Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 24, 2000, Image 58

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    818-Lancastef Farming, Saturday, June 24, 2000
Make Mine Milk
With four boys and four girls, the pantry of Elmer and
Hannah King needs to be refilled constantly.
1 box yellow cake mix
l A cup oil
Mix together ingredients until
crumbly. Press all but one cup
into the 9x 13-inch pan. Combine
the following:
8-ounces cream cheese
Vi cup sugar
Wi cups cocoa chips
Mix together. Spread over
crumbs in pan. Top with re
maining crumbs. Bake 30 min
utes at 325 degrees.
We live on a dairy farm. We
are milking approximately 85
cows. Our family consists offour
girls and four boys. When we
bake something good, it doesn’t
stay in the pantry very long. Our
girls are the oldest so they do a lot
of baking. We enjoy all the reci
pes you print in June.
Elmer and Hannah King
1 chocolate cake mix
14-ounce can sweetened con
densed milk
2 1-ounce squares
unsweetened chocolate,
Vi cup cold water
1 4-serving size instant choco
late pudding
Vi pint whipping cream, stiffly
Preheat oven to 350 degrees,
and bake cake in two 9-inch
round layers. Remove from pan
and cool completely. In large
bowl, beat sweetened, condensed
milk and chocolate until
smooth. Gradually beat in water
and dry pudding mix. Chill at
least 30 minutes. Beat until
smooth. Fold in whipped cream.
Chill at least one hour. Place one
layer cake on a plate top with
I'/a cups mousse mixture. Top
with second layer. Frost sides
and top. Chill. Garnish as de
sired. Store in refrigerator.
If this is too much chocolate
for you, the mousse is great on a
yellow cake too.
This recipe is from my daugh
ter Annette’s mother-in-law. It is
a favorite recipe of the family
since several are “Chocoholics. ”
We have a dairy farm in north
/>rn I*onnv\)lvnwtin 1 hotn nn
weekends and during the
summer since I am a teacher. I
teach consumer and family sci
ence at Athens High School. We
have three daughters, Teresa is a
speech teacher in Meadville. An
nette is the head of social work at
a nursing facility in New Jersey.
Eileen, former Pennsylvania al
ternate dairy princess, just grad
uated with an associated degree
in early childhood and is working
as a teacher in daycare.
Sylvia Murphy
(Contlnuad from Pag* BIT)
1 cup graham cracker crumbs
6 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons sugar
12-ounces cream cheese
2 eggs
Vi cup sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla
Mix first three ingredients to
gether. Put into a 9-inch pie pan
and bake 10 minutes at 350 de
grees. Set aside. Cream together
cream cheese, eggs, sugar, and
vanilla. Pour into crust and bake
20 minutes. Cool.
Sour Cream Topping:
1 cup sour cream
2 teaspoons sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
Mix together sour cream, va
nilla, and sugar. Put on top of
cream cheese mixture. Bake 10
minutes more.
Strawberry Topping:
2 tablespoons com starch
IVz tablespoons strawberry
Vi cup water
Vi cup sugar
Vi cup strawberries
Mix together all ingredients
except strawberries, and cook
over medium heat until thick
ened. Cool and add strawber
ries. Put on cooled cream cheese
Note: You don’t need to add
the sour cream topping if you
don’t wish to do so.
We enjoy your paper and
recipes. We live on an 80-acre
dairy farm in Lancaster County.
Have a safe summer.
Boil together 2 minutes:
V 2 cup uncooked rice
1 cup water
1 quart whole milk
Cook about 40 minutes, stir
ring until creamy. Remove from
stove. Beat in separate bowl:
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
Vi cup sugar
Vi cup milk
Add to cooked rice mixture
slowly and stir. Return to stove
until good and hot, not boiling.
Cool in bowl. Add nutmeg.
Cover with wax paper to pre
vent crust.
We are retired dairy farmers.
We saved a protion of our prop
erty and now run a bed and
We are the parents of two
grown children and five grand
children. Our lifestyle is very
busy and active. We entertain
guests from all around the world.
I use this recipe quite often for
breakfast and it is very well ac
Alta Horst
Arlene Hershey
4 cups uncooked macaroni
Vi cup butter
Vi cup flour
5 cups milk
4 cups cheddar cheese
Salt and pepper, to taste
Heat oven to 350 degrees.
Cook pasta according to direc
tions; drain. In large saucepan
over medium heat, melt butter.
Blend in flour, salt and pepper;
gradually stir in milk. Cook,
stirring constantly, until sauce
thickens, and mixture begins to
boil. Add cheese; stir until
cheese is melted. In 3-quart cas
serole, stir together pasta and
sauce. Bake 30 minutes or until
bubbly. 8-10 servings.
We work on dairy farms in
Lebanon County. We also have a
few head of Holsteins ourselves.
Our children, Royell, 7, and
Ry, 2 in August, enjoy helping
mom and dad get cows in the
bam. They also like to help
Grandma feed the calves.
Grandpa farms the fields with
“Big” IH tractors. Ry farms in
the house with little ones too.
Mom is part of the dairy promo
tion committee. Royell (former
Lil Dairy Miss) likes to help with
promotions and is active in
Sherry, Bob, Royell,
and Ry Bashore
8 ounces Velveeta cheese
1 package cream cheese
2 teaspoons Worcestershire
1 teaspoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons finely chopped
Roll in nuts. Have Velveeta
and cream cheese at room tem
perature. Mix together every
thing and shape into a ball. Chill
and serve with crackers. Deli
Dorcas Zimmerman
Va cup cornstarch
Vi cup sugar
Va teaspoon salt
2 cups scalded milk
3 egg yolks
3 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
Combine ingredients except
vanilla and cook until mixture
thickens. Add vanilla.
Place in baked pie shell.
3 egg whites, whipped
6 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
Place on pie filling. Bake 350
degrees for 12-14 minutes.
/ was raised on a very large
dairy farm and the youngest of
six children. My dear husband
and I have been married 44years
and have three grown children,
all college educated with very
good positions in employment.
My husband has been retired
for 12 years. He retired from the
federal government after 38 l h
years (2 years of military). I am
semi-retired after 30 years of cos
We live on a farm where we
raise beef cattle, but are very
heavy users of all real dairy prod
We also have six grandchil
dren. All love Grandma to serve
ice cream every meal.
I am entering this recipe as it
uses a lot of dairy products, and
which is one of my family’s fa
I love to take these (contest)
recipes when completed to all
social and church activities.
DeVona Black
Three Springs
Gail Dewitt and family live in Northampton County.
8 boards graham crackers
1 teaspoon sugar
V* teaspoon ground ginger
Va teaspoon ground nutmeg
Va teaspoon ground cinnamon
Va cup butter, melted
4 8-ounce packages cream
cheese (room temperature)
Va cup sugar
Va cup flour
Va teaspoon ground nutmeg
Va teaspoon ground cinnamon
Pinch ground cloves
V/a cups prepared eggnog
1 teaspoon vanilla
8-ounces sour cream
Heat oven to 350 degrees.
Crust: Crush crackers in plastic
bag. Add sugar, ginger, nutmeg,
and cinnamon. Add butter,
knead bag to blend. Press over
bottom of 9-inch round spring
form pan. Bake crust at 350 de
grees for 10 minutes. Cool.
Filling: Beat cream cheese in
bowl until smooth. Mix sugar,
flour, nutmeg, cinnamon, and
cloves in small bowl. Add to
cream cheese; beat until smooth.
Beat in egg. Beat in eggnog in
slow stream. Beat in vanilla.
Pour into springform pan; tap
pan lightly to release air bubbles.
Bake at 350 degrees for one
hour. Remove from oven.
Spread with sour cream. Bake 5
more minutes. Cool in pan on
rack until cool enough to touch.
Refrigerate until serving. 12
We have lived in Northampton
County for 30 years. We have
seen the area grow tremendously
but are lucky to look out our win
dows and still see fields of corn
and hay.
We are a family of three along
with a dog, cat, and a gecko.
Don is retired and buys and
sells antique tractors. Kristopher
is in third grade and is playing
coach pitch. I am a supervisor in
a school district in New Jersey.
Gail DeWitt
Wi cups cold milk
Vi cup peanut butter
3-ounce package instant choc
olate pudding
24 graham crackers
Add milk gradually to peanut
butter in deep bowl. Beat until
smooth. Add dry pudding mix.
Let set 5 minutes. Spread Vi
inch thick on crackers. Top with
another cracker. Freeze several
hours before eating. A favorite
snack for children.
They’re a delicious treat for a
hot summer day!
Edna Jane Martin
16 slices buttered bread
8 slices cheese
8 slices smoked meat
6 eggs
3 cups milk
Vi teaspoons dry mustard
Vi teaspoon salt
1 cup crushed cornflakes
Vi cup melted butter
Place eight slices bread
(buttered side down) in well
greased llxlS-inch pan. Some
of the sandwiches may need to
be cut in half. Top each slice of
bread with meat and cheese. Put
remaining bread on top
(buttered side up).
Mix eggs, milk, mustard, and
salt. Pour over sandwiches; re
frigerate overnight. Before
baking, sprinkle with cornflakes
and melted butter.
Bake covered for 30 minutes
at 350 degrees, uncover, and
continue baking 15 minutes.
We operate an 80-cow dairy in
Franklin Co. We have four chil
dren, three girls, and one boy.
Their ages are 20,18,15, and 6.1
am always looking for breakfast
recipes because that is my most
difficult meal to prepare. This
recipe is my family’s favorite.
Becky Lichtenberger
1 cup quick cooking oats
Vi cup sifted flour
Vi cup brown sugar
Vi teaspoon salt
Vi cup butter
Combine oats, flour, brown
sugar, and salt. Cut in butter
until crunchy. Press firmly in
bottom and sides of 9-inch pie
plate. Bake in 375-degree oven
for about IS minutes. Cool com
pletely and fill with chocolate
cream filling.
Vi cup granulated sugar
V* teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon corn starch
2 egg yolks
VA cups milk
1 tablespoon butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
Scald milk while you mix to
gether the dry ingredients. Add
egg yolks to dry ingredients to
make a paste. Add a little cold
milk if needed so it will pour
then mix in hot milk and stir
until it bubbles. Pour into crust
and cool completely. Sweetened
whipped cream can be added for
This is a favorite family recipe
and doesn’t take long to make.
Any baked pie crust can be used.
We live on a dairy farm with
about 40 cows. Our children
enjoy the outdoors and the barn.
Rachel Stoltzfoos