Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 10, 2000, Image 140
DB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 10, 2000 Wm SILOS AND UNLOADERS <0 su Shotcreat Reroofing Tear Down Rebuild Manufacturer & Builders of New Silos Call For Free Estimate 610-273-3993 or 800-860-3993 All Sizes of New S&S Silos Available While your silos are full, now is the time to get your distributors, roofs and fill pipes repaired KEYSTONE » 477 East Farmersville Rd. S' “"s. CONCRETE ( New Holland, PA 17557 S J ”* su? - t L> (717) 355-2361 NssaasSr Bunker Silos FRANK WALTERS ENTERPRISES. INC. *jsA/U v-i New W v* Used *-7 MACHINES S i Available <> > Available < T, B’, 9’ 4,8% 9% 10’ I 4 10' by Kelly Ryan CALL FOR DISCOUNT PRICES ON ALL PRODUCTS KELLY RYAN PARTS AVAILABLE • PRODUCTS SHIPPED NATIONWIDE ★ Special ★ <f!?ffLuND me. I NUTRIGARD I 7’ Baggers • 3 pt. Bale Wrapper BALE WRAP $13,800 New & Used 20” & 30” includes 200 Cables I one-man operation designed with I Stretch Film w/Hyd. Brakes \ the individual dairyman in mind I Shipped Nationwide Dealerships Available CALL 800-831-9919 I Pioneei in the Bagging & Wrapping Business Since 1980 REPLACEMENT SILO DOORS Many Kinds Silo Door In Stock Han • Marietta • Fickes • Madison •Terre Hill • Lancaster • Ribstone Silo Doors Made To Order Bring Pattern Of Old Door SAMUEL S. ZOOK 534 Willow Rd Lancaster, PA 17601 Only Farm On Greenfield Rd CENTRELINE Dependable farm W% J| AIIPnA equipment since 1945 • SILAGE BAGS • BALE TUBES Mt • PARTS FOR KELLY RYANS MtifcJSS • BALE WRAP If.S 20” & 30” ADAM’S SUPPLY P.O. Box 821, Brownstown, PA 17508 717-656-6508 Se *^fe} Buy • Butterfly Hinges • Latches • Steps • Ladders h wi||tr*Rd -5 I S I i RT 30 Sell Extensions No Job Too Small or Too Large WANTED...WANTED...WANTED WHOLE Trade in for BUNK TIRES SIDEWALL sets: —„ .. „ —— •NO more Scum! North Brook Farms , N 0 B , Free Pick-up and Dehvery/Call for Details! * ' Toll free: 877-624-2638 •NO more Wafer! MAGNUM H SURFACE DRIVE SILO UNLOADER VAN PALE* Division of J-STAR Industries, Inc. We Carry The Full Line of Jamesway Products! USED UNLOADERS IN STOCK 20 ft. Starlme Centrak 14 ft. Starlme Centrak (new), 20 ft. Volumaxx Complete 1-6 ft. V 3 Unloader 12 ft. Volumaticll Complete 56 ft. RisslerFeeder. ■ BUILDINGS AND SUPPLIES 90 Square used tin, SS/per square. 100 sq. alum roof ing, $2O/sq. 4xlox3B' pine beams, S6/lf. 717-442-3650 Scrap metal 30 to 40 tons of various scrap metal for sale. Call 610-459-3523 For sale: Approx. 75 logs from old log house demol ished in January, 2000. Up to 20 feet long, $lOOO or best offer. 717/445-5574 Electric heating units, 4-6-8-10', sl/ft. 717/896-3064. Old log house, 2 story w/ frame additions to be dis mantled & removed. 330-482-4180 Clearance Priced 56,000 $1,300 Hardwood Flooring 3/4" 3-7' wide, rustic red oak, $2.40/ft. Wormy red oak $3/ft. Select ash $3/ft. Rustic birch $2.25/ft. Spe cial 1,100 ft poplar flooring $1.50/ft. Westr -ter. /estmins MD, 410-875-1321. Wanted: Old barns, houses, log houses, out buildings. Will dismantle & remove. 215/766-0564. (2) Used gas furnaces for hot water system 8. sev eral radiators, all good cond, make offer. 717-371-1025 Lititz, PA Pipe arch galv. 20' LG as phalt int, $225. 4' dia pipe, 10', $85.215-886-5000. Large old bam for sale, best offer. You dismantle. 570-8685467 Steel I-beams & plate, 15C/lb. 717/464-2354, 717/393-2992. Pipe 2", great for fencing, 40C/ft. 717/393-2992, 717/464-2354. Approx. 70 sheets 4xB 2" styrofoam insulation. 717-776-6540. Barn siding. Poplar, Oak, dimensional sizes. New barn beams, all sizes 8. lengths. Rough Poplar & Oak kilned dried. 240-460-9172 Oak & chestnut bam, dry lumber. Delta. 717/456-7025. Top $ Paid: Attic flooring, grainery boards, all in pine also German siding. 570-383-6300. Model hand crafted log cabin, 12'x32', bedroom, bath, kitchenette, great for hunting cabin, guest house. Must be moved. Valued at $27,600, offered for sale $lB,OOO. 610-347-0941 BOLTS: 2% x % con struction grade, SI.SO/lb. 814/942-3821 evenings. Chain Link Fence, new slightly imperfect, heavy 9-gauge galvanized. 3' 90C/ft; 3VV $1 / ft; 4' $1.20/tt; 5' 51.50/ft; 6’ $1.65/ft; 7' 51.90/ft; 8' $2.10/ft. Vinyl coated also available. 7-Bam or aft spm, 570-822-7820. Very Large Two Story Bank Barn 50x104 and 46x64 addition. Vertical siding, Bxlo joists, plank floors Total sq. ft. 14,970. Located Palmyra, PA Call (717) 867-5968 Rocky Ridge Construction Pole Barns, Horse Barns, Dairy. Masonry and Concrete. Agriculture and Residential. Beptuel K. Lapp Coatesville, PA CfelO) 383-5047 Approx. 60'x90' pole bldg, wood truss w/steel roof & sides, $4OO. U-remove. Honey Brook area. 610-458-5300 Structural repairs of barns, houses, garages. Call Woodford Bros., Inc. for straightening, lacking, cabling, foundation and weather related repairs. Free estimates. 1/800/653-2276. w ww.l B Grade glassboard & fastening accessories.G lenn Beidler, Freeburg, Snyder Co., PA 570-539-8993. #3 Recycled pine boards, 3/4”x12", 10' to 14' lengths, good for farm use, 100 or more, sl/ea. 717-764-8337 WANTED; Half-round barn beans & old attic flooring. Lancaster Co, 717-626-4520. FLOORING, Ash %x4-7"W. T & G, Mill Run, #1 or Better Long Lengths, Antique Pine, Oak Floors, 10-16" W. Timbers, Beams, Country Furniture. 888-560-8020. BARN FLOORING; new, kiln dried, T&G, Y-pme 2xB's for floors and stalls. Noah Shirk Sawmill, 717-354-0192. Plywood, some light stains, Luwan, 4xB sheets: 1/8", $4, 1/4" $B. Call for skid lot prices. 717-354-3105. White Cedar Log home. Build yourself! Call for log prices. 717-354-3105.