARY ALICE GETTINGS M.S., R.D., C.D.E. Nutrition/Health Agent For years, research suggested that calcium in the form of calci um carbonate was the best calci um supplement absorbed by your body. New research is now pointing to calcium citrate as the more absorbable form. While registered dietitians am 1 , other health professionals would nrefer that people obtain their calcium from food sources like lower-fat dairy products, salmon, and tofu, this doesn't al ways happen. For years, people purchased plain old calcium supplements, only to find out they may not have been absorb ed too well. Now, we are bom barded with various calcium supplements as well as chocolate and caramel chews (Viactive ') that have additional nutrients, like phosphorous, magnesium, and Vitamins D and K. to help absorb the calcium. Most recent research looks at the difference in our body’s abili ty to absorb calcium carbonate as compared to calcium citrate. Three studies conducted at the University of Texas Southwest ern Medical Center in Dallas found that calcium citrate was a better choice over calcium car bonate. While one study found that calcium citrate is absorbed by the small intestine two and got mi • Diesel Fuel Injection Pumps, Injectors, Turbochargers • Factory Trained & Authorized for complete services on: Stanadync (Roosa Master), Lucas CAV, Simms, Robert Bosch, Ambac (American Bosch), etc • Instant Exchange or Rebuild (Fast Turn Around Time) • Feed Pumps (John Deere & Most All Applications) • Quality Workmanship, Experience, Troubleshooting. • Free Pick Up & Delivery (100 mile radius of Hbg ) Daily UPS Shipping • NEW CUSTOMER • 10% DISCOUNT On Rebuilds or Exchange With This Ad Expires 12/31/2000 ($5O Maximum) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 1, 2000-B3 Recipe Topics one week before the publish ing date listed below. Send your recipes to Lou Ann Good, Lancaster Farm ing, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. July half times better than calcium carbonate, another revealed that taking 800 milligrams of calcium citrate per day prevented bone loss in women’s spines and the tops of their thigh bones as com pared to women taking a placebo (or a fake calcium cit rate supplement). To determine if your calcium supplement is being absorbed by your body, place your supple ment in six ounces of vinegar at room temperature and stir often for the next 30 minutes. A good supplement should break up with three-quarters of it dis solved within the 30 minutes. It’s important to keep other tips in mind when taking calci um supplements. Since calcium can reduce iron absorption, take your calcium with a snack rath er than a meal. The snack helps to increase the acidity of the stomach, helping to break down the calcium supplement. And, by not taking the calcium with a meal, you will reduce the risk of reducing iron absorption. Also, don’t forget to drink an eight ounce glass of water to help break down the calcium supple ment. For questions regarding calci um supplementation, call your local Penn State Cooperative Extension Office. , 8 - Berry Recipes 15 - Peach, Summer Fruits 22 - Jams, Jellies, Spreads 29 - Summer Salads V.
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