Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 10, 2000, Image 130
C42-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 10, 2000 D & R EQUIPMENT INC. Rt. 579, Ringoes, New Jersey (908) 782-5082 I USED TRACTORS JD 7700, MFWD, 1,100 hrs JD 4840, cab & air JD 4640, PS, cab, air, duals JD 4240, cab & air, quad JD 4240, cab & air, power shift JD 4240, 4 post JD 4040 cab & air, sharp JD 2840 JD 2440, hi-tm JD 4450, cab & air, excellent JD 4250, MFWD, cab & air, power shift JD 4050, cab & air, quad range JD 4050, cab & air, quad range, 2300 hrs JD 2955, cab & air, MFWD JD 2555 JD 2355 N JD 2150 JD 4230 4 post JD 4320, fender IH 1586, 4 post IH 986, cab, air IH 786, POPS IH 784, 2,600 hrs IH 685, 2,200 hrs , excellent IH 484, diesel, excellent .PAPER tractor; JD 4250, MFWD w/260 Idr JD 2555, MFWD w/245 Idr COLLECTOR TRACTORS JD 60 JD 70 original Whlte 1 °’ offset dlsc ’ heav V dut V JD 630, original JD 210 dlsc 12 ’’ excellent 1940 Farmall M w/factory WF * le^d cu^lva t° r > hyd fold Oliver 770, gas, WF JD 950 roller harrow Oliver 77, gas NH 352 gnnder mixer Massey Harris 44 Gehl 120 9 rinder mlxar Gehl 95 gnnder mixer, very good JD 730 Diesel, WF, Fenders, Low Hrs , Bush Hog no-WI drill Excellent Great Plains 10’ no-till drill w/grass seed Gehl 970 forage box, 3 beater, roof, tandem 85 GMC C-7000 w/26 Jerr-Dann Body, N | 3745 manure spreader, excellent Air Brakes, Air Tag Axle JD 148 loader NH 316, 75 Thrower, 1 Owner, RBP ; w ‘ NH 311 Baler With Hydraulic Thrower, Sharp QUALITY HAY EQUIPMENT One of Pa's Largest Selections BALERS * RBI> Rebuilt Plunger (now pm bushings rollers slide blocks) JD 147 40 ejector RBP $7,500 JD 127 w/lOejectoi $6,000 JD 128 40 ejcuoi KBP $6,000 ID24T chute held ready $1,250 ID 241 chute excel $1,200 JD 148 hyd tension 1/4 turn chute RBP Nice $B,OOO JDl4Bh>d tension 1/4 turn chute $B,OOO ID 146 10 eteuor (2) Coming In JD 116 10 ejector (3) Coming In JD 117 lOejeclor RBP nice $6,500 JD 10ejector complete JD !4T 241 ,md 116 paits halers JD I4T ex cond held ready JD 14 F cx shape NH HI w/70 hyd thiower NH 116 Baler super sweep 75 Lj RBP sharp $7,450 NH 126 b.ilei, 70 hyd thiowei exc Coming In NH 276 Baler super sweep 54 thrower $3,000 NH 276halei super sweep 54 thiowei $2,800 NH 276balei super sweep 54 thiower $2,800 NH 120 baler supei sweep 75 thrower Coming In NH 120 haler super sweep 70thiowei Coming In NH 282 super sweep hyd tension, hi tap $l,BOO NH75Pan huower complete oft ot 115 $6OO NH Hydraulic tension unit off of 120 $4OO NH 68 69 super 69 parts balers CALL C ase 110 AC 444 IH 46 1H 47 parts balers CALL ROUND BALERS NH 111 Baler with 70 Hydraulic Thrower Sharp N 1484 5 x4’bales clean iust fr Wise baler $6,000 DISCBINES JD 1470 11 comp rebuilt new rolls new culterbar Vicon KM^2l.9 good rolls, vg cond $4,200 Kuhn 8 540 or 1000 RPM $5,000 Deut? Allis RM7ORC Discbme Coming In MOWERS Woods HD “H 5, 15 Balwmg. VG condition $5,000 INDUSTRIAL Ford 345 w/Loader Gehl 562 skid steer, diesel Gehl 4600 skid steer, very good JD 8875 skid steer, 400 hrs IH Consertill 10’ JD 2500 5 btm 18" spring reset AC 5 btm JD 5 btm 444 JD corn head JD 643 corn head JD 443 corn head JD 343 corn head JD 7720, 4WD, 2,300 hrs , excellent JD 4400, diesel JD 3300 w/2 row head HAY EQUIPMENT JD 328 baler, excellent JD 346 wire baler NH 273 baler NH 315 twine baler NH 630 round baler JD 1219 haybme, excellent NH 474 haybme, 7’, sharp NH 256 rake MISCELLANEOUS Bnllion 15’ packer mulcher, Danish teeth Taylorway 25’ disc JD 327 Baler w/30 Ejector New Farmco 18’ Thrower Wagons w/8 Ton Gear $2,000 HAYBINES JD 1219 9 mechanics special NH 467 7 excellent rolls good paint IH 1190 9 good rolls IH 1190 9 Good rolls IH 1490 12 hydroswing good rolls Hession 1010 9 hydroswing IH 990 JD 1209 ford 550 NH 479 Haybtnes for Parts NH 57 Ipt hitch take NH 256 rake vg condition Pequea 910 tedder PTO good cond Pequea rake inverter near new cond JD 670 Farmhand 4 wheel rake, good cond Grimm PTO Severn) other rakes $5OO CALL $l,lOO TRACTORS JD B Tractor 1941 raised letter rear. $l,lOO $6,500 cx paint new tires JD 1010 gas TFE JD 1020 WFE DH recent overhaul JD4020 Wfb dual hyd cab super nice 3D 4020 WIT dual hyd excel cond JD 4020 Turbo WFE dual Hyd Farmall Super C w/McCornnck loader Famuli MD Nl E Runs Excel farmall H 1941 Spoke Wheels, Fxc Farmall H Rem Hyd Dual fuel Exc Farmall Cub 1948 sickle bar mower Farmall A WFE good paint, runs ex International Cub, belly mower runs ex Farmall H, 1944 excellent rear rubber Farmall Cub runs excellent Ford 9N good paint & rubber runs excel $6,500 Wood Thrower Wagons NH 8 ton gears flotation tires, excellent 6 available $1,200 JD 4x 16 plow. Excel $6OO Oliver lx 16 pt plow excel cond $550 Farmco 18 steel side throw wgns 8 ton new $2,000 $9,000 Farmco 8 horse feeder, new $350 JD gram dnll 18x7. grass box, ext $3,000 Bnllion 9 cultipackcr, rebuilt new shaft & bearings ISED PLOW! 1941 Farmall H, rare, spoke wheels, runs exc. JD 4020, WFE, cab, super nice CALL $2,000 $1,500 $1,500 $2,500 $1,500 CALL RAKES & TEDDERS $1,400 $1,750 $1,250 $2,500 $1,900 $9OO CALL $2,500 Coming In $B,OOO $12,000 $9,000 $9,000 $2,000 $3,000 $l,BOO $1,600 $1,900 $l,BOO $2,700 $1,400 $l,BOO $2,250 MISCELLANEOUS WE SHIP PARTS LEBANON Rt. #7, Box 405, Lebanon, PA 17042 Rt. 4191 mile West of Schaefferstown 717-949-2000 Or TOLL FREE 1-877-4KUBOTA (458-2682' 'V Ik Kubota L 2900 DT*. 29HP Diesel, 4WD, Syn Shuttle Trans , Q-Tach Loader w/Snow Bucket, Cab w/Heatei Low Hrs Kubota 85200DT, 13HP Diesel. 4WD w/s'Mower, Turf Tires (nice) . . . Kubota L 5450 HDT, 60 HP w/Hyd Shuttle, Ind Tires, ROPS, Cab w/Heat, A-1 Shape, Low Hrs 28204 26940 Kubota 81550 HSDB, 17 HP Diesel, 4WD, Hyst, Bi Speed w/Loader & Hyd Angle Plow, Frt Blade. 37 Hrs 27180 Kubota BISSO HSD, 17HP Diesel, Hyst. Trans, 4WD, w/B-1640 Loader, 119 Hrs Kubota 81750 HSD B, 20 HP 4WD, Hyst, Bi-Speed, Loader & 60" Mower Kubota L 4850 HDT, 53 HP, 4WD, Hyd Shuttle, Loader w/72” Bucket, Cab w/Heater, 240 Hrs, Clean ... 27924 27523 28008 Kubota 86000 E, Diesel, w/3 pt & 48" Mid Mower Kubota 86100, 14 HP Diesel, 3 Pt. PTO, (A 1 shape) .. .. . Kubota 87100 DT. 16 HP Diesel. 4WD, w/Loader ..Kl .. .. Kubota 87100 HSD, 16 HP, 4WD, Hyst Trans . Turf Tires. 954 Hrs.. . Kubota 87100 HSE 2WD, Hyst., w/5' Mid-Mower, 16 HP Diesel Kubota 87100 HSE, 16 HP, Diesel, Hydro w/48” Mid Mower Kubota G-4200H 12 HP Diesel, L G T. w/44” Mower & Grass Catcher Kubota G5200H, 14 HP, Diesel, Hyst, Trans.. 48" Mower, (Good Cond ) Ford LOT 14D, 14 HP, Diesel, Hyst, w/Hyd Lift. 48" Mower, Frt Blade, Trac Vac. 427 Hrs . . 26586 27111 27987 27681 24152 24561 24350 27103 26275 27535 Ford 145, 14 HP Lawn & Garden, Hyst, Hyd Lift, 42" Mower, Trac Vac Unit 27202 Ford 2N, Good Paint, Good Tires, Runs Well 28151 Case IH 254 Diesel, 2WD, 3pt , PTO 28151 Case IH 254 Diesel, 2WD, Turf Tires, Remote Valve 28167 John Deere 185 Lawn Tractor w/Grass Catcher 28168 Allis 9IBH Garden Tractor w/48" Mower & Blade 26225 Toro-Wheel Horse 2125 w/38" Mower & Catcher 27125 Toro Wheel Horse 264-6, 14 HP, 42" Mower (Good Cond ) 26625 Snapper Rider, 14HP, w/33” HiVac (Like New) 27060 Bolens CIS4 Diesel, 4WD, w/48" Rear Tiller 27569 Bolens CIO, 10 HP w/36” Mower 25022 Mitsubishi MT-372, Diesel w/3 Pt & PTO, 48" Mid-Mower, 300 hrs 28074 Hustler 2500, 25 HP, Zero Turn w/60” Mower MOWERS: 26307 Kubota RC-54-B 54" mower w/Vac Unit (To fit 81550 & B 1750) 27184 Woods RM-48, 4’, 3 Pt., Finish Mower 25180 Woods Rm-48, 4’, 3Pt , Finish Mower 27694 Woods RM-306, 3 Pt, 6' Finish Mower 28169 Woods RM-306, 3Pt 6'Mower 28203 Woods RM-360, 3 Pt. 5' Finish Mower BLADES: $5OO 23683 Kubota 82030 Frt Dozer Blade w/Hyd Angle & Skid Shoes 27908 Curtis SBP Frt Blade w/Hyd. Angle & Extra Valve ISECI 27926 Landpride RB-1500 3pt 5' Blade 26730 Landpride s’, 3 Pt, Rear Blade 27947 Frt. Dozer Blade for 86100 or 87100 28009 Bear Cat Chipper Shredder, 3pt PTO 28150 Landpride RTA-1034 3pt Tiller 27816 AgTeck 680 Preeseeder 27622 Brlnly C-100 Cultivator 28024 2-Section Chain Line Drag Harrow 28025 Turf Vac FMS, PTO Driven ... ... 26007 3 pt. Snow Blower w/Elect Chute Rotator 27907 Kubota GC6O-B Grass Catcher for 82150 Tractor Jlitol&dl 27849 Kubota GC-60248 Grass Catcher for 82100 & 82400, Used One Tune 28012 Landpride 88-2572 6', 3pt Grading Box 26489 7’ 3 pt., PTO Snow Blower, Very Good Cond 25598 Maibo Portable Air Compressor (Hi-Volume Output) 23789 Sears Tow Behind Sweeper, 32" Mower, good Shape 28021 612 2 Axle Trailer 27163 “RE” 7,000 lb. Two Axle Trailer, (very good cond ) 27862 Fransguard 3pt., PT.O. Winch (Good Cond ) $6OO HELLER BRQS. TOSTTr Kubota. RACTORS & EQUIPMENT Servi Ing Central PA Since STORE HOURS MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:00-5:00 Ford 1910*. 12 HP Diesel, 4WD, PS, 1 pt, PTO , Low Hrs , Nice Tractor - 112.875 John Deere B“is*, 24HP, 4WD, Diesel Hyst Trans , Turf Tires, Hyd Frt Blade, S' mid Mower (mie) $9,995 Must See I KUBOTA GENERATORS IN STOCK I SATURDAY 8:00-12:00 I 2 Locations PILOTS! KELLER BROS. AIRPORT RUNWAY 600 From Dmli - „ ; ■J 's►' "■at Lebanon Store CALL FOR DETAILS 1921 LANCASTER 1950 Fruitville Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601 At Route 30 & Fruitville Pike 717-569-2500 Or Toll Free IJ John Deere 441*, 22 HP, Hysl Trans, Hyd Lift, Water Cooled, .14" Mower, Grass Catcher w/Turbme, 311 Hrs (Nice) $5,995 >N LEAI $5,550 $28,750 $13,900 $12,500 $11,900 $21,950 $3,999' ... $3,995 $5,995 $5,995 $5,995 ..$4,975 $3,495 .. $3,895 $3,995 . $975 $2,595 $4,500 $4,500 $1,495 $2,995 $1,495 $1,450 $1,295 $4,595 $495 $3,900 $5,995 $1,195 .$650 $595 $950 $750 .$795 $895 $1,050 $2OO $195 .$750 $1,450 $950 $l,OOO $75 $250 $1,995 $1,495 .. $550 .$1,200 $550 $1,995 $795 $195 $595 $1,650 $1,695