Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 10, 2000, Image 26
A26-Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Junt 10, 2000 EVERETT NEWSWANGER Editor LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.) - To help save Lancaster County's scenic farmland and enjoy some of that scenery in the process, the Lancaster Farmland Trust and again scheduled annual Pedal To Preserve bicycle pledge rides for June 24, 2000. Starting at the Donegal High School athletic fields on 955 Marietta Avenue m Mt. Joy, three ride distances will be marked to accommodate all levels of riding skills. The 39- miler is for experienced cyclists and the 20-miler is for casual riders and families. New this year is a 6 mile ride for the whole family. All three tours promise a ride that is beautiful, fun and worry free. The routes wind through scenic western Lancaster County, the site of the second-highest density of preserved farms in the U.S. Along the way, there will be plenty of snacks, water stops, and support vehicles. If you pre-register the fee in support of farmland preservation is $2O. All pre-registered riders will receive a preserve t-shirt and water bottle. On the day of the ride, registration will be $25. Children under 12 ride free with an adult The Lancaster Farmland Trust is a private, non-profit organization working to preserve the rich and productive farmland of Lancaster County, to support good stewardship of the land, and to encourage a thriving agricultural economy, recognizing that the farm heritage enriches the lives of all citizens Now in it's 12 th year, the Trust has preserved 110 farms and over 7,200 acres of land The Pedal to Preserve 2000 helps fund future preservation efforts. Registration and pledge forms can be found with this article. p | 'WWWW I GENERATORS Sales ★ Service * Rentals Complete Generator Systems PTO • Portables • 2-1600 KW We Service It If You Have It, And Sell It If You Need It. . Ms, tfe AA _ 34 W. Mohler Church Rd. StW / IARTiW Ephrata, PA 17522 CJff Tel: 717-738-0300 Jf IAtniWCHT, Faz; 717.739.4329 Bicyclists Pick Up The Cause Of Farmland Preservation PEDAL TO PRESERVE 2000 PLEDGE FORM Please try to bring your sponsorship donations and forms with you on the day of the ride If for some reason you can t the prize eligibility deadline (or sponsorship submission is Monday, July 10, 2000 Please allow 4 - 6 weeks for prize delivery All checks should be made payable to ■Lancaster Farmland Trust/Pedal to Preserve 2000 PARTICIPANT S NAME ADDRESS CITY SPONSOR'S NAME/ADDRESS The official registration and financial information of Lancaster Farmland Trust may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free within Pennsylvania 1 800 732-0999 Registration does not imply endorsement For more pledge forms please photocopy this page STATI ✓ COLLECTED PLEDGE PHONE • High Capacity Enclosed Goosenecks 12” wide for smooth, fast filling Built especially for high speed blowers to help reduce loading time. The smooth arc reduces friction and clogging for trouble-free loading. Farmer-approved engineering The fully enclosed gooseneck means no more dirty Harvestore® roofs. The end section is vertical for center filling and eliminates the need for a directional section. Double-hinged end section moves away while staying attached. Also available in 9” width for corn silage. Main Office: Mount Joy, PA Branches: Footville, Wl and Zumbrota, MN NAME ADDRESS STATE E-MAIL ADDRESS HOW DIO YOU HEAR ABOUT PEDAL TO PRESERVE 2000? T-SHIRT SIZE {PLEASE CIRCLE ONE) S M L RIDE LENGTH (PLEASE CIRCLE ONE) 39-MILE RIPE 20-MILE RIDE G sign me ufi I have enclosed my registration form along with a check for $2O ("day-of" registration s2s} payable to "Lancaster Farmland Trust/ Pedal to Preserve 2000 " D sign my family ufi We have enclosed our registration forms along with a check for $2O ("day-of" registration $25) payable to ‘Lancaster Farmland Trust/ Pedal to Preserve 2000 ’ Each family will receive one Pedal to Preserve t-shirt and each rider will receive a Pedal to Preserve water bottle □ I AM UNABLE to participate this YEAR However I would like to make and have enclosed a check payable to ‘Lancaster Farmland Trust /Pedal to Preserve 2000 " a tax-deductible donatu □ I AM UNABLE TO RIDE, BUT I WOULD LIKE TO VOLUNTEER for Pedal to Preserve 2000 *1 have completed the above registration form (Volunteers will be contacted approximately three weeks before the event) SEND REGISTRATION INFORMATION TO Lancaster Farmland Trust/Pedal to Preserve 2000 128 E Marion Street Lancaster. PA 17602 For further information call 717 293 0707 ore-mail us at jessCsavelancasterfarms org REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW active COm 3000 PEDAL TO PRESERVE RELEASE FORM I understand Lancaster Farmland Trusts Pedal to Preserve bike tour requires me to wear a cycling helmet at ail times while riding in event I further understand that Lancaster Farmland Trust shall not be responsible or legally liable for any loss of personal property or any bodily injury I sustain I hereby waive and release all rights and claims for damages I may have against Lancaster Farmland Trust their agents employees or volunteers which may arise in conjunction with this event as a result of negligence of Lancaster Farmland Trust, its agents employees volunteers or otherwise I give consent for emergency medical services at my own expense should I be involved in any accident I give consent for th(? use of any photographs taken of me during this event SIGNATURE If the participant is under 18 years of age this waiver requires the signature of a parent or legal guardian PARI N 1 'GUARDIAN 1 SIGNATURE PEDAL TO PRESERVE 2000 REGISTRATION FORM Each rider must fill out a registration form Please photocopy form as necessary Made to last Stainless wear-plate for longer life and less gumming. Galvanized to eliminate rust. Esn assembly Quick installation, one section at at time. Flanges hold in place when bolting. Mounts to glass lined, stave, or monolithic silos with conical or flat roof. A I Lancaster M LEVEL-FLO Silo equipment with a heritage of quality Call today for the name of your nearest dealer 1-800-635-8708 CITY PHONE BIRTHDATE 6 MILE RIDE DATE DATE