Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 29, 2000, Image 18
AlB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 29, 2000 St. Louis Feeder Cattle Springfield, IL Thu Apr 27,2000 USDA-IL Market News Service Farmers Livestock Marketing Assn auction at Greenville,lL Wed Apr 26,2000 Cattle and calves: 10S0 head. Com pared to last week, slaughter steers and heifers fully steady. Supply mainly Select and Choice slaughter steers and heifers. Moderate supply of holstein steers. Total Receipts this week: 1050 Last week: nit Last year: 1080 SLAUGHTER STEERS. Choice 2-4 950-1450 lbs 69.00-73.00, mostly 70.00- 73.00, 1450-1550 lbs 67.00-70.00; Yield Grade 2-3 and Fancy 2-4 1150-1450 lbs 73.00- Few Prime 2-4 1150-1475 lbs 74.00-76.00. Select and Choice 2-3 975-1350 lbs 66.00-70.00. Select 2-3 1000-1425 lbs 62.00-66.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS: Choice 2-3 1250-1700 lbs 62.00-66.00, mostly 62.00- 65.00. Select and Choice 2-3 1275-1450 lbs 59 00-62.00; Select 2-3 1075-1400 lbs 53.00- Low Yielding 45.00-53.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 950-1250 lbs 69.00-73.00, mostly 70.00- 73.00; YG 2-3 and Fancy 2-4 1000-1300 lbs 73.00-75.00, Few Prime 2-4 1100- 1350 lbs 74.00-76.00, Pkg 76.25. Select and Choice 2-3 900-1225 lbs 66.00-70.00; Select 2-3 925-1225 lbs 62.00-66.00. HEIFERETTES: Few Medium and Large Frame 900-1325 lbs 45.00-56.00. FEEDER CATTLE: Compared with last week, feeder steers fully steady. Feeder heifers firm to 2.00 higher, most advance on 500-600 lbs. Overall quality above last weeks level. Large buyer at- tendance. FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Large Frame 1. Thin 200-300 lbs 112.00- 126.00 300-400 lbs 100.00-118.00, fancy 118.00-128 00 400-500 lbs 95.00-104.00, fancy 104.00-112 00 500-600 lbs 90 00- 100.00 600-700 lbs 85.00-92.00 700-800 lbs 79.00-87.00 800-900 lbs 74.00-80.00 900-10001bs 7000-76.00 Moderately Fleshy:4oo-600 lbs 85.00-95.00 900- 1 lOOlbs 64 00-70 00 Large Frame 2 Hol stems. 150-200 lbs 100 00-120 00 200- 500 lbs 90.00-100.00 FEEDER HEIFERS. Medium and Large Frame 1: Thin. 200-300 lbs 100.00-115.00 300-400 lbs 92 00-100.00, fancy 100.00-110.00 400-500 lbs 90.00- 97.00, fancy 97.00- 100.00 Several 500-600 lbs 85.00- 92.00, fancy 92.00- 98.00 600-700 lbs 78 GO -86 00 700-800 lbs 72 00- 79.00 Moderately Fleshy.4oo-600 lbs 78 GO -88 00 Cow/Calf Pairs- Large Frame 2-7 yrs old with calf at side 700.00-790.00/pr. Medium to Large Frame 7-10 yrs old 450.00-700.00/pr. Bred Cows: Large Frame 2-10 yrs old in 2nd and 3rd stage 500.00-610.00/hd. Medium to Large Frame 3-10 yrs old 400.00-550.00/hd. Small Frame 7-10 yrs old 300.00-350.00/hd. Breeding Bulls- Couple Large Frame 1 yr old Blacks 1150.00- 1200.00/hd. 2-3 yrs old 700 00-750 00 Slaughter Cows and Bulls; Agent for Goodville Mutual Compared to last week, cows firm to 1.00 higher. Bulls fully steady. SLAUGHTER COWS: % Lean Weight Price Breakers 75-80 % 850-1200 lbs 40.00-43.00 Boners 80-85 % 850-1200 lbs 42.00-47.00 High Yielding 80-85 % over 1100 lbs 43.00-48.00 Lean 85-90 % 850-1200 lbs 38.00-41.00 85-90 % 750- 850 lbs 34.00-38.00 85-90 % under 750 lbs 30.00-34.00 BULLS; Yield Grade 1-2 1050-2500 lbs 45.00-51.00, mostly 47.00-51.00. Yield Gr 1 1450-2000 lbs 51.00-53.00. Eighty-four Livestock Eighty-four, Pa. April 24,2000 Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE 205 [PDA] Compared with last week’s sale si cows steady to 300 higher, bulls steady to 2 00 higher SLAUGHTER STEERS couple Choice 2-3 1100 & 1125 lbs 68 00 & 69 00, Select 1-3 64 00-66 00 HOLSTEINS few Standard 1-2 51 00-57 00 HEIFERS one Choice 2-4 1025 lbs 67 50, one Select 1 -3 62 00, few Standard 1-2 48 00-58 00 COWS Breakers 75-80% lean 42 00- 47 00, Boners 80-85% lean 37 00-42 00, Lean 85-90% lean 32 00-37 50 Shells 32 00 and down BULLOCKS couple Choice 2-3 70 00 & 77 00 BULLS Yield Grade 1 990-1800 lbs 50 00-54 50, Yield Grade 2 1070-2310 lbs 47 50-49 00 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS couple Medium and Large 1 450 & 505 lbs 93 00 & 95 00, few Medium and Large 2 325- 895 lbs 73 00-90 00, HEIFERS few Medium and Large 1 315-480 lbs 89 00- 94 00, 545-750 lbs 70 00-85 00, few Medium and Large 2 335-625 lbs 64 GO -87 50, BULLS Medium and Large 1 300- 585 lbs 86 00-108 00, Medium and Large 2 300-400 lbs 69 00-82 00, 500-850 lbs 60 00-80 00 CALVES 159 [All calves sold per cwt] VEALERS one Choice 140 lbs 130 00, few Good 140-230 lbs 73 00- 85 00, Standard and Good 90-125 lbs 40 00-65 00, 60-85 lbs 35 00-60 00, Utility 45-90 lbs 25 00-35 00 FARM CALVES Holstein bulls steady to 10 00 higher No 1 Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs 12000 167 50, No 2 75-125 lbs 70 00-125 00, couple No 1 Holstein heifers 90 & 100 lbs 260 00 Si 300 00, few No 2 70-105 lbs 105 00-230 00 Beef type bulls and heifers 55-125 lbs 95 00 170 00, 200-295 lbs 80 00-114 00 HOGS 8 BARROWS AND GILTS 45-50% lean 225-270 lbs 42 00 46 00 BOARS couple 445 & 455 lbs 14 00 & 15 00 FEEDER PIGS 0 NO MARKET TEST' SHEEP 106 Slaughter lambs steady on lite market SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 35- 50 lbs 105 00-130 00, 55 75 lbs 104 00- 118 00, 85-105 lbs 95 00-97 00, Good and Choice 100-145 lbs 60 00-65 00 FEEDER LAMBS Good and Choice 35-55 lbs 80 00-100 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 23 00-48 00 GOATS 31 [All sold by the head] Couple Large Billies 101 00 & 105 00, Medium 36 00-66 00, Large 12S head. You can charge tickets by phone to your VISA or MASTERCARD Phone (717) 334-7724 Nannies 55 00-60 00, Medium 27 00- 46 00, Large Kids 20 00-30 00, Small 11 00-20 00 CATTLE 311 [PDA] [Supply included 210 cows and heifers m the Dairy? sale] Compared with last week’s sale si cows 2 00 to 3 00 higher COWS Breakers 75-80% lean 43 GO -49 50. Boners 80-85% lean 39 50-45 00 with a few low dressing to 37 00, Lean 85- 90% lean 32 00-41 25 Shells down to 26 00 BULLS few Yield Grade 1 1350-1765 lbs 49 00-50 50, couple Yield Grade 2 1105 & 1515 lbs 48 25 * 48 75 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS couple Medium 1-2 510 & 515 lbs 66 00 & 75 00, HEIFERS Medium and Large 1 345-490 lbs 79 50-82 00, one 570 lbs 63 00, Medium and Large 2 575-735 lbs 50 50- 57 50, BULLS few Medium and Large 1 435-635 lbs 63 50-79 00, Medium and Large 2 320-445 lbs 57 50-72 00, 545-705 lbs 58 00-59 00 CALVES 60 VEALERS few Standard and Good 70-95 lbs 30 00-50 00 FARM CALVES Holstein bulls 10 00 to 20 00 higher No 1 Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 160 00-194 00, 75-85 lbs 127 50-157 50, No 2 80-120 lbs 8000- 17000, No 2 Holstein heifers 60-95 lbs 195 00-26000 Few beef type bulls and heifers 70-110 lbs 92 50-172 50 HOGS 19 BARROWS AND GILTS 45-50% lean 235-275 lbs 41 50-42 50, one lot 3 head 40-45% lean 295 lbs 38 00 SOWS US 1-3 520-745 lbs 33 GO -38 00 FEEDER PIGS 19 US 1-3 20-55 lbs 16 00-62 50 per head SHEEP 22 SLAUGHTER LAMBS couple High Choice and Prime 70 lbs 137 50 & 167 50, Choice 40-60 lbs 100 00-120 00, few 85-110 lbs 73 GO -96 00, few Good and Choice 40-45 lbs 80 00-95 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP few 34 GO -38 00 GOATS 31 [All sold by the head] One Large Billy 111 00, one Medium 37 50. Large Nanmes 4000-61 00, few Medium 35 00-57 00, one Large Kid 34 00, Small 1000-26 00 HOLSTEIN DAIRY COWS 850 00- 1500 00, one 1775 00 per head Power Washing Painting - Sandblasting Specializing In Farm Buildings, Fences, Roof: Feed Mills, Etc. Aerial Equipment AMOS FISH 5269 Paes Rd., New Holland, PA 17! 717'354'9856 717-951-2527 Mol Advance Tickets: All Shows $l9 Children 12 & Under $9 g One dollar higher at the gate. S Belleville Livestock Belleville, Pa. April 26,2000 Report Supplied By PDA Lancaster Farming Check Out *• Our Web Site w ww. loncaster farming. com ’557 bile Lebanon Valley Livestock Fredericksburg, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, April 25,2000 STEERS: CHOICE 2-3 1345-1460 LBS. 69.75-70.50; SELECT 1-3 66.00- 68.50. HOLSTEIN STEERS: CHOICE 2-3 1340-1635 LBS. 65.25-66.75, SELECT 1-263.75-64.75. HEIFERS: CHOICE 2-4 70.25-71.50, SELECT 1-3 65.00-69.75, STANDARD 1-2 56.00-61.25. COWS: BREAKERS 75-80% LEAN 43.25-44.75, ONE AT 48.25; BONERS 80-85% LEAN 42.00-43.00; LEAN 85- 90% 39.75-41.75; SHELLS DOWN TO 32.00-38.50. BULLS: YG#11365-2175 LBS. 52.00- 56.00; YG#2 1840-1945 LBS. 47.00- 49.00. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS, BLACK 295-430 LBS. 109.00, 175-280 LBS. 92.00, 525 LBS. 80.00; HEIFERS 240-345 LBS. 70.00-79.00, 535 LBS. 68.00; BULLS 1005 LBS. 47.25, 360 LBS. 76.00. CALVES: UTILITY 70-75 LBS. 25.00-30.00. FARM CALVES; #1 95-115 LBS. 190.00- #2 95-115 LBS. 150.00- 185.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS #1 95- 120 LBS. 280.00-352.50, #2 75-80 LBS. 225.00- BEEF TYPE BULLS AND HEIFERS 90 LBS. 166.00. SOWS: US#l-3 496-575 LBS. 38.50- 40.25, MED. 385-455 LBS. 36.00-37.00. BOARS: 240 LBS. 33.00. New Holland Calves, Sheep, Goats April 24,2000 Report Supplied By USDA CALVES SHEEP GOATS MONDAY 97 1570 1076 LAST WEEK 87 2129 2556 LAST YEAR 238 955 CALVES Compared to Thursday's auction, there were not any lightweight calves sold for immediate slaughter No test for larger slaughter calves Holstein bulls and heifers returning to teed sold Innovative OUICIC-StAItT The Pax QUICK-START™ pan feeding system grows chicks into FINISHED broilers efficiently. Start chicks with the feeder resting on the floor and the feed pan entirely filled The Pax QUICK-START™ pan provides easy access to plenty of fresh feed - with no accumulation of stale feed in the drop tube - attracting even the smallest chicks to begin feeding right away. WINCHED Whtniho feeder it ON THE FLOOR With Vw toadar resting on tht floor tha faad :had tna wmct laval tub* it nuaad to praaant faad in tha tuba automatic#Ry tow* •re to your pre wtactad hmahtog lava! •ntire pan without ovar tilting Mre othar typical Wood faadare Zeiset Equipment 2187 North Penryn Rd,, Manheim, PA 17545 Phone (717) 665-4056 Fax (717) 665-2240 mostly steady SLAUGHTER CALVES; No well tested RETURNED TO FARM- Holstein bulls 85-120 lbs 172.00-200 00 Plainer type bulls 80-110 lbs 105 00-187 00. weaker calves 60-110 lbs 50 00-115 00 Holstein heifers 80-100 lbs 260 00-355 00 Plain heifers 65-105 lbs 160.00-300.00. SHEEP Compared to Thursday, slaughter lamb paces were steady to 50 00 higher Slaughter ewes sold steady to 1000 higher Receipts and demand were much higher than last auction SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice and Pnme 2-3 20-75 lbs 100 00-200 00, 75- 110 lbs 95 00-125 00 Good and Choice 75-110 lbs 80 00-95 00 SLAUGHTER EWES Good and Choice Yearlings and 2 year olds 35 00- 50 00 Utility and Good 1-3 15 00-40 00 GOATS (All sold by the head) Billies Medium and Large 75 00-130 00 Mutton Choice and Pnme 70 00-90 00 Nannies Medium and Large 40 00-80 00 Yearlings Choice and Prime 35 00-50 00 Kids Choice and Pnme 40.00-70 00 Good 20 00-40 00. New Holland Dairy New Holland Sales Stables Report Supplied by Auction Wednesday, April 26,2000 73 DAIRY COWS, 157 HEIFERS, 8 BULLS. MARKET STEADY. LOCAL FRESH COWS 600.00- 1500.00. I.AT 1675.00. LOCAL SPRINGERS 1050.00- 1325.00. BETTER FRESH COWS 1610.00- 1700.00. LARGE HEIFERS 1285.00-1400.00, SMALL 550.00-1125.00. SHORTBRED HEIFERS 1000.00- 1160.00. FEW 1250.00-1275.00. OPEN BREEDING AGE HEIFERS 825.00- BULLS 335.00-735.00, PUREBREDS 810.00- UPSTATE LOADS FRESH 850.00- 1700.00. CANADIAN LOAD FRESH 975.00- 1625.00. FRESH HEIFERS 825.00-1600.00, 1 AT 1900.00. REGISTERED HEIFERS 1160.00- 1450.00. SMALL OPEN HEIFERS 575.00- 660.00. SMALLER 200.00-485.00. 1374 Boosts Your Efficiency and Products with these Products... Flexible Auger for Low Volume, Standard -■- Volume, High Volume, JL \ as well as High |/SA» toad I level Moisture (up to 25°) and pellet applications VEALERS Not well tested V ” 'Vs*' Feed Storage and Delivery Systems