Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 03, 2000, Image 128
D4-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 3, 2000 Company Offers Backhoe Attachment GREAT BEND, Kan. The new 951 backhoe attachment from Great Bend Mfg. mounts on skid steers from 40 to 100 hp and 55 to 100 hp tractors with Cat. I and II 3 point hitch. The 951 offers nine foot seven inches digging depth with 4,575 pounds digging force. A tapered console and walk through deck provide comfort and great visibility to the op erator. Two double-action hydraulic cylinders replace chain links to ensure long-life and smooth swing operation. Also available from GB are the Model 651 backhoe at tachment with six foot six inch depth, the Model 751 with seven foot six inch depth, and the Model 851 with eight foot eight inch digging depth. White Oak To Hold Pinola Open House ELIZABETHTOWN (Lan caster Co.) Having recently constructed a new bag ware house at its Pinola branch, White Oak Mills will be con ducting an open house Thurs day, June 15 at its Pinola Feed Store location, Shippensburg from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. rain or shine. Open house events will in clude “Summer heat stress” dis cussions throughout the day by Dr. Jim Aldrich, dairy nutrition manager at Akey Inc., Ohio; a cow station featuring body con- Million-Unit Milestone PLAIN CITY, Ohio—March 14 was a historic day for Select Sires as 7H03707 Paradise-R Cleitus Mathie*TL produced his one millionth unit of semen. At 12 years of age, Mathie is the second bull in the federa tion’s 35-year history to achieve this milestone, the first being Fisher-Place Mandingo-Twin. Mathie, now scored Excellent (94), first came into the Select Sires active lineup in July 1993 as a graduate of the Program for Genetic Advancement (PGA) sire -sampling and proving system. In just his first six months on the lineup, Select sold nearly 50,000 units of Mathie semen. In 1994, Mathie ranked second at Select for number of units sold. By 1995, Mathie was the number one selling bull for Select, a feat he went on to ac complish again in 1997 and 1999. In fact, Mathie has ranked either first or second in unit sales for Select since 1994. His heavy use is well documented by dition scoring demonstrations; TMR particle size display and testing; silage inoculant applica tor demonstrations; PQA certifi cation (by Dr. Ken Kephart at 1 p.m. only); and calf care video. In addition, there will be product specials, industry repre sentatives, doorprizes, and more. A pig roast and ice cream will be served all day (10 a.m.-3 p.m.). To register, call White Oak Mills’ customer service depart ment toll-free (800) 468-5524, by Friday, June 9. Mathie Hits the 21,000 plus daughters in his U.S. sire summary. “When you see the Mathie daughters, it’s obvious why he is our top selling bull,” said Bill Thompson, vice president of marketing and development. “The Mathies have outstanding udders and feet and legs and they are wet. Once dairy produc ers see how they perform, they continue to use Mathie over and over. Mathie is Select’s ultimate customer satisfaction sire.” Sire Analyst Charlie Will, who acquired the bull for PGA sampling, is in total agreement with Thompson. “The Mathie daughters just get better with age. He is the kind of bull who will sire a Good Plus 2-year-old that will go on to score Very Good as a 3-year-old and then Excellent as 4-year-old. The Mathie daughters are the type of cows that stay in the herd for a long time. All dairymen want high-producing, long-lasting cows.” It’s this longevity that con tributes greatly to Mathie’s +3.0 Announce Retail Relationship SYRACUSE, N.Y. and RICHMOND, Va. Agway Inc. and Southern States Coop eratives, Inc. announced the signing of a letter of intent to pursue discussions toward the creation of a relationship to serve Agway consumer dealers in northeastern U.S. The letter of intent provides for the two cooperatives to work together to develop a product distribution and marketing system that will serve dealers with a full line of branded and non-branded products, as well as marketing and advertising support to develop the coopera tives’ brands and trademarks over a larger geographic area. Optimizer Creates Firm, Texturized Seedbed Surface BRILLION, Wis. A firm and texturized seedbed surface is a key element for improved seed germination. The new Op timizer Pulverizer from Briliion promises to achieve both of these conditions. By itself, or pulled behind a tillage tool, the Optimizer Pul verizer creates the optimum seedbed surface firm and tex turized without air pockets. “A good, firmed seedbed maximizes moisture retention, increases the capillary action of water to the seed and root zone, and provides for the best possi ble seed-to-soil contact,” said Tim Geary, marketing manager for Briliion Iron Works, Inc. “This results in more uniform germination and higher yields. “With an average operating weight of 200 pounds per foot of width, and an open-wheel design, the Optimizer Pulverizer has enough weight to break Crop King Offers Grower Training Workshops SEVILLE, Ohio Through a combination of classroom ses sions and hands-on, in-the greenhouse training, Crop- King’s intensive two-day work shops are designed to help growers succeed. Workshops include an op tional half-day session on the preceding Thursday afternoon. For additional information or to register for any of the following workshops, contact Crop- for Productive Life. At 99% reli ability, Mathie is one of the highest bulls in the breed for this measure of longevity. “We’re milking 25 Mathie daughters and we are still using him heavily,” said Bill Ramsey of Paradise Valley Farms where Mathie was bred. “He is our pre mier sire because we know what we are going to get and we like it. We have some daughters Dairy month? Agway, Southern States Southern States would assume all dealer marketing, de velopment, operations, distribu tion, and logistics associated with the consumer wholesale business operated by Agway and would provide Agway-branded products. Agway would continue to manufacture, promote, distrib ute and sell the Agway and Leg ends bagged feed products through the dealer channel in the Northeast. Agway would also provide Agway Feathered Friend bird food, Agway seed and Seedway’s commercial veg etable seed and turf seed prod ucts in this market. The new product distribution The Optimizer Pulverizer from Briliion creates the optimum seedbed firm and level without air pock ets, breaking clods and firming the seedbed with- 1 out over packing the soil. clods and texturize the seedbed without over-packing the soil,” Geary said. By leaving a textur ized surface, the Optimizer Pul verizer finished the soil in a way that helps reduce wind erosion, water erosion and surface crust ing. This leaves the soil in excel lent condition and ready to, Inc., 5050 Greenwich Rd., Seville, OH 44273,330-769- 2002; e-mail: workshop@crop New Mushroom Growei Training Workshop is July 13- 15 in Seville, Ohio. Hydroponic Grower Training Workshop for hydroponic growers and prospective growers will be conducted in Seville, Ohio, June 22-24, July 27-29, Aug, 10-12, Sept. 14-16, scored as high as 91 points.” Mathie is the result of Ram sey’s mating of the now world renowned Paradise-R Bell Sears to Cleitus. Ramsey said, “When we make our breeding decisions, we want the resulting bulls to sire daughters that look and perform like their maternal line and Mathie does that. His good daughters look just like Bell Sears did.” and marketing system is ex pected to be in place by July 2000. Terms were not disclosed. “We are very excited about this new opportunity with Agway,” said Wayne Boutwell, president and CEO of Southern States. “We can achieve the size and scope of business that is needed to deliver optimum value to new customers and our existing farmer-owners and dealer network.” Currently, Agway and South ern States co-own a bagged feed manufacturing plant in Gettys burg, Pa., and are co-owners of a pet food joint venture with four other farmer-owned coopera tives. plant. A better seedbed helps get crops off to the best possible start and sets the plant up to flourish.” The unique interlocking wheel design allows the Optim izer Pulverizer to be used in wetter, trashier conditions with out build-up on the wheels. “We designed the Optimizer Pulverizer so that each section drives as one gang. That means less trash and dirt buildup be tween the wheels,” Geary said. The Optimizer Pulverizer is available in three-point hitch models in working widths from 10 feet to 20 feet, and pull-type models in working widths from 10 feet to 46 feet. All are built with interlocking 20-inch ductile iron wheels that carry a 5-year limited warranty against break age. Drawbar length telescopes from 13 feet, 11 inches to 19 feet, 1 inch on 28- and 46-foot models. Oct. 5-7, and Nov. 30-Dec. 2, Hydroponic lettuce and herb grower training workshop is scheduled Sept. 21-23 in Seville, Ohio. Crop King will host its 17th Annual Hydroponic Grower’s Conference at the Clarion Plaza Hotel in Orlando, Fla. Nov. 10- 11. Learn about the bright future of controlled environment agri culture through a wide range of topics presented by research people and experienced growers from around the world. On Friday, the grower’s ses sion will feature topics that best serve the continued success of experienced growers, including strategies and techniques to im prove growing skills, enhancing yields and quality, maximizing profits, etc. Friday’s prospective grower session will present an overview of the hydroponics industry, in cluding such topics as crop choices, greenhouse selection and equipment, growing media, harvesting and packaging, cost vs-return, preparing a business plan, labor requirements, etc. On Saturday, the conference features a combined grower and prospective grower session, which focuses on profitability and marketing updates on a variety of potential crops, har vesting, packing, grading and more complemented by a spe cial marketing forum to answer questions.