Lebanon Produce Hay Auction Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, May 9,2000 Hay—Straw—Grain ORCHARD GRASS: 160.00. MIXED HAY: 130.00-180.00. BARLEY STRAW: 115.00. HAY AND STRAW SALE TUBS. 10 A.M. Greencastle Livestock Hay Greencastle, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction May 8,2000 TOTAL LOTS: 4.4 LOTS OF HAY. ALFALFA: 1250. MIXED HAY: 80.00,150.00,165.00. Okla. National Stockyards Oklahoma City, OK Wed May 10,2000 USDA-OK Dept Ag Market News Oklahoma National Stockyards - Weekly Cattle Summary Compared to last week: Feeder steers steady. Feeder heifers steady to 2.00 lower. Demand moderate for feeders. Steer calves steady to 2.00 lower. Heifer calves steady to 2.00 higher. Most calves now unweaned new crops in moderate to heavy flesh. Quality of supply average. Wheat flesh continues liberal and weigh condition adjusting with warm humid days and well into sellers favor. Feeders in medium to fleshy conditions with av erage to full weigh-ups. Slaughter cows 1.00-2.00 lower. Slaughter . bulls 2.00- Congratulations & Thank You Janies Bobb and Family "Cedar Lane Farms" On Allowing Us To Serve You With Your New Broiler House equipped with Big Dutchman Broiler Feeders and GSI Grain Bins 6«j PlltdlDKM. Service Technicians On Call 24 Hrs. A Day 7 Days A Week 3.00 lower. Packer demand moderate at best. Demand moderate to good for re placements and feeder cows. Total of 385 cows and bulls sold with 45 percent going to packers. Receipts this week 11,300; last week 13,620; last year 12,152. Supply consisted of 88 percent year lings over 600 lbs; 9 percent calves under 600 lbs; 3 percent cows and bulls. Heifers comprised 39 percent of feeder and calf supply. Prices follow with weighted average weight and price in parenthesis. Feeder Steers; Medium and Large 1 400-450 lbs (428 lb) 109.00-115.00 (112.16); 450-500 lbs (468 lbs) 102.00- 110.00 (106.33); 500-550 lbs (529 lbs) 96.50- (100.20); 550-600 lbs (564 lbs) 94.50-102.00, fleshy 92.00-93.75 (97.72); 600-650 lbs (619 lbs) 92.75- 101.00 (97.76); 650-700 lbs (675 lbs) 89.00- (91.73); fleshy 600-700 lbs 85.00- 92.25; 700-750 lbs (733 lbs) 83.00- 91.25 (86.68); 750-800 lbs (774 lbs) 81.25- 85.75 (83.99); 800-850 lbs (824 lbs) 78.00- 84.25 (81.07); 850- 900 lbs (872 lbs) 75.00- (77.82); 900-950 lbs (918 lbs) 74.50- (76.90); 950-975 lbs (958 lbs) 74.75-75.25 (75.00); 1000-1075 lbs (1036 lbs) 71.75-72.75 (72.44); 1100-1150 lbs (1131 lbs) 69.00-70.50 (70.08). Holsteins: Large 2 425-500 lbs 84.00-86.00; 615 lbs 75.00; 720 lbs 72.75; 835 lbs 67.75; 960 lbs 64.50. Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large 1 few 300-400 lbs (350 lbs) 107.00- 116.00 (111.66); 400-500 lbs (450 lbs) 97.00- 107.00 (102.40); 500-600 lb (550 lbs) 93.00-97.00, fleshy 80.50-91.00 (92.85); 600-650 lbs (627 lbs) 84.25-87.25 (86.10); 650-700 lbs (686 lbs) 80.00-85.25 (82.46); 700- 750 lbs (719 lbs) 77.00-84.50 (80.01); 750-800 lbs (765 lbs) 75.50-78.50 (77.20); Hershey EQUIPMENT CO., INC. SYCAMORE IND. PARK 255 PLANE TREE DRIVE, LANCASTER, PA 17603 Mi 1-800-H EC-0988 FAX 717-291-1534 "Your Partner in Agri-Business" 800-900 lbs (850 lbs) 73.00-76.75 (74.40); 900-975 lbs (932 lbs) 72.25-74.25 (73.40). Slaughter Cows: Head %Lean Weight Average Dress High Dress Low Dress Breaker 44 75-80% 1000-1650 38.00- 41.00 41.50-43.00 37.00-39.50 Boner 42 80-85% 900-1450 38.00-41.00 41.00- 46.00 36.00 Lean 45 85-90% 800-1300 37.00-39.50 40.00-45.50 34.00-36.50 Slaughter Bulls: Head Weight Aver age Dress High Dress Low Dress Yield Grade 1-2 35 1250-2150 49.00-52.50 52.00- Estimated dressed cost at Oklahoma National Stockyards: Lean 81.45; Boners 79.55; Breakers 75.75. Bulls 90.85. Replacement Cows: Pretested for bangs, pregnancy, and age Medium and Large 1 Age Weight Months Bred Qual ity Price 5-6 yr old 925-1250 5-8 months Avg, blacks 620.00-645.00, 5-6 yr old 1000-1100 5-6 months Avg quality 550.00- 5-6 yr old 875-1200 2-4 months Avg quality 530.00-570.00; 7-10 yr old 1150-1250 5-8 months Avg, blacks 550.00- 7-10 yr old 950-1100 5-8 months Avg quality 500.00-560.00. Pairs: Medium and large 1 Age Cow Weight Calf Weight Quality Price 4-6 yr old 1000-1200 200-300 Avg quality 825.00- 7 yr old 1000-1100 125- 300 Avg quality 740.00-785.00; 9-10 yr old 1000-1100 150-300 Avg quality 630.00- Frederick Livestock Frederick, Maryland Report Supplied by Auction Monday, May 8,2000 SLAUGHTER COWS: 59 HEAD, 1.00 LOWER. UTILITY 39.00-45.00; HIGH DRESSING TO 46.75; CANNERS 37.00-42.00; SHELLY 37.00 DOWN. jg|r BULLS: 9 HEAD, GOOD DEMAND. VG#l 1200-1500 LBS. 50.00-51.50, 1650-2375 LBS. 51.50-55.50. FED STEERS: NONE. FED IJEIFERS: SELECT HOL STEINSISSO LBS. TO 52.50. VEAL CALVES: 119 HEAD. CHOICE 2 330-340 LBS. 93.00-96.00, CULLS 70-80 LBS. 25.00-36.00. FARM CALVES: HOLSTEIN BULLS STEADY TO 10.00 LOWER. #1 90-120 LBS. 170.00-209.00, , 80-90 LBS. 107.00-162.00; #2 95-120 LBS. 150.00- 75-85 LBS. 40.00-95.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS STEADY. #195- 120 LBS. BO-90 LBS. 250.00- JERSEY X 75-95 LBS. 70.00- BEEF X BULLS 80-110 LBS. 127.00-190.00, 125-140 LBS. 130.00- BEEF X HEIFERS 70- 105 LBS. 110.00-170.00, LBS. TO 145.00. BUTCHER HOGS: 48 HEAD, STEADY TO .50 LOWER. #1 AND 3 230-265 LBS. 44.00-45.00, #2 AND 3 250-270 LBS. 43.00-44.00; 300-325 LBS. 33.00-35.00. SOWS: 1685 LBS. AT 44.00. BOARS: 210 LBS. AT 34.00. STOCK CATTLE: STEERS 400-650 LBS. 72.00-7950. HEIFERS: 300-500 LBS. TO 89.00; 500-700 LBS. TO 76.00. BULLS: 450-575 LBS. 79.00-88.00, 600-750 LBS. 62.00-74.00. SHEEP: LIGHTWEIGHTS 33.00- 40.00. LAMBS: 10 HEAD. 10-25 LBS. 125.00-155.00; MEDIUM 30 LBS. ATO 92.00. PIGS AND SHOATS: BY THE HEAD, 3 HEAD 53 LBS. AT 45.00. SSI Call Our Sale Rep Today For All Your Needs 1-800-HEC-0988 Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, May 13, 2000-A7 SLAUGHTER CATTLE: COWS 2.00 LOWER. BREAKERS 40.00-43.75, BONERS 36.50-42.00, LEAN 33.00- 43.50, SHELLY 30.00 AND DOWN; BULLS 1200-1700 LBS. 41.50-55.00. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS 400- 900 LBS. 70.00-86.00, HOLSTEINS DAIRY TYPES 300-600 LBS. 60.00- 78.00; HEIFERS 400-890 LBS. 72.50- 77.00, HOLSTEINS-DAIRY TYPES 400-650 LBS. 63.00-75.00; CALVES RE TURNING TO THE FARM ACTIVE! HOLSTEIN BULLS #1 80-130 LBS. 170.00- HOLSTEIN BULLS #2 80-150 LBS. TO 165.00, HOLSTEIN HEIERS #1 90-120 LBS. 300.00-380.00, HOLSTEIN HEIFERS #2 75-150 LBS. 200.00- SWINE: HOGS US#l-3 220-280 LBS. 44.50-45.00, 290-400 LBS. 32.00-42.00; US#2&4 42.50-44.00; BOARS OVER 450 LBS. 8.00-10.00; SOWS US#l-3 320- 600 LBS. 35.00-46.50. GOATS: BY THE HEAD, LARGE NANNIES 59.00-86.00, FANCY KIDS 55.00-67.00, FLESHY KIDS 40.00- 54.00, SMALL-THIN KIDS 30.00-39.00. LAMBS: CHOICE 30-60 LBS. 135.00- 155.00. 65-110 LBS. 93.00-132.50. SHEEP: ALL WEIGHTS 27.00-42.00. SALE EVERY TUES. 5 P.M. FOR RABBITS, POULTRY AND EGGS, 6:30 P.M. FOR LIVESTOCK, START ING WITH CALVES. SPECIAL FED CATTLE SALES TUES., MAY 16; STATE GRADED FEEDER PIG SALE FRL. MAY 12; SPECIAL FEEDER CATTLE SALE TUES., MAY 16; PEN LOTS OF CATTLE SOLD IN ORDER RECEIVED; EARLYBIRD PEN CLOSE TUES. 2 P.M. Belleville Livestock Belleville, Pa. May 3,2000 Report Supplied By PDA SALE NOT REPORTED MAY 10 2000' f Greenhouse Tobacco Plug Plants * A Taking Orders: 609 i T 717/626-6071 7am-9pm J Carlisle Livestock Carlisle, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, May 9,2000
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