Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 10, 2000, Image 58
Crowl Looks Forward To York Dairy Princess Reign Joyce Bupp York Co. Correspondent YORK (York Co.) “Drink ing milk will help keep you from getting all bent out of shape,” said Heather Crowl, York Coun ty’s newly-crowned dairy prin cess. The 18-year-old Airville young woman will wear the sparkling tiara as York Coun ty’s 2000-2001 milk promoter, following the annual county dairy industry pageant held May 27 at the York 4-H Center. Named to serve with her on the dairy promotion court are dairy ambassadors Heather Baum gardner and Janet Yohe, dairy maid Amanda Hoover, dairy misses Jolee Anstine and Amy Baumgardner, and little dairy misses Katie Baumgardner and Amber Thoman. Heather is the daughter of Joyce and Ellis Crowl and a gra duating senior at Red Lion Area High School, where she is active in the FFA program. A veteran cattle exhibitor with her own string of 20 head, most of them registered Milking Shorthorns, Heather is a member of the Milk and Money 4-H Club and parti cipates in numerous regional show events. One of her lifetime goals is to have her own small farm where she can raise her fa vorite red and white cattle. Heather’s presentation on milk and osteoporosis as part of the pageant program competi tion reflected Heather’s interest in the medical industry. She plans to attend Yorktowne Busi ness Institute to study for a career as a medical assistant. “Take care of your bones, and they will take care of you,” Heather admonished the pag eant audience, noting that most adults still do not consume ade quate amounts of calcium to prevent the crippling and pain ful symptoms of osteoporosis, or brittle bone disease. Citing cur rent medical statistics, the new princess warned that an esti mated 90 percent of women and 60 percent of men are consum ing inadequate amount of cal cium in their diets, and that “drinking milk is an investment in your bone bank.” Heather followed up her speech segment of the program with a skit demonstrating the brittleness of bones exposed to carbonated soft drinks, in com parison to the strength and flexi bility of those similarly exposed to milk. Dairy ambassador Heather Baumgardner is looking for ward to the chance to promote milk’s nutritional benefits and a greater awareness of the dairy industry to her own peer age group. Heather is 16 and the daughter of Daniel and Lori York Dairy Princess Heather Growl is supported in her dairy promotion activities by her parents, Joyce and Ellis Growl. Baumgardner, Dillsburg. Heather’s speech presentation related that the author of “Mur phy’s Law” (anything that can go wrong, will, and at the most inappropriate time) must have been a dairy farmer. She related that everyone especially dairy farmers, need to have faith, smile and dwell on pleasant things and their many blessings. Active with the family’s church puppet ministry. Heather presented a puppet show, using an original song about milk which she taped for the pageant competition. Janet Yohe, dairy ambassa dor, plans to continue her sev eral years of past work as part of the country’s dairy promotion team to further her communica tion skills. Sixteen-year-old Janet is the daughter of Jerry and Kathy Yohe, York, and a junior at Spring Grove Area High School. In her speech presentation pondering why people cease drinking milk, Janet outlined the numerous kinds of milk and dairy products available for varied diets and personal tastes. Echoing a renewed emphasis by national health/nutritional guidelines on the importance of exercise, Janet suggested that “exercise and milk should be part of everyone’s day.” Dressing up like a bride being wedded to a “stuffed” mannikin groom, Janet added a humorous touch to the usual marriage vows with assorted farm-related promises: not to complain about mud tracked across floors, not to complain when he was late from farm work and have dinner waiting, warm and still moist, understanding that eartags are more important in the farm fi nancial picture than earrings and, of course, to always use real dairy products. Dairy maid Amanda Hoover has also worked with the coun ty’s promotion team for the last few years and related to emcee 4-H/extension specialist Linda Spahr how she really likes to talk with the general public about the benefits of drinking milk. Amanda, 12, is the daugh ter of Paul and Rose Hoover, East Prospect, where the family tends a herd of 30 dairy goats. Reinforcing the speech by Heather Crowl, Amanda’s poster presentation focused on milk and osteoporosis, visually displaying statistics that one of every two women, and one of every three men, will develop os teoporosis as they age. Miss and little miss candi dates for the York dairy promo tion team are each required to present a short, original poem about the industry. Dairy miss Jelee Anstine, 8, aptly recited a Heather Growl, York County Dairy Princess 2000-2001, along with her assembled court, is looking forward to a busy year of promotion activities. With princess Heather are little dairy misses, Katie Baumgardner, left, and Amber Thoman. Rear, from left, are dairy miss, Amy Baumgardner, dairy ambassador Janet Yohe, dairy maid Amanda Hoover, dairy ambassador Heather Baumgardner, and dairy miss Jelee Anstine. rhyme about how milk “makes you smart.” Jelee is the daugh ter of Charles and Lynn Anstine, York, and a second-year dairy miss. Dairy miss Amy Baum gardner, 9, added a new twist to the old favorite Dr. Seuss “Green Eggs and Ham” poem, presenting a similar cadence of rhyming words about her favor ite heifer calf, Sam. Little dairy misses are Amber Thoman, 6, daughter of Gail and Gary Thoman, Dallastown, and Kathryn “Katie” Baum gardner, S, sister to Heather and Amy. “I hope I made a difference,” Lebanon County Three Lebanon County 4-H members were awarded $1,000.00 scholarships during a recent meeting of the 4-H Board of Directors. Rachael Krall, Leb anon; Ann Leed, Myerstown; and Ellen Leuenberger, Her shey, were selected based on their 4-H experience, commu nity involvement, and academic achievement. Rachael Krall is the daughter of Linda and Richard Krall. She will be a freshman at Ship pensburg this fall and will major in biology. A member of both the 4-H Friends and NoSoAnn Dairy 4- H Clubs, Rachael has partici pated in the 4-H program for the past ten years. She has held vari ous club offices and has com bined her interest in agriculture with many community projects. A senior at Cedar Crest High School, Rachael is a member of the National Honor Society. “My participation in 4-H has taught me patience and dedica tion while encouraging self mo tivation,” Rachael said in explaining her 4-H experiences. Ann Leed is the daughter of Nancy and Robert Leed. She will be a freshman animal sci- reflected outgoing princess Re becca Kilgore, whose dairy prin cess role will continue through September, fulfilling promotion opportunities as a state alternate winner. Becky especially thanked her dad, Doug, for funding all the gas she used for her travels, her mom, Pam, for her enthusiastic promotion ideas and her seven-year-old brother, Christopher, for his affectionate hugs each time she left their home to attend an event. Outgoing alternate county princess Michelle Walker noted the influence which dairy pro motion has played in her life, adding that “my kids are going to drink milk.” Michelle’s activi- 4-H ence major at lowa State Uni versity this fall. A member of the 4-H Beef and Sheep clubs, Ann has been an active member of the county livestock judging team. She has shown her livestock projects at the Lebanon Area Fair, as well as the PA Farm Show. A senior at ELCO High School, Ann is active in the FFA chapter and National Honor Society. “Through 4-H I have a wide variety of friends from different schools and backgrounds. My travels with 4-H have allowed me to develop friendships state wide,” said Ann. “Not only are these friendships cherished, but they taught me the ability to make friends.” Ellen Leuenberger is the daughter of Paul and Urs Leuenberger. She will be a fresh man at the University of Vir ginia majoring in science this fall. A senior at Hershey High School, Ellen is a member of chorus and band, the National Honor Society, and the Thespian Society. Ellen credits 4-H with provid ing her “many opportunities that will help me to make a dif ference in the world. The confi dence gained through public ties with milk promotion as sisted her in developing leadership skills which contrib uted to her selection as a student at this summer’s upcoming Gov ernor’s School. York County’s dairy princess and promotion team are enthu siastic and anxious about getting out to meet the general public and spread their message about, the benefits of milk and dairy' foods. To schedule speeches and/or appearances by the dairy princess and her promotion team, contact booking chairman Lori Baumgardner at (717) 432- 3169 or coordinator Gail Thoman at (727) 428-1832. speaking and leadership experi ences are major assets. Each 4-H member received a $l,OOO check and a certificate from the Lebanon County 4-H Trust Fund. Youth between the ages of 8 and 18 are eligible to join the 4-H program, which en courages “leam-by-doing” proj ects and activities. For more information, contact Lebanon County Extension Office at 270- 4391. Cumberland Co. Dairy The Cumberland County Wide 4-H Dairy Club meeting was held on May 8 at the John Stover family farm. After the meeting was called to order and the officers’ reports were read, President Thomas Harwood asked the County Council to give a committee report. Zach Travis talked about the election of new officers, which included Any Kaucher as president and Zach Travis as vice president. Leader Kathy Walton ex plained Speak Out Night and went over things in News and Notes. She also handed out new project books. Donald Harwood announced that dairy judging (Turn to Pago B 19)