Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 29, 2000, Image 64
824-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 29, 2000 Sale Reports BROSEY SALE A public sale of real estate, furniture and farm equipment was held Thursday for Marlin J. and Emma Lou Brosey, 1374 Amosite Road, Bain bridge. Their 34-acre farm sold for $276,000 to Duane and Karen Newswanger of Conestoga. Farm equipment on the block included: a New Holland hay bine, $425; a Farmall M tractor, $1,050; an In ternational 606 trac tor, $2,900; a John Deere 40 tractor, $3,200; two wagons, $275 and $190; a camper, $425; a riding mower, $375; a Troy Bilt tiller, $325; a bin wagon, $350; a bale el evator, $300; and a New Holland baler, $475. Furniture included: a wash stand, $130; a cupboard, $B5; and a high chair, $5O. The sale was con ducted by the Shaffner Auction Company, 2607 Elizabethtown Road, Elizabethtown, with Mark Diffen derfer and Marty Fleck as auctioneers. There were 210 regis tered bidders. SAUDERS SALE A brick ranch house on a doubiewide lot at 6 Plank Ave., Willow Street, was sold at public auction Satur day for $105,700. It was sold by Verna G. Sauders and pur chased by Jay Wilson, Lancaster. Other items on the block included an Em peror grandfather clock which sold for $825; a York combina tion safe, $380; a five piece Depression-style bedroom suite, $325; an oak Singer treadle sewing machine, $210; a Royal Bayreuth deer creamer, $200; a hand painted Nippon oil lamp, $150; a pink De pression cream-and sugar, $130; a Fiesta blue vase, $100; a Delta table saw, $350; a 155-meter Big Bang cannon, $140; a Win chester model 270 rifle, $125; an Interna tional Harvester Fer guson clock, $100; and a Rough & Tumble Engineer’s Museum Winross truck, $52. The sale was con ducted by the Probst Family Auction Ser vice, Willow Street. There were 345 regis tered bidders. BRECHBILL SALE A Public Auc tion of farm machin ery was held April 20 at the Joe Brechbill farm, IV* mile North of Cessna along old Rt. 220 in Bedford Co., Pa. There were 130 registered bidders attending the sale. Some prices in cluded: 5 ton feed bin $4OO, silo unloader $9OO, 18 x 40 concrete silo $2,500, Perfecto harrow $1,500, 750 gal. bulk tand $l,OOO, bale wagon w etal racks $1,300, bale wagon w ood racks $650, N.H. 489 haybine $1,550, cultipacker $725, J.D. B tractor $2,050 and Farmall M tractor $1,300. Stanley Claycomb & Associates managed the sale. ALDINGER ESTATE SALE A Public Auc tion of furniture was held April 19 for the estate of Vernon Ald inger, 5 miles South of Red Lion, York Co., Pa. along Rt. 74. There JUNIATA CO. REAL ESTATE AND FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION Friday, May 5, 2000 10:00 a.m. Auction located in Tuscarora Township, 15 miles south of Port Royal and 4 miles north of East Waterford along Route 75 midway between Harrisburg and State College, PA GENTLEMAN'S FARM SELLING AT 12 NOON Farm consists of 50 acres with 1,322 feet hardtop road frontage along Route 75. This farm offers approximately 35 acres of hi-tensile fenced land with continuous running water, suitable for grazing or farming, soil type is BUB. The remaining 15 acres is wooded ridgeland offering Pennsylvania wildlife whitetail, turkey, etc. Buildings include a two-story farmhouse with remod eled country kitchen, new wiring, plumbing, sewage, windows and siding. Dwelling also has gas-wood heat, 3 bedrooms, full bath and full basement. Other farm buildings include a large bank barn, two-story frame chicken house and other small outbuildings. This farm is suitable for organic farming and offers southern exposure to,the Tuscarora Mountain. A must-see located in the beautiful Tuscarora Valley! REAL ESTATE TERMS: 10% down, settlement 30 days - earlier closing appreciated. Showing dates: Saturday, April 22 from 12 noon until 3:00 p.m. Inspection by appointment phone 717-734-3069 Tractors, Skid Loader and New Hay-Making Machinery at 10:00 a.m. International 966 wide-front diesel tractor w/Westendorf WL-42 al-matic quici'-attach HD hydraulic loader w/7’ quick-attach bucket, quick-attach dual bale spear and quick-attach pallet fork, tractor is also equipped w/540 & 1000 pto, dual hydraulic, 18.4x38 radial tire, and sells w/4700 original hours & detailed service records from new, good cond; Massey Ferguson 202 industrial utility tractor w/MF 200 hydraulic loader w/5 ft. bucket, manure fork & rear-mounted HD hydraulic tow motor pallet fork; 14.9x24 tractor tire chains; 1955 John Deere 60 tractor w/3 pt., nice; Lahman skid-loader w/45” bucket, manure fork, pallet fork & bale spear; Vermeer 504 Series L accu-bale pto big round baler, equipped for hi-moisture and dry hay baling, purchased new 1999; Vermeer WR2O dual-row 8-wheel w/optional center wheel hay rake, purchased new 1998; JD Van Brunt rubber-tired 13 single disc grain drill; Vicon 3 pt. fertilizer spreader; IH 531 3 pt. 3x14” plow; NH 489 haybine; Woods M 5 5’ 3 pt. Bush Hog; JD #9 7 ft. sickle bar mower; 8 ft 3 pt. field cultivator; International 510 4x16” semi-mounted plow w/side hill; NH 269 pto baler w/53A thrower; International 8 ft. drag harrow; Pittsburgh 12 ft. transport disc; New Holland 30 ft hay & grain elevator; NI 3 pt. pto rolabar rake; New Holland chassis w/flatbed; New Holland chassis w/16’ bale rack; 14’ Brillion cultimulcher, rough; IH T 3 pt. scraper blade; 16’ aluminum Harvest Handler grain elevator w/motor; Troybilt Pony culti vator; 2 sets 38” rear tractor tire chains; 10 ft. Red Hawk constructed steel twin big-bale stationary feeder; stationary steel Red Hawk constructed live stock headgate; 12x10 Fisher portable storage bam Automobiles and Motorcycles 1985 Ford Bronco 11, 4WD, V 6, 56 spd; 1985 Jeep Cherokee 4WD w/auto, AC 40,000 miles (blown motor); 2 Yamaha 175 Enduro motorcycles; bicy cles and other miscellaneous items. Also selling modern farm machinery same time and place for Harold Goshorn, Path Valley, Pa. 717-349-2846 M.F. 1105 Dsl. tractor w/cab; MFBBO s’xl6” semi-mount plow; NH 892 Forage harvester w/metal alert, 6’ pickup head, 2 w.r. corn head and elec, controls; Kuhn 3 pt. PTO hay rake tedder combination; MF 3 pt. PTO hayrake; NI 325-324 two w.r. pto pull type cornpicker, nice; Badger 10’ PTO liquid manure pump; 2-Grove 6 ton chassis w/Grove 16’ wooden bale racks; JD 3 pt quick hitch assembly for category 2 and 3; portable wood splitter w/Wisconsin engine. Bryan D. Imes, Auctioneer RR 1 Box 902, Port Royal, PA 17082 AU-001656-L 717-527-2449 Terms - Cash or Good Pennsylvania Check - Lunch Stand were 229 registered bidders attending the sale. Some prices re ceived were: 1985 Nisson truck $3,750, J.D. 37 mower $300,3- section harrow $9O, farm wagon $175, Far mall H tractor $l,BOO, 1952 Chevrolet $9OO, Victorian vanity dresser $260, mahog any victrola $230, black blanket chest $250, grain painted blanket chest $275, square oak table $240, oak side-by-side $350 and box of movie slides $390. Brad Smith was the auctioneer. FAY SALE A Public Auction of contractor equipment was held April 22 by Scott and Deb Fay, Bayer Creek Rd., Tioga County, Pa. Some items sold were: compound bows $25 to $125, bow cases $12.50 to $3O ea., Int. 10 wheel dump truck $3,050, Ford F 350 pickup w Owners: RANDY & KAREN HESS Honey Grove, PA • 717-734-3069 luminum box $1,950, boat with inboard and outboard motors $1,400, Ondaline roof ing bundle $2BO and two at $lBO ea., Liebherr 961 track ex cavator $7,300, old GMC pickup $325, farrowing crates and feeders $450, Int. truck $9OO and 3 freight trailers $6OO to $1,600. Randy Jelliff Auc tion Service conducted the sale. PUBLIC SALE OF ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, TOOLS THUR., MAY 11, 2000 AT 9:00 AM Loc. 612 Pearl Street, Lancaster, PA (Off Manor Street) Food Served Sale by Frances Groff Jenkins Estate Mrs. Harold W. Jenkins D. Lynne Ferguson, Esquire Howard E. Shaub, Inc. (717) 464-3541 Auctioneer (AU-000831-L) PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, MAY 6, 2000 • 8:00 AM LOCATION: Millersburg, PA, at 764 Union Street. REAL ESTATE 2-1/2 STORY FRAME HOME w/ALUM. SIDING known as 764 Union Street, Borough of Millersburg, Dauphin County - LOT SIZE: Frontage of 47’ (+/-), Depth of 112’ (+/-) - First floor has KITCHEN w/DINING AREA & LARGE LIVING ROOM w/OPEN STAIRWAY; Second floor has 3 BED ROOMS & BATHROOM; CEMENTED BASEMENT; FITZGIBBONS HOT WATER OIL FURNACE - 2-BAY GARAGE situate to rear of lot. For additional information or inspection, phone 570-758-6004. TERMS: 10% Down. Further terms & conditions to be given when real estate is offered at 1:00 PM. 3-Pc. Waterfall Bedroom Set; High Chest of Drawers; Blanket Chest; Oak Square Table; Oak-Case Drophead Sewing Machine; Hanging Cabinet - “Dr. Daniels Veterinary Medicines”; Pr. of Blue Glass End Tables; Mortised Porch Bench; 7-Pc. 1950’s Breakfast Set; Child’s 2-Drawer Dresser; Western Electric Wall Telephone; German Cuckoo Clock; Old Radio Tubes; Pot- Belly Stove (as is); Bam Lantern; Jugs & Crocks; Copper Washboiler; Wan- Eta Cocoa Jar; Butter Bowl; Cast Iron Basket of Flowers Doorstop; Strip Carpet; Army Uniforms; Etc. Gibson 30” Elect. Stove; Kenmore 22-cu. ft. Side-by-Side Ref/Freezer w/Beverage Dispenser; Kenmore Hvy-Duty Auto. Washer; ABCO-Matic Dryer; Kenmore Elect. Sewing Machine; Heatmaster Elect. Roaster w/Stand; Zenith Century 2 Floor-Model TV; Magnavox Port. Color TV; Steelman AM-FM Floor Model Stereo; Window Air Conditioner; Recliner; Platform Rocker; Metal Shelving; Double-Door Wardrobe & 4-Drawer File Cabinet; Misc. Dishes, Pots, Pans & Small Items. GUNS Ranger M-36-A .22 Rifle; Stevens Model 73 .22 Rifle B&D Cordless Elect. Drill; Craftsman 1/2-hp Bench Grinder; Rigid Bender & Clamp; Craftsman Torque Wrench; Bench Vise; Asst, of Elect. Drills; Stanley #66 Drawknife & #5 Plane; Tap & Die Set; 3-Ton Floor Jack; Asst, of Wrenches, Sockets, Saws, Hammers, Soldering Guns, Etc.; Tube Testers & Analyzers; Power-Kraft Machinists Chest; Numerous Electrical Supplies, Wire, Etc.; Metal Scrap Pile; Stepladders; Rubber-Tire Wheelbarrow; Rotary Lawn Mower; Misc. Lawn/Garden Tools; Kenmore Gas Grill; Double-Door Baker Eagle Woodbumer; Montgomery Ward Screenhouse - 10 Panel 50” Reel.; Etc. TERMS: Cash, Personal check accepted w/established account or prior approval. Etzweiler & Associates, Attorney IRENE E. & LAWRENCE C. LATSHA, Owners Lee D. Dockey Auction Service #AU229L (570) 758-6004 & Dockey-Romberger #AUI6B3L & Deppen #AUI9S7L PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, June 10, 2000 11:00 a.m. Located 1-1/2 miles South of Richfield, PA and Rt. 35. DIRECTIONS: East end of Richfield at County Line Restaurant turn South (onto State Rd 3016), go 1 mile, take 2nd blacktop left past Massey Ferguson Dealer, then bear left at Y, travel 1/2 mile to sale site Approx 50 miles North of Harrisburg, PA ABSOLUTE REAL ESTATE AUCTION No Minimum, No Reserve West Perry Twp, Snyder County 12+/- Acres Mostly Wooded With Stream Running Through Property. Beautiful setting having thereon a double wide mobile home w/kitchen, dining area, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and pantry, central air, appliances sold w/property. Picnic pavilion, well and sep tic Utilize as a permanent residence or weekend retreat. Property has been well cared for. Inspect, arrange your financ ing and be prepared to bid and buy. Inspection Ph. 570-539-2208 or Call Auctioneer Terms 10% Down Day of Auction, Bal. Due Within 45 Days. Owners: EARL E. RENNINGER LORRAINE E. RENNINGER JL MARK J. JONES, AUCTIONEER Phone (570) 286-0052 • Uc. #AU 1595-L LLECTIBLEI HOLD ITEM! TOOL