Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 06, 2000, Image 17
Middleburg Livestock Middleburg, Pa. 2 May 2000 Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE 442 . [PDA] Compared with last week's steers steady to spots SO higher with Holsteins to 2 00 higher, si cows unevenly steady, si. heifers steady on a light test, bulls steady to 2 00 higher. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-4 1100-1440 lbs 75 00-76 50. one 78.50, Choice 2-3 1100-1445 lbs 70.00- few Yield Grade 4 1325- 1615 lbs 65.25-68.00, Select 1-3 65 00- 70 25, couple Standard 1-2 55.50. HOLSTEINS; High Choice and Prime 2-3 1180-1620 lbs 67 00-69 75. Choice 2- 3 1160-1570 lbs 61,00-66 25, Select 1-2 55.00- HEIFERS one High Choice and Prime 2-4 1420 lbs 76.25, Choice 2-4 1000-1440 lbs 69 00-73 25, Select 1-3 62 75-68.50, Standard 1-2 51.75-59.00 COWS- Breakers 75-80% lean 4025- 47 25, Boners 80-85% lean 34.75-45 25, Lean 85-90% lean 34 00-43 00 Shells down to 26 00 BULLOCKS- couple Select 1-3 58.75 & 60.50. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1100-1995 lbs POURED SOLID CONCRETES 17 Years Experience In Pourin fjgnArti -t 0 - «* ****•"*, 'V Far Left: 1-Million Gallon Circular Manure Storage Tank Far Right: 2 Silage Pits In-Barn Manure Receiving Pit V-, » . ——^ -* v it *3*^ 300’ Long Manure Pit For Hog Confinement ' All sizes available round or rectangular 48 75-58 75, Yield Grade 2 1085-2005 lbs 47 25-49.00 FEEDER CATTLE. STEERS Medium and Large 1 265-330 lbs 89 00- 117.00, 620-890 lbs 70 00-77 00, Medium and Large 2 290-490 lbs 60 00-79 00, 500- 675 lbs 65 50-70.00, 710-895 lbs 55 00- 60 50; HEIFERS- few Large 2 575-585 lbs Holsteins 79 00-90 00, Medium and Large 1 250-425 lbs 84 50-96 00, 500-565 lbs 66 00-86.00, few 700-775 lbs 69 50, Medium and Large 2 300-490 lbs 63 00- 78.00, 500-660 lbs 53 00-68.00, BULLS Medium and Large I 295-450 lbs 98 00- 115.00, 500-650 lbs 72 50-87 00, 730-945 lbs 52.50-66 00. CALVES 198 .VEALERS few Standard and Good 65-100 lbs 25 00- 40.00 FARM CALVES Holstein bulls 10 00 to 15 00 higher. No 1 Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs 180 00-220.00, 80-90 lbs 17000-195 00, No 2 90-120 lbs 115 00- 170 00, 70-85 lbs 57 00-115 00, No 1 Holstein heifers 75-115 lbs 300 00-385 00, No 2 65-100 lbs 100 00-280 00. Beef type bulls and heifers 80-105 lbs 105 00-200 00 HOGS 130 (05/01 & 02/00). Bulk of supply sold on Monday and reported by the auction. Barrows and gilts 2 00 to 3 00 higher, sows 2.00 higher. I'" Take the questions out of your new construction. Cali Balmer Bros, for quality engineered walls. Invest in Qualit CONCRETE WORK, INC. W ~ " 1 .kJULk_ i ♦wlmrW tfv,nn M vrnn Construction Of Partially In-Ground Liquid Manure Tank - 400,000 Gallons 425,000 Gallons - It will last a lifetime. BARROWS AND GILTS 49-54% lean 230-275 lbs 47 25-48 75, 45-50% lean 225-275 lbs 46.00-47 75, 40-45% lean 280-295 lbs 42 00-45 00 . SOWS US 1-3 300-490 lbs 35 GO -41 75, 515-605 lbs 39 75-46.00. few Medium 315-500 lbs 15 00-28 00 BOARS one 440 lbs 12 25, couple 280 lbs 26 50 FEEDER PIGS 6 Couple US 1-3 35 lbs 30 00, few Utility 20-35 lbs 3 00- 34 00 per head SHEEP 21 SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 15-30 lbs 110 00-137 50,40-55 lbs 125 00-170 00, few 75-85 lbs 76 00-82 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP few 20 DO -34 00 GOATS 26. [All sold by the head] One Large Billy 107 50, one Medium 7400, Large Nannies 52 00-68 00, Medium 35.00-66 00, Large Kids 28 00- 50,00, Small 19.00-25 00 Belleville Livestock Belleville, Pa. 3 May 2000 Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE 299 [PDA] [Supply included 224 cows and heifers in the Dairy sale] Compared with last week’s sale si cows 1 00 to 2 00 lower Concrete Manure Pits! SLAUGHTER STEERS one Select 1- 3 63.00 HEIFERS couple Select 1-3 59 25 & 60 25, few Standard 1-2 48 00- 54 75 COWS few Breakers 75-80% lean 42 75-46 25, Boners 80-85% lean 37 GO -42 75, Lean 85-90% lean 32 75-4075 Shells down to 23 00. BULLS one Yield Grade I 1445 lbs 50 00, few Yield Grade 2 1190-1410 lbs 47 50-48 00 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS one Large 2 625 lbs 64 00, BULLS one Medium 1 665 lbs 60 00 CALVES 46. FARM CALVES Holstein bulls 5 00 to 10 00 higher No 1 Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs 170.00-200 00, 80-90 lbs 125 00-142 50, No 2 85-120 lbs 100 00-165 00, No 1 Holsteins heifers 85- 95 lbs 30000-310.00, No 2 Holstein heifers 65-95 lbs 230 00-275 00 Few beef type bulls and heifers 90-165 lbs 116 00-17000 HOGS 7 BARROWS AND GILTS few 45-50% lean 240-255 lbs 44 25 SOWS couple US 1-3 405 & 410 lbs 31 00 & 35 00 FEEDER PIGS 21 US 1-3 20-25 lbs 13 00-20 00,40-60 lbs 35 00-61 00 per head SHEEP 19 SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 45-75 lbs 101 00-111 00, with one 130 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 21 00-35 00 GOATS 59 [All sold by the head] CONCRETE PUMPING SERVICE AVAILABLE v 243 Miller Road Akron, PA 17501 (717) 733-0353 6:30 AM - 3:30 PM (717) 859-2074 After 6:00 PM Lancaster Faming, Saturday, May 6, 2000-Al7 Couple Large Billies 68 00 & 69 00, one Medium 5600, Large Nannies 39 OG -72 50, few Medium 30 00-41 00, few Large Kids 28 00-38 00, Small 1100- 3000 HOLSTEIN DAIRY COWS 825 00- 1375 00, one 1500 00 per head HOLSTEIN HER. CALVES 200.00- 360.00. BACK TO FARM CALVES 95-120 LBS. 150.00-235.00, 70-95 LBS. 100.00- 180.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES 17.00-50.00. GRASSERS & STR. CFS. 30.00- 53.00. FEEDERS 69.00-115.00. LAMBS 90.00-132.50. SHEEP 20.00-34.00. HOGS 200-250 LBS. 42.00-47.00. SOWS 32.00-46.00. BOARS, NONE. PIGS, EACH, NONE. HEIFERS 43.00-59.00. STEERS 48.00-51.50. BULLS 47.00-54.00. GOOD COWS 40.00-44.75. MEDIUM COWS 32.00-39.50. THIN COWS 18.00-33.00. CATTLE MARKET STEADY. CALF MARKET REAL STRONG. HORSES AND PONIES, NONE. GOATS 20.00-65.00. FEEDERS HIGHER; GOOD BACK TO FARM CALF MARKET. FEEDER SALE IST MON. OF EA. MONTH; DAIRY SALE 3RD THURS. EACH MONTH. f Greenhouse 4> Tobacco Plug Plants > 4 Taking Orders: 609 4 J 717/626-6071 7am-9pm J MARKET LEESPORT, BERKS COUNTY, PA 19533 (610) 92(5-1307 LIVESTOCK AUCTION EVERY WEDNESDAY - 1:00 P.M. -XI Farmers Market 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM Flea Market 7:00 AM to ?? Serving Eastern Pennsylvania for SI years. HE ATM OR Stainless Steel Outdoor Wood Furnaces "m <T l"ii 51? ■ % ' Safe - Economical & Convenient - Insurable • Over/Under Injection Air Draft • Extra insulating features • Semi-closed loop • Expandable Low-Pressure Bladder • Modular Construction • Flues (2) • Rust Controlled Dealer tor Taylor Outdoor Waterstoves - Harmon Stove Systems Dealer Wood, Coal, Pellet, Gas & Oil Stoves Many Brands In Stock Kegerreis Stoves “since 1980" 142 W. High St., Womelsdorf, PA 19567 610-589-2951 Valley Livestock Athens, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Monday, May 1,2000 m r.-.' "Tiif r -v “We Know Heat”