Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 01, 2000, Image 15
Weaverland Produce Auction New Holland, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction June 29,2000 BEANS: GREEN 10.00-18.00, YELLOW 8.00-20.00, BOTH Vi BU. CABBAGE: GREEN .15-.65 HEAD. CAULIFLOWER: .25-1.20. CHERRIES: SWEET 10.00-14.00 8 QT. FLAT. CUCUMBERS: 6.00-10.00 Vi BU. ONIONS: SPANISH 10.00-12.00 BU. PICKLES: 6.00-10.00 Vi BU. POTATOES: RED NEW 3.00-6.00, WHITE 7.00-11.00 BOTH Vi BU. RASPBERRIES: RED 30.00-40.00 12 PINT FLAT, BLACK 28.00-39.00 12 PINT FLAT. RED BEETS: 3.00-8.0010 CT. STRAWBERRIES: 16.00-17.00 8 QT. FLAT. SWEET CORN: 3.20-3.90 DOZ. TOMATOES: 10.00-30.00 25 LBS. ZUCCHINI: GREEN 2.00-9.00, YELLOW 2.00-7.00, BOTH Vi BU. FLOWERS: BEDDING ANNUALS 1.00-3.00 FLAT; PERENNIALS: 2.00- 8.00 POT. NEXT WEEK’S SALE DAYS MON., TUES., THURS., FRL, SAT., 9 A.M. Phila. Onion, Potato PHILADELPHIA Terminal Prices as of 28-JUN-2000 Report Supplied By USDA Provided by: Fruit and Vegetable Market News, Federal-State Market News Service, USDA. Phone: (215) 597-4536 Fax: (215) 336- 0355 CLOUDY 72-88 NA—FVO3O Bale Elevators-Conveyors n Formerly Graves PORTABLE BASIC ELEVATOR is 18’ long, 24” wide and comes complete with Speed Reduction and Motor Mount. Elevator can also be used as a self-powered mow conveyor. Inclined elevators are self-supporting up to 54’. BASIC CONVEYOR is 18’ long, 24” wide and drives from top elevator shaft. Comes complete with Roller Chain Connector Drive, Bale Guides and Connector Plates. Can be quickly connected to or disconnected from elevators. FULL LINE OF ACCESSORIES include 4’ and 8’ midsections for additional length of either unit. Dollar For Dollar IWLLS Gives You More ONIONS AND POTATOES ONIONS DRY: MARKET ABOUT STEADY US 1 OR GENERALLY GOODQUAL AND COND UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. NEW CROP Yellow Granex GA 40 lb ctns Jbo 15.00- 17.00 some 18.00 Grano AZ 50 lb sks jbo 8.50- CA 50 lb sks jbo 8.50-9.00 mostly 8.50 fir cond 6.00-8.00 mot 6.00- 7.00 NM 50 lb sks jbo 8.50-9.00 TX 50 lb sks jbo 9.00 Red CA 25 lb sks jbo 7.50- 8.00 mostly 8.00 med 5.50-6.00 mostly 6.00 —POTATOES: MARKET STEADY US 1 SZ A WASHED OR BRUSHED UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED Russet Burbank ID bid 10 S-lb flmbgs non sz A 8.00-8.50 50 lb ctns 40s 13.00 50s 13.00 60s 12.50-14.00 70s 12.50- 80s 11.00-12.50 mostly 11.50- 90s 9.50-11.00 mostly 10.00- 10.50 100 s 9.00-10.50 mostly 9.00-9.50 some 8.50 NEW CROP Round Red NC 50 lb ctns sz A 11.50-12.00 50 lb sks 9.00- 11.00 mostly 9.00-10.00 sz B 13.00-14.00 Round White NC 50 lb sks 7.50-8.00 ige 11.00-12.00 Long White CA 50 lb ctns 14.00 VA 50 lb ctns 6.50. Livestock Cooperative Auction Market of North Jersey Poultry & Egg Hackettstown, NJ. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, June 27,2000 HEAVY FOWL .55-.90 LB. ROASTERS .20 LB. PULLETS 2.00-5.00 EA. GEESE .15 LB. BANTAMS 1.00-1.25 EA. ROOSTERS 2.00-3.50 EA., .70-1.45 LB. BUNNIES 1.75-5.25 EA. DUCKS 1.10-1.60 LB., 1.00-7.00 EA. Hani-d RABBITS .75-3.00 EA., .25-.90 LB. PIGEONS .50-2.00 EA. GUINEAS 4.75-6.00 EA. GRADE A EGGS: WHITE JUMBO, EX. LRGE. .49.-76, LARGE .49-.63, MEDIUM .39-.45; BROWN EGGS, JUMBO, EX. LRGE. .60-.88, LARGE .6S-.72. Buffalo Valley Produce Mifflinburg, Pa Report Supplied by Auction Thursday, June 26,2000 BEANS: GREEN 14.00 Vi BU., WAX 16.00 Vi BU. BLUEBERRIES: 3.00 PINT. CHERRIES: 3.00-3.50 QT. CUCUMBERS: 14.00-16.00 ViBU. PEACHES: LOCAL 16.00 Vi BU. PICKLES: 15.00 ViBU. POTATOES: RED 12.00 50 LBS., B’S 15.00 25 LBS. STRAWBERRIES: 2.25 QT. TOMATOES: GREENHOUSE 1.00- 1.50 LB., VINE RIPE 14.00-16.00 25 LBS. SALE DAYS TUES. AND THURS., 10 A.M. Farmers Produce Auction Mount Hope, Ohio Report Supplied by Auction June 27,2000 BEANS: GREEN 18.00-29.00 BU. BLUEBERRIES: 1.66-3.25 PINT. CABBAGE: RED 7.00 BOX, GREEN 5.50-12.00 BOX, BULK .50-.75. CAULIFLOWER: .50 HEAD. CUCUMBERS: 5.50-7.00 24 CT. ONIONS: 3.50 BOX. PEAS: SUGAR 10.00-18.00 Vi BU.; HULL 6.00-10.00 V 4 BU. formerly New Idea Elevators wmK^^SSSSSSffSP\ •i' 20 -1/2” Wide Double Chain Conveyors No. 62 Chain 21 ’to 51 ’ Built Like Your Farm Depended On it. ition & Dealer Nearest To You! 539 Falling Spring Road RO. Box 219 Chambersburg, PA 17201-0219 Toll Free 888-464-6379 (717) 263-9111 Fax (717) 263-5573 PICKLES: 10.00-19.00 ViBU. POTATOES: RED 1.25-2.00 5 LBS. RASPBERRIES: RED 1.08-3.25 PINT; BLACK 1.33-2.50 PINT. RED BEETS: 2.50-8.00 Vi BU. RHUBARB: .60-. BS LB. SPINACH: 1.00 ViBU. SQUASH: YELLOW 7.00-12.50 Vi BU; PATTYPANS 1.00-2.50 Vi BU. STRAWBERRIES: 2.31-3.00 QT. TOMATOES: RED SM. TO LRGE. GREENHOUSE .63-1.05. ZUCCHINI: GREEN 3.50-7.00 Vi BU., YELLOW 7.00 PECK. PERENNIALS: 2.25-3.50 POT. NEXT WEEK’S SALE DAYS MON., TUES., THURS., FRI. National Carlot Beef Report Des Moines, IA Wed Jun 28,2000 Report Supplied By USDA USDA Market News USDA NATIONAL CARLOT BEEF REPORT (includes major production areas in the Midwest and TX) as of 3:00 PM COW & BULL CARCASS FOB OMAHA Loads Reported. Compared to Tuesday’s 3:00 P.M. report: Cow and bull carcasses not estab lished. UT.brk 2-4 450 /up 72.00 C UT.bng 1- 3 400 /up 76.00 C Cutter 1-2 350 /up 75.00 C Bulls YGISOO /up unq COW & BULL CARCASS CAF WEST COAST Loads Reported. Compared to last week: Market for Week Ended: June 23, 2000 Lds Price Range UT.brk 2-4 450 /up UT.bng 1-3 400 /up 75.00 Cutter 1-2 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 1, 2000-Al5 350 /up 75.00 Bulb YGISOO /up BONELESS PROCESSING BEEF/BEEF TRIMMINGS 199.0 Loads Reported. Lean boneless beef steady to 3.00 lower in Omaha, Texas generally steady to weak; 85% genrally steady to 2.50 lower; all other lean percentages not es tablbhed. Demand and offerings light to moderate. Beef trimmings sharply lower on moderate demand and heavy offer ings. FOB OMAHA BASIS: Chm Ln Lds Price Range Wtavg 90% fr 26 112.0 - 116.0 112.92 90% fz unq 85% fr 14 102.5 -105.5 103.75 85% fz 75% fr unq 75% fz 65% fr 70.0 70.00 A 65% fz 50% fr 123 42.00 - 45.00 42.75 50% fz 5 46.00 46.00 50% bx unq Bull 92-94145.00145.00 D FOB EAST TEXAS AND OKLA HOMA; Chm Ln Lds Price Range Wtavg 90% fr 14 114.5 - 115.5 115.11 90% fz unq 85% fr 85% fz 75% fr 75% fz 65% fr 65% fz CAF NORTHEAST AREAS: Chm Ln Lds Price Range Wtavg 90% fr 17 116.0 - 120.0 117.88 90% fz 85% fr unq 85% fz 75% fr 75% fz 65% fr 65% fz CAF WEST COAST BASIS Market for Week Ended: 6/23/2000 Chm Ln Lds Price Range Wtavg 90% fr 116.00 - 116.50116.45 90% fz unq 85% fr 107.50 - 109.50 107.72 85% fz unq 75% fr unq 75% fz unq 65% fr 69.00 69.00 65% fz unq 50% fr unq 50% fz unq ABCDE after quotes represents days since last actual market test. Quotes are dropped after 5 days of no test or before if they no longer reflect current market conditions.