AB-Lancastar Farming, Saturday, Hay 13, 2000 vJgjuOl-D > J«!2_zis==- 3T St. Dunstan’s Cider St. Dunstan (c. 909-988), patron saint of goldsmiths and silversmiths, as well as a jeweler, painter, and blacksmith, was bom near Glastonbury and educated by Irish monks. Besides his command of these arts, he was also a skilled brewer. One legend that followed him was that he tricked the Devil into putting a blight on apple trees to prevent the produc tion of his rival drink, cider. According to the tale, the blight was accomplished in the three days of May 17, 18, and 19, the latter being St. Dunstan’s Day. This was given as a reason for the cold blast that often comes at this time of year—similar to the stories of the ‘Three Chilly Saints” of the previous week. Blossoms in May are not good, some say. *r Cut thnbar at the full Moon to prevent warping and twisting. Cheddar-and-Chtve Wafers 2 cups grated Vermont Chaddar and refrigerate, wrapped 1 cup(2 stick*) unaalted buttar, m waxed paper, for at aoftanad least 2 hours. Preheat 3*ggyolki oven to 400°F and slice 1/2 teaspoon salt dough into /4-inch rounds. 2 tablaapoona choppad fraah Bake on ungreased cookie c^v# * sheets for 5 to 10 minutes. 2 cupa all-purpoae flour Serve warm with soup or salad, or as a cracker for smoked salmon or other appetizers. Combine first 5 ingredi ents and mix (or process in a food processor) until smooth. Add the flour and mix thoroughly, then shape into a cylinder United Feature Syndicate 200 Madison Ave. (Printed in the US A) NY - NY 10016 (212-293-8500) New Holland Horses New Holland Sales Stables Report Supplied by Auction Monday, May 12,2000 TOTAL HEAD HORSES AND MULES 188. MARKET STEADY. DRIVING HORSES 525.00-1225.00. RIDING HORSES 510.00-900.00. REGISTERED RIDING 700.00- 1450.00. AT 3200.00. BETTER RIDING 1025.00-1500.00. PONIES 155.00-400.00. LARGE PONIES 500.00-565.00,1 AT 700.00. COLTS 310.00-435.00. Full Flower Moon, May IB Makes 3 dozen. CAT IEE CALVES HOGS SHEEP GOA IS MONDAY 129 110 *S2 79 47 1 AST MONDAY 491 102 CATTLE Compared to last Monday's auction slaughter steers sold steady Slaughter cows were uneven steady Slaughter bulls steady instances 1 50 higher OLD FARMER’S WEATHER PROVERBS SLAUGHTER STEERS Choice 2-3 1065-1435 lbs 69 00-75 00 1500-1570 lbs 69 50-72 50 Select 13 65 00 69 75 some high yielding up to 72 50 Standard 1 3 few 51 75-61 00 HOLSTEIN STEERS Choice 2 individual 1490 lbs 62 75 Select 1-2 52 50-61 00 Standard 1-2 47 50-51 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 2 4 few 1290-1320 lbs 71 25-74 50 Select 1-3 tew 59 75-62 00 Standard I 2 49 50- 57 00 4» A rainbow in the morning gives the shepherds warning. A SLAUGHTER COWS Breakers 75 80 pet lean 40 50-46 50 Boners 80-85 pet lean 38 75 44 00 low dressing down to 36 75 Lean 85-90 pet lean 34 00-42 75 Shells down to 27 50 SLAUGHTER BULLS Yield Grade 1 1170 2220 lbs 53 75-57 00 individual 63 75 Yield Grade 2 1300-2265 lbs 47 00- 52 50 rainbow at night is the shepherd's delight. FEEDER STEERS Medium I 325 lbs 112 50, few 1030-1065 lbs 64 00-67 50 FEEDER HEIFERS Medium and Large 1 250-360 lbs 105 00 117 50. 500- 610 lbs 70 00-90 00, 700-850 lbs 72 00- 82 50 Medium and Large 2 few 375-400 lbs 65 00-80 00 625 700 lbs 68 00- 70 00 Large 2 Holslems few 750-800 lbs 83 00-90 00 Crow on the fence, rain will go hence. Crow on the ground, rain FEEDER BULLS Medium and Large 1 300-490 lbs 93 00-115 00, 525-650 lbs 82 50-98 00, 740-825 lbs 70 00-75 00 will come down. CALVES Compared to last week's auction, Holstein bulls returning to the farm sold steady to firm, lighter weights 10 00 higher Holstein heifers steady Special Offer 100 unexpected uses for everyday items. Send $3 to Household Chart, Dept UU, The Old Farmer's Almanac, PO Box 520, Dublin, NH 03444 VEALERS Standard and Good few 70-105 lbs 30 00-55 00 RETURNED TO FARM Holstein bulls Number 1 90-125 lbs 18000-222 50, few down to 175 00, 75-90 lbs 125 00- 197 50 Number 2 80-125 lbs 125 00- 182 50, few weaker calves down to 75 00 Holstein heifers Number 1 85-95 lbs 320 00-355 00 Number 2 70-100 lbs 100 00-275 00 Beef type bulls and heifers 75-105 lbs 115 00-205 00, few down to 70 00 Morton Bu • 50-year protection against snow load damage to structures with no weight limit. • 50-year protection against decay or insect attack on preservative-treated columns and lumber. • 20-year protection against red rust, fading, chalking, cracking and peeling on roof and sidewall panels, including damage from atmospheric pollutants. 800-447-7436 W BUILDINGS PO Box 399, Morton, 1L 61550 www mortonbuildings com ©1999 Morton Buildings, Inc WV Contractor’s License #WVOO7B4B Greencastle Livestock Greencastle, Pa. May 8,2000 Report Supplied By USDA :s i 5 BARROWS AND GILTS 40-45 pet ngs Includes An Unequ Warranty Package With Every Building Purchase lean 310-365 lbs 32 00-37 00 SOWS Prices 1-00 higher than last Monday US 1-3 370-495 lbs 34 00-41 50 500-690 lbs 39 50-48 00 SHEEP Slaughter lambs 10 00-1500 higher than last week SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 40 60 lbs 110 00 140 00 65-105 lbs 101 00 11400 Good and Choice 40-70 lbs 70 00-92 50 SLAUGHTER SHEEP Utility 1-3 23 00-43 00 GOATS All sold per head Billies Large 86 00-130 00 Medium 50 00-85 00 Nannies Large 40 00-70 00 Medium 37 00-52 00 Kids Large 19 00 45 00 Small individual 18 00 Leesport Livestock Leesport, Pa. May 10, 2000 Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE 203 [PDA] [Supply included 94 steers and heifers, 85 cows, 10 bulls and 14 feeder cattle] Compared with last weeks sale si steers 200 to 300 higher, Holstems steady, cows uneven 2 00 lower to 2 00 higher, heifers steady to spots 2 00 higher SLAUGHTER STEERS couple High Choice and Prime 2-4 1360 & 1390 lbs 76 50 & 76 75 Choice 2-3 1050-1500 lbs 69 25 75 50 1545-1725 lbs 66 00-68 25. Select I -3 66 00-70 00, one 72 50 HOLSTEINS High Choice and Prime 2-3 1400-1645 lbs 65 75-67 50, Choice 2- 3 1240-1690 lbs 62 00-66 50, Select 1-2 53 50 60 75 few Standard 1-2 44 50- 56 00 HEIFERS Choice 2-4 1020-1305 lbs 68 00 74 50, Select 1-3 62 00-69 00, few Standard 1-2 58 00-61 50 COWS Breakers 75-80% lean 41 25- 44 00, Boners 80-85% lean 39 00-43 75, Lean 85-90% lean 37 00-42 25 Shells down to 26 00 BULLOCKS couple Select 1-3 53 00 & 55 00 BULLS few Yield Grade 1 855-2015 lbs 52 00-56 00, few Yield Grade 2 1080- 1270 lbs 44 00-49 50 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Medium and Large 1 735-800 lbs 70 00- Sl 00, BULLS Medium and Large 1 415- 585 lbs 80 00-85 00, Medium and Large 2 565-740 lbs 43 00-52 50 CALVES 151 VEALERS few Good 130-135 lbs 80 00-87 50, few Standard and Good 75-100 lbs 30 00-50 00, few Utility 55-70 lbs 10 00-25 00 SLAUGHTER CALVES one Choice 485 lbs 85 00 FARM CALVES Holstein bulls 10 00 to 15 00 higher, Holstein • 10-year protection against windload damage to Morton Buildings' AlumaSteel sliding doors with no velocity limit. • 5-year protection against windload damage on the entire structure with no wind velocity limit. • 5-year protection against roof-leaks on Morton Buildings' hi-rib steel panels. Gettysburg, PA 717-624*3331 Pleasant Unity, PA 412-423-7477 heifers steady No I Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 190 00-225 00, 80-90 lbs 165 00- 200 00, No 2 80-125 lbs 85 00-195 00. few weaker calves down to 55 00, No 1 Holstein heifers 85-115 lbs 310 00-345 00. No 2 80 105 lbs 200 00-280 00 Few beef type bulls and heifers 85-160 lbs 75 00- 200 00 HOGS 62 Barrows and gilts steady BARROWS AND GILTS 45-50% lean 220-280 lbs 46 50-47 50, lightweights 40-45% lean 210-220 lbs 40 50-42 25 SOWS one US 1-3 490 lbs 43 00 BOARS one 300 lbs 17 00 FEEDER PIGS 30 US 1-3 35-45 lbs 130 00 165 00,100-125 lbs 85 00-87 50 - - perewt SHEEP 25 Slaughter lambs 10 00 lower SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 25 40 lbs 170 00-19000, one 200 00, 45- 70 lbs 127 50-150 00, 80-105 lbs 100 00- 127 50 OLD CROP LAMBS few Choice 100-120 lbs 80 00-92 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 21 00-40 00, one Yearling 50 00 GOATS 4 [All sold by the head] One Large Billy 80 00, one Medium 43 00. one Medium Nanny 55 00 New Holland Dairy New Holland Sales Stables Report Supplied by Auction Wednesday, May 10,2000 134 DAIRY COWS, 122 HEIFERS, 10 BULLS. MARKET LOWER. LOCAL FRESH COWS 675.00- 1350.00. LOCAL SPRINGERS 885.00- 1325.00. BETTER FRESH COWS 1450.00- 1500.00. LARGE HEIFERS 1275.00-1485.00, SMALL 710.00-1125.00. SHORTBRED HEIFERS 525.00- 1150.00. FEW 1225.00-1325.00. OPEN BREEDING AGE HEIFERS 975.00- BULLS 325.00-685.00, PUREBREDS 585.00- UPSTATE LOADS FRESH 1225.00- 1450.00. CANADIAN LOADS FRESH 975.00- 1500.00. FRESH HEIFERS 860.00-1300.00, 1 AT 1625.00. REGISTERED HEIFERS 910.00- 1575.00. SMALL OPEN HEIFERS 675.00- 760.00, SMALLER 335.00-550.00. Meadville, PA 814-336*5083 Phillipsburg, NJ 908-454-7900
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