Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 10, 2000, Image 47
Consuming Thoughts by Fay Strickler Penn State Extension Home Economist For Berks Co. The wholesome nutrition of wheat has long been recognized in the wheat flour products we enjoy each day. That same good ness remains complete and intact when the wheat kernel is cooked as a grain and served as cereal, or in side dishes, main dishes, salads, soups and desserts. Wheat kernels or berries are ex ceptionally easy to prepare since they do not become sticky or gummy. Their flavor is rich and nut-like and with a high fiber content, they are very satisfying. When comparisons are made between different grains, wheat maintains a high status. Wheat is low in fat, rich in siow-buming carbohydrates, vegetable protein, essential B-vitamins, and trace minerals. All play a vital role in digestion, an even energy supply, and utilization of fats, carbohy drates and other nutrients in the body’s system. . Let’s take a look at some of the types of wheat products. Wheat berry is the whole ker nel of wheat, unpolished and not heat treated. The berries or ker nels can be cooked whole for side or main dishes, cracked for cere als and breads, sprouted, or ground for whole wheat flour. Bulgur wheat is a pre-cooked wheat product made from whole I ’TvT Maintenance Free Railings For Porches, Decks or Balconies We have the expertise to design & create a system just to fit your need. Size, Different Styles Quality Workmanship ___ ____ VlN^v"tcuVV sJG Product Durability ,717-354-0524 ............. ‘ j,.,,. Customer Satisfaction IMjBW Holland PA UHU tlJllllllMl j|- HOT HOUSE Far Infrared Rays (FIR) Health Builder Within the magnetic spectrum, while some rays, such as light, can be seen by the unaided human eye, most are totally invisible to us. Far Infrared Rays (FIR) are well beyond the ability of the naked eye to see FIR is capable of penetrating deep into the human body It can gently and delightfully elevate the body's temperature When it does so, it helps to expand capillaries which stimulates blood circulation. This increases the body's energy reserve, and accelerates the metabolic exchange between blood and body tissue. That's not all' FIR can actually increase the body tissue's regenerative ability. It also reduces abnormalities in nervous system and helps the autonomous system function properly • Electronically Controlled & Safe. • Simple to Operate Small and Portable A Wider 160 Degree Heating Surfai 100% satisfaction guaranteed! © M KS HTE USA, INC kernel wheat commercially. Cracked wheat is coarsely ground unpolished wheat ker nels. it can be made in a blender or home mill. Cooking Whole Kernel Wheat: Note Use only commercially sold wheat berries or untreated wheat, clean from the combine. Soaking wheat overnight in the water it is to be cooked in, cuts cooking time in half in all the following methods. Salt may be used if desired, 'A to Vi teaspoon salt per cup of wheat. Stove Top Whole berries: 1 cup wheat to 3 cups water. Simmer covered 1 hour to 30 minutes if pre-soaked. Yields: 2 Vi cups wheat. Cracked wheat: 1 cup cracked wheat to 2 '/> cups boiling water. Cover and simmer 15 to 20 min utes. Let stand S minutes. Yields: 2 2 /i cups Crock Pot 2 cups wheat berries 4 cups water Place wheat and water in crock pot. Cover and cook on low about 8 hours. Stir once dur ing the first hour of cooking. Re frigerate and reheat just before serving or use in bread and cas serole recipes. Yields: S cups Oven-cooked Free Demonstration Leola Family Restaurant T June 19 7:00 PMr- For More Information 1-800-468-4909 717-354-4929 Leave Message In observance of June Dairy Month, Warren County Dairy Promotion will sponsor a dairy pageant at the 4-H Center, Warren Fairgrounds, Pittsfield, June 17, 8 p.m. Con testants for the dairy princess title are Tiffany Giikinson and Sarah Lindell. Tiffany is a 1999 graduate of Eisenhower High School. She lives on a 62-herd dairy farm, daughter of Rich and Vickie Giikinson, Lander. Sarah is the daughter of Trudy Lindell and the late Dennis Lindell, Lander. Sarah, who lives on a dairy farm, will graduate this month from Eisenhower High School. Those who attend the free pageant will be served milk punch and brownie sundaes. 1 cup wheat berries 2 cups water Preheat oven to 300°F. Boil in heavy saucepan five minutes. Re move from heat, cover and place in oven. Turn off oven heat. Leave undisturbed approxi mately six hours. Yields: 3 cups Cooking a large amount of wheat at one time and freezing the cooked berries in small por tions is a real time and energy saver. After cooking, just drain the cooked berries well and place 'h cup to 1 cup portions in freezer containers. Keep up to three months. Quickly thaw ker nels by running hot tap water over them in a co lander. The Chi Machine The Sun Harmony Aerobic Exerciser Does your body get the oxygen it needs? (Adopted from a quiz b> Dr Eigi Noguchi) Check all the boxes u Inch apply to you - D I wake up tired, even after eight hours of sleep O 1 sleep restlessly, waking up frequently O I suffer from chronic fatigue O I have poor physical endurance O I tend to be moody and irritable □ I am susceptible to colds and flu □ I suffer from allergies O I frequently feel tense and on edge O I am frequently constipated O 1 have frequent pain in my shoulder and/or back O I have weight problems Cl 1 crave sweets, alcohol or soda If you checked more than three boxes, your body might not be assimilating sufficient oxygen. Please consult your physician You may wish to have your blood oxygen levels tested - before and after you begin to use the Chi Machine "My teseaich has convinced me that lack of oxygen is the root ot most or perhaps even all disease ” - Dr Shtzuo Inoue Warren County Plans Pageant Uses for the cooked wheat ber ries are as varied as your imagi nation allows. They can easily be substituted, once pre-soaked, for bulgur in most recipes or used in place of cooked rice in other reci pes. When combined with other proteins such as meats, milk, nuts, eggs or cheese, the combi nation is a high protein dish or meal. Try this tasty side dish using wheat berries. Wheat-Nut Pilaf Excellent with chicken or beef! 1 cup pre-soaked wheat berries 2 medium carrots, shredded John Deere INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. For the first time since 1997, the No. 97 John Deere Winston Cup race car had a new look on May 28. The car featured the FFA emblem on its hood while racing in the Coca Cola 600 at Lowe’s Motor Speedway. “We are developing a synergy between FFA members, John Deere dealers, and NASCAR fans as we place the FFA emblem on the hood of the No. 97 John Deere NASCAR,” said R.W. “Bud” Porter, 2000 Na tional FFA Foundation Spon Feel Great! Lose Weight! I lost 52 lbs on NEW IMAGE PRODUCTS Everyone I knew wanted to try the products so I became a distributor I am a single Mom and really needed an extra income My first check from the company was 07 and last months check was over $5 000 The products have helped my diabetis depression, arthritis, migraine headaches, varicose veins, high blood pressure, cholesterol, fibromyalgia, high triglycerides, also my twin boys with bronchitis, asthma and A D D Nil does not make any health - claims this is strictly personal testimonies of product users Morris Firmer • Trimmer • Leaner All Natural Dietar}'Supplement The ingredients ire til sate f JUST 3 f NEW \ end natural. Gum Karaya, I TABLETS I r I high 1 Amencan Desert Herb, I AT 1 image - I ENERGY I Guarana, Korean Ginseng, I »Di<Air*ACvl 0 I 7,. "),* I Bee Pollen, White Yellow Bark VfliUiAwAay PIIIC® V SOURCE J (Wiedewmds), Bladder-wrack KffiSSStt 1 „ , $29.95 One Month’s Supply Mushroom Astragalus, Ginger Has been known to work great on weight loss, cholesterol, high Root.Rehmanma Root, and & low blood pressure, arthritis pain, sugar problems, varicose veins Chromium Piconate (300 and many mans more 1 Micrograms per 3 tablets No drugs, chemicals dr preservatives 1 before All Herbs Plus One .Mineral! Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, June 10, 2000-B7 '.S.-sT-’! 2 cups beef or chicken broth or bouillon '/’ teaspoon salt 'h cup chopped walnuts, pe cans or almonds In large ovenproof skillet or flameproof casserole, saute ber ries in butter about five minutes to brown lightly, stirring occa sionally. Stir in broth, carrots, and salt; bring to boil. Cover and bake in 350°F oven for 25 min utes or until broth is absorbed, stirring occasionally. Stir in choice of nuts. Yields; 4 servings. Car To Display FFA Emblem sors’ Board chairman and retired senior vice president, North American Agricultural Marketing, Deere & Company. John Deere is the longest standing corporate sponsor of the National FFA Foundation, supporting FFA initiatives for 57 years of the organization’s 72-year history. Placement of the FFA emblem on the hood of the No. 97 John Deere Winston cup race car is included in Phase I of an enhanced partnership be tween John Deere and FFA. Your Independent Distributor Is: & Margie Jone_s 75 Goodyear Rd. Carlisle. PA 17013 Toll Free-888-788-5572 SZ To Order Call or Write m DISTRIBUTORS WANTED Ask about our other products available 3 tablespoons butter or marga rine i W* - *