14 Livestock Auctions 28 April 2000 Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE 5042 Compared with 4817 head last week and 4604 head a year ago Slaughter steers steady to mostly 1 00 higher, si heifers 1 00 to 200 higher, si cows mostly steady with some weakness late in the week, bulls 1 00 to 3 00 higher. SLAUGHTER STEERS. High Choice and Prime 2-4 74 00-77.25, Choice 1-3 68 00-74 50, Select and Low Choice 2-3 67 00-7175, Select 1-3 63 00-68 75, Standard 1-2 52.00-61.50 HOLSTEINS High Choice and Prime 2-3 64.00-68 25, Choice 2-3 60 75-65 50. Select 1-2 55 00-6100, Standard 1-2 50 25-5400 HEIFERS Choice few Prune 2-4 68 00-73 50, few to 75 25, Select 1-3 62 00-68 50, Standard 1-2 50 00-59 00 COWS Breakers 75-80% lean 40 00- 44 75 early week sales to 47 00, Boners 80-85% lean 38 00-44 50, Lean 85-90% lean 33 00-42 75 mostly 35 00-40 50 Shells down to 28 50 BULLOCKS Choice 2-3 68 00-77 00, Select 1-351 50-5600 BULLS Yield Grade 1 1000-2500 lbs 50 00-57 50, Yield Grade 2 900-2400 lbs 44 00-51 00 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Medium and Large I 300-500 lbs 93.00- 114 00.500-700 lbs 72.00-81.00, Medium and Large 2 300-500 lbs 73.00-90 00,500- 700 lbs 64 00-72 00; HEIFERS Medium and Large 1 300-500 lbs 89 00-115 00, 500-700 lbs 7000-90 00, Medium and Large 2 300-500 lbs 73 00-94 00, 500-700 lbs 6400-79 00, BULLS' Medium and Large 1 300-500 lbs 86 00-108 00, 500- 700 lbs 65 00-86 00, Medium and Large 2 300-500 lbs 69.00-82 00. CALVES 2332 ..Compared with 2184 head last week and 2702 head a year ago Vealers small supply steady to 1000 higher.. VEALERS Choice 150-325 lbs 95 00-105.00. Good 125-250 lbs 73 00- 85 00, Standard and Good 75-120 lbs 35 00-65 00, Utility 50-100 lbs 12 GO -35 00 FARM CALVES Holstein bull calves 2000 to 5000 higher with often little or no discount for No 2 quality calves, Holstein heifers steady to 10 00 lower No I Holstein bulls 80-120 lbs 155 00-262 00, No 2 80-120 lbs 100 00- 170 00, weaker calves 70 00-95 00, No 1 Holstein heifers 80-120 lbs 290 00-370 00, No 2 80-120 lbs 120 00-265 00 Beef type bulls and heifers 75-140 lbs 90 00-190 00 HOGS 1517 Compared with 1946 head last week and 1536 head a year ago Barrows and gilts mostly steady, sows unevenly steady BARROWS AND GILTS 49-54% lean 220-265 lbs 47 00- 49.85. 40-45% lean 220-275 lbs 44.25- 47 00, 45-50% lean 240-300 lbs 41 00- 44.85 SOWS US 1-3 300-500 lbs 3000- 38 00, 500-700 lbs 37.00-4600 BOARS 14 00-16 50. FEEDER PIGS 220. Compared with 318 head last week and 323 head a year ago US 1-3 30-55 lbs 37 00-45 00 per head SHEEP 2798 Compared with 5596 head last week and 2162 head a year ago Slaughter lambs 1000 to 4000 higher m last week of Greek Easter trading SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 30-50 lbs 150 00-180 00, few 235 00, 50- 80 lbs 90 00-140 00, 80-110 lbs 89 00- 110 00, Good and Choice 30-75 lbs 70 00- 95 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 23 00- 50 00 ONE GRADED FEEDER PIG SALE 288 Compared with 1348 last week and 1004 head a year ago.. Feeder pigs small supply mostly 25 00 higher US 1-2 20-30 lbs 150 00-155 00, 30-45 lbs 137 GO -145 00, US 2-3 30-40 lbs 65 00, Slaughter 20-40 lbs 135 00-170 00,40-55 lbs 110 00-135 00 percwt Eighty-fbur Livestock Eighty-four, Pa. 1 May 2000 Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE 290 [PDA] Compared with last week's sale si cows and bulls steady SLAUGHTER STEERS one Choice 2-3 1285 lbs 66 00, few Select 1-3 59.00- 64 00 HOLSTEINS few Standard 1-2 5000-54 00 HEIFERS one Select 1-3 58 50, few Standard 1-2 49 00-55 50, few 45 00 COWS Breakers 75-80% lean 4200-46 00, one 53 00, Boners 80-85% lean 36 75-42 50, Lean 85-90% lean 32 00-37 00 Shells 32 00 and down BULLS Yield Grade 1 1315-2035 lbs 50 25-54 00, one 60 50, Yield Grade 2 1005-1250 lbs 45 00-48 00 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS few Medium and Large 1 425-500 lbs 93 00- 108 00, 515-775 lbs 80 00-96 00, few Medium and Large 2 370-725 lbs 64 00- 9000, HEIFERS Medium and Large I 345-645 lbs 66 00-87 00,. 510-845 lbs 66 00-81 00, few to 58 00, BULLS Medium and Large 1 330-395 lbs 90 00- 102 00, Medium and Large 2 305-500 lbs 64 00-89 00, 550-945 lbs 55 00-75 00 CALVES 122 [Ail calves sold per WHITEWASHING with ADVANTAGE FARM WHITE • DRIES WHITE •NO WET FLOORS • IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT AND FLY SPRAYS • DOES NOT RUB OFF EASILY • EASILY BARN CLEANING SERVICE COMPRESSED AIR To have your barn cleaned with air it will clean off dust, cob webs & lots of the old lime This will keep your bam looking cleaner & whiter longer CALL US ABOUT ON THE FARM FLY CONTROL Serving Southeastern Pa. And More BEITZEL’S SPRAYING Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 or Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED 37 YEARS EXPERIENCE INSURED 5 Trucks For Air Cleaning And Whitewashing RADIO DISPATCHED TRUCKS Barn Spraying Is Our Business, not a sideline. Spraying Since 1961 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 6, 2000-Al5 cwt] VEALERS one Choice 230 lbs 110 00, Standard and Good 60-85 lbs 40 00-60 00, 90-105 lbs 50 00-72 50, Utility 50-70 lbs 20 00-40 00 FARM CALVES Holstein bulls steady to 20 00 higher No I Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 130 00-190 00, No 2 70-110 lbs 75 00-140 00, No 1 Holstein heifers 75-105 lbs 245 00-310 00, No 2 75-115 lbs 115 00-20000 Beef type bulls and heifers 60-130 lbs 75 00-182 50, 155-295 lbs 73 00-111 00 HOGS 20 BARROWS AND GILTS 40-45% lean 235-310 lbs 45 50-48 00 SOWS US 1-3 365-490 lbs 37 00- 40 50, 530-615 lbs 32 50-43 50 BOARS one 670 lbs 14 25 FEEDER PIGS 3 Two US 1-3 40 lbs 34 00, one Utility 40 lbs 29 00 per head SHEEP 164 Slaughter lambs steady SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 25- 50 lbs 12100-130 00, 55 75 lbs 91 GO -116 00, 80-90 lbs 97 00 98 00, Good and Choice 90-135 lbs 60 00 86 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 20 00-50 00 GOATS 39 [All sold by the head] Large Billies 75 00 106 00, Medium 38 00-60 00, Large Nannies and Wethers 52 00-69 00, Medium 30 00-48 00, Large Kids 26 00-33 00, two Small 22 00
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