Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 29, 2000, Image 75
J&M SPRING CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Saturday, May 6, 2000 At 9:30 A.M. McNeill Farm (comer of Martin Hill and Richards Roads), Caton, NY (Corning area). Signs off Rte. 15 at Lindley, NY, South of Corning, just north of PA/NY State line. TRACTORS, FARM MACHINERY, LAWN & GARDEN, MISC. EARLY CONSIGNMENTS INCLUDE: Team of Belgian Woik Horses, Farmall “M” NFE, John Deere 530 NFE 3 Pt (Nice), John Deere “AO”, Faimall 350 NFE 2 Pt w/Hyd Loader, Massey Hams Pony, Faimall “M” WFE, Farmall "A” WFE. Farmall “H” WFE, Fold 8-N. Allis- Chalmcis “CA” (like new 1 ), '39 John Deere “B” lor Parts (Reai Spoked Wheels), Case 1830 Skid Steer (foi Parts), I-H Skid Steer, John Deere 336 Kicker Baler, NH Baler. 1-H Balers, NH Haybmes, NH Hay Rakes, NH Pto Spreaders, John Deeie Flail Chopper, Several John Deere Brush Hogs, "Flurry Blisscl” Ground-Driven Spieader, 3 Pt Siekle Bar Mowei, Farmi 3 Pt Hyd Loader, John Deere 34 Spreader, John Deere AMT 600 Work Vehiele, John Deere 1010 Gas Dozer w/Hyd Tilt, 3 Pt & 2 Pt. Plows; 3 Pt. Carrier, 3 Pt. Back Blades, Running Gears; Trailer Mowers, Wood Trailers; Rnd. Bale Feeders, ‘B5 I-H Load-Star 1600 w/12 Ft. Flatbed; Tri-Axle Low Boy Trailer w/Beavertail; ‘B7 Ford Ranger; ‘B6 Chevy Pick-Up, John Deere Top Links, Air Compressors, Gates, Wide Front End for I-H Tractoi, John Deere Bale Thrower, Bale Spear, Assorted Parts for John Deere and Alhs-Chalmers “CA”, Split Rail Fence; Milk Cans, John Deere Weights. John Deere 30” Rototiller, Always a GREAT Selection of Lawn and Gaiden Tractors 1 More Pieces Arriving Daily Consignments Accepted at the Farm until 7pm Friday, May 5. Some items subject to prior sale. For information or to consign your machinery call -IIM MCNEILL - SALE MANAGER 607-524-6418. TERMS: Cash or Approved Check - I.D. Reqmred/Nothing removed until settled for PROFESSIONAL AUCTION MANAGEMENT AND APPRAISALS \ ff^ wpy Auction Service Jeluff Tioga, PA 16946 1548-L • 570-835-4214 THE AREA S FOREMOST REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS! ABSOLUTE AUCTION CONSTRUCTION - LOGGING - TRUCKING Saturday, May 13, 2000 At 9:00 AM ROCKINGHAM, N.C. - RICHMOND COUNTY Selling the logging equipment assets of “C. KRESS GOODWIN TIMBER CO.”, due to the death of the owner and the assets of “Advanced Waste Management Services, Inc ”, as well as consignments from several other local businesses and individuals SALE SITE: IRON HORSE AUCTION CO INC. SALES YARD, m Rockingham. From Junct of U S Hwy 74 and U S Hwy 1, turn south on Hwy. 1, go 1/2 mi to 2nd road on left. Caroline St, turn left and sale site is 1/2 mi on right FARM TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT: Case IH 7140, MFWD Tractor, Ford TW2S Tractor, Ford TW3S Tractor, MFWD, Ford TW-35 Tractor, MFWD, International-986 Tractor, Case IH 3950 Harrow, Taylorway Offset Harrow RUBBER TIRED & TRACK LOADERS: IH Hough 520 B; John Deere 544 D Loader, John Deere 544 E Loader, John Deere 644 E Loader, John Deere 755 Track Loader SPREADERS AND SPRAYERS: 1997 Terra-Gator Mod 1803, Dry Box, BIG A #4500 Vacuum Sprayer, N TECH #3300 Tank Spreader, 4 NH 308 Manure Spreaders. SERVICE TRUCKS AND PICKUPS TRENCHERS AND BACKHOES: Ditch Witch 1810 Trencher, “Dig It” Tractor, Backhoe & Loader TRAILERS: 1988 Eager Beaver, 35’ Low Boy, 1989 1998 Big John Log Trailer, 1986 City 34’ Dump 1987 1987 Dorsey 24' Dump, 1983 East 39’ Frameless Dump, 1968 Fruehaut 28’ Dump, 3 - 1984 Fruehauf 35’ Dumps, 1987 Fruehaut 35’ Dump, 4 - 1989 Fruehauf 36' Dump, 1981 Fruehauf 34’ Dump, 1984 Ravens 38’ Frameless Dump, 1969 Fruehaut 7,600 Gal Tanker Trailer, 1972 Fruehaut 42’ Flat, w/Palfmger Lift, 1973 Miller 40’ Van Storage Trailer. 2 - 20’ Storage Containers, 1969 BLK 40’ Flatbed ROAD TRUCKS AND TRACTORS: 1988 Kenworth Conv Tractor, 2 - 1987 Ftl FLC-120 Tractor, 1989 Ftl FLD-120 Tractor, 1989 Ftl FLD-120 Tractor, 1990 Ftl. FLD-120 Tractor, 2 - 1983 Peterbilt Conv. Tractor, 1983 White Volvo Conv Tractor, 2 - 1985 White Volvo Conv. Tractor, 2 - 1984 International Cabover, 1978 International Conv. Tractor, Mack Superliner, 1975 Mack R-600 Tractor, GMC 9500 S/A Dump, GMC Astro 95 Tractor, Freightlmer Tractor, Kenworth Tractor. DOZERS AND EXCAVATORS: CAT D6E Dozer, Komatsu Excavator SKIDDERS: 1998 JD64B G II Grapple Skidder, JD 648 G 11 Grapple Skidder, 1993 Franklin C-7F Grapple Skidder, Franklin 170 Skidder, 2 Timberjack 450 C Grapple Skidders CUTDOWN MACHINES; 1992 Franklin 5005 Bunching Shear, Hydra-Ax 411, w/22” Sawhead, Franklin 5001, w/Bunchmg Shear, Barko 775, w/22” Sawhead LOADERS: Barko 275 S Self Propelled Loader, 2 - 1995 Hood #24000 Loader; JP Bucksaws FORESTRY EQUIPMENT: 2 Rome KG Blades, Case Angle Dozer Blade, 2 - Rome 8’ Chopper MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS & EQUIPMENT. TERMS : Payment m full by the end of the auction by cash or good check Bank letters of guarantee required on all checks unless prior approval from Auctioneers A s °/c Buyer's Premium will be charge on all items INSPECTION: Week of sale from 9 AM until 4 PM IRON HORSE AUCTION CO., INC. PO Box 1267, Rockingham, NC 28380 • (800) 997-2248 NCAL 3936 • Web: Magee & Vallier, Auctioneers SAT., MAY 6 • 9 AM COLLECTIBLES, FURNITURE, MISC. WATTS/BUFFALO COMMUNITY CTR. Rt. 15 North of Duncannon behind New Buffalo Restaurant on Black Snake Rd. Watch for signs. COLLECTIBLES: Hopalong Cassidy cookie jar w/decal; br PRR padlock w/key; old marbles; Hubley fire truck & flintlock cap pistol; early Perry Co. postcards; Capo-Di-Monte pitcher; Roseville vase (342-4); set of Sabins Pottery, Me Keesport, Pa, Gettysburg 1863 souvenir ruby glass jewelry dish, old sled; black valentine; New Haven Regulator clock; Girl Scout pocket knife, apple butter kettle (sgnd: J.P. Schaum, Lane. Pa); Fidelity elect. Fan, Lane, Pa, puddler’s pot from Duncannon Iron Works, book. Bells and whistles of Old Perry; Chandler books, 1889 Hist, of Johnstown Flood; signed Stailey tin (6 pcs); Larkin food chopper, crocks & Jugs, Rivieraware (2 pcs); old Moxie soda btl w/paper label; Siddal Soap Box, South Bend pocket watch; display spool cabinet (dove tailed, McCormick-Deenng Tractor & plow pamphlets; cast schoolhouse bell; vintage child’s layette; sm Naphey’s Leaf Lard tin pail (1876); Magic yeast recipe bk; pr early Santa suits; 50+ greeting, humorous, holiday, birthday, photo & other cards, some German, most early 1900 s; sm Civil war photo; possible Rough Riders photo; other early photos (50+), com size perpetual almanac; 45 RPM Marilyn Monroe UA promo record from “Some Like it Hot”; N 0.24 Lightning Guider sled; Erie griddle; Universal 1 slice toaster; toy wash bailer; sifter, jardinere, etc. Special Note: Offering a W. Sweger Perry Co, patchbox percussion rifle (repaired stock). FURNITURE; Marble top dresser w/key; 2 door cabinet; walnut bookcase w/glass doors; pr spool leg stands; lyre back chair; porch swing; Adirondack planter; primitive clock shelf; dome top trunk; stool; and more. TERMS: Cash or PA check. No out of state checks or credit cards. ID reg’d for bidder num ber. Sale day announcements take precedence. Sales tax will be collected. Magee & Yallier, Auctioneers Dave Magee AU 3753 L 717-957-4878 Larry Vallier AU 3537 L 717-362-3206 Email: “” (For add’t info.) Preview one hour prior to auction. Food stand by Community Ctr. OMkl 11AX ., 4 0 MON MAYS-11AM Restaurant SUN MAY 7-IPM Tractors & & ice cream equip RD#l Everett arm equip Near Smithsburg, p Col K R Jr auct Md JG Cochran, aucl -—~r.~~ UIV7. m/-Tk7T7avo Q », MON MAY 8 - 2PM Antiques SUN MAY 7 & MON MAY 8 - 9th personal property, coins, stamps, Spnng Carnage Drive & Auction Mazd !; &^,d ' ng tractor Hekj Weekend Wrtson s Auction |n tbe qempoiqg pi ra co Banquet Saes RI 113 Lincoln DE H all, Rt 897 Rein holcs By Wilson s Auction Sales. Inc _ Dorothy Bush Art p annebecker MON MAY 8 9AM Antiques auc t collectibles furniture jeweliy MON MAY 6 SPM Wlnross Murry Auction Emporium 23 N Nascar Coilectlbles ln village of Water St Lititz Pa Elmer Lampeter Lane Co At The Lam Munyauct peter Community Building For Consignment Auction Lawn & Garden Equipment or Related Items, Including Recreational Sat. May 6, 9:00 AM Call Now to receive advertising on your items!!! Elvm (717) 272-4554 or Roy (717) 867-1119 Riding Tractors. To include John Deere, Cub Cadet, Allis Chalmers, Bolens, Snapper, Murry, MTD and Wheel Horse. Many models to choose from m each brand, Plus many more still coming. Including like new Ex Mark walk behind with Kawasaki engine, nice old Sears Suburban trac tor. Push Mowers - Honda, Toro, Snapper, Murry, Jacobson plus many more Farm Tractors & Equipment Farmall Super C w/hydraulic lilt and cultivator, Allis Chalmers 1 bottom plow, Lincoln welder generator combina tion, weed wackers. Recreation: Yamaha 125 G three wheeler, Yamaha 125 G three wheeler for parts, ATV tires. Location: Rocherty Picnic Grounds (Rocherty/Colebrook Rd.) From Lebanon take Rt. 241 S. 3 mi.; From Rt. 322 take Rt. 241 N. 2-1/2 mi. From Rt. 72 take Rocherty Rd. west to auction. Consignments accepted Thursday, SajFil May 4 and Friday, May 5 from 9 am to 8 pm NO consignments accepted day of Auction Good Food Restrooms Auctioneers: Elvin J. Gingrich Roy D. Shirk AU003244-L AU-3248-L (717) 272-4554 (717) 867-1119 public Ruction LOCATION: 496 Last Lincoln Avenue/Roulc 422 MyersUmn Lebanon County Pa Auction site is behind the Country Fare Restaurant 2000 KENWORTH W-900L 25 000 miles-loaded 475 Cal IK spd 72 Aero Cab 1999 PETERBILT 779 EXTENDED HOOD 120,000 miles 475 Cal IK spd 1995 PETERBILT 779 EXTENDED HOOD 450,000 miles 475 Cat 1 5 spd (2) 1995 KENWORTH T-600 550,000 Miles 475 Cal I 7 spd 72 Aero Cab 1985 INTERNATIONAL 9770 CONVENTIONAL 656,000 miles 4(K) Cat 17 spd 1999 Reitnouer 48x102 aluminum flat bed, 1999 Utility Dry Van 48x102 95 & 96 GREAT DANE 48x102 Dry Vans, 1995 TRANSCRAET T2OOO 48x96 combo Hal bed 1995 RAVENS 48x96 flatbed, 1992 RAVENS 48x96 flat bed TOOLS AND TRUCK PARTS INVENTORY Zep parts cleaner, Craltsman 3/4 socket set, Zep vacuum collector, air greaser. Acetylene outfit, welder, jacks DeWalt angle grinder polisher battery charger, gear oil dispensers oil kaddie w/pump, air hose, soaps, oils truck repair parts & supplies misc tools hardware rebuilt parts and many unlisted truck garage related items Auction beginning with supplies, tools and truck parts Inspection of trucks beginning May 29 9 00 to 4 00 Full payment ol all trucks and trailers before titles are issued Notary on site Cash or approved checks accompanied by a bank letter ol credit No exceptions. 1 999 and 2000 trucks 10 be offered subjected to owners confirmation Top of the line- well maintained fleet of trucks and trailers Almost all have an A title Full ser\ ice and maintenance records available More information contact Tom at 717 866 86^8 (aACHHAW * A n GLENN WENGER -SgSi n Auctioneer PIKE O A| 1.009^10.1 ANNVILLE PA 17003 8850 HUUUCMUU (7 17) 867 1 809 71 7_866-2130 Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, April 29, 2000-635 LEDA TRANSPORTATION Myerstown, PA TRUCK and TRAILER LIQUIDATION (6) TRUCK TRACTORS (7) TRAILERS ' .■.s.'-Mtiv' ■ .fJA' Charles Highfield R L Porter field, auct MON MAY 8 - 6PM Holdegard Herb Rt 204, Selinsgrove, Pa Absolute auction of 3 bedroom home Massinger & Courtney, aucts 570-539-8791 TUES MAY 9 -11 AM Sportsway Mfg Facility sewing machines cutting equip, fabrics plant equip & offices Sierra Victor Industries Keystone Auctioneering, Inc TUES MAY 9 - 7 45PM Feeder Cattle Sale Westminster Live stock Auction WED MAY 10 - Bruce & Grace Olsen, Montgomery NY Late model Farm Machinery' Farm sold, Aucts Col F R Daniel and Joe Miedema WED MAY 10-11 AM Antiques household goods coins, tools 4535 Miller Drive West Hampfield Twp Lane Co Pa By Stella H Clymer Howard E Shaub Inc auct WED MAY 10 2PM Antiques household goods collectibles toys & tools Held at the Horst Auction Center at the corner of Rl 322 & Durlach Rd Ephrata Lane Co Pa Horst Aucts WED MAY 10 3PM Estate of Esther Tormay Selinsgrove Pa 2 story 4 bedroom home antiques collectibles & house holds Massinger & Courtney aucts 570 539 8791 WED MAY 10 7 30PM Feeder Sale Four States Livestock Hagerstown Md THURS MAY 11 8 30AM Build mg Material & equipment Con signment Auction At Rt 65 Flea Market on Shaprsburg Pike Dave Gossert Brian Hash Fllovd Davis Dennis Wolgemuth THURS MAY 11 - 9AM Antiques household goods tools 612 Pearl St Lancaster Pa By Frances Groff Jenkins Estate Howard E Shaub auct THURS MAY 11 10AM Trac tors trucks & farm equip From 181 exit 16 W follor Rt 9 W approx 2 2 miles to auction on left Clifford Rmer owner Lemas ter s Auct Service THURS MAY 11 3PM Farm equip tools building supplies fur mlure household items AT 1285 W Ridge Rd Elizabethtown Pa For Heisey s at West Ridge Guest House Shaffner Auct Co THURS MAY 11 4PM Real estate 3 acres MIL wooded tract Kramer Mill Rd Denver Pa By Carl N & Thelma M Schnader Kline, Kreider & Good, aucts THURS MAY 11 4 30PM Household goods tools & person al property From Rt 322 take Rt 82 N to left on Lewis Mills Rd to auction on right West Nantmeal Twp Chester Co By Raymond Better Homing Farm Agency Inc 610-286-5183 THURS MAY It IPM Real Estate, 42 Acre M/L Farm W CocalicoTwp Lane Co Annie M Forty Kline Kreider & Good aucts THURS MAY 11 - SPM Bulldoz er dump trucks wheel loader roller chipper butcher kettle meat sheer At Towamensmg Township Building behmc Towa menstngTwp Elem School Car bon Co Pa Robert A Arner Dean R Arner aucts SATURDAY JUNE 3, 2000 10:00 A.M.