Hershey CO., INC ETfrshry For their decision in choosing Jnk&uj Putdiman, and - CO, INC on their (4) Newly remodeled 108,000 B ! ~d C L EGG BASKET FARM. Four 20+ year old layer building and egg room Big Dutchman 420 N Grows 500’ Long. Big Dutchman rubber finger collectors Big Dutchman 18” PVC rod conveyor. Learn why top egg producers are choosing Systems with Champion Feeders. TO OWNERS: BILL & NANETTE RIRNIA MT. JOY, PA EGG BASKET EGG FARM For more information and free estimates call: HERSHEY EQUIPMENT COMPANY 1-800-432-0988 ""V,. , /! '// .1 f'l' 1 ' <. ' ■Hi-J- 1 —- Big Dutchman Champion Feeding System. Big Dutchman 4 tier double-dipped galvanized cage bottom with 2 extra wires for saving birds and egg roll out. Big Dutchman galvanized step rails and double locking cage doors. 255 PLANE TREE DRIVE, LANCASTER, PA 17603 1-800-432-0988 • (717) 393-5807 FAX (717)291-1534 Extends Removal of all existing girders and walkway. Install all new laminated girders and walkway. Cut open sidewall to enlarge inlet openings. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 1, 2000-A23 Big Dutchman Champion dual feeder drives with 4-way switches for shut-off each end. Big Dutchman 24x20 9 bird with adjustable truss rod suspension, stainless steel hangers for manure curtain. Val nipple waterers on 45 degree bracket on top of cages.
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