Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 24, 2000, Image 20
STMINSTER, Md. On , the Environmental Pro- Agency (EPA) an :ed an agreement that will ic out” the over-the er sale and home, lawn, arden use of the insecticide jyrifos, commonly known irsban. It will likewise be 8 ►n w .>T -w *’* *U~il&r - ( ,. ' A ( 'l v >' \r 1 v| 1 *i\ )I J v ■'\ -*J vt •} '% s j < ■* v >^f '• <■ ,•*■*> V f t r J' 1 V'I*’ 1 *’ 1 i i J ])af) KftlQ 11 * "’ ' ' ' , ■* I .’ ..s.Jh;^mL£ >.**“ C;. ’ i ' A V r c A;, t i , f Boring Excavating Backhoe L & N Zimmerman Boring & Excavating 2 Moonstown Lane Ph. 717-949-2192 Newmanstown, PA Fax 717-949-2634 17073 Mobile 269-2190 Kevin Wilcox Breeding Program Specialist Sh)! yfaww Wo//: 1 -800-424-3639 phased out of all products for schools and parks. Dursban has been one of the most commonly used insecti cides for over three decades and is an ingredient of sprays and powders for everything from ants, cockroaches, and grubs to mosquitoes, termites, and Grading Hauling Bob Landis Area Sales Rep. V f ■*,> t %<***■ > * Building Remodeling 717-665-5572 CONCRETE WALLS, INC. 531 Hollander Rd. • New Holland, PA Contact Roy Sensenig 717-355-0726 wasps. Another formulation of chlorpyrifos is used in many ag ricultural settings. Many of these agricultural uses will be significantly curtailed as a result of the EPA’s decision. After the chemical officially goes off the market, homeown ers will still be able to buy sev- my Ventilation System, Side Wall Curtain System. Built by Rutt Builders of Manheim, PA, Builtf e f s Harold & Gary 1685 Baker Rd. Manheim, PA 17545 Fax: 717-665-5865 eral other insecticides. People ask, “What next? Are there other ways to deal with pests?” Integrated Pest Management (IPM) offers the whole spectrum of control options, with an em phasis on reducing risks to humans and the environment. IPM an approach to pest con- sJSiKssl 4 MW'' UiseaWfe vVvinßßMMft*J>dlH jLy.*y| <■ » 'i* Agriculture Residential ANIMAL NUTRITION DIVISION 320 North 16th Street Lebanon, PA mm-4459[ uwbL^2 Ken Otis Dairy Management Consultant Res: 717/926-0062 Mi Mountain View lnc. OLD RT. 22, HAMBURG, M 19526 (610) 488*1025 • Fax (610) 488*7314 (wtsTwmjfsUflcg) trol that combines a variety of methods to prevent pest damage. For years IPM Pro grams have been working on ef fective, multi-tactic approaches that will continue to work even if any one tactic for instance, an oft-used pesticide like Durs ban is lost. In the home and a®,', Mr smk -m Scraper, 405 Park Drive Carlisle, PA 17013 1-800-645-MILK ss ,: f 3! f <; *4* ,