Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 10, 2000, Image 23

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    Holloways Strive To Capture Expanding Markets
(Continued from Poflo A 1)
The Holloways manage 250
acres in corn, 100 acres in soy
beans, 30 acres in wheat, 30
acres in barley, and 250 acres in
hay. They round and square bale
their hay, mostly for local horse
Wrapped haylage is marketed
mainly to Amish customers in
southeastern Pennsylvania and
is also fed to the cow herd in the
Corn is raised for silage, used
to feed the cattle, and the rest is
sold to a grain dealer and to The
Mill of Bel Air. Soybeans are
sold to a grain dealer.
A big problem has been deer
control at the farm. The deer are
harvested when possible. They
pose a huge threat to the soy
beans, the “number one crop for
deer,” said Richard, and other
Richard said he has seen 30-
40 deer at a time in fields. The
deer graze the heavily wooded
areas at the farm’s outskirts,
bordering the Susquehanna
• Cutting Width from s’B” to 10’6”
• Unique 3 Blade Discs perform
well in all crops
• For tractors as low as 36 HP
• Flail Conditioner models
available, 7’10” and 9’10” only
• TVall Type • Hydraulic Lift
• Tandem Rake Axles optional
• 19’6” Working Width when form
ing 1 windrow
• 21 ’4” Working Width when form
ing 2 windrows
• 9'5” Transport width
Distributed By:
‘Whoksak (Distributors
100-120 Lehigh Ave. •PO Box 928 Batavia, New York 14021-0928 100 Stover Drive, Carlisle, PA 17013
(716)343-5411 (717)349-6730
Visit Our Web Site at: • E-Mail Us At:
River, and are protected at the
local state park.
The cow/calf herd includes
registered Angus and Angus
crossbreds. Though most of the
feeder cattle are homebred, the
Holloways buy a few feeder
cattle locally and in Lancaster.
The Angus are bred using AI
and Roseda bulls, which are all
Roseda Farm, noted Rich
ard’s son, Rick, looks closely at
EPDs and other breed charac
teristics to determine how to im
prove carcasses, and thus the
end product. Roseda is slowly
trying to build a-brand name
based on these traits and is at
tempting to market a consistent
quality, premium beef product.
The Holloways are using rota
tional grazing more every year
for the cow/calf herd. The herd
grazes 20-acre lots and are ro
tated about every 2-3 weeks. The
feeder cattle are fed a TMR, of
sorts, consisting of corn silage,
barley, ground corn, protein,
and minerals all mixed at the
'*■ 3 b ana
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VICON RV SERIES produce consistent high
density bales in virtually all crops and conditions
Variable chamber allows for smaller bales in
silage and larger in dry hay or straw Opilcut
Cutting System also available
Model Bale Size Pick-Uo Width Binding System
RV 157 4x2'to 4x5 56 Twine Twine & Net
RVIS7L 4x2'to 4x5 84" Twine, Twine & Net
RVIB7 4x2'to 4x6 56 Twine, Twine & Net
RVIB7L 4x2104'x6 84" Twine, Twine & Net
• Trail "type
• lO’ll” Raking Width
• la’s” Working Width
• Hydraulic Lift
• Tandem Axles
• Oil Bath Gear Case
Henry’s son, Henry, owns a
herd of hogs for 4-H and FFA
feeder pigs. They also supply
“human health research pigs,”
said Henry. “They’re hospital
pigs, of different sizes and
weights, for human medical re
Henry does the feeding for the
15-20 sows that produce about
400 head per year. Henry has
four Yorkshire boars on test at
Penn State. The feeder pigs are
crossbred York/Hampshires.
The farm is maintained by the
family, including Richard and
Harriett with son Rick, 33. Jeff,
30, works on the farm on week
ends and each day after his full
time, off-farm job as an auto
mechanic. The Holloways have
a daughter, Karen, 37, who is
manager and ag consultant at
The Mill of Bel Air. She also
helps on the farm whenever pos
Henry S. (Scarborough) and
Barbara’s son, Henry S. (Smith),
41, is owner/operator of The Mill
of Bel Air. Another son,
Andrew, 28, is a large animal
dtfMi|ANDEX 77:
rake side delivery only
* Trail Type
* 25'3" Working Width (Includes Windrow)
* Ideal for Merging Large Amounts of Hay
or Straw for chopping or baling
* Tandem Axles on Each Rotor
* Hydraulic Fold
Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, June 10, 2000-A23
veterinarian. Daughter Teresa,
37, works in the microbiology
department at Johns Hopkins.
Judy, 35, is an optometrist.
The Holloways noted that
Darlington boasts the “biggest
pocket of preserved land in Har
Farmer Program To Host
Twilight Pesticide Meeting
NEW HOLLAND (Lancaster Come out to observe popular
Co.) —lf you’re tired of endur- com and soybean herbicides in a
ing endless overhead presenta- side-by-side comparison,
tions and hard seats at winter This year’s plot focuses on
meetings to obtain pesticide postemergent corn and soybean
credits, join the Eastern Lancas- treatments. Alfalfa and corn
ter County Young Farmers at an scouting will round out the pro
outdoor twilight meeting. gram.
The young farmers will gather Two core and two category
for the annual twilight pesticide credits will be available for
meeting at the Sylvan Blank farmers with pesticide licenses.
Farm on south Custer Avenue in Call Jeff Stoltzfus at (717)
New Holland Thursday, June 354-1522 for more information.
22, from 7 p.m.-9 p.m. .
i Wairy
All Types A
r Interior/Exterior j
lncluding Aerial Work
Specialists in Sand Blasting and J
Spray Painting Farm Buildings,
y Feed Mills, Roofs, Tanks, Etc. A
Also Roof Coating • Water Blasting A
ford County,” noted Henry.
About 4,000-5,000 adjoining
acres from a variety of farms
have been preserved under
either the state or county preser
vation program.
• Waterproofing on Stone and
Brick Buildings
Fisher’s Painting
4056 A Newport Rd.
Kinzers, PA 17535
On Rt. 772 Across From
Pequea Valley School
• Wood • Coal
Vermont Castings
1066 Division Hwy
322 East
Ephrata, PA 17522
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(717) 733-4973
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Thurs . Fn 10 to 8
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