Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 06, 2000, Image 10
AIQ-Lincaster Farming, Saturday, May 6, 2000 OPINION Not That Much More Important Did you have any feelings of exhilaration this week, like a dozen high-tailing heifers that have just found a hole in die pas ture fence? But you didn’t know why you felt this way? It could be you were experiencing a psychological reaction to Tax Freedom Day that came and went on Wednesday. May 3, 2000 has been declared the day when the average American taxpayer has earned enough to pay for his or her government— federal, state, and local. The Tax Foundation, an independent Washington DC group follows such things and notes that since 1992 the total tax bur den has grown markedly. And while state and local taxes have grown somewhat, the lion’s share of the increase has been the rapid growth of federal tax collections. Of special interest to farmers will be the figures that put the tax bite into perspective. Americans will spend more time work ing to pay their taxes than they will spend working to provide food, clothing, and shelter combined. For food alone, Louis Moore, Penn State professor, ag economics, says we spend about 10 percent of our income. This means citizens need to work only about 38 days out of the year for food but they need to work 124 days for taxes. Sure we need government, just like we need food. But gov ernment isn’t that much more important. Saturday, May 6 Registered Highland Cattle Show and Sale, York 4-H Facility, 10 a.m. Spring Fling Scavenger Hunt, Ludwig’s Comer Riding and Driving Club, Marsh Creek Park, Glenmoore, 9 a.m. (rain date May 7). Forensic Forestry, Florence Lock hart Nimick Nature Center, Recto' 10' --3 Seminar, Kreider’s Restaurant, Manheim, noon. Pa. State Grange Week Legisla tive Luncheon, Radisson Hotel, Camp Hill, 11:30 a.m. Tuesday. May 9 Regional Twilight Fruit and Small Fruit Meeting, Blyler Orchards, Barbara Haas Orchard, Col lumsville, supper 5:30 p.m., meeting 6:45 p.m. Friday, May 1 2 Pa. Fair at Philadelphia Park, thru May 29. Saturday. May ,1 3 Western Pa. Sheep and Club Lamb Sale, Mercer County 4-H Park, Mercer, 6:30 p.m. Northeast Production Select IX Sale, Hereford Sale, Coopera tive Extension, Morrisville, N.Y., 12:30 p.m. Old Bedford Village Spring Cele bration and Plow Day, 9 a.m.-S p.m. Farm and City Day, North Muse um, Lancaster, 9 a.m.-S p.m. Sunday, May 14 Willowdale Steeplechase, Kennett Square. Nature Walk at site of future ar boretum, Penn State, comer of Bigler Rd. and Services Rd. near Penn State Hort Trial Gardens, 1:30 p.m. Monday, May 1 5 PennAg Industries Spring Poultry Banquet, Hershey Lodge and Convention Center, Hershey. Tuesday. May 1 6 Current Advancements and Issues In Equine Health, Holiday Inn, Phillipsburg, N.J., 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Chester County Cattlemen Meet ing, New Bolton Center, Ken nett Square, 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Wednesday. May 17 Horse Pasture Management Workshop, East Hanover Township Municipal Building, Shellsville, also May 24. Twilight Fruit Meeting, Heilig Or chards, Richwood, N.J., 6:15 p.m. Small Grain Twilight Meeting, WREC, 6:30 p.m. Thursday. May 1 8 Strawberry Twilight Meeting, Wye Research and Education Center, 6 p.m. Fuday, May 10 Gettysburg Fair, thru May 21. Saturday, May 20 Lebanon County Rabbit Conven tion, Lebanon Fairgrounds. Capitol Area Beekeepers Short Course on Basic Beekeeping, Milton Hershey Farm Confer ence Center and Apiary, Her shey, noon-5 p.m. To Develop A Learning and Quality Initiative To be successful in business today you need to develop a cul ture for your business. Recently, I came across sever al initiatives one of the county’s leading agribusinesses has de veloped for their company. I be lieve -these initiatives should be the part of the culture of all farms. The Learning Initiative states “We must continually increase our learning ability as individu als and as an organization. We need to develop leaders to take our expertise to the next level of excellence. Our success depends upon in dividuals with high emotional SHJ BY LAWRINCt W AITHOUSf sanjiLS RAINING ON YOUR OWN ‘PARADE’ Background Scripture: 2 Corinthians 1 through 2. Devotional Reading: 2 Corinthians 1:3-11. Churches often do have aro mas. My first hill-tune pastorate would always have the aroma of chocolate during Lent and Easter the by-product of weeks of Eas ter candy-making by ladies of the church. Some churches I remem ber by their rich aromas of highly polished pews and vinyl cushions. In the Middle East I remember the churchly aromas of incense. Other churches always smelled like restaurants and still others were musty like long-neglected at tics. Some of these aromas were pleasing; some of them not. It is often suprising to me in talking with people who no longer attend church that their remembrances of church are colored by aromas usually not pleasant or inspiring. That aroma may be figurative or metaphorical instead of literal, as in 2 Cor. 2:14b,15: when Paul says “...and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing...” Paul is not speaking of a physical aroma, but an inner one.. A STENCH THAT REPELS Many churches give off a most distress ing aroma when we do not handle well disputes and differences with in the life of the church. These di visions are like an unpleasant aroma, indeed a stench that repels people who might otherwise be at tracted to the Christ. Currently, that is the effect of the various di quotients (EQ) working and sharing together. EQ are indi viduals who make sound deci sions, admit their mistakes and put what is best for their peers and the organization ahead of their personal agendas.” The Quality Initiative states “We must embrace quality in all that we do. We believe our cus tomers have two perceptions. We have a quality product and quality permeates our organiza tion. However, quality and efficien cy must go hand in hand. Great er accuracy and accountability, as required by the customer, will result in the need for higher lev els of quality control. To Understand The Food Chain Developing alliances with customers and suppliers that form a food chain will be one of the most important decisions farmers will have to make over the next couple of years. Farms will need to be an inte gral part of the food supply chain. We will need to challenge ourselves to understand the needs of our suppliers and our suppliers’ suppliers, our custom ers and our customers’ custom ers. Farmers will need to partner with those who enhance the strategic advantage for the en tire food chain of which they are a part. Then and only then will value be added to the entire food chain and enhancing the bottom line of that chain. In the process, farmers must align themselves with suppliers visions and schisms with Chris tendom, the ’people of God,’ lay and clergy alike, washing their dirty laundry in public so that it is evident that, despite what we may profess, our churches are not about sacrificial love and grace, but contention and bitterness. Note, when I speak of ’divisions,’ I am not thinldng of the many and various denominations, but of the conflicts that nurture hostility between the members of Christ’s body. Several mainline denomina tions—United Methodist, Presby terian, and Episcopal—are facing schisms within because of the growing hostility between church members mostly, but not solely over the issue of homosexuality. However sincere and well-inten tioned these conflicts may be, the disputes are turning away pro spective disciples, branding the church with a disputatious image If the churches cannot find peace fid and constructive means to handle disputes, they really pres ent the Gospel as a lie. This is just as true within congregations as within denominations. How many people of the last two millennia have been lost to God in Christ because their domi nating experience of a Christianity in a local congregation was one of knock-down, drag-out conflicts? I have experienced several churches of which it could be said they would rather fight than pray or perform sacrificial service. IN-FIGHTING In 1 Cor. 1 and 2 we can pout together a picture of the in-fighting that took place in the Corinthian church. Appar ently Paul had been shamefully opposed by a member of that con gregation, causing Paul to delay his planned stop at Corinth from Macedonia. Though Paul post poned this visit for good reason, the postponement became another obstacle in relationships in the church. This was not some slight affront, for Paul speaks frequently of the considerable pain this man caused him. What saves the situa and customers who think the way they think and focus on the same core values they do. The business of tomorrow must be able to assemble the strengths of many partners to become far more nimble and responsive. To Develop An Environmental Initiative One of the county’s leading agribusinesses has established an initiative to be the leader in meeting environmental con cerns. Stewardship is the individu al’s responsibility to manage his life and property with proper re gard to the rights of others. They recognize the need to ac cept the responsibility and own ership for providing solutions to environmental problems. Science is on our side. Through research and future discoveries, we will find differ ent methods which will help solve the environmental chal lenges at hand. At the same time we, as an in dustry, need to do a better job educating the consumer of our stewardship efforts and our de sire to improve the land and the environment. We will need to document our efforts in order to demonstrate our efforts are real and scientifically sound. Good stewardship is a com mitment, a commitment which will lead us to the inevitable conclusion that one must devel op and promote sustainable ag riculture. Feather Prof.'s Footnote: “Together we can accomplish the unimaginable. ” tion, however, is Paul’s two-fold attitude. First, he refuses to take this dispute personally and for gives the offender. Secondly, be lieving that the man has been punished enough, he urges the Corinthian church to forgive and comfort him. Paul does not over look what has happened nor does he close to his eyes to the painful result, but he commends the church to forgiveness and recon ciliation. How often do we see that in out churches where doctrinal purity and procedural correctness are too often more highly valued than bearing the cross of loving service with and for other Chris tians? Paul calls to mind the well known image of a victorious Roman general and his troops marching in procession along an avenue leading to a temple where an aromatic sacrifice will be of fered. That is the analogy he pres ents to us. Let the church move forward as a triumphal throng and let its gracious, self-sacrificial behavior provide for our world “the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perish ing.” Let’s not “rain” on our own “parade.” Note: In the Steps of Paul to Rome & Greece, an 18-day tour conducted by Larry & Valere Al thouse, is scheduled for April, 2001. If interested, please contact us: 4412 Shenandoah Ave, Dallas TX 75205/e-mail: althouse; fax: (214) 52109312. Lancaster Farming Established 1955 Published Every Saturday Ephrata Review Building 1 E. Main St Ephrata, PA 17522 —by— Lancaster Fanning, Inc. A Stemman Enterprise William J. Burgaaa Ganaral Managar Evaratt R. Nawawangar Editor Copyright 2000 by Lancaster Farming