Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 06, 2000, Image 184
D4B-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 6, 2000 WILLIAM H. WESSELS USED CARS ’ y jilWilfli * 1 98 Chevy Malibu, 4 Cyl., Auto, AC, 1 Owner, 51,210 Miles $ 9,900 97 Toyota Camry LE, Auto, AC, 22,000 Miles $ 14,900 Nice! $ 22,900 l^J 95 Chevy 14' Waik In Van, Diesel, Auto, No AC, 14,100 GVW, 102,287 Miles *1 1.900 91 Chevy K 2500 4x4, Heavy Duty, Good Work Truck, 107,206 Miles $ 9,900 9 VB, Auto, AC, Equipped, 134,000 Miles $ 9,900 ‘5,990 96 GMC Yukon 4x4, V-8, Auto, AC, 73,280 Miles « 16,900 97 Chevy Suburban LS 4x4, 97 Ford Fl5O Ex. Cab, 3rd Dr., Auto, AC, 31,207 Miles Long Bed, 5.4 V-8, sne QAA Only 7,000 Mile# *21.900 93 GMC 14' Box Truck, Diesel, 5 Speed, 123,220 Miles $ 8,990 97 CMC Kl5OO Ext. Cab. 350 VB, Auto, Ac, Short Bed, 47,810 Miles *20,900 97 Plymouth Grand Voyager, V-6, Auto, Ac, 79,207 Miles $ 8,990 WKttßm 95 Dodge Ram 2500 Ext. Cargo Van, 3.9 V 6, Auto, AC, 121,300 Miles $ 6,990 I * 98 Chevy Kl5OO Ex Cab 4x4, 31 S nf«!i° wnDDGVW Step-side, 350 V-8, Auto, AC, 6 c »'- D' 6 ® B , 1 ’ 3 f 3rd Door, 40,000 Miles Power Llf J 16 Mlles $ 21,900 *10,900 84 Chevy KlO 4x4, Diesel, PWB.L, 102,000 Miles, Very Nice Local Trade $ 4,990 |raijL^J; v «nu B Aufo AC ' 89 GMC w,lk ln v,n - 366 V ' 8 ’ 350 V C» Milo!?’ AC ’ 6e*, Auto, Shelve* & Bln*, 22,000 GVW $ 13,900 »6,990 79,910 Miles *14,900 86 Ford F 250 Ext. Cab 4x4, 6.9 Diesel, Auto, Local Trade 96 Toyota Forerunner 4x4, One Owner, 69,220 Miles $16,900 97GMC Kl5OO SLE 4x4, 350 V-8, Very Nice, 55,207 Miles 61 Bentley, Right Hand Drive, 34,207 Miles, Nice Older Car $ 16.900 93 Dodge Ext. Cargo Van, 3.3 V 6, Auto, AC, 64,207 Miles *6,990 95 Chevy Corvette Convertible, 45,210 Miles *25,900 93 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham, V-8, Auto, AC, Leather, 87,314 Miles *8,990 94 Chevy SlO Ext. Cab 4x4, V-6, Auto, AC, Local Trade, 78,102 Miles *10,900 98 Chevy Venture Ext, 4 Dre, V-6, Auto, AC, 63,210 Mile* •13,900 96 GMC Kl5OO Long Bed, Ex. Cab, 4x4,96,107 Miles $ 14,990 99 Dodge Ram Ex Cab, 4x4,360 V-8, Auto, AC, SLT Pkg, 23,106 Miles . *21,900 97 Chev Suburban LT 4x4, 61,210 Miles 5 23,900 MOTORS Mew & Rebuilt 350, 366, 427, 454 6.2 Diesels Rebuilt & Used Will Install 717-762-6415 REAL ESTATE HISTORIC ESTATE, Bow monsvlle PA. Lancaster Co. House, 2 bams, sum mer kitchen on 1.2 acres. Zoned neighborhood commercial, ideal for stu- dio, sm business, or con tractors office. Call Bill Boben- High Associates LTD. 717-293-4477 313 Ac Steuben Co, NY on PA border. Scenic area w/lots of wildlife. Cur rently veal & beef farm but could return to dairy or use as recreational. 128 acs tillable, 60 pas ture, balance woodland, 4 streams. Good bldgs. 607-356-3200 High traffic site at the In tersection of RT 343 8c RT 22. Water, sewer, & gas, 47,000 sq.ft. Access from both highways. Inquire. Freeport Mills Real Es tate 717-865-3005 Investment property in Lebanon, PA. (3) 2 story townhouses. 9 years old, currently rented. $145,000. Freeport Mills Real Estate 717-865-3005 Juniata Co. PA 4br, 7>h bath country home on 3.5 ac. Beautiful view of the mountains, wrap-a-round porch, Ig pole bam that could be converted for horse use. Must sell! Call for detals. 717-436-9754 Lancaster Co. PA: house, apartment 8c garage, Salunga/Landisvllle area 100+ year old 2 story, 4br, 2 baths, oversized 2 car attch gar. In-home beauty shop w/powder room, Ig 3 bay garage, suitable for business (pre viously excavating busi ness) w/2br apartment above. Hempfleld Schools. $268,000. 717-898-7195 50 acres Union Co, road frontage, 1/2 tillable, stream through rear of property w/woodland. Bam, mlk house. Imple ment shed and well. Call 570-966-3460; WANT TO RENT OR BUY Small farm, 10 acres AA/L Wlth or without bldgs produce, dairy etc. PA or NY, possbty other areas. 717-765-8696. PO Box 61 Waynesboro, Pa, 17268 Mt. Cabin For Rent A McClure, PA Mifflin County On 315 Acres, Utilities, One Hr. To Penn State. Hiking, Swimming, Biking, Hunting, Fishing, Skiing. OPEN ALL YEAR-WEEKLY 4 WEEKEND RATES Thinking of marketing your farm? You need to ce]l on the experience of Harry Zimmerman for professional confidential service. Specializing in tax deferred exchanges. TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY 717-299-488 S OFFICE 717-355-2048 HOME CERTIFIED ORGANIC FARM 88 Acres (80 tillable) $220,000 Priced to sell at $2,500/acre White Deer Twp., Union Co., PA 570*966*1658 FARMETTE 4 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, new oil heat system, central air, with 29V* acres some wooded, Lancaster County, W. Hempfield Twp., bank barn w/4 lower level horse stalls, tobacco cellar, 2 sep. garages, well/septic & more $325*000.00 CALL Steve Arbutina ® 717-084-4997 or 717-951-3005 Mountain Ground w/ Stream.. 5 + Acres of ex- | ceptional wooded & open >■ land. Good hunting area. ■' Great for family fun. too! , Swimming, boating & fish ► I Ing nearby. Steuben ‘ Co.,NY. Minutes to Tioga Co., PA. Full price $6900. Owner will finance. $7OO down. $76.43/mo. 12.5% int. 180 months. Ever green F.P.. 570-784-4021 Partners & Land Needed. Do you have ground for development? Why sell It undeveloped? We'll pay for all developing costs, you provide the ground, and we'll sel It as a sub division. Get up to twice the normal value with no cash out of your pocket. Call for details. Ryan C. Hess. Berks Const. 717-581-4911 For sale by owner 10 acres, 2360 sq.ft. house w/hardwood floors, sfone fireplace. 40x40 pole shed, 30x50 bam. 3042 sq.ft garage/shop. Woods, fruit trees, gar den, pasture. Tioga Co., PA. $107,900. 573/996-9078. Wanted: Dairy bam for 50 cows or farm to rent, spring of 2001 in Lane. Co. 610/857-9237. Newvllle Area, Cumber land Co, 2 Vb story brick 8c limestone house, circa 1740, garage, bam 8c out buildings on 15 acres, $450,000. More acreage available. 717-258-1921. Clearfield Co. hunting camp. Buy 1 share or make offer for all 7 acres. 610/857-0197. For Sale by Owner, cen tral Wl. 234 A, 183 under plow, new 6BR house. 715-223-3192. E. Hanover Twp. Leba non Co. PA. 112 Ac farm, barn, lake, $450,000. 717-838-5932 HORSE FARM: 80 ac w/ stream. Lane Co, fenced. Little Brittain/Colerain Twps. Isolated, majestic view. Call ARA Real Es tate 610-857-2141 or Gary Stapleton 717-529-2544. Christmas Tree Farm 8c Land, Bloomsburg Area 72 Ac 40,000 Christmas Trees, Doug Fir s'-Up. Great Hunting, Fishing Lo cally, Spectacular Views. $150,000. 610-269-1893. Discount Available for Quick Settlement Lykens Vciey form for sole, 110 A, 101 tMdble, Northern Dauphin Co, 717-647-9492. Looking to lease/buy, modem pig finishing build ing, 1500 head & up. Central/Eastern PA, 717-933-9397 Southern Chester Co., PA, 40 + /- acre farm house, bora AH tillable. Call owner tor Info $525,000. 610-932-4952 570-658-9555 I "farms "ok^ALE , Dairy Farms for sale. Some bare, some stocked : & equipped. Call Ken, Jeff, Ted, Gerald or , Brian for free catalog. I CHRISTENSEN SALES CORP Abbotsford ,WI (715)223-6345 ; 93.5 Acres operating dairy farm 85 tillable,' road frontage, 62 tie stalls, TMR w/elevators, 2 upright silos w/un loaders, corn crib, 2-story house, 3-car garage. $265,000 814/374-4057 CENTRAL VIRGINIA; Farms and land available from 5 to 500 acres, reasonable prices, very low taxes, farmer friendly communities agricultural economy/ free catalog. State Wide Realty Co. Farmville, Virginia 804-392-6163 Farms & Rural Properties Low Prices, Low Taxes, Free Catalog POULTRY FARM Located near Centreville, MD with capacity of 201,000. Six houses each having 12 Tunnel Fans and Fogger Cooling. 200 KW Generator (1 yr. old), John Deere Tractor (2 yrs. old), John Deere 10 ft. Mower (2 yrs. old), 10 ft. Box Blade (1 yr old), and John Deere Gator w/Cab (2 yrs. old), all go with farm. Everything is modern and in excellent operat ing condition Profitable with little or no money down. Significant tax benefits. Call Jay at 410/586-1267 or Fager 410/810-9896 for more information JUNIATA COUNTY 28 ACRE FARMETTE 8 acres tillable, 20 acres wooded. Low taxes. Beautiful secluded area. 3-bdrm home, horse barn/ garage. Well and septic. Located 7 /io Mi. off Rt. 104 behind Oak Springs Wood Products on Klinger Hollow Road. 1 14 Mi. North of 104 and 11-15 Junction Owners Levi & Angela Stauffer RRI Box 230 Liverpool, PA 17045 LANDMARK DINER & DAIRY BAR: Established in 1942 has had everything up-dated in 1999 and does a landmark business. Special setting in prosperous farming community. Dining room has 13 booths and 5 tables, counter seats 13. Modern kitchen with walk-in freezer and cooler. Site for double wide with utilities behind diner. JUST LISTED! $155,000 Mort Wimple Associates R eat Estate Safes - Management U.S. ROUTE 20 SLOANSVILLE N.Y. 12160 (SIS) 875-6355 FAX; (518) 875-6749 Internet Page www farmsunlimited com lUNIATA CO. PA - 60 MI W. OF HBG. FARMETTE AC & COUNTRY BLDG. LOTS • 4 ACS - Wooded, twp road frontage . $24,900 • 4-1/2 ACS - Wooded, secluded, no restrictions $29,500 • 6 ACS - part wooded, great view $39,500 • 6-1/2 ACS - part wooded, mobiles OK , $29,500 • 18 ACS - part wooded, view, lots of frontage $49,500 • 56 ACS - part wooded, camp/fish/hunt along the creek, secluded $125,000 Broker ha* financial interest In some of above. Larry Long Real Estate 717-527-4784