Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 03, 2000, Image 202
E26-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, June 3, 2000 TUES , SEPT 5 * Fat Cattle Sale, ppi eppT o.i dm ctatp firari ?lH llS Al e «nrii o r C^nrfnn e, Rn a C ri’ ed Peeder Pl 9 Sales Carllsle 548 Alexander Spring Road, Llvestock Market, Inc 548 Carlisle, rft Alexander Spring Road Carlisle TUES , SEPT 5- 7 45PM Feeder Rg Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock pp, cppr o 7pm nairv Paioa Market, Inc 548 Atexander Spring Livestock ho , vamsie, ha Sales, Inc, Middleburq. Pa WED , SEPT 6 - 9AM Lumber & Building Supplies To be held al Wolgemuth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave , Leola, Lane Co, Pa 717- afa r»ri/(7 i (■ 'f r K i I AUCTIONEER'S DIRECTORY \ $ Call 717-626-1164 to list your auction service, j NOTICE To assure that your Public Sale appears in the Public Sale Section we must have your advertisement by 5 P M Tuesday of each week’s publi cation JTTL John D. Stauffer \S / /jvLciionee^ 1484 Mountain Road, Manheim, PA 17545 Fulltime Courteous Professional Auction Service Since 1976 Real Estate • Farm Equipment • Antiques Personal Property • Livestock Phone 717-665-5099 "N Professional itF* / auctioneering Martin auction service ( PSIOW. Church Rd. (J Ephrata, PA 17522 N (717)733-3511 Real Estate • Farm Equipment • Antiques • Household Goods It doesn't cost to use our Auction Pays. CALL TODAY!! /SgN WEEKLY AUCTIONS MONDAYS 3 PM W 1- 2112 N RLADING ROAD ¥ S A DfNVDRPA 17*i 17 I 4 *Tiq Ul I • Antiques, Estates, Household, Commercial, Real Estate 1 • Computerized Auction Service AntiailPS With On-Site Capabilities Mniiques . Buy Or Sell On Commissions Sat. 10-5 • No Buyer’s Fee Sim. 8-5 * No Hidden Fees hansCa'clcsupcrnet net 717-336-2861 1171 VV HORNING IJi ft FARM AGENCY, INC. Meile Eherl> AU-2417-L • Alvin Homing AU-042VL Ellon Horning Morgantown, PA (610) 286-5183 > > Courteous Real Estate Services > > Professional Auctioneers > > State Certified Appraisers > > Specializing in Farms and Land COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL AUCTION SERVICE REAL ESTATE - FARMS & RESIDENTIAL PERSONAL PROPERTY - ANTIQUES - FARM STOCK SALES - LIQUIDATIONS RANDAL V. KLINE LLOYD H. KREIDER AUCTIONEER-REALTOR AUCTIONEER 717-733-1006 717-786-3394 ROY E. GOOD, JR. AUCTIONEER (717)445-4309 SAT SEPT 9 -10 AM Heifer Sale, New Holland Sales Stables, 101 W Fulton St, New Holland, Pa all points AUCTION CO. IHOnCEIfII Look Scheduled Past Dea«<UPfe On Second ;To t^^P ; - . ats&sti&nM" FRI SEPT 15-Equipment Sale 9 SERT 22 - 7 PM Momsville AM Middleburg Livestock Auction Re ' , . le * Sal®, Momsville, Sales, Inc Middleburg, Pa NY The Cattle Exchange FRI SEPT 15 - Feeder Sale 7 PM Middleburg Livestock Auction Sales, Inc, Middleburg, Pa FRI SEPT 15-7 PM Horse Sale, New Holland Sales Stables, 101 W Fulton St, New Holland. Pa TUES, SEPT 19 - Fat Cattle Sale, Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc, 548 Alexander Spring Road, Carlisle, PA TUES , SEPT 19-7 45PM Feed er Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 548 Alexander Spring Rd, Carlisle, PA WED SEPT 20 & THURS, SEPT 21 - 8 30AM Wed Lawn & Garden Tractors, misc items Thurs Misc items, tires, posts, etc FarmEqup & tractors Smiles S of Chambersburg, Pa 1 mi E of manon, just E off 1-81 at Marion along Rt 914 Marion Auction Service FRI, SEPT 22 -1 PM Slate Grad ed Feeder Pig Sales Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 548 Alexander Spring Road Carlisle, Pa PUBLIC AUCTION DAIRY SALE at FRALEYS DAIRY COMPLEX 3 Miles E of Muncy, Pa along Kepner Hill Road Thursday Evening JUNE 8, 2000 • 7:30 PM 2 HERDS - 120 HOLSTEINS HERD #1: from Scott & Michelle Brown, Tunkhannock 60 Holsteins cows, half-registered, all just fresh or very close, the right kind, many milking from 80 to 100 DHIA records 4.0% BF & 3 2P Mostly Tauns Breeding w/sires like Horace, Stardust, Melwood, Sunbuck. Aerostar, etc HERD #2: from Donald Gregory, Dallas, 47 Holsteins, averaging 50 lbs 76.0005 CC, 21 heifers from 2 mths to breeding age and they are great. Sires Sunbuck. Ned Boy, Super Sire, Regency, etc. PS: Both herds are tiestall cattle, but out everyday Conducted By 1515 Kepner Hill Road, Muncy, AUCtiSTcSI (570) C 546-6907 Fax 9344 WOOD FARMS COMPLETE ■%/<> 1 HERD DISPERSAL Take Rt 287 to Middlebury Center, then take Rt. 249 north, 3 miles to Keeneyville, 1/2 mile to first farm 10 miles from Wellsboro. 12 miles from Tioga, 22 from Mansfield Watch for auction arrows. FRI. EVENING, JUNE 9 - 7:30 PM Herd consists of 51 mature cows m all stages of lactation 4 Red & White Holsteins, 1 Jersey; Balance Black & White Holsteins Heifers consist of 6 bred heifers, 3 of which are R&W, 13 short bred heifers of which 5 are R&W. and approxi mately 24 yeailings to calves of which 10 are R&W Interstate tested and pregnancy checked 9 way shots Some Sale Features #72 Jeisey projected to 14,613 #95 R&W projected to 17,548 #2l Black & White projected to 17,214 #ll4 R&W projected to 15,883 Many more good uddered young cows. Sales Mgr. Note: Herd is now averaging 16,214 - 3 9% F -3% p on very minimal gram and roughage. Cows haven’t been pushed, many cows capable to 20,000 easily. Terms: Cash or Good Check Food Available Owner: BARBARA WOOD 570-376-4101 Auctioneer: ART KLING, Landisburg, PA SALES MANAGERS: WOOD’S AUCTION SERVICE AYOOOOO9-L RR #2, Box 900, Mansfield, PA 16933 Gordon Tim Ron 570-835-5857 570-549-2112 570-549-4901 For the most in advertising coverage and preparing your sale. Call Wood’s Auction Service! SAT SEPT 23 - 8 30AM - Horse 10AM Mel’s Stables. 834 Wallace Rd, New Holland, PA Mel Hoover, Auctioneer SAT SEPT 23-12 Noon Quarter Horse Sale, New Holland Sales Stables, 101 W Fulton St,New Holland. Pa WED , SEPT 27 - 9AM Farm Equip, Tractors, Truck Lots To be held at Wolgemuth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane CO. Pa 717-656-2947 THURS SEPT 28- 10AM Bath Steuben Co , NY Steuben Co Surplus Equipment Auction Pir runq Aucts FRI SEPT 29 - 6 PM Feeder Sale, New Holland Sales Stables, 101 W Fulton St, New Holland, Pa FRI S EPT 29 - 7 PM Feeder Cat tle Sales Finger Lakes Livestock Exchange, Canandaigua NY SAT SEPT 30 - Horse Sale 8 30 Tack, 11AM Horses Middleburg -ivestock Auction Sales, Inc, Mid lleburg Pa Dairy and Livestock Sales NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES. INC. New Holland, Pa. Located 12 Miles East of Lancaster, just off RL 23 DAIRY SALE WEDNESDAY. JUNE 7, 2000 is io:30 am open bred heifers 12:00 NOON bulls, fresh cows, springers Merle Breneman • Leroy Smacker * Jim Hostetter • Mtrvin Eshlemtn • Dale Hostetter • Daniel Z. Stoltzfus Leroy Smacker Sells A Load of Canadians Registered and Grades, Fresh Cows and Springers Top Sires, Charles - Astre, Park, Leader and a Daughter of Quletcove Fever ET, a 2 yr. old. Super Heifer. “Leßoy Say the Quality on this Load is Top Notch”— Tradeau and Clements will have 20 Fresh Cows here From Canada —Recently Fresh, Cows That Show A-Lot of Milk— Please send all information along with your cattle Tues. Fresh Date, Breeding Dates, Milk Weights, with your trucker. Sale Managed Mv New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. [Urn 717-:s, r i4 fan Fax 0706 i lonic 7I 7 ,'F)7 Norman & David Kolb, Mgrs. 61L KIMMICH FARMS DAIRY HERD DISPERSAL FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 2000 -11:00 AM Located in Cortland Co., N.Y. off Route 81 aHExit 9, Marathon, take Route 221 West Approximately 10 1/2 Miles to Farm on Left, Watch for Sale Signs on Auction Day 125 REGISTERED HOLSTEINS After many great years m the Registered Holstein Business, Leonard and Elizabeth Kimmich have decided to disperse their complete herd and take some much deserved time off. The Dairy Consists of 58 Milking and Dry Animals. 36 Bred Heifeis - (Starting to Calve m July). 8 Breeding Age Heilers, 12 Short Ycaihngs. Balance are Younger Calves. 100% Registered Herd, all Carrying the Kimmich Prefix, have not been clas sified but many great young cows and heifers will score well 1 DHIA Records, Rolling Herd Over 24,000 -3.9 F -3.3 P - Tie Stall Housed and Milked - Somatic Cell consistently under 300,000 - Quality Milk Awards for many years 25 Heifers Milking m Their First Lactation, 18 Second Calves and 15 Cows in Third or Higher. The Herd is Averaging over 70 lb. for many months with 10 Head over 100 lb., and 10 over 90 lb. Year Round Dairy with 15 Selling Recently Fresh, 8 Dry Cows, 4 Due June, 10 to Freshen July and August, 18 Bred for Fall Calving. SALE MANAGERS NOTE: Don’t miss this dispersal, the cows have great udders and really know how to milk. The heifers are outstanding - the best group we have sold this year SIRES OF COWS SELLING INCLUDE; Encore, Leadman, Slocum, Mascot, Thor, Merv, Ktnglea Leader, Belltone, Indy, Fancy Paul, Ambition, and Cleitus HEIFERS SELL SIRED BY: Vista, Patron, Judge, Silver, Grand Slam, Duster. Mattie G, Jordache, Encore, Leadman, Granite, and Others. Owners: LEONARD & ELIZABETH KIMMICH Marathon, N.Y. 607-844-8048 Sale Managed By: KLINGS AUCTIONS, INC. and WOODS AUCTION SERVICE LANDISBURG, PA CINCINNATUS, N.Y. 717-789-3883 607-863-3821