Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 03, 2000, Image 192
ElfrUncastor Farming, Saturday, June 3, 2000 JUNE 2000 FRI JUNE 2 - 6PM & SAT JUNE 3 - SAM Theo Paller Heister Estate At Grassmyer’s Ware house, Off Rt 22-5622 in McVey town Ralph D Heister, executor, Ron Grassmver, auct FRI JUNE 2 - 7 PM Feeder Cattle Sales Finger Lakes Livestock Exchange. Canandaigua. NY FRI JUNE 2 3 30PM & SAT JUNE 3 ■ SAM Antiques, lamps for the Children of Kenneth Ram sey, 25S Market St, Mifflmburg, Union Co , Pa Kenneth E Has smger, Neil A Courtney, aucls SAT JUNE 3 - SAM From the estate of Ralph and Mary Ibach, 24 W Gaul St, Wemersville, Pa Antiques & Collectibles, Furniture, household & appliances, tools, textiles Richard A Kramer, Rick Kramer, aucls SAT JUNE 3 - SAM Teitsworth Auction Yard Groveland Farm & Construction Equip, trucks, land scape tools, building materials, estates liquidations, consign ments Groveland, NY Roy Teitsworth, Inc aucls SAT JUNE 3 - SAM Estate of MG PatHenmnger 30 Miles N of Har risburg, Pa Antiques & Col lectibles, coins guns, household items Dockey-Romberger & Dep pen, aucls SAT JUNE 3 - SAM Antiques household goods AT 105 S Wal nut St Wemersville Berks Co Pa By Sarah S Staudt Dale L Putt aucl Lancaster Farming Classified Ads Now searchable on the Internet. ✓ Check Out Our Web Site www laiicastcrlarmina coni Late Model Farm Equipment Auction 3 Tractors - Cat Ldr - Fhy I r - Hay Forage - Cattle Fquip. SAT., JUNE 17, 2000 • 10 AM For Dunwalke Farm 660 Long Lane, Far Hills, N.J. 45 miles West of N.Y. City From Interstate 1-78 use Exit 26, head North on Rt. 523 Spur to Rt 523 East (Lamington Rd) then immediately turn North on to Black River Rd, go 2 miles and turn east on Long Lane, go Approx 1 mile to Farm. ATT - Sale Order - 10 A.M. Tractors - Farm Equip. Then Cattle jnd Show Equip. Maybe some breeding bulls. 10 A.M. Sharp - Tractors - John Deere 4450 - DL - MFWD - cab - PS - dual remotes 4494 hrs - 140 hp - 20x38R - 14x28F - loaded - Sharp. IHC-886-DL - 90 hp. Black Stripe - dual remotes - 18x38R - Clean. John Deere 2030 gas utility - 60 hp - 3FT sells w/JD - 48 loader. Caterpillar 931 D - DL crawler loader. IVailers Trucks - 93 Eby 24’x8’ Tandem gooseneck cattle trailer w/center gate - full rear gate w/slid er - hay rack - O/S tie rail - Super Sharp. 93 Ford F 350 - XL - dually crew cab pkup truck - V 8 - auto PS - PB - over 100,000 K hi way miles - Real Clean-. Rawhide 16’ bumper hitch cattle trailer. Feeder Wagons Gehl 7190 mixer wgn body on a 73 Chevy 1 ton truck. Gehl 7190 - 2 wh mixer wgn. Both mixers are A-1! Forage Equip. - JD-3950 Chopper - 2RN com hd - 5 1/2’ pkup hd - 6’ dir cut hd. Provost 16’x6’ hyd. rear dump wagon A-l. 2 old rear unloading wgn’s. Hay Equip. - NH-415 discbine 13’ w/roller sharp. NH - 316 hay baler w/pan kicker - A-l. JD - 3PT sickle bar mower. 2 old hay wgn’s. Other Equip - JD - 7000 conservation 4R com planter - dry fert w/msect boxes - VG, NH - 306 - 350 bu tandem manure spdr w/hyd gate - sharp. Knight 305 tandem manure spdr w/hyd gate. Bush Hog 16’ hyd fold rotary mower. TViffline 20’ hyd wing disc. 1H - 720 - 6 btm 16” spring reset semi mtd plow. JD - 20 hole gr drill w/seeder. Allied 96”-3PT - PTO snow blower used 1 season - like new. 9’ Meyers snow plow w/frame for 4450. JD - 3 PT fert spdr. JD - 23 B single shank Hd sub soiler w/ball. Used tractor ties. Cattle Equip. - 3 portable 20’ feed wgn’s. Metal feed bunk, 5 Rd bale rings, Frey and Apache creep feeders. Mineral feeders, Frey - Riverroad and Hand! - cattle shutes w/hd gates - panels, etc. Show Equip. - Show boxes, clippers, fans, stall dividers, elect. Fence equip. Professional cattle sale ring w/pipe rails, Att - Old wicker pony cart! Maybe some comm. Hereford and Gelbvich yearling service age bulls. Call prior to Sale. Auctioneers Note: A real clean set of equip, well worth taking the morning off for. We’ll get you home early! Inspection: June 14 to sale day 10 AM to 3PM Terms: All Out of State Buyer’s Cash or Guaranteed Funds or Current Bank Letter of Credit stating the amount you can spend up to at the Dunwalke sale 6/17/00 Full Payment Sale Day! SAT JUNE 3 - BAM For the Charles Whiteman Estate Antiques, collectibles, clocks, guns, pocket knives, watches, watch fobs, toys, model steam engines, RR items household 222 Orange St, Wnghtsville, York Co Pa Charles Wehrly, Ralph Brenneman, aucls SAT, JUNE 3 - 8 30AM Charles R Steckbecß Estate Real Estate, antique cars, boats, construction equip, tools, etc On the W Side of Clear Spnng Rd, N AnnvilleTwp, Annville, Pa By Colleen A Steck beck Executnx Klemfelter’s Auc tion Service SAT JUNE 3 - 8 30AM Farm PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., JUNE 10, 2000 9:00 AM Loc.: 328 Stcmman Farm Rd Pequca. Martic Twp, Lancaster Co PA (Dir Rte 272 N orS to Truce W on Truce Rd & Martic Hghts Dr thru Rawlinsvilie to Mt Nebo R on Hilldale Rd Lon Stemman Farm Rd to Auction) FURN.; Massive blue/gray one-piece corner tupbd. w/2 arch panel doors over 2 lower panel doors, H Hinges (2 replaced) (Hght =9l , Wdih=67 Dpth =33”) OAK: High bed (w/saw marks) w/mce match dresser w/mirror ext tbl (ptd ) sew mach,rkr,sq desk, (3) oak-press chrs Ice chest Pine sidebd w/back spl gram kitchen-type cab dry sink (as is) Mossier cab (lop conl>), Moms chr collaps high chr Viet towel rack, rope bed (as is) applied shelves mantels, ball & claw piano stool early wood stool, 2 glass door wall case brass bed. Depr pcs slant round tbl, picture frames ANTIQS. & COLLECTS.: Nice Viet Baby coach early elect TIN proj 30 glass slides w/Patr Scenes early 1900 s Nat I cash reg . Coke cooler WOOD: Dove-tail early mm chest & tool chest cheese boxes. snit 7 dryer etc TIN: Egg scales juice press ladle, coal buck et, milk pails, (8) candle mold scales GLASS washbd BRASS spr scales CAST IRON: Early pot cutter pea scales, skillets broad axe, waffle iron harn hooks sad irons, Ig pots 3 It pot scales, pump ADV.: Rulers ydslks, fans match boxes flay swatters Animal tigs , pu7?les old child s games tin lea set cloth seed & flour bags market & other baskets PAPER, POST CARDS, BOOKS, COINS, GLASS/CHINA DISPERSAL FOR 3 GENERATIONS! FOOD SERVED Auction by MRS. JOHN G. (ANNA L.) CLARK PROBST FAMILY AUCTION ERIC R. PROBST, Auct. AU-001856-L, 464-3700 Equip and Personal property of S K Harding Orchard, From 1-83 in York Exit 7 E to Longstown, S Rt 24 2 miles to auction on left Carl Harding, owner Nevm Renlzel, auct SAT JUNE 3 - 8 30AM Antiques, toys, personal property from the late Dr & Mrs J H Brubaker, held in the Denver Fire hall. Locust St, Denver Boro, Lane Co Art Pan nebecker, auct SAT JUNE 3 - 8 30AM Brick home of family heirlooms , hook rugs, quilts, oak desk, chests, bowls Mary Westenberger. owner 329 College Ave , Eliza bethtown, Pa Tim & Harold Keller, aucts 717-653-8871 SAT JUNE 3 - 8 30AM - Horse 10AM Mel's Stables, 834 Wallace Rd, New Holland, PA Mel Hoover, Auctioneer SAT JUNE 3 - 9AM Plants & shrubbery, tractors, farm equip tools, antiques, collectibles, furni ture At Hauseman’s Farm Mkl, Hill Church Rd , Pikeville, Pa Gary Hauseman, auct SAT JUNES - 9AM Household,a ntiques, collectibles & glassware Rt 70 to Woodbine, Lisbon Exit N throu Woodbine approx 4 miles 7046 Woodbine Rd Estate of Col & Mrs Charles R Etzler golden Gavel Aucts June is Dairy Month PUBLIC SALE Garage Equipment Tools of ail Kinds - Adv. Clocks Av. Pcs.- Hardware - Toys Sat., June 17,2000 8:30 AM Sharp Retiring after 38 yrs. in business. Sale will be held at Lucas Service Center 300 West Simpson St. Mechanicsburg, Pa. Comer of Simpson & York Streets. Sign posted. Garage Equip.-Tools etc.: Keystone upright Commercial air compressor 115 & 230 volts, motor & pump approx. 3 yrs. old; Forward 12,000 4 post drive on hoist; Over head oil reel & oil tank; These 3 pcs. are to be removed w/in 10 days or sooner. Mateo 23 draw er tool chest cabinet; Astro-Line 1,000 Lb. capacity transmission jack, like new; Hofmann brake drum & roto lath & tire balancer; 25 ton shop press; Snap-On digital Oscioscope; floor jacks & stands; parts washer; battery chargers; ball joint gauges & installer; torch outfit on cart; bench grinder & vise; 1 ton chain hoist; testers of all kind; Spnnk brake tools; leak detectors; mac & Snap-on wrenches Am. & metric ratchets - sock ets all sizes; 2,000 & 4,000 computer analyzer ignition; air power tools; air condition machines; scrap pile; 65+ Auto, repair manuals; plastic tool boxes for pickup bed; TOYS: Texico #3 to date- Big-A-Wix banks; 7 UP-Big A-Car Quest-Hub Cap-Liquid Wrench-Ray Bestos-Wagner Brake- Champion-D.Allison-D. Ernhart clocks; Car Quest-Big A & Hempt Bro’s Thermometers; plus other adv. pcs. this is only a small listing lots more not mentioned. Auctioneer Note: Garage & mechanics don’t miss this sale. Hand tools mostly name brands. Lots of tools hardly used. A good sale. Plan to attend. Full settlement day of sale. No buyer Premium. Terms of Sale: Cash or good personal Pa. checks w/proper ID. No out of state checks. Refreshments by Citizens Fire & Rescue Co. #2. Not responsible for accidents. Owner: LUCAS SERVICE CENTER, THOMAS E. LUCAS Little IKE Eichelberger Auctioneer. Pa. Lie. #AU-001954-L Now booking all types of public sales, Ph. Dillsburg 717-432-0006. PUBLIC AUCTION TRUCKS • TRAILERS EQUIPMENT OFFICE EQUIPMENT MON., JUNE 12, 2000 9:30 AM 4900 West Market Street, Thomasville, PA - Rt. SOW TRUCKS & EQUIPMENT 1986 Chev K-5 Blazer w/6.2 Diesel Motor & Meyers Angle Snow Plow, 1974 Mack Truck Tractor w/237 Motor, 1977 Int. Scout Terra Pick up V-8 & Meyers Angle Snow Plow, 1979 & 1980 Int. Scout Traveler V-8, 1979 Cadillac Sedan Deville (Diesel); 1972 Dodge Ext. Cab Pick-up V-8, Vermeer Trencher M-440 w/Diesel Engine, 6 Way Blade & backhoe; A.C. Diesel Forklift. TRAILERS 5 - 1980 Trailmobile Trl. 45’ x 13’6” w/Swing Doors, 5 Gindy 42’ x 13’ Van Trailers w/Roll-up Doors, 45’ x 13’ Storage Trailer, 2 Fruehauf 45’ x 13’ - (1-102 W) with Roll Bed Systems, 4-1/4 ton Army Trailers. PARTS VEHICLES 1981 Int. SI9OO w/24’ Van Body & Cable Unloader System, 1965 Int. Dump, 1962 F6OO Ford Stake Bed, 1979 & 1980 Olds Delta 88’s, 1979 Cadillac w/425 Engine. MISCELLANEOUS David Bradley Farm Wagon, Flat Bed Wagon, J.D.-A, 1948 w/45 Loader, J.D. 45 Loader, Greenhouse Frame, Restaurant Equipment, Office Desk, Chairs, File Cabinets, Tables, Stackable Bookcases, Aluminum Carts and Storage Bins, Clear and Black Plastic, & Other Misc. Items. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK - FULL SETTLEMENT AUCTION DAY. Seller: TAMMY L. SIPLING Robert Wetzel 792-4197 870-6318 - Cell Phone AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: RentzeTs Auction Service Emigsville, Pa 717-764-6412 PA Lie. #761 MARY A. ENGLE ESTATE AUCTION V r' \ S _ * V. \J THURS., JUNE 8, 2000 6:00 PM 106 Engle Lane, Manheim, PA Rt. 72,5 miles north of Manheim, 1/4 mile south of Exit 20 Lebanon/Lancaster interchange. Mt. Hope area. Beautiful wood setting, well constructed, main tenance free, all vinyl siding ranch type home. Attached one car garage, covered carport and large covered enclosed patio w/sandstone fire place. 3 bedrooms, bath, large living room with sandstone fireplace, birch kitchen, kitchen-dining room combined w/bar, utility room, sunroom, fin ished family room in basement w/knotty pine wet bar. Wall to wall carpet throughout home. Lots of storage and closets. Detached bam style 2 car garage w/second floor. 1/2 acre more or less, central air, cast iron base board heat, also set up for electric heat, well and septic. Beautiful landscaped yard and mature shade. This home is very well kept. Call auctioneer 665-4468 for appointment. TERMS: 10% down day of sale, balance 45 days or less. Young and Young, Attys. ESTATE OF MARY A. ENGLE EXECUTRIX: SANDRA F. MATTHEWS EXECUTOR: DALE W. ENGLE Aiirfinnpprc R. Terry Matthews - (717) 665-4468 AU-003483-L Norman M. Redcay - (717) 484-2198 AU-003354-L FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION Bruce Reynolds Estate Perry City, Trumansburg, NY WED., JUNE 7, 2000 5:00 PM At the farm 6351 Rte. 227 Perry City; 3 1/2 miles south of Trumansburg OR 4 miles north of Mecklenburg, NY via Rte. 228 FARM EQUIPMENT: Farmall 856 diesel trac tor, WFE, 18.44x38; Farmall “M” w/loader; NEW IDEA UNI SYSTEM 705 DIESEL with accessories; N.I. forage chopper unit; NI 3 row com head; NI 710 Combine unit model 729 unit, model 761 pickup head, model 725 com head; NI grain platform; Hesston 1010 hydro swing M/C; NH 55 hay rake; Grimm tedder; JD hay grain ele vator; JD flat hay wagon; kicker wagon; Knight S.U. wagons and gears; JD 14’ cultimulcher; hydraulic drive S.U. wagon and gear; B”xso’ allied auger; hay grain elevators; 6”x4o’ auger; JD 6 row com planter, parts; aerator drags; Dion blower; Century 3 pth. sprayer; Century poly tanks; poly saddle tanks; 3 pth. Cultivator; roller; running gears; gravity box; Graham plow; IH duise; IH 6 bottom plow w/coulters; 14’ drags; duals 18.4x38 and 15.5x38’5; Bean windrower; Hesston model 260 windrowers w/Innes bean head; NI 10 ton model 221 manure spreader; roller mill BARN AND DAIRY EQUIPMENT: 1000 gal lon S.S. bulk tank old ice bank; Conde milking system and parlor; NEW QUONSET 80x100 steel building still wrapped up on ground. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK LUNCH AVAILABLE Owners: B. REYNOLDS ESTATE: ELIZABETH REYNOLDS AND DAVID REYNOLDS AUCTIONEERS NOTE: A few small items, mostly large machinery, be on time... not a long auction. HOWARD W. VISSCHER SALES MANAGER AND AUCTIONEER NICHOLS, NY 607-699-7250