Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 10, 2000, Image 135
I? (£5 ,(\ 1/ John Deere 644 E Wheel Loader Log Forks & Bucket. Like New Condition. A Real Worker! (2) Prentice Log Loaders Call Bob at 717-484-2708 evenings PA TRACK & WELDING Undercarriage Repair New/Used Parts Track Press Service 1-888-387-2510 USED PARTS 2) Sets JD-450/550 Tracks... $BOO-$l,OOO w/Used Sprockets $6O each 1 ) Set TD-8/9 Tracks Call 10) TD-8/125E Bottom Rollers.. .$5O each 1) Set D-4D Tracks $l,OOO 1 ) Set Case 11 SOB Tracks Call 1) Set 955 K Tracks (Ready Middle June) Diusol Engine Service 13 . leasant V~lley .. ~ •E, hrat~, ~, 17522 . H NE: 717-733-3"- • F. .X: 717-73~-31 I ra tn ra E DETROIT DIESEL & JOHN DEERE • Parts • Service U • Rebuilding . a- J 4|h • New JD Engines m & Power Units ll * Exchan 9 e Engines ' fl * Rockford Clutch & Parts • Funk Gear Reductions • Rebuild - «•» Kjts . Gen Sets •75HP -4219 D -JD Power Unit,,Boo • 170 HP -6414 T JD Power Unit, Rebuilt..s9,soo • 75 HP - 353 Detroit Power Unit $4,250 • 100 HP - 6329 John Deere Powerumt,... $3,800 •80 HP - 6CYL Chrysler Powerumt. . $l,BOO •75KW -1 PH Detroit Gen Set $9,750 • 110 KW IPH Detroit Gen Set $12,800 1980 JD 440 C skidder, tires 85%, rebuilt hyd sys tem, good coble, ready to go, $34,500. 570-769-5567 or 1634. CAT D9G Dozer SN #66A9586, U-Blade, Ripper, Tab, Fair Bottom, $19,000 Avail 6/20/00 De pending on Job Comple tion. 814-267-5108 1998 Kumotsu PC-120 Ex cavator, Like New, 500-Hrs. $72,000 610-377-5593 Cat 95SL crawler loader 13X, clean straight sheet metal, 4800 orig hrs, burned, $4500. 717-336-7375. 4000 lb. Yale forklift, good cond, $3750.717-438-3304 Crane Amish metal shop, build lifting 3 tons all hyd drive, excellent maneu ver, extending boom steel drive wheels 717-483-6792 leave message. 586 C Case forklift, SBOOO 080. Valley View Lum ber, RR2, Mifflmtown, PA 17059. AC used parts, HD6G, HD7G, HD6B, HD9B, HDIIB, 716-243-0413. JD 310 D 4x4, E-Stick, 2300 hrs, enclosed cab. 1986 Int 6 wheel dump, newer body, 57,000 mi. 1996 Tal bot 20 ton tag/air brakes. 302-792-2021. Komatsu D3IP-18 crawl er dozer w/tnl, like new UC, $12,900. JD 8875 skid steer loader, 700 hrs, 1998, best otter. 717-445-6156. MF 236 front end Idr, $3,000. 610-933-0991. ‘76 GMC 9500 dsl w/snow plow & hopper spreader, needs body work, $5,000. 79 Dodge crew cab flat bed, $1,200.610-933-0991. ra T* B IS B ti El E 0 ri' til til JD 555 G 1993,3 rd Valve, Clean - $39,500 JD 450 G 6 Way, ROPS, 1,500 Hrs. - $45,000 MARK LIFT JI4SN #11968-$1,600, M2OESP SN #17291 - $l,BOO, JI9EP SN #18879 - $2,200 - All 24 Volt DC Mark Scissors lifts, good for electrical maintenance JLG LIFTS 40 FR, Dual Fuel LP, Liquid Gas, 8’ Basket, Rotator Basket, Paint Good, Engine VH4D, Tires Good, SN 755989 - $8,750, SN 731916-$8,350, SN 747568 - $8,750 40 FFDR 4x4 4WD JOEL-BITT TOOL RENTAL INC. Ph: 717-328-2686 Fax: 717-328-3327 BUYING & SELLING USED <) i CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, > 5 < NEW & USED PARTS & < \ i ATTACHMENTS {i t CALL }I \ H.E.L.P., INC. \l i (717) 469-0039 \\ \ (717) 469-7679 FAX •; { Specializing In Caterpillar Parts <l5 \ also available for Case, Fiat, IHC, J j ►, Komatsu, Deere, Etc. * 1 ) ALL PARTS AT DISCOUNT PRICES! 5 [ **PARTS LOCATING SERVICES** | \ Call Us For Your Parts & Service \ \ $ Manual Needs 4 < I HEAVY EQUIPMENT \\ \ LOADER PARTS. INC. i \ ; 10070 Allentown Blvd. Grantville, PA 17028 ;i 15 Cat 9518 ti loader, CROPS w/sweeps, new U/C, radiator, etc, 516,900. 301-695-5300 Construction equipment. After 30 years in busi ness, cleaning up 5 acres of trucks & parts, track loaders, cranes, dump & flat trailers. Call Farming- ton, Conn, 860/676-0411 | n f JDBE, 1987, CROPS, leave an address, will ripper, low hrs, $17,500. send list. 301-695-5300 QUALITY PRE-OWNED EQUIPMENT from Binkley & Hurst Bros., Inc. Ask About Financing Plans To Fit Your Needs OR Low Down Payment Leases Koehring 6605 Large Size Mini Excavator f^Sv I*l With Cab & Dozer Blade Rebuilt Pumps Isuzu Diesel, 1985-86 Model 6 to 7 Ton Range $ll,BOO 1980 John Deere 5448 Cab with Forks & Grapple 4 Good Tires, Good Brakes, Serviced, Ready For Work (UT 4527) IH Dresser 125 E *£iSWk, 239 Turbo Diesel, Rated 78 HP, 1-3/8 Yd Bucket, U C OK, Good Bucket (UT 4539) $12,800 Don’t Miss This One! 1999 Case 580 L Series 11, 95 HP Turbo Diesel ,-r 4x4 Cab Extenahoe with 926 Original Hours, Case Hoe Controls Quick Attach Trenching Bucket $48,000 Komatsu PC 130 Excavator w/Cab & Air Approx 2700 Hours, 3rd Valve, Very Good Cond , Approx 1996 Model, (UT 4542) Must See To Appreciate! Only $48,800 BINKLEY & HURST BROS., INC. PO Box M9*s, S Lll*zfPAl7M3-0395 626-4705 1-800-414-4705 Located 1/2 Mile North of Rothsville www bmkleyhurst com Fax 717-626-0996 Visit us on the Internet at http //www casecorp com §U Case 1H is a registered trademark of Case Corporation Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 10, 2000-03 Dresser 250-E Track Ldr, Cummins Dsl, Power Shift, 2' ? Yd 4/1 Bucket, 50% UNC, ROPS, Runs Good 522,000 215-536-9239 BIBAU Steel Dump Truck Body- 16'2'x16"x16" w/ Airgate. Bad Cyl. $2,000/ obo. 717-933-9397 Save $3,000! 93 Case 580 Super K Extenahoe w/Wobble Stick Controls 4x4 with Approx 2750 Hrs Deluxe Interior Serviced Ready To Work (UT 4480) Was $34 800 No Trade Disc of $3 000 Means You Pay Only $31,800 Cat 955 L - JBMf 130 HP, Approx 17 Ton Rebuilt Engine & Turbo, Good U C , Ready for Work (UT 4493) $23,800 No Trade $22,800 Case 9020 Excavator tel with Cab 8 6’ Wide Long Stick 10 6' 40 Bucket 390 Turbo Cummins Rated 103 HP Approx 6,200 Hour Range, 1993 $45,600 Koehring 6620 Excavator Decent Tight Machine 30 Heavy Duty Bucket (J D 690 Size), Good U C $24,600 T rack hoe John Deere JD6908 w/two buckets, SI 9,500. 717-469-0039. Backhoe John Deere JD4IO diesel $8,500 080. 717-469-0039. Wheel loader, 4x4, Terex 7210, $5,500 080 717-469-0039. John Deere JD 5010 scraper, fair cond, $6,000 080. 717-469-0039. Dual Wheel Truck with Tow Hitch 1987 Ford Dual Wheel 350 XL Truck 5 Speed Air Cond 12 Foot Flat Bed Trailer Hitch 460 Fuel Injected 85K Mi $6,300 080 Make Best Offer Today Case 621 Articulated Loader with Cab US'; IM#’ 4 Speed Power Shift with Quick Attach Pallet Forks & Bucket 2 25 Yd Approx 13 Ton, 20 5x25 Quarry Lug Tires (UT 4525) $35,800 Nice Clean Case 850 C Crawler Loader * 1982 Model with Case 336 Diesel Rated 75 HP with 1-1/2 Yd Bucket 10 Ton Weight Range (UT 4502) $16,700 Series 111 Case 580 K Extenahoe 4x4 Cab with” Flip Pads, Case Hoe Controls, Bolt on Bucket Edge Good Running Machine (UT 4531) Only $24,800 Fiat Allis FLI4E With Cab, Approx 1990 Model, 2-3/4 Yd GP Bucket, OK U C , Fiat 8365 Turbo Diesel, Rated 168 HP, Approx 20 Ton Weight Class, Pedal Steer & Power Shift (UT 4543) $23,800