A6-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 29, 2000 Pa. Grain April 24,2000 Report Supplied By PDA COMPARED TO LAST MONDAY’S MARKET FOR EASTERN AND CEN TRAL PENNSYLVANIA: CORN MOSTLY STEADY. WHEAT STEADY TO .05 LOWER, BARLEY AND OATS FULLY STEADY, SOYBEANS STEADY TO STRONG, AND EAR CORN STEADY. PRICES PAID DE LIVERED TO DEALERS DOCK. ALL PRICES PER BUSHEL, EXCEPT EAR CORN PER TON. SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.44-2.60, AVERAGE 2.53, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 2.53-2.64; WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 2.26-2.41, AVERAGE 2.33, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 2.38- 2.63; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 1.80- 1.95, AVERAGE 1.88, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 1.40-1 50; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.60-1.80, AVERAGE 1.73; SOYBEANS RANGE 4.90-5.06, FEW REPORTED 5.27, AVERAGE 5.05, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 5.24- 5.37; FEW REPORTED GR. SOR GHUM RANGE 2.32, AVERAGE 2.32; EAR CORN RANGE 70.00-84.00, AV ERAGE 76.00. SOUTH CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.50-2.57, AVERAGE 2.54; WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 2.20-2.40, AVERAGE 2.27; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 1.55-1.80, AV ERAGE 1.64; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.50-1.65, AVERAGE 1.58; SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE 4.80-4.96, AVERAGE 4.91; EAR CORN RANGE 70.00-85.00, AVERAGE 79.17. EASTERN AND CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA SUMMARY CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.44-2.60, AVERAGE 2.52; WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 2.20-2.41, AVERAGE 2.28; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 1.55-1.95, AV ERAGE 1.78; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.50-1.70, AVERAGE 1.63; SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE 4.80-5.06, AVERAGE 4.96; EAR CORN RANGE 70.00-85.00, AVERAGE 76.72. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO. 2 RANGE 2.14-2.50, AV ERAGE 2.36; WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 2.28-2.45, AVERAGE 2.35; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 1.70, AVERAGE 1.70; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.40-1.80, AVER AGE 1.45; SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE 4.87, AVERAGE 4.87; EAR CORN RANGE 75.00, AVERAGE 75.00. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN RANGE 2.40-2.55, AVER AGE 2.49; WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 2.10-2.15, AVERAGE 2.12; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 1.50-1.85, AVERAGE 1.76; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.42-1.65, AVERAGE 1.59; SOYBEANS RANGE 4.70-S.OO, AVERAGE 4.87; EAR CORN RANGE 75.00-80.00, AVERAGE 76.67. LEHIGH VALLEY AREA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.48-2.54, FEW REPORTED 2.65, AVERAGE 2 52; WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 2.30-2.40, AVERAGE 2.37, BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 1.80-1.95, AVERAGE 190; OATS NO 2 RANGE 1.60-1.70, AVER AGE 1 66; SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE 4.90-5 05, AVERAGE 4.98; PER HUN DREDWEIGHT FEW REPORTED Diffenbach v Auction Inc. 100 Wes ‘Jackson street - New Holland, Pennsylvania 17557 Office. (717) 355-7253 • FAX: (717) 355-9547 HAY & GRAIN SALE EVERY MONDAY - 10:00 A.M. WED MAY 3 WINROSS. HESS, FARM TRAC & TOYS 630 PM FRI MAY 12 TRACTORS, FARM EQ. & SUPPLIES 900 A M TUES MAY 23 QUILT, CRAFT & BUGGY 900M/T WED MAY 24 QUILTS & CRAFT aOOAM~ EQUIPPED FOR AN AUCTION ATYOUR PLACE OR OURS ALAN DIFFENBACH AUCT.-AU2258-L FREE COMMODITY MARKET NEWSLETTER Whether your trade interests are grains or gold, Lehigh Valley Futures, Inc. has the knowledge and expertise to assist you in these markets. For a copy of our newsletter and/or a free tradino Lehigh Valley Futures, SOOOTilghman Street Suite 249 Allentown, PA 18104 1-800-543-8939 or 1-610-366-7979 Fax 1-610-366-9842 lvfuture@microserve.net The risk of loss in trading futures and options on futures can be substantial. Futures and options trading may not be suitable for everyone. You should carefully consider the risks in light of your financial condition in deciding whether to trade * UWI GR. SORGHUM RANGE 2.70-2.90, AVERAGE 2.80; EAR CORN RANGE 72.00-75.00, AVERAGE 73.33. MONTH AGO CORN 2.54; WHEAT NO. 2 2.32; BARLEY NO. 3 1.80; OATS NO. 2 1.60; SOYBEANS NO. 1 4.96; EAR CORN 76.78. CORN NO. 2-7 2.43; WHEAT NO. 2 2.38; BARLEY NO. 3 1.69; OATS NO. 2 1.49; SOYBEANS NO. 1 4.38; EAR CORN 70.36. NORTH CENTRAL OHIO (Prices FOB Truck) CORN 2.15-2.24; WHEAT 1.99-2.11; OATS 1.50-1.65; SOYBEAN MEAL: BULK 44% 166.20-169.50; BULK 48% 175.20-177.50. Daily National Grain Market Summary St. Joseph, MO Wed Apr 26,2000 USDA-MO Dept Ag Market News Daily National Grain Market Sum mary Grain and soybean bids were slightly lower as ram remains in forecasts across the Midwest, export sales are slow, and early corn planting pro- gressing. Wheat 1 to 5 cents lower. Corn 1 to 4 cents lower. Sorghum 4 to 5 cents lower. Soy beans steady to 4 cents lower. Export sales continue slow this week for all commodities despite a few orders the past couple of days. Large world sup plies and good crop conditions, weighed on wheat bids. Corn bids lost most of yesterday’s gains as forecasts call for some moisture in Corn Belt areas over the next week. Crop planting, however, continues to move forward with indications that up to 50 percent of the crop could be planted by Sunday night in some key states. Argentina’s soybean crop is reported to be around 15 percent harvested and Brazil is getting close to 80 percent com plete. These are both press- uring bean bids lower. Very slow export sales so far this week for beans also added weakness along with lower wheat and corn bids. EXPORT SALES: PURCHASER COMMODITY TONNAGE DELIV ERY DATE Nothing new to report. DATE CHANGE YEAR AGO TRUCK BIDS: 04/26/00 04/25/00 04/28/99 Wheat: Kansas City (HRW ORD) 2.55 Dn 5 2.70 Minneapolis (DNS 14pct) 3.47 V* Dn 1 Vi 3.40 Portland (SWW) 2.89-2.92 Dn 1-2 3.23-3.24 St. Louis (SRW) 2.37-2.38 Dn 4 2.46-2.48 Corn, US 2 Yellow; Kansas City 2.17- 2.18 Dn 3 2.04-2.05 Minneapolis 2.10 Vi Dn 4 2.03 % So. lowa 2.18-2.22 Dn 4-3 2.14-2.15 Vi Omaha 2.07-2.08 Dn 1-2 1.93-1.96 Soybeans, US 1 Yellow: Kansas City 5.38-5.40 Unch-dn 1 4.75 Minneapolis 5.22 ‘A Dn V* 4.64 Vi So. lowa 5.29-5.35 Dn 4-unch 4.74-4 75 Cent II Processors 5.31 Vi-5.41 'A Dn 1 S A- 4.74 Vi-4.77 'h 2 3 /< kit, please contact: YEARAGO Inc. Minneapolis truck wheat - to arrive 20 days FUTURES: Kansas City (May) Wheat 2.75 Dn 4Vi 2.73 3 A Minneapolis (May) Wheat 3.17 % Dn 1 Vi 3.24 Chi cago (May) Wheat 2.48 Vi Dn 3 % 2.52 3 A Chicago (May) Corn 2.27 Vi Dn 3 2.13 'A Chicago (May) Soybeans 5.40 ‘A Dn 2 % 4.73