Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 01, 2000, Image 131
Um equipment QUALITY PRE-OWNED EQUIPMENT from Binkley & Hurst Bros., Inc. Ask About Financing Plans To Fit Your Needs OP Low Down Payment Leases Extremely Sharp Municipal Machine Case 4808 Cab Tractor Loader 2WD with 3368 Original Hours, Good Rubber, Good Paint & Sheet Metal, Aux Hyd., Above Avg. Cond - Must See' (UT 4558) $12,800 130 HP, Approx. 17 Ton Rebuilt Engine & Turbo, Good U.C., Ready for Work (UT 4493) $23,800 No Trade $22,800 Koehring 6620 Excavator Decent Tight Machine, 30" Heavy Duty Bucket (J.D. 690 Size), Good U.C. $24,600 BINKLEY & HURST BROS,, INC. P 0. 80x'039*5, S Lltlhf PA 17543-0395 626-4705 1-800-414-4705 Located 1/2 Mile North of Rothsv.lle www binkleyhurst com Fax 717-626-0996 Visit us on the Internet at http-//www.casecorp com JBJCT §U Case IH is a registered trademark of Case Corporation JD 450 C track loader. Hydro seeder Reinco 4-in-l bucket, 80% UC, at- HGIO, excellent condition, tach. for hoe, very good hours, 300 ft. hose, cond., $14,000. Work ready, $20,000 814-345-6504. (215)453-9391. Komatsu PC 130 Excavator w/Cab & Air Approx 2700 Hours, 3rd Valve, Very Good Cond , Approx. 1996 Model, (UT 4542) Must See To Appreciate! Don’t Miss This One! 1999 Case 580 L Series li, 95 HP Turbo Diesel * iputf 4x4 Cab Extenahoe with 926 Original Hours, Case Hoe Controls, Quick Attach Trenching Bucket $48,000 1990 Case 580 K Phase 111 4x4 Cab Tractor Loader With Extra Reach Hoe, Bolt on Bucket Edge, Flip Pads, Optional Work Lights, Serviced - Ready To Dig' (UT 4531) $24,800 Paving Contractors Don’t Miss This One! Almost New Dual Drum Drive Vibratory Ingersol Rand DD22 Roller (1995 Model) m: ■sc:. * Approx. 3 Ton Static, 6 Ton Vibratory, 40” Wide Drums, Left or Right Curb Side Finishing, Approx. 40 HP Diesel, Only 370 Original Hours! Like New! (UT 4452) New Units Sell for Approx. $30,000 Plus! Purchase This Unit For Only $17,600 • Bobcat 843, Low Hours • Bobcat 843, Low Hours • JD Dozer 450-E, 6-Way Blade, Low Hours • Mid-Mark Trencher, Ride-On With Blade, 6” Wide 46" Deep • Sweepster Ride-On Broom w/Spnnkler system... (215) 943-8305 1987 International-Hough 5208 Dresser/Payloader 4x4, Articulating, Diesel, Shuttle, Heated Cab, Lights, 3100 Hours, Very Nice Machine, Tight and Clean $17,900 Cash 717-938-4538 York County #7078 Case 450 Crawler Dozer, u/c Good, 5,000 Hrs $14,500 #7015 Case 570XLT Loader, 1995,4WD, Cab, 3 pt, 2,500 Hrs ... #7066 Case 5808 Loader Backhoe, 2WD, Cab, Hyd. Hammer #6781 Case 580 C Loader Backhoe, 1979, 2WD, Cab, Ex #7019 Case 580SL Loader Backhoe, 1995, 2WD, Cab, Ex , 3,987 Hrs #6814 Vibromax 252 Roller, Dual Drum #6534 Bobcat 763 Uniloader, Aux Hyd, 78" Bkt, 1,800 Hrs #6678 Case 1840 Umloader, 1994, Aux Hyd Drt Bkt, 1,718 Hrs #7079 Case 1840 Umloader, 1996, Aux Hyd Drt Bkt, 2,660 Hrs . #6303 Case 1840 Umloader, 1996, Aux Hyd Drt Bkt, 700 Hrs $16,500 #5182 Case 1845 C Umloader, 1989, Aux Hyd , UT Bkt., 2,500 Hrs.. .. $12,500 #7126 Case 1845 C Umloader, 1996, Aux Hyd Drt Bkt, 4,300 Hrs $12,900 Vernon E. Stup Co. 5859 Urbana Pike, Frederick, MD 21701 301-663-3185 I \ | Forklifts |V'K\ L New and reconditioned Ijp 5- ■ For Sale or Rent Heavy duty fork extensions Call For Prices Don't trade or throw out that old engine. Have it overhauled for a fraction of the cost of new! All work is guaranteed. Pneumatic Tire 4000 lb. CAT 2 Stage, LP Gas $4,995 1995 Hyster 4,000 lb., 3 Stage, Side Shifter, Must See $11,500 1995 Toyota 5,000 lb., 3 Stage, 6,500 Hrs $13,500 6000 lb. Hyster Diesel, 3 Spd., Oil Clutch, 3 Stage Mast $8,500 1997 Toyota 6,000 lb., 3 Stage, Side Shifter Cushion Tire Yale 8,000 lb., 18 ft. Lift, Side Shifter, LPG $6,950 Yale 4,000 lb., 3 Stage. LPG $3,900 1990 Clark, 4,000 lb., 3 Stage, LPG $6,950 1993 Nissan 8,000 lb., 2 Stage, Full Free Lift, 4 Way Hydro $10,500 1995 Clark 8,000 lb., 181" Lift, Side Shifter, Reconditioned $13,900 1996 Nissan 5,000 lb., 3 Stage, Side Shifter, LPG $10,500 Electric 1991 Yale 6,000 lb., 3 Stage, Cushion Tire $8,500 1992 Clark 3,000 lb., 3 Stage, Side Shifter, A-1 Condition $5,800 1995 Clark Pallet Jacks $2,950 Skid Loader & Forklift Rentals C AM .q ISAM STOLTZFUS ® 5917 Plank Rd MECHANICAL Narvon, PA 17555 CiroyVTTrTO For Service Calls OIVtCV I XsMSf 717-442-9334 Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, July 1, 2000-D7 $10,500 $ll,OOO Equipment $26,500 CHALK Sales -150 Forklifts In Stock 111 JP 410-686-6800 BALTIMORE, MD $14,000 $9,000 SILOS AND UNLOADERS (2) Patz 988 unloaders. (1) 16"x40' Patz conveyor, like new. (1) ea. 12”xl0' or 12"x20' Patz conveyors. 301-824-2690. Used Patz silo unloaders, winches, cords 8< cables. Melvin Nolt. 717-656-2615. MAY-CO PLASTIC SILO LINERS We are making a pleated liner with the original white plastic to reduce the stretching that takes place with grass silage. Order early to guarantee delivery on time. SHOP (717) 399-8232 MAY-CO SUPPLY CO., INC. 551 Cobblestone Lane, Lancaster PA 17601 $25,000 $10,900 $8,900 REPLACEMENT SILO DOORS Many Kinds In Stock • Marietta • Fickes • Madison •Terre Hill • Lancaster • Ribstone $31,900 $12,000 $13,900 $11,900 $12,900 SAMUEL S. ZOOK 534 Willow Rd Lancaster, PA 17601 Only Farm On Greenfield Rd RIBSTONE SILO 610-255-4311. Door frames and silo staves, new silos avail able. 610-593-1172. WANTED: Concrete stave silos, will remove. Fair prices paid. 610-273-3993, 1-800-860-3993. We pay top dollar for used Harvestores and Slurrystores. 717-354-4051. Rebuilt Patz 988 silo unloaders, 12-30 ft. Used, dropped and worn out ones taken in trade Will install and/or Deliver Anywhere Call 716/532-2919 If no answer, leave message Silo Door Hardware • Butterfly Hinges • Latches • Steps • Ladders Silo Doors Made To Order Bring Pattern Of Old Door RT 30