Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 24, 2000, Image 147
:hi Cl ihi ill ihi luahua Puppies, shots AKC rea. Rottweiler dud- r-: : & wormed, purebred, pies shots wormed § a * e: York 42x30x25, rnfextnJa?Sfi“ S* SSSScST 7T7-656-UB2. IV Vai,ab,e ' Shih-Tztt - 2 way mixes, especially Cockapoos, Ltiasapoos and Verkiefroes. in ret mo re." PUPPICS UIPNTCD All kinds - AKC, Pure and Mixed \ Call Randy 570/822-2033 jtm I need & buy pups every week MkLjMk Will pick up - very dependable Or iBBi Fair price paid WANTED AKC Puppies and Cute Mixed Breeds For Resale Pampered Pup Kennels (800) 307-7877 Jack Russell puppies, 8 wks old. No Sunday calls 717/859-2248. AKC Yellow Lab, Males, (1) 5 yr old Proven Stud, (1) Vh yr old. Champion Bloodlines. ExcTemper mant. 717-865-9750 AKC Bloodhound puppies, 2 males, 3 females $5OO/ ea. avail 7/1.717-432-1084 AKC purebred German Shephard pups, 6 wks old. Ans serv 717-442-9815. Wanted: AKC Lab pups. Call Kurt 508/801-3722. Lassies 6 mo-2 yrs, loving friend, herd or breed, kid/f arm grown, $75. 717/589-7748. AKC English Springer Spanial Pups- ready 6/ 27/00. Black/white, Liver/White. hunting Stock. 610-683-5428 Border Collie puppies, im ported bloodline, farm 'aised, Reg ABC. U 7-243-0798 after 7pm Australian Shepherd pup pies for sale, 8 wks 6/24. 610-799-5593. FREE KITTENS to good homes 717-445-7965 AKC Norweigen Elkhound pups, 7 wks, 2f, 3m. 717-665-4387 AKC Samoyed female, 3 vrs old, good farm dog, $60.717/768-8977. Kennel Runs, chain link, custom built, any size using heavy materials. 570/822-7820. AKC Collie Stud Service Nice Markings, from good stock 717/284-5146 1 3 tractors for sale *restore collectible tractors WANTED (2) AC-1 good for arts only, the other Allis WC vintage, used 2 years ago. Rottweiler (1) IH, same vintage, used 3 years ago Puppies Tractors located in Wiconisco. After 6 pm for appt. Will Pick Up (570) 385-1500 Call Lillian IBIj I<<KKW<W7OI |j| * ure wantedTj { PUPPIES j I Pure & Mixed Litter | I lots for resale for j 1 companion pets j } JACK’S DOG I t FARM | I US*7M4BOZ { } °* I { XIS-766 8840 i J lwv« maissge \ » i ■ > ■< »■> »iiirfaii»'>e j jcU miscellaneous Catch More Fish. This re ally works and is easy to make at home. For info send S.A.S.E. to: Marty Grams, F>OB 189, Delta, PA 17314 (2) conveyors: 8'8"lxl8”w, 10'lxl2"w incline Rapid Standard SJAIO-BV3, $1,200 080. 215-654-9237. Viking 990 computer, sewing machine, new wheel chair lift. 717-597-2292. 12' long metal forming roller, non hydraulic, good for tanks $1,500. 1845 Case skid loader, bad gas motor $3,200. 610-273-2423 Eves and weekends. 20' Meat Display Case w/Compressor $525; 12' Dairy Case 717-445-5420 Conveyor rollers, 105'x12" in 10' sections, 45° & 90° turns w/adj. supports, good condition, $lOOO. 814-942-3821 evenings. Table top cream separa tors, good working condi tion. Aden M Wengerd, RR2, Box 462, Mifflmtown, PA 17059. LIVE GAME FISH Rngerling r und Adults Large and Small Mouth oldest Fish Bass Spotted and Rock Bass Bream Crappies Trout, Channel Cats, Bullheads Walleyes Perch Minnows “ Northerns, Pickerel Muskies Red Gills Mullets Carp, . Eels. Turtles Frogs, Israeli Carp Also Aquatic Plants and Water Lilies EDUCATIONAL CATALOG $2 00 mFyf • Truck, Air and Parcel Post Delivery Km ZETTS FISH HATCHERIES Kmu mhsu P 0 BOX 239, DRIFTING, PENN* 16*34 specialists Phone *l4-345-5357 [CWJ ANTIQUES tt , 1970 Corvette, 2 tops, 350-350 HP 4 spd., £ AC, Num. -Match original yellow, £ j new tires, new brakes. * « Bert Offer Over $16,000. « Plastic pipe 500 ft. rolls 3/4" 7C a ft, 1 1/4" 32C, 4" 70C, 6" SI. 20 ft. long greenhouse loops 8' $B, 12' $lO while supply lasts. Samuel F. Stdtzfus, 514 Lee's Bridge Road, Not tingham, PA 19302. Mobile home axles, 10', like new, wheels, springs, brakes, 595/ea;. 8' $7O/ ea. 410-658-4351. Reefer unit, electric & die sel, for a small room, $6OO 080. 717-768-7376. Bulk bag filling machine, used for food products to fill bags, 30 bu. bin, 4" auger, 12' length, very good cond., $4OO 080. Call Merle 717-354-4936. Free 100+ ton shredded demolition wood. Great for boiler fuel. 717-464-4461 Iv message. 125 hp electric motor, U.S. Motors, 3ph, 440 V, 151 AMP, 445 frame, 1800 RPM, off backup sprin kler system, very little use, $l5OO obo. Can deliv er. Cumberland Co. 717-776-5227 eves Bag house dust collector, 15,000 cfm Jet pulse unit, ready to load. Located in New Holland, $6OOO. 717/263-6524. WANTED Old Timothy and/or Orchard grass hay (round or square bales) for comosfing in mushroom business. 717-933-4111 between 6am-6pm for more info 11,000 gal. fiberglass tank, ll'D, 11H A-l condition, make offer. York Co. 717/632-5957. JD 640 log skidder; Mead ows portable sawmill. 717/987-3535 after 9pm. Flea market business in ventory, will separate. Tractor tee shirts, nostal gic tin road signs, paint ings, etc. 973-579-3595. Wood heat. Clean, safe and efficient Central Boil er OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE. Heats multiple buildings. Available in car bon steel & titanium en hanced stainless. Call Kenneth Stauffer 570/ 539-4606,888/539-4606. R-Us Fish Farm * ; Healthy Beautiful Koi jS' ' Buy Direct From The £ J Breeders - Parent Koi . W On Premises . 215-536-6076 I or pu kup plcasf allow 24 hr noficv 1 % HVM AUTOS •1998 FORD WINSTAR GL, 43,000 Miles, Green, V 6 Auto, Dual Air & Heat, Elec Windows & Locks, Cruise, Tilt, AM/FM $15,500 •1998 MERCURY VILLAGER GS, 37,000 Miles, Black, V 6 Auto, Dual Air/Heat, Elec Wmdows/Locks, Cruise, Tilt, AM/FM Cass $16,900 •1999 CHEVY ASTRO AWD, 24,000 Miles, Teal, V 6 Auto, Dual Air, Cruise, Tilt, Elec Wmdows/Locks, , Cass AM/FM $17,900 •1997 GMC SAFARI AWD, 67,000 Miles, Teal, 4.3' Auto, Elec. Wmdows/Locks, Cruise, Tilt, AM/FM Cass, Dutch Doors $12,900 •1997 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY LX, 34,000 Miles, Purple, 3.8 Auto, Elec. Wmdows/Locks, Cruise, Till, Dual Air/Heat, AM/FM Cass $15,900 •1995 FORD AEROSTAR XLT, 4x4 36,000 Miles, Red, 4 0 Auto, Elec Windows/Locks, Cruise, Tilt, Dual Air/Heat, AM/FM Cass, Quad Seating...sl3,ooo •1994 PLYMOUTH GRAND VOYAGER SE AWD, 56,000 Miles, Black, 3 3 Auto, Elec, Wmdows/Locks Cruise, Tilt, Dual Air/Heat, AM/FM Cass .$9,400 •1993 CHEVY ASTRO EXT, 113,000 Miles, Black. V 6 Auto, Dual Air, Cruise, Tilt, Elec Wmdows/Locks, Cass... $5,000 •1992 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX, 82,000 Miles, White, 4 Door, 3 1 Auto, Air, Cruise, Tilt, Elec Wmdows/Locks, . $4,500 •1988 PLYMOUTH CARAVAN, 120,000 Miles, Black ... .. $2,500 •1985 CHEVY CONVERSION, 106,000 Miles, Brown, V 8 Auto, Air. . .. .... .. $2,600 •1979 BUICK LaSABER, 96,000 Miles, White, V 8 Auto, One Owner $1,200 Melard’s Truck & Auto Sales (717) 738-4870 TRUCKS AND TRAILERS 1980 Mack 10 wheeler dump, 300,10 speed w/1 way 11-1/2’snowblade $11,500 1979 Chevy €7O dump 36b, 5+2 speed, w/Myers 10’ 2-way blade, tailgate salt cinder $3,500 Ford F 350, 4x6, Boss V-plow, in-bed salt cinder $9,500 Austin Western 6 wheel drive articulating grader, 11’ 1-way blade on front, 11’ wing plow, Detroit power Fiat Allis 7458 articulating loader. , 1980 Load King fold down detach trailer, double drop, 24’ well, I 717-657-1 A LESSON WELL LEARNED... Lancaster Farming's CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! Phone 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164 $11,500 $13,500 $7,500 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 24, 2000-D27 1992 Ford LBOOO, 5-Spd. - 2 Spd. Rear, 2,500 gal. tank, 92,000 mi., Excellent condition. $40,000 610/826-4381 1996 Ford F 450, AC, standard shift. 119,000 mi, w/11 ’ Knapheide mechanic body, 5000# Lift More crane, 35 CFM hyd compressor, white color, $20,000. 1995 Ford F 450, AC, standard shift, 154,000 mi, w/11’ Dommator body, 6000# IMT crane, 35 CFM I M T hyd compressor, $19,000. 1996 Ford F 450, AC, standard shift, 1 80,000 mi, w/11 ’ Dommator IMT body, 6000# I M.T crane, 25 CFM I.M.T. compressor, $22,000. Contact John Davis L B. Smith 410/799-9010 Pump And Hoist, $1,500 | I 570-683*5411 | SEISIN IS IS IHISIIJLHISIHISIHISIHIH y Jl I ‘B7 DM Mack Long WB 18 Front 6 Spd , ] I 44 Rears, 300 Eng | ‘94 Int 9400 Cab Can Be Used Day Cab i or Sleeper $2,500 I I* Engines 400 Cummins, Mack 285, 237 Detroit, 11 238, Case 504, Cat 3176 Low Miles, J 3406 A, 3208, Int S Model Cab & Front For f 2500 Series $1,500 * (10) 11x24.5 Alum Rims Other rims Budd & I Daton Mack Rears 38,000-44,000 (44,000 * Flat Axle, Late) 58,000 Mack Air 6 Spd & } 2 Stick & 5 Spd. Alum. Fuel Tanks & More I JD 690 With Labondy Grapple. $17,500 t 102” Trailer Axle Tag -A-Long Axle 20” I Hap’s Truck Parts I Evenings 1-800-839-3338 I Call Day 610-858-4092 I USED TRUCKS FOR SALE 1996 FORD F 450, Diesel, 5-Spd , 8 Ft Flatbed, 122 K Miles Coming In 1995 FORD F 350 4x4, Diesel, 5 Spd , A/C, 134,000 Miles, Black $17,900 1994 FORD F 450 SUPER DUTY, 12' Box, 5 Spd Diesel, No Air, 68,000 Miles $14,500 1993 CHEV. SUBURBAN 1500 4x4, AT, 106 K miles, black $13,500 1992 Dodge Dakota Club Cab, 4x4 AT, A/C, Most Options, 87,000 Miles $6,900 1 989 FORD F 250 4x4,302 VB, 5 Speed $6,900 1987 CHEV. C3O DUALLY, Bft Bed Setup for Towing 4 Spd, 2WD No A/C $5,500 SCHAEFFERSTOWN AUTO & TRUCK SALES Rt. 501, 1-1/2 miles South of Schaefferstown 717-949-2812 "1 tn