Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 10, 2000, Image 51
High-Value Marketing Meeting June 1 7 MANHEIM (Lancaster Co.) Producers and beginning farmers who would like to learn about establishing high-value crops, subscription marketing, and bringing the next generation into their farm business are in vited to attend a Pennsylvania Farm Link-sponsored meeting at Pheasant Hill Farm in Emmaus June 17 from 9 a.m. to 11a.m. The meeting will take place at the farm and include a presenta tion by owners, George and Mel anie DeVault, on how they got started in farming, their farm’s products, and their marketing plan and strategy. This year the DeVault’s are providing 75 families with fresh vegetables through their sub scription service and 25 families with subscription cut flowers. Don Devault, their son, will dis cuss his work in the hoop house and greenhouse and how he has expanded his production in I k \ t I I I I ft " tv • P.S. - Don’t Forget Your Father-In-Law! IV. PLEASE SEND MY FATHER LANCASTER FARMING Jtl I pa, md, oe, (Check one) !«& NY, VA It WV (unecnone; Vi| llt £ *32.00 -1 YEAR □ NEW SUBSCRIPTION mQO> a $61.00-2 YEARS *U| ■Ti OTHER STATES □ RENEWAL JZm rn fk a $43.00 -1 YEAR igr m \ □ $83.00 - 2 YEARS ENCLOSED IS A it . ' * iv □ CHECK □ CASH □ MONEY ORDER □ VISA □MC □ DISC. C ( _ . (To help correctly codo your addras, plaaaa furnish COMPLETE address. Aa an example, Include number of the USk- IV dwelHnp, street name, city and state. When appropriate. Include other specific Information such as suite, I | \ apartment, floor, box number, etc If you have an P.D. please include Bos Number) | Wj NAME yj IST ADDRESS ■y CITY STATE | ZIP +4 ; COUNTY fK Send Gift Card From / j Credit Card # Send us your coupon now with your payment to: Lancaster Farming P.O. Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 Allow 2 weeks for delivery of your first issue. We can also add 1 year to existing subscriptions sent in for renewal. rf these facilities to generate year round production and income. They will talk about how family communications affect the suc cess of an intergenerational farm business. Information on marketing trends and tips for developing subscription and/or community supported agriculture markets will be included in the meeting. To complete the morning, Farm Link will offer information on their services and a preview of upcoming activities and events. To get to Pheasant Hill Farm from the west, take Rt. 100 and 29 south from the Shimerville light to Main Road West. Bear to the right at the “Y” and go straight until you come to Main Subscription Price: $32.00 per year; $61.00 - 2 years $43.00 per year outside of: PA, NJ, OH, MD, DE, NY, VA & WV Road East. The DeVault’s are four-tenths of a mile ahead on the right, directly opposite a large stone barn. From the east near Lanark, travel on Vera Cruz Road for 4.7 miles until you reach Main Road East and travel on that for about a half mile. Contact Pennsylvania Farm Link at 717-664-7077 by June 16 to let them know of your planned attendance to this free meeting and for additional in formation on other marketing events. Farm Link is sponsoring a series of marketing meetings to assist beginning farmers and others looking for marketing op portunities. month a to ONCE A DAY DOES PAY More than 30 million Americans consume milk just once a day (mainly at breakfast or \\W%» dinner), but they drive nearly | \A O* / 20% of total fluid milk volume, or || $ 1.2 billion gallons. ->?* Source Dairy Management. Inc Thomas The Tank Engine Rides To Railroad Museums (NAPS) —All aboard l A beloved children’s storybook tram is riding the rails to visit railway museums across the country. Thomas the Tank Engine, star of the children’s series, Storytime With Thomas , and the upcoming feature film, Thomas and the Magic Railroad, will be generat ing sparks of excitement and steam in a program called a Day Out With Thomas. For children and grown ups, Day Out With Thomas events offer a chance to visit the magical world of Thomas & Fnends", plus a chance to experience the fim and excite ment of steam engines and railroading The railway museum at which each event is based becomes an extension of Thomas’ home, the mythical Island of Sodor. Visitors play games, watch videos, interact with unique exhibits and enjoy Thomas-themed entertain ment overseen by Thomas’ firm but kiiidly boss, Sir Ttapham Hatt. The program began with a few small events in the United Kingdom in 1990 These events were so enthu siastically received that by 1999, there were 110 UK events with more than 440,000 visitors. A similar program began in the U.S. in December of 1996 at the National Railroad Museum in Green Bay, WI. Last year, the U.S. 26-event tour introduced more than 275,000 fans to Thomas and his friends. The Britt Allcroft Company has one licensed “Thomas” replica engine, an actual 55- Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 10, 2000-811 Fans all over the country will have a chance to visit Thomas the Tank Engine this year. ton steam engine, operated by the Strasburg Rail Road in Strasburg, PA The museum hires out their licensed replica for tourist rail roads and museums across the country This year, Thomas the Tank Engine will make stops at Cuyahoga Scenic Valley, Independence, OH, May 26- 29 Strasburg Rail Road, Strasburg, PA, June 10-18 B &0 Railroad Museum, Baltimore, MD, July 8-16 Great Smoky Mountains, Dillsboro, NC, July 29-Aug. 6 Illinois Railway Museum, Union IL, Aug 19-20 & 26-27 Strasburg Rail Road, Strasburg, PA, Sept 16-24 North Carolina Trans., Spencer, NC, October 6-8 & 20-22 Essex Steam Tram, Essex, CT, Nov. 4-5 & 11-12 Strasburg Rail Road, Strasburg, PA, Dec. 2 & 3 The Bntt Allcroft Company is a publicly traded interna tional entertainment media group quoted on the London Stock Exchange