Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 10, 2000, Image 36

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USDA Amends Refrigeration ,
Labeling Requirements For
Officially ID’d Shell Eggs
USDA has revised its regula
tions governing the voluntary
shell egg grading program by
amending the refrigeration and
labeling requirements for eggs
identified with an official USDA
consumer grade.
“These actions will allow Ag
ricultural Marketing Service
(AMS) graders to ensure that
cartons of eggs with the shield
shaped grademark have been
continuously stored under re
frigeration no greater than 45
degrees Fahrenheit,” said Kath
leen Merrigan, AMS administra
tor. “AMS will also ensure that
egg cartons with grademarks are
labeled to indicate that refriger
ation is required.”
Refrigeration is a major factor
in maintaining the quality of
shell eggs. AMS believes that
these actions will promote the
preservation of quality eggs.
Consumers should look for the
official USDA grademark on the
carton for quality assurance
when purchasing shell eggs.
Amendments to regulations
by USDA’s Food Safety and In
spection Service (FSIS) man
dated that egg handlers store
Wil-Rich Unveils
New Disc V-Ripper
new V 957 DDR Ripper from
Wil-Rich Manufacturing makes
short work of tough fall tillage.
Available in five- or seven
shank models with 30-inch spac
ing, or a nine-shank model with
24-inch spacing, the V 957 fea
tures hydraulically controlled
disk gangs.
Built especially for use with
tough residue, the new disc
ripper boasts 28-inch x 5/16-inch
notched blades mounted on a
two 3/16-inch gang shaft. The
blades are spaced on IS-inch
with a IVi-mch cut between the
front and rear gangs. The V 957
also has auto-reset shanks with
5,000-pound trip pressure and
16-inch trip clearance.
Wil-Rich has engineered the
V 957 ripper to withstand tough
use under a wide range of field
conditions. Its frame and level-
Barenbrug’s Perennial Ryegrass For
The USA Details Its Success
Barenbrug’s Perennial Ryegrass
is proving to be successful
throughout the U.S.A. Baren
brug now offers an informative
brochure about its perennial rye
grass, which educates the farmer
about the specie’s winter hardi
ness, available varieties for spe
cific needs, and compatible
To obtain a free copy of
“Perennial Ryegrass For The
USA,” call 1-800-435-5296.
Barenbrug will also send along a
free copy of its new Forage Ca
talog free of charge.
Barenbrug’s Perennial Rye
grass is a cool-season grass with
a decided advantage over other
varieties it has a second
growth spurt in the fall. It is also
high in sugars and its cell walls
shell eggs destined for the ulti
mate consumer at no greater
than 45 degrees F. To ensure
that officially graded eggs are
refrigerated at temperatures
that conform to FSIS’ manda
tory requirements, AMS
changed its maximum storage
temperature requirement to 45
degrees F.
The amendments were pub
lished as an interim final rule,
with request for comments, in
the Oct. 22 issue of the Federal
Register. Prior to that time,
AMS required that officially
graded eggs be refrigerated at
temperatures no greater than 60
degrees F.
The five comments received
stated general understanding of
and agreement with the need for
AMS regulations to conform to
the FSIS regulations. Other
suggestions and concerns ex
pressed in the comments either
have or will be addressed by the
agency. Therefore, the agency
affirms the provisions of the in
terim rule as a final rule without
change, effective June 30,2000.
The amendments may be
viewed electronically at
The new V 957 DDR
Ripper from Wil-Rich Manu
facturing makes short work
of tough fall tillage.
lift tongue are rugged 7-inch x 5-
inch tubular steel.
Standard on the unit are a
heavy-duty 4-inch x 4-inch pole
jack, a walking tandem axle,
and 12.5L-1S 12-ply tires. An
optional heavy-duty three-bar
harrow is available for a rear
leveling attachment.
are highly digestible, making it
high in both protein and energy.
Perennial ryegrass is also very
palatable, further increasing the
energy intake of animals. These
increased levels allow for im
proved milk production, animal
weight gain, improved body con
dition scores, and better animal
A Barenbrug Perennial Rye-
grass pasture can last as long as
ten years, lowering the farmer’s
cost of production. Improved
pastures are higher in produc
tion and easier to manage.
Barenbrug’s new winter
hardy perennial originates from
The Netherlands and has al
ready proven to thrive for more
than six years at numerous loca
tions throughout the Midwest
and Northeast.
NCFC Concerned EPA Sulfur Diesel
Proposal Could Jeopardize
Farmer-Owned Petroleum System
David Graves, National Council
of Farmer Cooperatives (NCFC)
president and CEO, expressed
deep concern that the Environ
mental Protection Agency’s
(EPA) proposed sulfur diesel
rule will move too far too fast if
it includes a standard signifi
cantly below 50 ppm.
“We have been working with
EPA, and we appreciate the
agency’s recognition of the
unique structure and challenges
of farmer-owned cooperative re
finers, as well as compliance
flexibility proposals we under
stand may be in the proposed
rule,” Graves said. “However,
we remain concerned that an
overly stringent sulfiir diesel
standard could unnecessarily
harm U.S. agriculture and rural
America, particularly during a
time of continuing economic
hardship that threatens the sur
vival of many farmers and
The co-op leader pointed out
that farm and other off-road
uses will be impacted by the new
highway standard since most of
the distribution system can
handle only one grade of diesel
NCFC is urging that a final
Com Growers Welcome Passage
Of Crop Insurance Package
Agricultural Risk Protection Act
(H.R. 2559), passed by both
houses of Congress, will provide
welcome short-term relief for
struggling farmers while taking
important steps toward ensuring
the future health of the farm
“The National Com Growers
Association has long maintained
that reform of the federal crop
insurance program is vital to
long-term economic stability in
agriculture,’’ said NCGA Presi
dent Lynn Jensen of Lake Pres
ton, S.D. “This bill addresses
many of our concerns about the
current program and will in
crease affordable risk manage
Fold-Up Outlet Drop
Standard On Feeder
MILFORD, Ind. Chore-
Time offers a unique fold-up
outlet drop on its E-Z Start”
Chick Feeder.
When it is not in use, the new
drop folds up compactly under
the feeder line away from dust
and dirt until it is needed again.
As it is folded, the unit shuts off
the feed flow and then locks in
the closed position.
The E-Z Start Outlet Drop
snaps together from four plastic
pieces and attaches to the feeder
line with a single bolt. Feeder
line tubes are available from
Chore-Time with holes pre
punched for the chick feeder.
The feeder can also be added to
an existing feeding system by
drilling additional feed openings
in the feeder line.
Chore-Time’s complete feeder
consists of four plastic compo
nents: the new outlet drop, a
feed cone, a feed cone starter
sleeve, and a specially-shaped,
heavy-duty feeder tray. The feed
cone and sleeve interlock in one
of three easy-to-select positions
to pre-set the feed level for each
rule establish an on-road sulfur
diesel fuel cap of about 50 ppm,
a 90 percent reduction from the
current level and provide maxi
mum compliance flexibility.
An uitralow standard could
lead to unintended harm to
American agriculture and rural
America by jeopardizing the
economic viability of farmer
owned cooperative refiners and
creating conditions for fuel
supply disruptions and exces
sively higher prices for farmers
for both on-farm and highway
fuels. Graves distributed copies
of a May 9 letter to EPA Admin
istrator Carol Browner which
was signed by 24 agricultural or
ganizations that expressed simi
lar concerns.
“We look forward to working
with the agency to achieve a
final rule that is compatible with
continued economic viability in
American agriculture and envi
ronmental progress. Just as our
constituents need and want
cleaner air, they also require re
liable and affordable fuel sup
plies,” Graves said.
American agriculture is vi
tally dependent in carrying out
its food, natural fiber, renewable
energy, and other missions upon
a reliable and affordable supply
of diesel fuel. Though less than 2
ment options for all farmers.’’
Jensen outlined some of the
NCGA-supported crop insur
ance provisions of the bill.
“It increases premium subsi
dies at all levels of coverage and
extends the subsidy to revenue
products. It includes a subsidy
structure that should encourage
producers to consider higher
levels of coverage. It provides
relief for producers whose insur
able yields have fallen due to un
usual weather patterns. It
encourages private development
of new risk management prod
ucts. And it strengthens provi
sions to reduce fraud, waste and
abuse,” he said.
Corn growers also welcomed
the inclusion of approximately
Chore-Time offers a
unique foid-up outlet drop
on its E-Z Start™ Chick
Located in the center of the E-
Z Start’s feeder tray, the feed
cone and sleeve are designed to
place feed in a “pan-shaped”
ring area where it will attract
chicks. The border of the feeding
ring helps conserve feed and
helps train chicks to eat around
a feeder’s perimeter, preparing
them for transition to the nearby
pan feeders.
percent of the refining industry,
fanner cooperatives account for
about 40 percent of all the on
farm fuel use in the U.S. and are
unique in that the customer is
also the owner, according to the
NCFC. Farmer cooperatives
also supply much of the high
way diesel and home heating oil
needs in rural America.
An ultra-low sulfur diesel
standard could increase the
threat of supply disruptions,
particularly in rural America, by
effectively reducing refinery ca
pacity; force many refiners to
produce more costly ultra-low
sulfur diesel fuel for farm and
other off-highway uses due to
distribution limitations, particu
larly in the agricultural heart
land; and jeopardize the
economic viability of farmer
owned refineries, NCFC noted.
Costs for farmers and other
rural consumers could range
from a 5 cents per gallon in
crease if sulfur levels are set at
50 ppm to 10 cents or more at IS
ppm. Supply disruptions would
cause much larger price spikes.
NCFC is a nationwide associ
ation of cooperative businesses
owned and controlled by farm
ers. Additional information
about NCFC can be found at the
$7.1 billion in farm assistance
funds. “The farm assistance
portion of the bill is significant
not only in that it provides $5.5
billion in direct payments to
farmers this fiscal year, but also
includes funding in the upcom
ing 2001 fiscal year for a number
of forward-thinking initiatives
that will improve farmers’ profi
tability and self-sufficiency,”
Jensen said.
Among these initiatives is a
$l5 million program providing
competitive grants for producers
and processors of value-added
agricultural commodities and
products. “The move toward
value-added agriculture is one
of the keys to revitalizing rural
communities and stabilizing
farmers’ incomes,” Jensen said.
“Of course, ethanol is one of
the most important value-added
markets for com,” he said.
“Thus, NCGA is particularly
pleased that this bill includes
$l4 million for construction of a
corn-based ethanol research
pilot plant in Illinois. This pilot
plant will enable researchers to
improve the efficiency and cost
effectiveness of ethanol produc
tion, increasing corn grind and
resulting in much wider use of
renewable, environmentally
friendly ethanol fuel.”
In a related vein, the bill also
authorizes an NCGA-backed in
itiative to promote innovative
research on bio-based products
and biofuels. Such products,
made from renewable materials
such as crops, trees and agricul
tural waste, provide a safe, sus
tainable alternative to replace
petroleum-based fuels and
chemicals. “This is another im
portant endeavor that will not
only boost farm income, but
yield benefits for all of society,”
Jensen said.
In addition to these measures,
the final crop insurance bill in
cludes funding for a variety of
other NCGA-supported pro
grams in critical areas such as
conservation and research.