Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 01, 2000, Image 13
Cumberland Valley Produce Auction Shippcnsburg, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction June 23,2000 APPLES: 1.00-5.00 Vi BU. APRICOTS: 20.00 FLAT. ASPARAGUS: 1.20-1.70 BUNCH. BEANS: GREEEN 9.00-19.00. BROCCOLI: .40-.80 HEAD, 6.00-6.50 Vi BU. CABBAGE: RED .50 HEAD, GREEN .6S-.80 HEAD, 8.00 50 LB. BAG. CHERRIES: SWEET 12.00-26.00, SOUR 9.50-17.00, BOTH BY THE FLAT. CUCUMBERS: 1.00-14.00. LETTUCE: .SO-.70 HEAD. ONIONS: SPRING .20-.55 BUNCH, SPANISH 3.00, WALLA WALLA .30 EACH. PEAS: SUGAR 1.10 QT., 5.00-22.00; HULL 5.00-18.00. PEPPERS: GREEN SM. TO LRGE. 12.00 Vi BU, POTATOES; RED 5.00-12.00, WHITE 2.50-11.00. RADISHES: .20 BUNCH. RASPBERRIES: RED 2.35-3.00 PINT, 24.00-25.00 FLAT; BLACK 1.50- 2.80 PINT, 4.25-4.30 QT. RED BEETS: .35-75 BUNCH, 6.50- 12.00 Vi BU., .50 BUNCH. SPINACH: 11.00. SQUASH: YELLOW 2.50-13.00. Completely Safe, Will Not Burn Plants Nutra-Flo "foliar plant food" is completely safe for foliar application. • made from 100% orthophosphate • crystal clear, water-white liquid • chloride-free • low-salt index • 100% water soluble • neutral pH Improves Soybean, Corn & Alfalfa Yields Research shows foliar feeding boosts maturity, quality and yield. Plants get an immediate source of N-P-K when soil nutrients are unavailable. Large applications of nitrogen, high organic matter, high or low pH, dry conditions, excess moisture, extreme heat or cold can reduce macro or micronutrient availability. CROP Soybeans • Improves and increases pod set Up to 12 bu/A • Hastens maturity Corn Alfalfa Easy to Apply with Post-Emerge Chemicals Nutra-Flo foliar plant food can be piggy-backed with most insecticide and herbicide applications. It meets Monsanto's strict compatibility specifications for combining liquid N-P-K with Roundup® Ultra for application on Roundup Ready® soybeans. Foliar Application Guidelines CROP 'beans Corn Alfalfa Lower Costs, Higher Yields Nutra-Flo foliar plant food costs less. You'll enjoy these other economic benefits when you foliar apply Nutra-Flo plant food: • Higher profits • Drier crops at harvest • Increased disease resistance • High energy • Higher protein levels • More drought resistance • Faster maturity • Better nutrient uptake • Increased root growth • No application costs when you combine with post-emerge chemicals Contact PARS, Elizabethtown, PA HBOO-929-2676 or 717-367-5272 Quality liquid fertilizer since 1954! STRAWBERRIES: 10.00-24.00 FLAT. TOMATOES: GREENHOUSE .20- 1.60 LB., 5.5010 LBS. TURNIPS: 7.00-7.50 Vi BU. ZUCCHINI: GREEN 2.00-9.50, 8 BALL 1.00-6.00; YELLOW 3.50-10.00. FLOWERS: CUT .80-3.25; BED DING ANNUALS 3.50-4.00 AND .10- 3.50. PLANTS: HERBS 2.00-4.00, PUMP KIN, UP TO 3.00, CANTALOPE 2.00, TOMATO 8.00. SALE DAYS MON., TUES., THURS., AND FRI. 9 A.M. Leola Produce Leola, Pa Report Supplied by Auction Thursday, June 29,2000 ASPARAGUS: 1.80-2.20 BUNCH. BEANS: GREEN 11.00-17.00 BU., YELLOW 14.00-18.00 Vi BU.; ROMA 9.00-11.00 BOX. BLUEBERRIES: 16.00-21.00 FLAT. CABBAGE: GREEN .15-.45 HEAD. CAULIFLOWER: 5.00-8.00 10 CT. BOX. CHERRIES: SWEET 17.00-20.00 FLAT, SOUR 18.00-21.00 FLAT. EGGPLANT: 14.00-18.00 BU. LETTUCE: ROMAINE 4.00-6.00 12 CT. BOX. ONIONS: SPRING 18.00-22.00 38 CT. PEACHES: YELLOW 15.00-20.00 BOX. BENEFITS OF FOLIAR PLANT FOOD YIELD INCREASE • Higher test weight • Drier corn at harvest • Increased protein quality Up to 4 ton/A «Hastens maturity FIRST APPLICATION 4th to 6th leaf trifoliate 3 to 5 leaf collar 4 to 6 days after each cutting SECOND APPLICATION iod set 60 to 80% 10 to 15 days before tassel PEAS: SUGAR 8.00-12.00 10 LBS., HULL 8.00-11.00 'A BU. PEPPERS: GREEN SM. TO LRGE. 16.00- BU. PICKLES: 7.00-10.00 Vi BU. POTATOES: NEW RED 4.00-6.00, WHITE 4.00-6.00, BOTH 'A BU. RASPBERRIES; RED 20.00-24.00, BLACK 20.00-30.00, BOTH FLAT. RED BEETS: 6.00-90.00 15 CT. BOX. RHUBARB: 6.50-8.50 BOX. SPINACH: 8.00-14.00 BU. SQUASH: YELLOW 1.00-4.00 'A BU.; PATTYPANS 10.00-14.00 6 LB. BOX. SWEET CORN: 3.00-4.50 DOZ. TOMATOES: RED SM. TO LRGE. 20.00- 25 LBS. ZUCCHINI: GREEN AND YELLOW 1.00-6.00 'A BU., 8 BALL 3.00-4.50 BOX. SALE DAYS NEXT WEEK MON., TUES., THURS., FRL, 8:30 A.M. Snyder County Produce Auction Port Trevorton, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction June 29,2000 APPLES: 1.00-3.00 Vi BU. ASPARAGUS: .50-.90L8. BEANS: GREEN 14.00-21.00, YELLOW 14.00-18.00, BOTH Vi BU. BLUEBERRIES: 1.80-2.30 PINT. BROCCOLI: 2.00-4.00 Vi BU. CABBAGE; RED 4.50-6.00, GREEN 3.75-4.50, BOTH 50 LBS. CANTALOPES: SM. 1.00-1.80. Up to 9 bu/A AMOUNT FOR EACH APPLICATION 3 to 6 gals/A 3 to 6 gals/A Inc. CAULIFLOWER: .70-1.40 HEAD. CHERRIES: SWEET 3.00-3.30; SOUR 1.50-2.10 QT. CUCUMBERS: 8.00-15.00 Vi BU. GRAPES: 2.00-4.0018 LB. BOX. ONIONS: SPRING .30-.40 BUNCH. PEACHES: 14.00-18.00 'A BU. PEAS: SUGAR 1.00-1.80 LB., SNAP .60-1.00 LB., HULL 4.00-9.00 'A BU. PICKLES: 4.00-12.50 'A BU. POTATOES: RED 6.00-10.50, WHITE 5.00-8.00, BOTH l A BU. RASPBERRIES: RED 2.00-2.90 PINT, BLACK 1.25-2.20 PINT. RED BEETS: .30-.65 BUNCH. SQUASH: YELLOW 3.00-5.00 'A BU. STRAWBERRIES: 2.00-2.70 QT. TOMATOES: RED SM. TO LRGE. 12.00-20.00 25 LB. BOX. ZUCCHINI: GREEN 2.00-3.50, YELLOW 1.00-5.00, BOTH ‘A BU. FLOWERS: BEDDING ANNUALS 1.00-3.00 FLAT, PERENNIALS 1.00- 1.40 GAL. Kutztown Produce Auction Kutztown, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction June 20,22,23,24,2000 ASPARAGUS: 1.60-2.10. BEANS: GREEN 12.00-14.00 FLAT. BLUEBERRIES: 17.50-22.00 FLAT. CABBAGE: .40-.55 HEAD, 3.00-5.50 BU. Need A Quality Protein Source At A Competitive Price? Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 1, 2000-Al3 CHERRIES: SWEET 14.00-27. W FLAT, SOUR 10.00-18.00. CUCUMBERS: 4.00-8.00 Vi BU. EGGS: .40-.65 DOZ. ONIONS: SPRING .20-.40, YELLOW 6.00 Vi BU., SPANISH .80-1.00 5 LBS. PEACHES: 18.00 Vi BU. PEAS: SUGAR 2.00-7.00 Vi BU.; SNAP 3.00-8.00 Vi BU.; HULL 6.00- 10.00 Vi BU. POTATOES: NEW RED 4.50-7.00 FLAT; WHITE 8.00-10.00 50 LBS. RADISHES: .40 BUNCH. RASPBERRIES: BLACK 20.00-31.00 FLAT. RED BEETS: .10-.65 BUNCH. RHUBARB; .50-.90L8. STRAWBERRIES: 8.00-24.00 FLAT. FLAT. TOMATOES: RED. SM. TO LRGE. GREENHOUSE .40-1.50 LB.; YELLOW 18.00 25 LBS. ZUCCHINI; 1.00-12.00 Vi BU. FLOWERS: BEDDING ANNUALS 1.00-7.00, .50-6.00 PERENNIAL POT, HANGING BASKETS 1.50-6.00; GERANIUMS .25-1.50. SALE DAYS TUES., THURS., FRL, AND SAT., 8 A.M. HAY AND STRAW SAT. 9 A.M.