Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 20, 2000, Image 1

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V 01.45 No. 29
Poultry Industry Out In Force
At Annual Fundraising Event
HERSHEY (Dauphin Co.)
About 1,300 poultry producers
and agribusiness friends gath
ered at the Hershey Lodge and
Convention Center Monday
night to socialize, have a
scrumptious chicken dinner,
and hear the world-famous Oak
Ridge Boys in concert. The
$1,600 Each To
Scholarship Winners
Lancaster Farming Stuff
LANCASTER (Lancaster
Co.) Could one high school
senior be an up-and-coming
“dog psychologist?”
Greta Feeser, one of seven
Lancaster County Farm and
Home Foundation Scholarship
winners, wants to understand
animal behavior.
Greta, honored with a $1,600
scholarship Tuesday evening,
chose Juniata College. Greta
said she would like to learn the
“psychology of animals, and
why they do what they do.”
Greta, 18, daughter of
Thomas and Diane Feeser,
Lititz, was one of seven scholar
ship recipients announced Tues
day evening at the Farm and
Home Center.
The Warwick senior joins
fellow Warwick student Desiree
Haneman, Lititz, and others as
award recipients. Also honored
each with a $1,600 scholarship
were Diana Erb, Lancaster; Rus
sell Howard, Strasburg; Audrey
Nissley, Washington Boro; Lynn
Lancaster County Farm and Home Foundation Scholar
ship winners were, front from left, Diana Erb, Desiree
Haneman, and Audrey Nissley. Back from left, Greta
Feeser, Russell Howard, Lynn Ressler, and Ryan Wimer.
Five Sections
$lOO-a-plate event brings to
gether all aspects of the poultry
industry in the largest annual
fundraising effort of the PennAg
Poultry Council.
dust last week, PennAg Indus
tries had an open house for then
new office location off Lingles
town Road, northeast of Harris
burg. They moved from Ephrata
(Turn to Pag* A2O)
Ressler, Peach Bottom; and
Ryan Wimer, Quarryville.
Greta has four years experi
ence as a kennel assistant at the
Lititz Veterinary Clinic. She
credits career inspiration from
Dr. Bill Whittaker at the clinic.
Greta plans to study under
Juniata’s pre-vet program. The
college has wonderful communi
cating regarding career place
ment, Greta ' said. “I felt a
connection to the school.”
Though she has worked
mostly with pets, she is consider
ing the small- and large-animal
care field.
Regarding the “animal psy
chology” studies, she plans to
continue to explore that area. If
not part of the curriculum, she
said she would pursue it as a
“personal project.”
Fellow student Desiree Hane
man wants to pursue a career
working, perhaps, as a caretaker
in the Disneyworld Animal
Kingdom in Florida helping
with the African animals, she
(Turn to Pago A 24)
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 20, 2000
Grower A Marketer, a section dedicated to the eastern vegetable, fruit, nursery, and
direct marketing industries, features information about strawberry field management.
Ernie Mast, at right, cares for about 3-4 acres of strawberries near Morgantown with
Jim Groff, strawberry field manager. A highlight of the section includes a photo plum
pox infestation resource crucial to the fruit grower, information about the upcoming
state horticulture tour, and marketing news. Photo by Andy Andrews
Now Receiving Daily Recipe Contest Entries
Lancaster Farming salutes dairy farmers by conducting an annual dairy recipe contest
during June Dairy Month. Dairy recipes are needed for appetizers, soups, breads, en
trees, vegetables, desserts, beverages, snacks, and salads. Entries are eligible for a
drawing for many different types of prizes. See page A 26 for contest rules.
Berks County Dairy Farmer Crossbreeds
To Prepare For Changes
Lancaster Farming Staff
LIMEKILN (Berks Co.)
Dairy farmer Marlin Stoltzfus
feels changes coming in the
“What I see coming is more
component pricing,” said
Stoltzfus, who milks 100 cows in
Berks County. “We have to
learn to make milk with forage,
not grain, and we are going to
need to breed for a different
kind of cow.”
Stoltzfus is experimenting
with Normandy dairy cattle, a
relatively new breed in the
United States that originated
from France. First arriving in
the states as a beef breed, the
Normandy dairy breed touts
longevity, a wide heart girth,
and high milk component levels.
“We’ve been talking dairy
ness for so long in the U.S. that
what we’re getting is frailness,”
said Stoltzfus. “It all starts in
front of the cow. If you don’t
have room in the chest for a big
heart, lungs, and digestive
system, you’re going to have
Stoltzfus, who farms with his
wife Ruth, took over the third
generation farm from his father.
Their dairy herd includes Hol
steins, Guernsey, Jerseys, and
one Brown Swiss bull. Marlin
and Ruth have two sons
Erick, who is a veterinary stu
dent at the University of Minne
sota, and Dean, who is a
$32.00 Per Year
“When my father farmed, we
had all Guernsey,” said
Stoltzfus. “But then our dairy
complained because they were
paying us for 6 percent test milk,
so we added some Holsteins to
bring the component levels
Now the Stoltzfus’ herd is 90
Marlin and Ruth Stoltzfus of Berks County are experi
menting with Normandy dairy cattle, a new breed to the
United States. Now ownihg three Normandy-Holstein
crossbred calves, Stoltzfus has already seen some bene
fits of the breed. Photo by Jayne Sebright
60c Per Copy
percent Holsteins. “We’re cross
breeding a few of our Holsteins
with the Normandy breed to in
crease the longevity and hardi
ness of our herd.”
According to Stoltzfus, a cow
should be thought of as an ath
lete. “She has to pump a lot of
(Turn to Pago A2S)