■ LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT Frey loading chute porta ble, 14' long, height adjust able. 301-831-9243. Wire Fence Vbxl, Ixl, Ix 2, T/2XIV2, 2x2, 2x4 galv. 55C/lb, PVC coated 85C/lb. Also low priced metal roofing & siding. 717-445-6885, 1-800-373-3703. FREE FENCE GUIDE/ CATALOG: Tensile, electric, portable. Cattle, deer, horse. 1 - 800-KENCOVE (536-2683), 724-459-8991, www.kencove, com. WHOLESALE Truck load quantities of CCA Southern yellow Pine treated round fence posts 6 1/2’ & 8’ lengths 30 year warranty Call or write for prices EDISTOWOOD PRESERVING RR 1, Box 44-A Olar, SC 29843 803-368-3011 FAX 803-368-8139 CATTLE 80 year old herd for sale, 40 reg. Holsteins, Al bred, DHIA records, closed herd, low SCC. 724/745-6573. Angus or Charolais Cow/ Calf Pairs, Also Bulls 8< Hiefers. 814-259-3546 Holstein Guernsey cow due to freshen soon, 3rd calf, heavy milker. Will deliver. 717-328-2235. 8 Holstein heifers, Al, all due to freshen soon, good size, out of good herd. Will deliver. 717-328-2235. BEEF TIPS 15 Holstein cows due w/ 2nd 813 rd calf out of good herd, good size, due to freshen soon. Will deliver. 717-328-2235. Herd of 35 Milking Dairy Cows For Sale 814-629-9366 Heifer and calf boarding. Jacob King, 48 Prospect Rd, Strasburg. 717-687-9450. 3 Yr Old Grade Jersey Due w/2nd Calf in July. $BOO. 570-646-0749 Quality purebred Polled Hereford Bulls. 1 ea: weanling, yearling, & 2 yo. Bred for calving ease, cows., heifers, etc. 717-359-5829 410-346-7888. Texas Longhorns. We have top-of-the-llne quali ty at down-to-earth prices. Come where you have a selection, not a choice. Since 1989. Gettysburg 717/334-4136 home 717/642-0079 farm. Jersey Bull, actually polled, 16 mans, about 700#, (FFA project), $5OO. Ask for Reuben, 717-532-9501. Red service age bull sired by ABS Licorice-29H0800, born 9/4/99 out of a high producing dam, asking $6OO. Adams Co. 717/ 337-1621 after 6pm. Herd of 19 Holstein cows, Al breeding, good udders. Also 60 Holstein heifers, breeding age to spring ers. 717-653-5408 Hereford Angus Beef Herd, 24 Total, Best Bid. Call After Bpm or Leave Mess. 410-357-4073 Wanted: Holstein herd, 50 cows more or less, A-l sired. 717-445-7610 Breeder Bulls, Reg. Beef Master. 757-824-4825 Eastern Shore, VA Service age registered Holstein Bulls up to over 40,000 of milk. 717-786-6053. Reg Brown Swiss Bulls, service age from dams w/high production, sons In Al. LanCo, 717-664-3175. Bison calves, yearlings, meats. Paradise, PA. 717-786-7824 Iv msg. Thick Polled Purebred Simmental Bulls- Reg., Cert. 610-927-2850/ 717-865-4420 Herd of 35 Holstein cows, majority fresh in May & June. Bradford Co., 570-265-8280 24 young reg Holstein cows, mostly all Ist B.2nd Calf, due this summer 8< fall. Bradford Co., 570-265-8280 Dairy facility for lease, 240 free stalls, (4) 80' har vestores, slurry store, double 8 automated par lor, Dairy Kool bulk tanks. We produce feed & spread manure, you care for cows. Neg. Organge Co., NY. 845-778-5231 845-778-1401 A.I. benefits without the hassle, Lucy's Boy, Bon View Bando, 8< Legacy's sons for sale. Exc genet ics at commercial bull prices. 814-487-7733. Limo cow w/bull calf, 15 month Angus/Limo heif er, 2nd calf hereford cow; 717-432-8265. Jersey cow & heifer both due July, both bred Al $750 each. 610-856-1833. Reg. yearling Highland bull calves with or with out papers; Asking $B5O. 570/286-7952. Charolais bulls, open and bred heifers registered, high performance and easy calving genetics from leading Al sires. Cameo Farm, Frederick Co., MD 301-831-9243. Reg. Service Age Holstein Bull, dam Ex 94 40,544 3.8 1548, 2nd dam Ex9l 31.820 4.5 1427, next 3 dams all VG or Ex. Also other bulls available. 717-548-2597. Reg. Holstein breeding age bulls for sale. Tested for BVD & Johnes, out of high producing cow fami lies with proven longevi ty. Star Rock Farms, 717/872-9009, 717/872-1506. Angus bullsB< some select females & pairs for sale. Top A-l pedigrees. 717-667-9817 home 814-865-5857 office Herd of 23 Holstein cows, 51025/eo. 570-965-2659 Custom heifer raising, wean to freshen, pickup & delivery available. 717-865-4534. Large dairy wants to buy Holstein Heifers, due with in 3 Mo. 410-358-0412. Jersey bulls for sale, ready for service. Stump Acres 717/792-3216 York. FOR SALE OR LEASE; Registered Holstein Bulls by popular sires; dams records to over 30.000 M. Many to choose from Berks Co. Stumpland Farms 610-488-1965. Reg. Holstein bulls. All sizes and ages, from Pre mier cow families of the Holstein breed. Arlen H. Keener 717-285-7426. Reg Holstein Bulls; Any age. Dams records up to 30,000 milk, 1,200 fat. STUMP ACRES 717-792-3216. York Co. Angus bulls, cows & heif ers for sole. STUMP ACRES 717-792-3216. York Co. LIMOUSIN CATTLE/ FULLBLOODS; Heifers and bulls of all ages. Westminster, MD, 410-857-0176. Registered Texas Long horns: bulls, heifers, cows. Reasonable prices. 717-637-3090 Complete Dairy Herds for sale Also groups of open & bred Heifers 717-789-3003 Fresh and Springing cows and heifers. Reg. and grade. 300 on hand. Perry Co. (717) 789-3241 Young Farrm wants to buy Holstein %%. I Jersey heifers (814) 224-5909 Always Wanted complete Dairy Herds Have Immediate Buyers Waiting Give us a call also groups of open and bred heifers. Quality Herds for Sale at All Times Happy Hollow Farms John H. Wetmore 717-253-5329 house 717-253-6995 barn 717- 62 Holsteins For Sale All stages oflactation Last 3 yrs. 23,000# herd average; $1,175 each Also 25 big bred heifers for sale, $1,350 each Donald Bare 717-397*0869 BUY DOWN & INJURED CATTLE 100 Mile Radius Of Harrisburg, Pa. Prompt Payment - Top Price Paid JOHN JONES 717-249-7685 Res. 717-432-4225 Shop BULLS We have service age bulls, and younger available. We specialize in choosing the right bull to fit your breeding program, focusing on type, longevity and production. WELK-CREST HQLSTEINS Matthew T. Welk 717-548-2597 MULVANEY LIVESTOCK HAULING Also DOWN & CRIPPLED CATTLE REMOVAL Covering Berks, Chester, Lancaster, and Lebanon Counties, PA 1 -800-789-COWS (2697) ' Calls the night before appreciated!! E & E Barn Spraying *Whitev ashing *Dryc l eamng *Pressurc Washing insecticide Application (Programs Available) 717-949-3212 or 1-888-841-/820 4 S MillhtiLh Rd Newmanslown PA mm JPf ' WANTED Dairy Cows or Heifers, all ages, registered or grades (717)656-8420 Leroy Smucker No Sunday Calls Bison Calves Yearlings Bred Heifers £>7o-222-9815, 60 Cow Herd Bedford County Farmer Retiring 1717) 328-2411 I- Lancaster Fanning. Saturday, July 1, 2000-Dl7 • 70 HD Black and BWF - Due to calf in Fall • Body Condition Score Average 6 • A.I. Bred to Rito 616 • Pelvic Measurements and Reproductive Tract - These Traits Have Been Scored • Pre-Guard 9 Prio to Breeding, Bangs Vac, 2 Blackleg, 2IBR, BVD, PI3, and 2 Pasteurella tGLENMARY FARM, LCC I 540-672-7396 M Vi I FOR SALE 100% - IA Registered Red Angus Cattle M 10 cows with calf at side $1,200 a pair H H (6) Gorgeous yearling heifers (open) $BOO ea. M < l ) 2 year old bull large frame, out of the M Howller bull $1,500 M (1) 3 year old bull, medium frame, out of the M Leachmans ROl2 bull $3,000 M H H Home 212*755-2671 Farm 607-498-4312 l aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. ATTENTION FEEDLOT OPERATORS Joint Venture for an Eastern States Bison Cooperative is looking for feedlot operations to finish bison for slaughter Southeastern & South central PA locations preferred, but all proposals will be considered • Attracts c mcenti\cs • Minimun capaciU. 150 animals with loom foi m expansion • Free training in bison handling • Handling equipment provided (..ill oi ui ilc l),i\ id Su'iduk - I’hiinr r )"'0 689 Z i2 r > RD 5, Bo\ 5133 Lake And, P \ 18436 EXOTIC ANIMALS Miniature Ponies - (2) 6mo old sorrel fillies 850oTea*'| Llamas - Gorgeous little males 5350 J Bred Females 8800 2 ! - Babydoll Black Ewe Lamb S4OO Barbidoll Spot Ewe Lamb 8300 - Heifers & Bulls 5350 S6OO - Jennies Choc Auult Miniature Sheei Highland Cattle Miniature Ponte White/Choc /Gra\ Weanling 8730 up Jack 2Yr Old Broun Read\ to Breed 8500 Boat Kids 575 up * WINDING CREEKS FARM { 717/865-4473 i fctiw Lebanon j www wmdmgcreeksfarm com z
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