CONGRATULATIONS TO SKULL HILL FARM AND THE ZIMMERMAN FAMILY FOR THEIR COMMITMENT TO AGRICULTURE AND THE PA DAIRY INDUSTRY The Zimmerman Family (Front Row Lto R): Larry Zimmerman, Marilyn Zimmerman, Cassandra Schlotter, Charles Zimmerman, Elisha Dewees and Lindsey Zimmerman (Standing), Linda Zimmerman, Charles Zimmerman, Jr. and Ashley Wood. Back Left (L to R): First Union Agri-Finance Team Members from the Reading Office: Blaine Fessler, Christopher Aukamp, Scott Hauseman (Sitting), William Hughes (Team Leader), Linda Hildebrand and (Absent) Melissa Shoumlisky. Back Right (L to R): Jan Armfield, First Union Regional President for Central Pennsylvania; and Darvin Boyd, First Union SVP and Manager of the Agri-Finance Team for the Pennsylvania/Delaware Region. First Union National Bank believes “The Family Farm is the Backbone of Agriculture.” On behalf of all dairy farmers, we are pleased to salute the success of Skull Hill Farm in Berks County, PA. The Zimmerman family of Berks County, sitting before their newly constructed 390 cow facility, have been in the dairy business beginning with Charles’ grandparents nearly 70 years ago. The original farm was passed to Charles’ father Larry and his uncle Mark. Charles and Linda purchased the farm from his parents, Larry and Marilyn, in 1987. The Zimmermans currently farm 900 acres and milk 350 cows, three times a day. Charles is responsible for the cow management; Linda is responsible for the accounting; Charles, Jr. does the feeding and field work; Larry does the field work; and Ashley works with the calves and breeding. Along with the family, they have four part-time employees for whom they are thankful. A SALUTE TO DAIRY FARMERS. EVERY MONTH IS DAIRY MONTH WITH US. June is National Dairy Month and at First Union Bank we feel you deserve credit more than one month out of the year. Managing a successful dairy operation requires working capital year round. We’re here to help you meet your financial needs. Dairy is a major agricultural enterprise in Pennsylvania and Maryland and First Union Bank is proud to be a major lending source to agriculture. Talk to your friends at First Union Bank, where every month is dairy month. To learn more about our Agri-Finance services, call Lancaster Hanover Reading OR (717) 291-3519 (717) 633-4003 (610) 655-2882 1-800-342-6926