Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 24, 2000, Image 37
(Continued from Pago A 2) ceived some much needed moisture. Demand for slaughter bulls remains very good and prices closed 1.00-2.00 higher. Supply included 49 percent slaughter steers, 7 percent slaughter heifers, 37 percent slaughter cows, 4 percent slaughter bulls, with the balance feeders. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-41140-1445 lbs 72.75-75.50, few singles up to 76.75. Choice 2-3 1100- 1485 lbs 71.00-73.50; 1490-1545 lbs 69.75-70.50. Select and low Choice 2-3 1025-1535 lbs 67.00-71.75; 1590-1845 lbs 61.25-66.50. Select 1-3 990-1520 lbs 63.00-68.75, returning to feed 980- 1140 lbs 67.00-69.35. HOLSTEIN STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-3 1255-1540 lbs 65.00-66.25. Choice 2-3 1280-1680 lbs 61.00-64.50. Select and low Choice 2-3 1195-1610 lbs 58.50- 62.00. Select 1-2 990-1515 lbs 54.25-60.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice, few Prime 2-4 990-1445 lbs 68.50-72.75; pkg 960 lbs 64.75. Select and low Choice 2-3 1020-1320 lbs 65.00459.75. Select 1-3 950-1285 lbs 59.00456.00. SLAUGHTER COWS: PERCENT LEAN WEIGHT BULK LOW DRESS ING Breakers 75-80 pet lean over-1400 lbs 43.50-49.00 40.75-45.75 Boners 80-85 pet lean over-1200 lbs 42.75-47.00 39.25- 43.75 Lean (Hl-Yield) 85-88 pet lean over-1200 lbs 41.25-46.25 37.50-42.00 Lean 88-90 pet lean over-1000 lbs 38.50- 43.00 35.50-39.75 Lean (Light-Wt) 85-90 pet lean 750 -1000 lbs 36.00-41.50 33.50- 38.50. SLAUGHTER BULLS; Yield Grade 1 1305-2050 lbs 55.75-62.00, several high dressing 1285-1800 lbs 66.50-72.00. Yield Grade 2 955-2210 lbs 48.50-57.00. Bullocks: Select 1-3 970-1555 lbs 55.00- 69.00. CALVES: Compared to last week, demand remains good for vealers but Agricultural Generators Automatic # P.T.O. L.P. Gas, Diesel, Generators Natural Gas Generators 25 to 135 KW Units 5 to 2,000 KW In Stock! Service - Rental - New & Used Units In Stock rM^MWMW sysTBMs Power Generation Systems Specialists Call Leonard Martin prices turned weak to 10.00 lower. A light test of larger slaughter calves sold fully steady. The farm calf market has become very volatile with a major down turn in this week’s trading. Holstein bulls returning to feed closed 110.00 lower than last week. Suddenly, local producers are not in the market for calves and only a few order buyers are active. Holstein heifer trading was slightly slower and ended 30.00-35.00 lower. VEALERS: Standard and Good 70- 140 lbs 30.00-70.00. Utility 60-90 lbs 13.00- 57.00, late in the week 13.00- 35.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES: Good and Choice 175-350 lbs 80.00-111.00. Stan dard 350-500 lbs 60.00-77.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Holstein bulls 95-125 lbs 112.00-198.00, late in the week 112.00-122.00. Plainer type bulls 80-125 lbs 70.00-167.00, late 70.00- 115.00. weaker calves 70-110 lbs 30.00- 78.00. Holstein heifers 80-115 lbs 270.00- 375.00. Plainer heifers 75-130 lbs 160.00- 313.00; 60-75 lbs 90.00-150.00. Beef type bulls and heifers 80-125 lbs 105.00- 205.00. Indiana Livestock Homer City, Pa. Thursday, June 22,2000 Report Supplied By Auction CATTLE: 145. STEERS: STEADY TO 3.00 LOWER. COWS STEADY. HEIFERS: STEADY TO 4.00 LOWER. STEERS: CHOICE 2-3 1100/1470 LBS. 67.25, 71.25, SELECT 1-3 62.50, 67.50. HOLSTEIN STEERS: CHOICE 2-3 1360/1550 LBS. 59.00,61.75. SELECT 1- 2 55.00, 59.75. HEIFERS; CHOICE 2-4 1215/1500 LBS. 65.00,69.25 SELECT 1- 3 60.75, 65.25, FEW STANDARD 1-2 COWS: BREAKERS 75-80% LEAN 40.00, 47.25, ONE AT 49.50. BONERS 330 Fonderwhite Road, Lebanon, PA 17042 80-85% LEAN 35.00, 40.50, LEAN 85- 90% LEAN 31.00, 36.00, SHELLS DOWN TO 30.00 & DOWN, BULLS YIELD GRADE 1 1200/2168 LBS. 50.25, 58.50, ONE AT 63.25. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: FEW M & L 520/690 77.00, 87.50, FEW M&L-2 940/960, 64.00, 69.00. HEIFERS: M-l 538, ONE AT 87.50. FEW M&L-2 305/665, 59.50, 75.00. BULLS: M-l 304 ONE AT 87.00 M&L-2 COUPLE 420, 805. CALVES: 95. CH 140,228 LBS. 96.00, 97.50, STANDARD & GOOD 95/130 LBS. 30.00, 60.00, STANDARD & GOOD 65/85 LBS. 27.50, 50.00 UTIL ITY 60/125 LBS. 22.50, 32.50. FARM CALVES: HOLSTEIN BULLS STEADY TO 40.00 LOWER. NO. 1 90/125 LBS. 92.50, 127.50 NO. 2 80/125 LBS. 62.50, 92.50 HOLSTEIN HEIF ERS: NO. 1 85/110 LBS. 295.00, 345.00 NO. 2 76 LBS. ONE AT 200.00, BEEF TYPE BULLS & HEIFERS 70/125 LBS. 102.50, 150.00, COUPLES 220, 240, 89.00. HOGS: 40. BARROW & GILTS STEADY TO 2.00 HIGHER. 49-54% 235/298 LBS. 49.25, 51.25 40-45% 240/275 LBS. 46.25, 47.00, 40-45% 177 LB. TWO AT 77.00. SOWS: 1-3 428/452 LBS. 34.35,36.75. FEEDER PIGS: S. 1-3 40 LBS. 41.00/HD. SHEEP: 30. GOOD & CH 60/85 LBS. 57.50, 68.00, FEEDER LAMBS GD&CH 50/60 LBS. 25.00, 45.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP 15.00,25.00. GOATS: 6. LARGE WETHERS 37.50,57.50. KIDS: SMALL 2 AT 22.50. i* 717-273-4544 Fax 717-273-5186 Lancaster Holstein Field Day Held MICHELLE RANCK Staff Writer LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.) Recently Lancaster County Holstein Association held its annual Field Day at Trout Springs Farm, hosted by the John Kreider family and managing partner Dennis Kauffman. Kelvin Hatch of Co lumbia and Greg Wenger of Quarryville co-chaired the event that was attended by almost 300 people. In the annual judging contest Kenneth Myer, Elizabethtown, took first place in the men’s divi sion, followed by David Wenger, Manheim. Lena Martin of Eph rata took first in the ladies’ divi sion with Deb Hershey of Mount Joy second. In the youth divi sion, Karla Neff of Strasburg Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces Cut Your Heating Costs With Our Outdoor Furnace • Standard Model Burns Wood, Coal or Wood by-products • Multi-Fuel Model Burns Wood, Coal, Oil or Gas Adapts to any existing heat system Installation & Auessonis Asailabk Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 24. 2000-A37 placed first with Wesley Martin, Ephrata, second. The judging contest attracted almost 200 participants. Participants judged three classes of four cows, differing in ages from heifer to two-year olds and aged cows. Jill Hoover, Lancaster’s newly-inaugurated alternate Dairy Princess, spoke at the event. Because of rain the event was moved to the barn. Children who attended the event were treated to an obstacle course. In the timed event participants drove a small riding tractor with a wagon around a course and finished by backing the tractor in. Grand prize was the riding tractor. The event was held 34 years ago by the John Kreider family. PiSWiViHEI Gettysburg-New Oxford [717) 624-3639 (717) 624-418 J