Westminster Livestock Hagerstown, Maryland Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, May 9,2000 SLAUGHTER COWS: 88 HEAD, STEADY TO 1.00 HIGHER. UTILITY 40.00-45.25; HIGH DRESSING 1 AT 48.00; CANNERS 37.00- SHELLY 37.00 DOWN. BULLS: NONE OFFERED. 1 CHOICE BULLOCK 1408 LBS. 57.00. FED STEERS; 22 HEAD. HIGH CHOICE #2 AND 4 1100-1400 LBS. 73.00- CHOICE #2&3 71.00- 74.00; HIGH CHOICE HOLSTEINS 1300-1500 LBS. 63.00-05.25; 1600-1700 LBS. 61.25-62.50; LOW CHOICE 1200- 1400 LBS. 57.00-61.00. FED HEIFERS; IS HEAD. HIGH CHOICE TO PRIME 1200-1400 LBS. 73.00- 1 1500 LB. AT 70.00; CHOICE #244 1000-1300 LBS. 70.00- 73.00; SELECT 1000-1300 LBS. 62.00- 65.00. VEAL CALVES: 108 HEAD. HIGH CHOICE 1376 LBS. AT 87.00; CULLS 80-110 LBS. 25.00-40.00. FARM CALVES: HOLSTEIN BULLS STEADY PRICES. #1 95-120 LBS. 185.00-211.00,1 AT 219.00, 80-94 LBS. 135.00-180.00; #2 95-115 LBS. 140.00- 75-94 LBS. 90.00-130.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS VERY STRONG DEMAND. #1 85-118 LBS. 300.00- 75-85 LBS. TO 235.00; #2 85-120 LBS. 202.00-297.00; BEEF X BULLS 87.00-185.00. BUTCHER HOGS: 77 HEAD, 1.00- 2.00 LOWER. #1 AND 2 240-270 LBS. 44.00- #1 AND 3 225-270 LBS. 43.00- 270-290 LBS. 42.00-43.00, 295-310 LBS. 35.00-38.00. SOWS; 18 HEAD, 1.00 HIGHER. 300-400 LBS. 32.00-34.25,400-500 LBS. 40.00-43.00, 500-000 LBS. 42.00-46.00, 600-700 LBS. 46.50-48.00, THIN SOWS 300-500 LBS. 25.00-36.00. STOCK CATTLE: 106 HEAD, CON TINUED STRONG DEMAND. STEERS MED. AND LARGE FRAME 200-400 LBS. 98.00-106.00; 400-600 LBS. 94.00-109.00; 600-800 LBS. 73.00- 88.00; 800-900 LBS. 70.00-80.00; 900- 1000 LBS. 63.00-68.00. HEIFERS: MED. AND LARGE Farming, Financing and W( Toge Remember wh was all it took successful farrn^ With some hel| mother nature, efficient is still y _ successful farming. And that, by itself, is a tough job. Today’s farmer has to know financing and marketing as well as production. And today, as in the past,The Ephrata National Bank is here to help. We’ve been financing local farming since 1881 and plan to for years to come. Next time you need some honest advice on financing your farming operation, see your friends at The Ephrata National Bank. To learn more, call Bob Zook at 717-721-5220. member fdic WITH FIVE LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU www ephratanationalbank com FRAME 200-400 LBS. 93.00-118.00; 400-500 LBS. 85.00-104.00; 500-600 LBS. 80.00-91.00; 600-700 LBS. 74.00- 82.00; 700-900 LBS. 59.00-73.00; 900- 1050 LBS. 58.00-65.00. BULLS: MED. AND LARGE FRAME 200-400 LBS. 99.00-125.00, 400-500 LBS. 89.00-103.00, 500-700 LBS. 75.00-90.00. SHEEP: 62 HEAD. LIGHT 35.00- 58.00, HEAVY 25.00-35.00, YEAR LINGS 50.00-70.00. LAMBS: SO HEAD, 5.00-8.00 HIGHER. CHOICE TO PRIME SPRING 50-75 LBS. 120.00-145.00, 80- 99 LBS 100.00-111.00; MED. TO GOOD 30-60 LBS. 75.00-115.00, 60-90 LBS. 77.00-96.00, WOOLED 90-120 LBS. 79.00-97.00. GOATS: 147. LARGE BILLIES AND WETHERS 75.00-127.00, LARGE NANNIES 60.00-80.00, MEDIUM 35.00- SMALL FLESHY 35.00- 50.00, THIN KIDS 10.00-30.00. PIGS AND SHOATS: 39 HEAD. BY THE HEAD, 20-30 LBS. 29.00-31.00, 30-40 LBS. 31.00-42.00, 50-70 LBS. 51.00- BY THE LB. 100-125 LBS. 41.00- BOARS 175-220 LBS. 30.00- USDA-IL Market News Service Fanners Livestock Marketing Assn auction at Greenville,lL Wed May 10,2000 Cattle and calves; 995 head. Com pared to last week, slaughter steers and heifers firm to 1.00 higher, full advance on Choice grades of both classes. Supply mainly Choice slaughter steers and heifers, with several lots of Prime blacks. Light supply of holstein steers. Total Receipts this week: 995 Last week: n/r Last year; nit SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-4 975-1450 lbs 69.00-72.00, 1450-1700 lbs 66.00-70.00; Yield Grade 2-3 and Fancy 2-4 1100-1450 lbs 72.00-74.00, Prime 2-4 1025-1475 lbs 74.00-77.00, few up to 77.25, 1475-1600 lbs 70.00-72.00. Select and Choice 2-3 950-1400 lbs 65.00-69.00. stood the test of time... ‘Ephrata 9{atwnaC I Bank,l St. Louis Feeder Cattle Springfield, 1L Thu May 11,2000 Select 2-3 900-1375 lbs 61.00-65.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS: Choice 2-3 1250-1700 lbs 63.00-67.00. Select and Choice 2-3 1225-1500 lbs 60.00-63.00; Select 2-3 1150-1500 lbs 54.00-60.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 950-1325 lbs 69.00-72.00, YG 2-3 and Fancy 2-4 1150-1400 lbs 72.00-74.00; Prime 2-4 1025-1400 lbs 74.00-76.00. Select and Choice 2-3 900-1225 lbs 65.00- Select 2-3 900-1175 lbs 61.00- HEIFERETTES: Few Medium and Large Frame 1000-1350 lbs 45.00-58.00. FEEDER CATTLE: Compared with last week, feeder steers firm to 2.00 higher. Feeder heifers 2.00 to 4.00 higher. Overall quality comparable to last weeks level. Large buyer attendance. FEEDER STEERS; Medium and Large Frame 1: Thin 300-400 lbs 100.00- 111.00, fancy 111.00-116.00 400-500 lbs 94.00- fancy 102.00-108.00 Pkg 450 lbs blacks at 114.00 500-600 lbs 88.00- 600-700 lbs 84.00-93.00 700- 800 lbs 75.00-85.00 Moderately Fleshy:3oo-400 lbs 90.00-100.00 400-500 lbs 88.00-94.00 500-600 lbs 83.00-89.00 600-700 lbs 77.00-84.00 700-800 lbs 70.00- 800-10001bs 66.00-71.00 Large Frame 2 Holsteins; Pkg 180 lbs at 115.00 200-300 lbs 82.00-91.00 300-500 lbs 78.00-88.00 BUCKET CALVES: (Holstein) 90.00- 125.00/head. FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Large Frame 1: Thin: 200-300 lbs 100.00- 112.00 300-400 lbs 92.00-100.00 400-500 lbs 88.00- 98.00, fancy 98.00-100.00 500- 600 lbs 84.00- 91.00 600-700 lbs 78.00- 85.00 700-800 lbs 70.00- 78.00 Moderately Fleshy:3oo-400 lbs 83.00- 92.00 400-600 lbs 75.00- 85.00 600-800 lbs 65.00- 75.00 Cow/Calf Pairs: Large Frame 7-9 yrs old with calf at side 625.00-800.00/pr. Medium to Large Frame 8-10 yrs old 530.00-650.00/pr. Bred Cows: Large Frame 3-10 yrs old in 2nd and 3rd stage 430.00-590.00/hd. Slaughter Cows and Bulls; 150 head. Compared to last week, cows steady to 1.00 lower. Bulls fully steady. SLAUGHTER COWS: % Lean Weight Price Breakers 75-80 % 850-1200 HUHHOUMM LENDER lbs 38.00-42.00 Boners 80-85 % 850-1200 lbs 40.00-43.00 High Yielding 80-85 % over 1100 lbs 42.00-45.00 Lean 85-90 % 850-1200 lbs 37.00-40.00 85-90 % 750- 850 lbs 33.00-37.00 85-90 % under 750 lbs 28.00-33.00 BULLS; Yield Grade 1-2 1000-2400 lbs 45.00-50.00. Several Yield Gr 11500- 2000 lbs 50.00-53.00. Four States Livestock Hagerstown, Maryland Report Supplied by Auction Wednesday, May 10,2000 SLAUGHTER COWS: 71 HEAD, 1.00 LOWER. UTILITY 40.00-45.00; HIGH DRESSING 46.00-47.00, CANNERS 37.00-42.00; SHELLY 37.00 DOWN. BULLS: 8 HEAD, STEADY. YG#l 1100-2200 LBS. 52.00-57.00, YG#2 1100-1200 LBS. 44.00-53.00. FED STEERS: 67 HEAD, STEADY. HIGH CHOICE TO PRIME 1100-1500 LBS. 73.00-76.00, 1 AT 77.00; OVER 1500 LBS. TO 72.75; CHOICE #2-3 1100-1500 LBS. 71.00-74.00, SELECT TO LOW CHOICE 64.00-71.00, LOW CHOICE HOLSTEINS 1300-1400 LBS. TO 53.00,1500-1900 LBS. 49.00-52.25. FED HEIFERS: 20 HEAD. CHOICE 900-1050 LBS. 64.00-70.00, LOW DRESSING 800-950 LBS. 53.00-61.00, LOW CHOICE HOLSTEINS 1300- 1500 LBS. 46.00-53.75. CALVES: 115 HEAD. CULLS 80-110 LBS. 40.00-42.00; HOLSTEIN BULLS RETURNING TO FARM, STEADY. #1 92-120 LBS. 197.00-215.00, 82-90 LBS. 130.00- #2 90-120 LBS. 130.00- 195.00. 125-135 LBS. 147.00-162.00,75- 88 LBS. 55.00-122.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS »1 95-120 LBS. 305.00- 355.00. 80-95 LBS. 240.00-285.00; #2 95- 120 LBS. 250.00-290.00, 70-95 LBS. 160.00- BEEF X BULLS 115.00- 190.00, HEIFERS 75-85 LBS. TO 125.00. BUTCHER HOGS: 1294 LBS. 43.75. SOWS: 27 HEAD, 2.00-3.00 HIGHER. 300-500 LBS. 34.00-38.00, 500-700 LBS. 43.00-47.00, THIN 400- 600 LBS. 32.00-40.00. BOARS; 2 HEAD. 450-600 LBS. TO 14.75. STOCK CATTLE: 74 HEAD, LIM ITED SUPPLY. STEERS MED. AND LARGE FRAME 200-300 LBS. TO 113.00; 400-500 LBS. 97.00-105.00; 600- FREE COMMODITY MARKET NEWSLETTER Whether your trade interests are grains or gold, Lehigh Valley Futures, Inc. has the knowledge and expertise to assist you in these markets. For a copy of our newsletter and/or a free trading kit, please contact: Lehigh Valley Futures, SOOOTilghman Street Suite 249 Allentown, PA 18104 1-800-543-8939 or 1-610-366-7979 Fax 1-610-366-9842 Ivf uture@ microserve.net The risk of loss in trading futures and options on futures can be substantial Futures and options trading may not be suitable for everyone You should carefully consider the risks in light of your financial condition in deciding whether to trade *n«OAL°'< (Usmotm Jonas S. Zook Levi L Stoltzfus 717-866-9224 717-866-8564 • Pump, Motor, and Cylinder Repair • Air, Tool and Compressor Repair . New Pumps> MotorSi and • New Air Tools and Compressors Cylinders • Air Hoses and Accessories * Belts, and Pulleys, etc. • Hydraulic Hose Assemblies Complete Air and Hydraulic Conversions and Installations. 1234 S. College Street, Myerstown, PA 17067-2509 DIRECTIONS: Rt 501 between Myerstown & Schaefferstown, PA Turn onto ELCO Road at Arment's Restaurant, first lane on fight HYDRAULIC OIL SPECIAL: Bring this Ad to receive an 8% Discount off our regular price of Castrol Blue Plus and Castrol UTF Hydraulic Oils. Cash sale only. Special good till May 31,2000 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 13, 2000-Al7 700 LBS. 87.00-94.00, 700-800 LBS. 68.00- 900-1000 LBS. TO 71.00. HEIFERS: MED. AND LARGE FRAME 200-400 LBS. 90.00-100.00; 400-500 LBS. 90.00-99.00; 500-700 LBS. 75.00- 700-800 LBS. 60.00-68.00. BULLS: MED. AND LARGE FRAME 200-300 LBS. 106.00-125.00, 500-700 LBS. 75.00-85.00, REG. RED ANGUS 1250 LBS. AT 75.00; 2 RED ANGUS SIMMENTAL 1200-1400 LBS. 70.00; REG. ANGUS 2000 LBS. AT 64.00; REG. BLACK SIMMENTAL 1700 LBS. 90.00; GRADE ANGUS 1120 LBS. AT 59.00. DAIRY REPLACEMENTS: SM. JERSEY HOLSTEIN X SPRINGER 835.00; RED AND WHITE SPRINGER 975.00; MED. COWS MILKING 540.00-650.00; HOLSTEIN BULLS 1100 LBS. AT 600.00; SM. STARTED HEIFERS 230.00-450.00; MED. HEIF ERS 350.00-485.00. SHEEP: 20.00-48.00. PIGS AND SHOATS: 163 HEAD, MAINLY ROUGH LIGHT WEIGHTS. BY THE HEAD, 20-30 LBS. 10.00- 19.50, 30-45 LBS. 20.00-25.00; BY THE LB. 1 LOT 56 LBS. AT 96.00,1 LOT 72 LBS. AT 64.00, 1 STOCK BOAR 376 LBS. AT 20.00. NEXT WED., MAY 17, SPECIAL DAIRY CONSIGNMENT SALE AT 7:15 P.M. Livestock Cooperative Auction Market Of North Jersey Hackettstown, N.J. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, May 9,2000 CALVES .15-3.70. COWS .27V!i-.46V2. EASY COWS .10-.34y4. FEEDERS 300-000 LBS. .47-.56. HEIFERS .27VJ-.65. BULLS .40 j /4-.57 1 /i. STEERS .45-.73V4. HOGS AVh-AVA. ROASTING PIGS EA. 36.00-42.00. BOARS .23. SOWS .35. SHEEP .05-.58. LAMBS EA. 18.00-82.00. LAMBS PER LB. .49-1.67'/i. GOATS EA. 47.00-117.50. KIDS EA. 5.00-91.00. HIDES 19.00 EA. 757 HEAD TOTAL. Inc.
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