Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 29, 2000, Image 135
I I I I DHI FIELD DATA STUDY I9M A m COWS STAY HEALTHY AND GET BRED BACK DHI records In different parts of the country Indicate that cows In herds using POSILAC 1 STEP stay healthy and get bred back at about the same rates as herds that do not. Past clinical trials indicate pregnancy rates may be reduced in cows and days open may Increase in heifers. See POSILAC 1 STEP label for details. IMPROVE YOUR CASH FLOW Cash flow is especially important with narrow margins. POSILAC t STEP can help give you results you’ll see for yourself as soon as your next milk check. POSILACI STEP RETURN ON INVESTMENT price $lO $ll $l2 $l3 $l4 $l5 54% 70% 4H SSHSOmosjLAnsfß M °° I!, to ! VI ■* $4OO * 50% $3OO *2OO ' « 31% 5 • 25% o f I . 1 I r, to I 25% T 3 $lOO 1 f p • 3 ,0 11 ''l iif ill tii *’ 3 50 ~25° »11S0 SlO SO Mi, k prlc« ($/CWT) . |l I l>l It II It! SI 111 I VUI I | 'n * t:; I om: l _ | ■■■ © H7946005G 8 fMhllap/ 100% 85% ■ 100% '10054 1 / ' I 75V. O s 50% o o < ' 0% Bli S INFS s' AQE MEN »o«r H 79460080 Mr k Lj~,Q 116% 131% CONTRIBUTION TO PROFIT The % contribution of profit from milk produced with POSILAC t STEP to overall farm profit increases when milk prices decline. It’s especially Important to use POSILAC 1 STEP when milk prices are low. BREAK-EVEN RESPONSE It only takes a small response from POSILAC I STEP to reach break-even and be profitable. BREAK-EVEN RESPONSE MRk Price Breakeven ft s Breakeven M % Breakeven «s Breakeven fs (S/CHT) BM*s 05 DM=s W BMa$Q7 BM»s.o> $lOOO 5 Oiks $lO 50 4 7 Iks $llOO 44ifcs $ll 50 4 2 Iks $l2 00 4 Oiks $l2 50 3 B Iks $l3 00 3 6 Iks $l3 50 3 5 Iks $l4 00 3 3 Iks $l4 50 3 2 Iks $l5 00 31 Iks $l6OO 2|||s A COMFORTABLE COW IS A PRODUCTIVE COW Take care of cows and they’ll take care of you Healthy, comfortable, well-fed cows produce more milk because they're under less stress. 5 3 Iks 5 6 Iks SO Iks 5 2 Iks 4 7 Iks *9 Iks 4 4 Iks 4 6 Iks 4 2 Iks 4 4 Iks 4 0 Iks 4 1 Iks 3 «Iks 3 9 Iks 3 6 Iks 3 7 Iks 3 5 Iks 3 6 Iks 3 3 Iks 3 4 Iks 3 2 Iks 3 3 Iks 2 9 Iks 3Oiks