Phila. Fruit PHILADELPHIA Terminal Prices as of 04-MAY-2000 Provided by: Fruit and Vegetable Market News, Federal-State Market News Service, USDA. Phone: (215) 597-4536 Fax: (215) 336- 0355 NAFVOIO Partly Cloudy 49-71 CITRUS FRUITS -GRAPEFRUIT: MARKET STEADY 4/5 buctns FL U.S. One Indian River Red 18s 11.00 23s 11.00 27s 11.00 32s 10.00 36s 9.50 40s 9.50 some low as 8.00 48s 8.50 56s 8.00 - LEMONS: MARKET ABOUT STEADY ctns CA Shprs Ist Grade 115 s 22.00 140 s 22.50-23.00 165 s few 25.00 Shprs Choice 9Ss 12.00-13.00 mostly 12.00 115 s 11.50-13.00 140 s 13.50-16.00 mostly 15.00165 s 16.00-16.50 200 s 14.00 -LIMES; MARKET ABOUT STEADY 10 lb ctns FL Seedless Type 48s 7.00 MX 36s 5.50 42s 5.00-6.00 48s 4.00-6.00 mostly 5.00 S4s 4.00-6.00 mostly 5.00 40 lb ctns MX 150 s few 20.00-22.00 200 s 15.00 -MISC CITRUS: TOO FEW SALES TO QUOTE -ORANGES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY ctns CA Shprs Ist Grade Navel 56s 14.50-15.00 72s 11.50-14.50 88s 14.00 113 s 12.00 138 s 10.00 Shprs Choice Navel S6s 8.00 72s 9.00 88s 8.00-9.00 mostly 8.00 113 s 7.00 cits SP BOAT Ortanique 3.00 (18s) 3.00 (245) 3.00 (20s) 4/5 buctns FL Valencia 48s 9.50 S6s 9.50 64s 9.50 80s 9.00-9.50 100 s 9.00-9.50 125 s 9.00 - TANGELOS: MARKET STEADY ctns CA Minneola 100 s 15.00-16.00 125 s 12.00 -TANGERINES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY 4/5 buctns FL Honey 80s IS.OO-17.00 100 s 15.00-17.00 fr qual New customers: 'Otters are available only to farm customers within our normal service territory - including the Pa counties of Adams, Berks Chester Cumberland Dauphin, Franklin, Lancaster, Lebanon Lehigh, Montgomery, Perry Schuylkill and York Gasoline and lubricant discounts ottered on farm deliveries made during May 2000 only Prior sales excluded May not be combined with any other offer 10.00 120 s 15.00 fr qual 10.00-12.00 150 s 12.00-13.00 -TEMPLES: OFFERINGS NONE BERRIES -BLUEBERRIES: MARKET FL SLIGHTLY LOWER, CL ABOUT STEADY fits 12 Vi-pt cups with lids CL AIR 25.00 fits 12 4.4-oz cups with lids FL 26.00-27.00 - CRANBERRIES: OFFERINGS NONE -MISC BERRIES: MARKET MX LOWER, GU ABOUT STEADY fits 12 5.6-oz cups with lids GU Blackberries 14.00 some 16.00 MX Blackberries 15.00 -RASPBERRIES: MARKET SLIGHTLY HIGHER fits 12 >/j-pt cntrs with lids CL AIR red 27.00 some 28.00 fr appear 22.00 -STRAWBERRIES; MARKET ABOUT STEADY WIDE RANGE IN PRICES AND QUALITY fits 12 1-pt bkts CA med-lge 6.00-9.00 mostly 6.00 preferred labels 11.00-12.00 fr cond 3.00-5.00 poor cond 1.00-3.00 MELONS -CANTALOUPS: MARKET MX LOWER, OTHERS ABOUT STEADY Vi ctns/crts CR 9s 8.00- 12s 7.50-8.50 fr cond 5.006.00 15s 7.00-8.00 occ hgr 18s 7.00 DR 15s 9.00 few 10.00 GU 12s 8.00-9.00 18s 8.00- HD 9s fr cond 3.00-5.00 12s fr cond 3.00-5.00 15s fr cond 3.00-5.00 MX 9s 7.00 fr appear 6.00 12s 7.00 fr appear 6.00 15s 7.00 TX 9s 8.00-9.00 12s 8.00 15s 8.00 bins FL exlge per bin 210 count 225.00- med per bin 160-220 count 225.00-260.00 per bin 150 count 125.00 -HONEYDEWS: MARKET TX SLIGHTLY LOWER, OTHERS ABOUT STEADY % ctns CR 6s 8.00 GU Ss 8.00-9.00 6s 7,00-8.00 fr appear 6.50 8s 7.00 HD 6s fr cond 5.00-6.00 MX Ss 6.50-7.00 6s 6.50-7.00 8s 6.50-7.00 PN gw**, Call 1-877-4-YOUR-OIL to start saving today. (1-877-496-8764) \LEFFIB& savings growaHmon#» teft(g| To our valued farm customers: Thank you for your tremendous response to our recent fixed-price diesel promotion. Well, we're not stopping there! Now through May 31, we're extending an instant discount of 5 CENTS PER GALLON on ALL gasoline deliveries to our farm customers* Best of all, you don't need to do anything extra to enjoy the savings - we'll apply the discount automatically with every order in May. Just be sure to call us for your next delivery! Rely on Carlos R. Leffler, Inc. for all your farm gasoline, diesel and lubricant needs throughout the year. 6s 7.00 TX 5s 7.00 6s 7.00 8s 7.00 -MISC lb ctns/lugs wrpd CL BOAT Red Globe med fr appear 12.00-13.00 sml-med fr appear 10.00 16 lb lugs wrpd CL BOAT Thompson Seedless exlge 18.00-20.00 Red Globe Ige 16.00 4.5 kg cntrs SF BOAT Barlinka med ord cond 2.00-3.00 -KIWIFRUIT: MARKET STEADY fits 1 lyr CL BOAT 33s 7.00 10 kg cntrs CL BOAT 108 s 13.00 42 sz fr appear 8.00- 9.00 -MANGOES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY ctns 1 lyr MX Tommy Atkins 9s 4.00-5.00 ord cond 2.00-3.00 12s 4.00- 5.00 ord cond 2.00-3.00 Ataulfo 10s 7.00 -NECTARINES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY ctns 2 lyr trypk CA California Well Matured April Glo 64s 18.00-20.00 72s 15.00 84s 13.00-14.00 88s 12.00 May fire S6s 25.00 64s 18.00-20.00 72s 15.00 - PAPAYA: MARKET STEADY 10 lb ctns FL Solo 10s 11.00 JM Sunrise 8s 11.00-12.00 9s 11.00-12.00 10s 11.00- 12.00 -PEACHES: MARKET CA LOWER, AZ STEADY ctns 2 lyr trypk AZ Florida Prince 60s 15.00 70s 12.00 80s 10.00 CA California Well Matured Early Treat 72s 17.00-18.00 80s 16.00 - PEARS; MARKET STEADY 40 lb ctns/boxes AG BOAT CAT I D’Anjou 70s one label 20.00 80s one label 20.00 90s one label 20.00100 s 18.00 110 s 16.00 Packham Triumph 60s one label 18.00 70s one label 18.00 80s one label 18.00 90s one label 18.00 100 s one label 18.00 110 s 16.00 Emperor A. Brown 70s one label 22.00 80s one label 22.00 90s one label 22.00 CONTROLLED ATMOS PHERE STORAGE std ctns wrpd OR U.S. One D’Anjou 70s 21.00 80s 21.00 fr cond 10.00 90s 21.00 110 s 19.00 135 s 18.00 2/5 buctns OR U.S. One Red *%* * N y I*s** D’Anjou 45s fr cond 6.00-7.00 PERSIMMONS: OFFERINGS NONE - PINEAPPLES: MARKET STEADY ctns 1 lyr HI AIR 6s 13.00 ctns 2 lyr CR 10s 14.00 12s 14.00 14s 14.00 HD 10s 11.00-13.00 12s 12.00-13.00 14s 13.00 MX golden ripe 8s 15.00-16.0010 s 15.00- 16.00 -PLANTAINS: MARKET STEADY 40 lb ctns CB Yellow 14.00 EC Green 13.50 -PLUMS: OFFERINGS LIGHT ctns/lugs 2-lyr CL BOAT An geleno 60 series 18.00 70 series 16.00 - POMEGRANATES: OFFERINGS NONE -PRUNES: OFFERINGS NONE. Phila. Herb PHILADELPHIA Terminal Prices as of 04-MA Y-2000 Provided by: Fruit and Vegetable Market News, Federal-State Market News Service, USDA. Phone: (215) 597-4536 Fax; (215) 336- 0355 Partly Cloudy 49-71 NAFVOSS MISC HERBS -ANISE: Vs ctns CA 24s ord cond 7.00-10.00 -ARRUGULA: 4/5 bucrts bchd NJ 24s 8.00-10.00 ctns bchd FL 24s 9.00 -BASIL: 1 kg ctns IS 12s 13.00 cits bchd FL 15s 14.00-15.00 - CELERIAC (CELERY ROOT): 15 lb lugs CA 11.00 -CHERVIL: 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 17.00 -CHIVES: 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 16.00-18.00 -CILANTRO: 4/5 bucrts bchd NJ 30s 19.00-21.00 4/5 bucrts IseNJ 18.00-19.00 -DILL: Vi bucrts bchd NJ 24s 23.00 - DRY ESCHALLOT: NO SALES RE- 1 , v Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 6, 2000-Al3 PORTED -HORSERADISH: OFFERINGS INSUFFICIENT TO QUOTE -MARJORAty: 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 13.00 -MINT: crts bchd FL 12s 9.00 ctns bchd NJ 12s 8.00 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 10.00 -OREGANO; 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 13.00 -ROSEMARY: 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 13.00 -SAGE; 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 13.00 -TARRAGON: 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 17.00 -THYME; 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 13.00 -WATERCRESS: ctns bchd FL 12s 6.50 24s 11.00. APPLES: 2.00-4.25 BOX. ASPARAGUS: .75-1.30 BUNCH. ONIONS: SPRING 10.00-12.50 25 CT BOX. PEAS: 50.00 BOX. RADISHES: 12.00-15.00 BOX. SPINACH: 9.00-12.00 BU. TOMATOES: GREENHOUSE 5.00- 10.00 BOX. FLOWERS: BEDDING ANNUALS 5.00- FLAT; PERENNIALS 10.00- 15.00 QT. FLAT. HANGING BASKETS: 5.00-12.00 EACH. VEGETABLE PLANTS: TOMATO 3.00- FLAT. NURSERY STOCK: SHRUBS, AZALEAS 4.00-7.00, ARBORVITAE 2.00-8.00; TREES, JAPANESE RED MAPLE 30.00. SALE DAYS MON., TUBS., TIIURS., FRI., 9 A.M. [ CONESTOGA VALLEY ENTERPRISES hi-mag | Agricultural Lime Spreading | hi-cal Cash Discount Savings on Delivery Call Toll Free day and evening 1-800-724-3277 Serving PA, MD, Delmarva, NJ, NY & (LI) PENN LEAF TOBACCO CO. WE ARE STILL BUYING AND PROCESSING 609 TOBACCO. FARMERS! We at Penn Leaf feel it would benefit all Lancaster County Growers next fall if all the old 609 Tobacco would be cleaned out of the barns now. If you still have 609 Tobacco, please feel free to contact us for more details. We are receiving two more days: Monday, May 8 & Thursday, May 11. Call before delivery Best time to call - 8 a.m. - 9 a.m. Penn Leaf Tobacco Co. “Your Local Tobacco Co. ” 661 Vintage Road, Christiana, PA 17509 Call before delivery. s, 610-593-6729 / Fauquier Livestock Exchange, Inc. Marshall, Virginia (540) 364-1566 Farmer Owned & Farmer Operated Graded Feeder Cattle Sales 2nd week of every month. 4th week of every month Tuesday... May 9 7 P.M Calf & Yearling Tuesday. .June 13 7 P.M Calf & Yearling REGULAR SALES EVERY TUESDAY 1:30 PM “Specializing in Top Quality Angus Cattle” ORDER BUYING AVAILABLE Leola Produce Leola, Pa Report Supplied by Auction Thursday, May 4,2000
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