Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 10, 2000, Image 8
AB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 10, 2000 fio 1 ■ 3^ No Division A house divided against itself cannot stand,” Abraham Lincoln said on June 16, 1858. He had just thrown his hat into the ring with the Republicans, who were emerging as the antislavery advocates of the time. Lincoln had been nominated for the U.S. Senate, oppos ing Stephen Douglas, and the two gave a series of public debates in Illinois to jft showcase their positions. On the subject of slavery, Lincoln was eloquent and logical. Not only was slavery unjust, he argued, but if allowed to continue with no restrictions, it would eventually undermine the jobs of all free laborers. “In giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to the free,” Lincoln told Congress in December 1862. BaJ promises are better broken than kept. -Abe Lincoln »*■ Spray your shower curtain with vinegar to deter mildew. Sweet Mustard Pickles 12 cucumbers, sliced 1 cauliflower, washed and cut into florets 3 pounds small onions, sliced 1/2 cup salt (or less) 1-1/3 cups flour 6 cups sugar 1 tablespoon turmeric 4 tablespoons dry mustard 2 quarts (or more) apple cider vinegar Clean and trim vegetables and sprinkle with salt. Let stand overnight. In It delivers safe, clean, thermostatically controlled heat for your home, barn, business, workshop, garage, pool, greenhouse, and more Mount Joy Farmers Co-o 1471 W. Main Street^M* Now Serving 10 Counties Mount Joy Remains Interested In Top-Notch Farms With High Quality Grade A Milk. With 300 Farms, We Maintain Our Commitment To The Local Area By Providing A High Pay Check Farmer Controlled Market • Quality Premiums • Our Own Trucking • Over Order Premiums • Dividend Checks the morning, rinse and dram. Combine dry ingredients, blend in the vinegar, and cook until thickened, stirring. Pour this over the vegetables, adding more vinegar, if nec essary, to cover. Sim mer for 30 minutes, then process in steril ized glass jars. Makes 4 to 6 quarts.' 1 T 80p?86p-6569* ? . # OLD FARMER’S WEATHER PROVERBS if sailors see a cat who appears playful on hoard ship, they say the cat has a gale of wind in her tail. if St. Vitus's Day (June 15) be rainy weather, it will rain for thirty days together. Previous to St. John s Day (June 24), we dare not praise the barley. m I j. Pnadotcena, Westminster Livestock Hagerstown, Maryland Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, June 6,2000 SLAUGHTER COWS: 71 HEAD, STEADY. UTILITY 38.50-43.00, HIGH DRESSING TO 44.50, 1 AT 47.75, CANNERS 36.00-40.00, SHELLY 36.00 DOWN. BULLS: 8 HEAD. YG#l 1200-1800 LBS. 50.00-57.75,1 2274 LBS. AT 49.50; YG#2 AND 3 2000-2500 LBS. 44.00- 46.00. FED STEERS: 38 HEAD, 1.00-2.00 HIGHER. HIGH CHOICE TO PRIME 1100-1475 LBS. 71.50-73.75, CHOICE #2-3 1000-1450 LBS. 68.00-71.00, 1 PR. HOLSTEINS 1206 LBS. AT 66.25, CHOICE #2 AND 3 1100-1300 LBS. 60.00-61.50. FED HEIFERS: 10 HEAD. CHOICE 1100-1350 LBS. 69.00-70.00,11086 LBS. AT 65.00. VEAL CALVES: 93 HEAD. CHOICE TO PRIME 300-350 LBS. 101.00-103.00, CULLS 70-110 LBS. 25.00-40.00, HOL STEIN BULLS RETURNING TO FARM 20.00 LOWER. #1 90-120 LBS. 155.00- 80-90 LBS. 115.00- 130.00, #2 90-120 LBS. 100.00-150.00, WEAKER 80-120 LBS. 50.00-90.00; HOSLTEIN HEIFERS #1 90-110 LBS. 300.00- #2 180.00-250.00, BEEF X BULLS 105 LBS. TO 160.00, 80-90 LBS. 117.00-142.00. BUTCHER HOGS: 76 HEAD, STEADY. #1 AND 2 230-265 LBS. 43.00, 1 LOT 290 LBS. AT 39.00, #1 AND 3 190-215 LBS. 38.00-39.00. SOWS: 14 HEAD. 300-400 LBS. 31.00-32.00, 400-500 LBS. 32.00-35.00, 500-700 LBS. 36.50-39.50. BOARS: 500-750 LBS. 12.00-14.00. STOCK CATTLE: 60 HEAD. STEERS 400-600 LBS. 84.00-95.00,600- 700 LBS. 2 AT 90.00. HEIFERS: 500-700 LBS. 76.00-88.00, 700-800 LBS. 63.00-79.00. BULLS: 200-400 LBS. TO 98.00, 400- 600 LBS. 80.00-89.00, 600-750 LBS. 68.00- 850-1000 LBS. 69.00-71.00. SHEEP: 65 HEAD, 5.00-8.00 LOWER. 20.00-34.00; FEW 38.00-54.00. LAMBS: 81 HEAD, CHOICE LIGHTWEIGHTS HIGHER. CHOICE 90-120 LBS. 84.00-95.00, 60-90 LBS* 88.00- FEW TO 105.00, 30-60 LBS. 95.00-118.00, MED. TO GOOD 30- 70 LBS. 75.00-85.00. GOATS: 87 HEAD. 3 LARGE BIL LIES 112.00-124.00, NANNIES 60.00- 75.00, MED. BILLIES 60.00-73.00, NANNIES 40.00-65.00, FLESHY KIDS 35.00-50.00, SMALL 13.00-30.00. PIGS AND SHOATS: 93 HEAD. BY THE HEAD 20-35 LBS. 25.00-31.00. BY THE LB. STRONGEST DEMAND FOR HEAVYWEIGHTS, 4 HEAD 24 LBS. AT 76.00, 18 HEAD 30-45 LBS. 80.00-100.00, 11 HEAD 50 LBS. AT 93.00,17 HEAD 60-75 LBS. 69.00-76.00, 10 HEAD 80-99 LBS. 65.00-75.00, 10 HEAD 100-120 LBS. 65.00-74.00, 140- 200 LBS. 45.00-54.00. STOCK BOARS: 225-300 LBS. 20.00- 27.00. Greencastle Livestock Greencastle, Pa. 5 June 2000 Report Supplied By USDA CATTLE CALVE HOGS SHEEP GOATS MONDAY 293 476 34 LAST MONDAY Not Available CATTLE No comparison with last Monday's auction SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 2-4 few 1295-1405 lbs 73 75- 74 75 Choice 2-3 1160-1410 lbs 69 00- 73 50 Select 1-3 few 63 75-68 00 HOLSTEIN STEERS Choice 2-3 few 1375-1560 lbs 59 25-61 00 Select 1-2 55 25-58 25 Standard 1-2 couple 45 GO -51 50 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 2- 4 1035-1345 lbs 68 00-73 25 Select 1-3 OPPORTUNITY for ADDITIONAL FARM INCOME EJeNGER • ADAMS • LEBANON • CUMBERLAND • MIFFLIN • FRANKLIN • PERRY • FULTON • SCHULYKILL • HUNTINGDON • SNYDER • JUNIATA • YORK If you are interested in developing a swine production operation, Wenger*s Feed Mill, Inc. can offer you: ✓ The support necessary to begin the project, ✓ Technical support to maintain an efficient and environmentally-conscious operation, ✓ Feed programs to provide profitable results. To further explore this opportunity, please contact: BILL NEILSON, 1-800-692-6008 few 62 00-66 00 Standard 1-2 few 52 75- 56 75 SLAUGHTER COWS Breakers 75- 80 pet lean 41 00-45 75 Boners 80-85 pet lean 39 00-43 75, low dressing 37 00- 38 75 Lean 85-90 pel lean 33 00-41 50 Shells down to 26 50 SLAUGHTER BULLS Yield Grade 1 1450-2130 lbs 54 00-58 00, few up to 65 75 Yield Grade 2 few 1125-1750 lbs 49 00-54 50 FEEDER STEERS Medium 1 individual 685 lbs 76 00 Large 2 individual 570 lbs 66 00 FEEDER HEIFERS- Medium and Large 1 few 495-770 lbs 77 00-85 00 Large 2 mdiv7Bo lbs 60.00. FEEDER BULLS Medium and Large 1 few 365-545 lbs 93 00-10400, individual 780 lbs 59 00 Medium and Large 2 few 370 lbs 82 00 VEALERS Good few 130-140 lbs 89 00-115 00 Standard and Good 70-115 lbs 30 00-46 00 Utility 50-90 lbs 12 00- 28 00 RETURNED TO FARM Holstein bulls Number I 90-125 lbs 125 00-165 00, few early up to 190 00, 80-90 lbs 85 00- 120 00 Number 2 80-125 lbs 80 00- 135 00, few down to 50 00 Holstein heifers Number 1 85-105 lbs 280 00- 35000 Number 2 70-100 lbs 105 00- 250 00 Beef type bulls and heifers 90- 100 lbs 130 00-174 00, 170-190 lbs 102 50-115 00 BARROWS AND GILTS 40-45 pet lean Few 245-280 lbs 39 50-42 50 SOWS US 1-3 350-465 lbs 28 00-34 75 500-635 lbs 32 50-4000 48 102 Not Available BOARS 440-820 lbs 12 25- 14 50 Individual 200 lbs 27 50 SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice few 30-40 lbs 77 50-87 50, individual 127 50, 50-80 lbs 90 00-110 00, 90-130 lbs 88 00-90 00 Good and Choice few 70-80 lbs 77 00-89 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP Utility 1-3 26 00-42 50 GOATS All sold per head Billies Large 71 00-117 50 Medium 57 00-80 00 Nannies Large 54 00-81 00 Medium 33 00-62 50 Kids Large 24 00-49 00 Small 23 00-26 00, few 4 00 In Association With