834-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 29, 2000 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M, of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. AT FKNTION Vuctioneers All salts register info needs complete address, street, town, county & state. t WI SAT MAY 6 - 9AM Real estate and antique auction for Mary RunKle and the late Eugene Run- We S of Red Lion York Co, Pa Bradley K Smith, auct SAT MAY 6 - SAM Furniture, antiques houehold goods, power and hand tools, peddle tractor & cars. Hubley toys, slot machine, military items, coins At Lampeter Community Bldg Jessica Ann Shaub, Howard Shaub, aucls SAT MAY 6 - 9AM Gigantic Kitchen and Bath auction Held at Building #1 Letlerkenny Army Depot Chambersburg, Pa Lamtech, Inc Carl E Ocker. auct SAT MAY 6-9 AM Tractor, Farm Equipment, Misc Farm Hems, Tools for Evan R & Fem Frantz 205 Stncklerstown Rd, near Newmanstown, Lebanon Co Ben Habecker, Art Pannebecker, Aucts SAT MAY 6 - 9 30AMJ&M Spring Consignment Auction McNeill Farm, Caton NY Handy PUBLIC AUCTION 21+ Ac. FARMETTTE 1978 MERCEDES CONVERTIBLE CAR/’Bl HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE, FARM EQUIP.-INT. TRACTOR/N.H. SKID LOADER ETC., ASST. TOOLS, HOG FARROWING/NURSERY EQUIP., INT & ‘54 FORD TRUCKS, YAMAHA 4 WHEELER, COLL. ANTIQUES, OAK ROLLTOP DESK/FANCY OAK BAR-BACKBAR, TRAINS, PRIMITIVES, ADV. TINS, AUTOGRAPHED BASEBALLS AND GUNS ETC. SATURDAY, MAY 6, 2000 • 9 AM Location: 4.5 Mi. E of Lehighton, 2 Mi. N. of Exit 34 Pa. Turnpike, 10 Mi. W. of Kresgeville (Take Harnty Rd. to Fairyland to Jefferson St., Franklin Twp., Carbon Co , Pa.) Real Estate: 21 Ac. farmettte w. open/agnc. Zoned land. Situated thereon is a 9 rm.-5 bedrm./mod. eat-in kitch/liv.rm./Dbl. Sitting rm./bath/laundry/ foyer-entrance area/attic & full basement-Plastered wall/ceilings & ornate into wood trim are additional features. Full utilities & conveniences. Additional - 19th century orig. 2 rm. Farm House, 1 story school house, detach. 1 & 2 car garages, 64’x40 quonset Steel storage shed, 40’x60’ 2 story bank barn, 64’x30’ hog gestation Building & 24 crate farrowing house w/attached nursery. GREAT POTENTIAL/CLOSE TO BELTZVILLE STATE PARK, PA. TURNPIKE & FOOTHILLS OF POCONOS. Ideal for horse farm/hog Farrowing or private person’s estate - Also, added income from Sign advertisements - COME AND VIEW THIS PROPERTY. Farm/Hog Equip. Etc.: 986 Int. diesel tractor (cab/heat & air), N.H. 555 skid loader (56” bucket), N.H. 355 grmder/mixer (w.scales/full hyd.), N.H. 203 & 1500 gal vac spreaders w/injectors, Ford 4 bottom 16” plow, 9 tooth transport chisel plow, 4 R. auro N.I. corn planter, 50’ Transport auger/others, 400 Bu. grain dryer. Mod. 1200 spinner spreader, 3000 bu. Grain bin, 8.75 T feed bins, 10’ Woods rotary mower, 8 HP trash pump, Acetylene outfit, welder, 4.75 T. galv. feed bins, cement mixer, Igs. asst, hand tools, wrenches etc. motors, fuel tanks/oil drums, heatolator for tractor, asst, lumber/scrap iron, HOG FARROWING ITEMS - feeders/drop line feed systems/hydr. hog trailer/24 farrowing crates/exhaust fans/nursery Penning/pig scale/smidely & ss hog feeders/frost free waters etc., hyd. cylinders, 8 HP Troy Bill rototiller, space heater etc. Trucks: 1971 Int. (Hi) Dump stake body-14’ truck, 1954 Ford Pickup Truck (good cond). Coll. Anliques/Household Etc.: (mint) Antique S oak roll top desk, custom built 18’ ornate oak bar/gothic backbar (granite top/brass rails & hanging lights), oak bar stools, oak sewing machine, mission oak umbrella stand, Ige. asst, primitives, agate, coll, tinware (Nabisco tins/holders etc.) Old Com.- Lehigh Coal signs, dble.oxe yoke, adv. Therm., wood boxes, barrels, feed chests, crocks/jugs, gambling wheel, golden oak pot belly stove, asst, antique tools/cross bucks saws/drills/log rollers etc., horse items, Batman watch, Autographed Baseball (Rollie Fingers/Bob Feller), asst, dishes/ glassware, radios, Nabisco Lionel Train/Ho Trains, kitch.table/hutch, antique water pump, cast iron kettles, refrigerators/ freezers and asst, household items etc.' Guns: (new) 338 Winchester/7MM Mag. Brownmg/270 Browning rifles, Ithaca Dbl. Barrel 12 Ga./Rem. Mag mod 870 Pump 12 Ga. shotguns. Mercedes Car/Harley Motorcycle: Classic 1978 450 SL Mercedes con vertible car - 2 tops, (very good cond-red); 1981 Harley Davidson motorcy cle (full dresser-very nice cond.) Terms:(R.E.)lo% down, bal. In 45 days. Other terms day of auction. (P.P) - Cash or pre-approved check. Inspection:(R E Only) Sun. April 23 & 30, 2000-1 30-3:30 PM or call Auct Sale by: LESTER & KATHLEEN WENTZ Lehighton, Pa. Doug/Tim Houser Aucts. AU-000446L 610-799-2396 or 570-386-2191 houserauctions@aol.com Jelliff Auct SAT MAY 6 -10 AM Driving Work Horse Sale Mel’s Stable Mel Hoover, auct SAT MAY 6 -10 AM Robert L Gills Holstien heifers & farm machinery dispersal On Stickler Hill Rd Boy Shaylor, Bob Gam son, aucls SAT MAY 6 -10 AM Farm equip, furniture, HH items Between Millersville & Columbia at 3129 Anchor Rd , Washington Boro. Pa For Randall & Tara Wick man Shaffner Auction Co SAT MAY 6 -10 AM Ridge Fire Co Blue Room Brass “O'Scale Auction Alont Rt 23 Between Phoemxville, and Rt 100 Ted Maurer, auct SAT MAY 6 -10 AM Surplus Building Supply Davenport Cen ler, NY Ron Ingham, auct SAT MAY 6 -10 AM Heifer Sale, New Holland Sales Stables 101 W Fulton St, New Holland. Pa SAT MAY 6 - 10 30AM Farm enuioment dispersal, Maryland Franklin Twp./Carbon Co. Farm (John & Hazel Buhrman) & Samuel G Clay, Jr, Vanna, Va Ownbv Auction & Realty Co, Inc SAT MAY 6 -11 AM Feeder steers In McKees Half Falls, Port Trevorton, Pa Alvin Wenger, owner Rodger A Lauver, Dean E Lonqacre, auct SAT MAY 6-12 Noon Real Estate, Household furnishings On Griffith Rd in Brecknock Twp, Berks Co, Pa Samuel M & Philip D Ferraro, aucts SAT MAY 6-12 Noon, Spring Feeder Cattle Sale, At Aberdeen Sales Co. Inc Livestock Mkt in Churchville, Harford Co, Md Aberdeen Sales Co SAT MAY 6 • Noon - Muncy Creek Twp, 1630 John Brady Drive auct lames SAT MAY 6 - 12 Noon Real Estate Auction, Baldwin & Stalker 10l Dick Rds Col Steve Monaskv, aucts SAT MAY 6 -12 PM 6 acre w/beautiful home, approx 10 miles W of State College, Pa Centre Co Auct Ron J & Ron S Gilhgan 4AU-339-L & #AU343O - 814-237-0189 SAT MAY 6 ■ 2PM Antique & Collectible auction To Benefit the Glen Foerd Restoration Fund Grant Ave & State Rd , Phila Pa Affiliated Aucts SAT MAY 6 - 4PM All Breed Pony Sale in conjunction w/Mart m’s 29th Annual Spnng Auction of Carriages, Sleighs & Antiques Lebanon Area Fairgrounds, Lebanon. PA Martin Auctioneers Inc SAT MAY 6 9AM & SUN , MAY 7 - Noon Reiner Bros Lumber Co 427 S Market St, Mt Carmel, Pa Ray Moncavage, auct AUCTION PUBLIC AUCTION FURNITURE - ANTIQUES Saturday, May 6, 2000 HOUSEHOLD GOODS At 8:30 A.M. POWER and HAND TOOLS FIVEPOINTVILLE FIRE CO. PEDDLE TRACTOR & CARS ANNUAL COMMUNITY SALE HUBLEYTOYS 11 Located at 1087 Dry Tavern Road, Brecknock K CENT SLOT MACHINE Township, Lancaster Co. Located along Route mm jtadv itcmc nrtri/CT 897 4 miles south of Route 272 and 6 miles north MILITARY ITEMS ■ POCKET of Route 23 WATCHES - COINS 11 Quilts, household goods, furniture, lawn mower , Mav 7000 riding tractors, crafts, lawn furniture, tools, etc. Saturday, IViay O, ZiUUU Donations appreciated, items sold on commis- At 9:00 AM s,on Lampeter Community Bldg, (along Rt. 741 No hazardous materials behind firehouse) Receiving items May 3,4, 5 - from Sam till Bpm. Two Auctioneers Selling! Nothing received day of sale without prior AUCTION SCHEDULE STd'olr refundable deposu requued on 9 a.m. - Furniture and Box Lots ma jor app i iances 10 a.m. - Tools and Antiques Terms by 12 noon - Pedal Tractor/Cars, Hubley Toys FIVEPOINTVILLE FIRE CO. 2 p.m. - Coins and Watches SALE COMMITTEE S JESSICA ANN AY-245-L '445-4933 • 445-4383 • Fax 445-4335 ITATifi/ Jessica Ann Shaub WT alcttonem Howard “Pete” Shaub LOCAL AUCTIONEERS Phone 717-786-8919 Not Responsible For Accidents “Horst Auction Center” PUBLIC SALE ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, COLLECTIBLES & TOOLS WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 2000 AT 2:00 P.M. Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center, locat ed at the corner of Rt. 322 & Durlach Rd. (approx. 2 1/2 miles west of Ephrata), Ephrata, Lancaster County, PA. FURNITURE - FINE 12 LIGHT WALNUT DUTCH CUPBOARD (w/Bracket Feet), Jelly Cupboard; Dry Sink; One Drawer Stand; 2 Drawer Stand; Decorated Plank Chairs; VICTO RIAN - Marble Washstand; Rockers & Chairs (Cane Seat), Pigeon Hole Shelf; Child’s Rocker; Walnut Lampstand (w/Claw Feet); Bamboo Sewing Stand; Brass & Marble Stands, OAK - 3 DOOR ICE BOX; Arm Chair; Pedestal Stand; Child’s Pressed Back Rocker; Walnut Ext. Table; Oriental Blanket Chest; CHERRY - 4 Pc. Bedroom Suite; Q.A. Dining Room Table & Breakfront; Mod. Walnut Corner Cupboard; Cedar Wardrobe; Mod. Oak Bedroom Suite; MAPLE - Dresser; Lampstand; Mod. Marble Top Coffee & End Tables; Spinet Desk; Pine Hutch; Mod. Pine Dry Sink; Chest Of Drawers; Floral Davenport; Love Seat; La-Z-Boy; Box Springs & Mattresses APPLIANCES - Side x Side Refrigerator (Like New); Auto. Washer & Dryer; Freezer; Window A.C.; Singer Sewing Machine; FINE “COLUMBIAN CHOICE” WOOD/COAL COOKSTOVE; Cookware; Lamps; Hanging Slag Glass Lamp; Brass Hanging Lamp; Seth Thomas Mantel Clock; Gingerbread Mantel Clock; Flatware; Coffee Grinder; AGATEWARE - Blue & White Coffee Pot; Basin; Gray Double Boiler; Pail w/Tin Lid; Copper Tea Kettles; Flat Irons; Min. Sad Irons & Trivets; Brass Horn; Metal Stagecoach; Cast Iron Bulldog; Sm Cast Iron Mail Bank. CHINA & GLASSWARE - Blue Transfer Teapot; Ironstone Wash Bowl & Pitcher Set; White Ironstone Mixing Bowls; Copper & Pink Lustre (Creamers, Pitchers), Salt Crock; Lg. Um; Set Of Royal Wentworth China; Dresden & Limoges China Water Sets; Set Of Flow Blue China (Vinranka Pattern); Flow Blue “Florida” Platter; Child’s Tea Sets; Shaving Mugs; German Chocolate Set; Oriental Chocolate Pot; Tea Set; Figurines; Beer Steins; Stoneware Jug & Crock; Redware & Pie Plates; Umbrella Stand; Jardinieres; Cut, Pressed & Pattern Glass; Thistle Pitcher; Glass Basket; Water Set; Enameled Pitcher; Depression Glass Goofus Glass Epergne; Shirley Temple Creamers. LINENS - Quilts; Quilt Patches; Bedspreads; Fancywork; Needlepoint; Quilting Pin Cushion; Pocket & Wrist Watches; Arrowpoints; Wicker Doll Carriage; Walnut Doll Cradle; Mm. Cradle; Dolls; Antique Prints, Ogee & Oak Framed Mirrors; Books; History of Lane. Co. TOOLS - 6 H.P. Lawn Mower; Band Saw: Vise; Air Compressor; Bench Grinder; Sander; Ext. Plank; Planes; Hand Tools. No out of state checks without prior approval SALE FOR: BERTHA B. (MRS. MAHLON) STAUFFER Horst aucts. T. Glenn (71 * U 738 8 3080 Timothy G. Fax #(717) 738 2132 Thomas A. voices of experience ABSOLUTE PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, 3 bdrm. STONE RANCHER - 2-CAR GARAGE 1/2 ac. LOT, ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, GUNS, RIDING MOWER SAT.. MAY 6. 2000 @ 9:00 A.M. REAL ESTATE @ 12:00 p.m Located at 640 Spruce Rd , New Holland, PA Earl Twp , Lane Co Directions From Blue Ball take 322 W 2 mi turn left onto Spruce Rd Go 1 mi to property on left Real Estate consists of ranch style Holland stone & frame house w/3 bdrms, 1-1/2 ba Lg Country kitchen w/Rutt cherry cabinets, living rm w/stone fire place Attached 2-car garage w/auto opener House has over 1500 sq ft finished area Full unfinished basement w/bnek fire place Elec radiant heat + central A/C Lg storage shed On lot well and septic system Furniture: Antique Slant Front Desk Circa 1800 s (nice), Ext Table w/4 Bds, Dropleaf Table, Drum Style Lamp Table, 2 Magazine Racks, Uph Chair, Lighted Curio Cabinet (nice), Child's Acorn Painted Rocker, Acorn Painted Capt Chair, Gooseneck Rocker, Plant Stand, Office Desk, Office Chair, 4- Drawer File Cabinet, Old Dropleaf Table, Early Dinette Table, Sofa, 2 Coffee Tables, Step End Table, Pressed Back Chair, 4- Gun Gun Case w/Drawer, Single + Double Beds w/Mattress & Box Springs, Old Wooden Highchair, Hall Table, Dresser w/Mirror, Chest of Drawers, White Dresser, 3 Sets Porch Chairs, Bookshelf, Lane Cedar Chest, Tele Table, Stool, Old Cedar Chest, Old Grain Painted Blanket Chest, Mahog deacon's Bench, Ebersole Painted Chairs. Old Acorn Painted Chairs. Appliances: Gibson Chest Freezer, G E Potscrubber Port Dishwasher, Gibson H/D Washer & Dryer, Hotpomt Range, Frigidaire Ref w/Freezer on Bottom Glassware: Bav China Berry Set, Eng China, Nontake, Rosemary, Milk Glass, Gold-Rimmed Stemware, Old Cut Glass Creamer A Sugar, Silver Flatware for 8, Sterling Flatware for 12, Glass Vases, Candleholders, Pic Frames, Basket w/Marbles, Much more glassware not listed Household; Kero Heater, Singer Sewing Machine, Eureka Vac , Stereo, Cameras, Typewriters, Thomas Radio, Ice Chests, Misc Small Kitchen Appl, Old Solid Color Reversible Quilt, Afghans, Bedspreads, Comforters, Doilies, Dresser Scarves, Lots of Books, Storage Bins, many misc kitchen items Guns: 243 Win. #7O Bolt-Action Rifle w/Scope, Sling. 35 Rem. #l4 Rifle Pump, 12 ga. Savage Pump Shotgun, Turkey Calls, Ammo Fieldglasses, Duck Decoy, Fishing Rods, Tackle Box, Spotlight, Snowmobile Suit Tools: 32' Ext Ladder H/D, 5' Stepladder, Socket Sets, Wrenches, Hand Tools, Shop Organizers, Troublelight, Funnels, Ext Cords, Car Care Items, Shoplight, Old Meatsaw, Sm Vise, Nails, much more Lawn & Garden: J.D. Riding Mower RX9S w/B«gger 12.5 hp., 21" Lawn Chief Mower, Lawn Spreader, Garden Hose, B/D 1 5 hp Elec Edger, Gas Can, Garden Tools, Picnic Table, (4) Bikes, Solo Backpack style Sprayer Items of Special Interest: Old Apple Butter Stirrer, Old Scythe, (2) Old Pulleys, Wooden Tobacco Bale Truck, Iron Bale Truck, Antique Hand Op Drill Press, Old Flexible Flyer Sled, Old Baseball Glove, Brass Quoits, Coin-op Gumball Machine, Swiss Cow Bell, Drop Handle Milk Can, Milk Carrier Many, many more items not listed Terms by Lester M. & Elva W. Weaver (717) 354-5477 Atty. Linda Kling Auction Conducted By: Michael J Martin Auctioneer & Associates Lie #AU-003697-L (717) 354-3197 Note This is an absolute auction everything will be sold to the highest bidder House is in move in condition Sellers moving to retirement home Ideal opportunity to purchase country prop erly, nice level lot Beautiful view, Terms 10% down, balance by 60 days Inspection by appt or open house on Sats , Apr 8, 22, 29 from 1-4 pm For picture brochure or help to obtain financing call auctioneer at (717) 354-3197 Terms Cash or good PA check Not responsible for accidents Food by Farmersville Fire Co Ladies Aux