Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 29, 2000, Image 123
1 • *■> ‘ ‘= J U J - • - J " 1 - p *c\ CATDOZERS D3B 1985 Canopy, 50% U/C, 6-Way Blade $20,000 D3B 1986 Canopy, 35% U/C, 6-Way Blade $19,000 D3CIII 1994 Canopy, 30% U/C, 6-Way Blade $29,000 D4H 1 987 Canopy, 50% U/C, 6-Way Blade $34,000 D4HXLIII 1993 Canopy w/Sweeps, 50% U/C, 6-Way Blade $50,000 DSC 1996 Canopy, 35% U/C $53,500 CAT CRAWISR LOADERS 973 1988 Cab Panels, GP Bucket, 30% U/C $32,000 977 L 1973 Cab, GP Bucket, 45% U/C $16,000 r tmmm - ■ BG2IOB 1993 B’-13’ Carlson Easy Screed 11, Like New Cond $69,000 8G225 1986 B'-16'Screed $26,500 ■L *. , FARM TRACTORS JwDBPi- <6ALE ,itHD7Boo,2WOi3abrpower shift Jfaha, ..;.l ...$34,500 JD 7400,4WDrcab, power quad trans..... $33,200 trans, *.:«.««, $14,200 JD 2355.2WD, 2700 hrs $13,200 5410.2WD, like new $19,800 JD*B3O,2WD, same as 2440..57,500 (570) 966-1961 A Better WAY to Process HAY! The Reel Auggie® HAY MAXX® SYSTEM is a better way to effectively process hay without adding stress to the mixer. KNIGHT HAY MAXX SYSTEM advantages... RATION QUALITY AND FLEXABILITY QUICK HAY PROCESSING LONGER PARTICLE LENGTH NO OVER PROCESSING MORE LEAVES, FEWER FINES LESS POWER REQUIRED LESS FRICTION AND WEAR BETTER RUMEN HEALTH Brodhead, Wl • Phone 608-897-2131 * Fax 608-897-2561 Greeley, CO « Phone 970-351-0444« Fax 970-351 -7499 World-Wide Leader in TMR Mixei USED EQUIPMENT VD Lagoon Pump, Demo • 190 cu ft Rissler Stationary VD Stinger Spreader, 3300 gal tank 3 Pt Lagoon Pump, Rent or Sale 335 cu ft Lucknow portable w/scales 270 cu ft Steiner Stationary Mixer, Complete w/Eleotronic Seales, Good Cond 180 Oswalt Auger Mixer, Good Cond Knight 2250 Portable 216 Cu Ft Good Cond. Knight 3170 Mixer w/Electromc Scales, Like New Rissler 190 Cu Ft • Demo Unit Mixer In Stock Cell For A FREE Pemonatratlon ■i/fi ‘■Jits • ‘>T’ "&V; Toni Rosser j m r * Color Photos Available On Our Web Page 800-525-3135 Ford 2810 diesel. 960 org. hrs , ps, 8 spd, excellent $8,500 JD 855 4x4 hydro, new JD Idr., 72" belly mower, 135 hrs , same as new . Farmall M 1942, nice Farmall Super MIA, exc, needs paint Bush Hog 88” rototiller, used once Loader for Farmall Ford 1710 2wd w/6 ft. bellymower, ps, 3 pt. PTO, 850 hrs , like new . . $6,500 Kubota 2550 w/ldr, 1000 hrs, 4+4, Exc $12,750 Ford 3600 N w/cab, air, diesel, 8 sp, 3pt, PTO, nice $7,000 FNH 630 round baler, like new $7,500 FNH #3B flail chopper, nice NH 256 hay rake, nice Call Scott 908*782*7658 MILLCREEK FENCE & FARM SYSTEMS 2285 Old Philadelphia Pike Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 396-8987 »Ki 235 C 312 320 L 3308 L 75 KW 68 KW 113 KW $109,000 Posi Track HD 4520 1998 115 hp, 72” Bkt., 2800# Cap $39,900 Thomas Skid Steer 1986 GP Bkt, 75% Tires $6.500 Blaw Know Darrin Hogeboom $14,000 $2,400 $4,300 $2,750 $650 $4,500 $1,850 www kmghtmfg com 92,800 Lbs, 10’8” Stick, 36” Pads, 42” Bucket.. 28.000 Lbs., 9’10” Stick, 24" Pads, 24” Bucket. 44,910 Lbs., 97” Stick, 32” Pads, 54” Bucket.., 75.000 Lbs., 1210" Stick, 34" Pads, 48“ Bucket 1989 1994 1996 1997 Many Other Choices Plus Other Used Diesel Engines 1997 B'-13'6" Screed dhogeboom @ EZ DUMPER TRAILERS & INSERTS IN STOCK 6100 X, 9990 GVWR - $3,695 610UDT, 9990 GVWR - $3,295 610 DXLP, Low Pro, Dump/Skid Loader Trailer, 9990 GVWR, Red - $3,995 6812 LP Dump/Skid Loader Trailer, Twin Dump Cylinders, 9990 GVWR, Red - $4,995 Pickup Inserts - $1,895 ‘99 Custom 4T2OOED Landscape Trailer w/22’ Deck, Right Hand & Lett Hand Mesh Ramp, Split Rear Landscape Ramp, GVWR 9975, New Demo - $4,850 • 1991 Elgin Pelican Series P, High Dump. AC, Dual Gutter Brooms, JO Turbo Diesel, Hydrostatic $9,500 , « • (1) YBWB 3’ York Broom, 5 HP, Gas . ..... ISfflWl'■- - > Engine, Walk Behind - if — > • Tenant 550 Scrubber, Articulated, Low • 1989 Komatsu FD3O, Diesel, Power Shift, Air Tires, Excellent Conditon, 2,800 Original Hrs. • Clark GPS2SI, Gas, 2 Spd. Power Shift • Clark DPS2SI, Diesel, 2 Spd. Power Shift • Clark C500Y60, Gas, 2 Spd. Power Shift • Hyster H6OH, LPG, Power Shift • 1995 Lull 6448-37, JD Diesel, 6,000 Lbs , 37', 2,400 Mrs. $39,500 • Clark 301 P, EROPS, GM Diesel, 4x4, 4 Wheel Steer • JD 7708, EROPS, Power Shift, Front Sdcnfler • 1998Bandit250XP,249Hrs.JD Turbo mm .. Diesel, Auto Feed, Hyd. Shoot, Excellent , 1994 Case 580 Super k, EROPS, Condition $18,900 4j n 1 Bucket Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 29, 2000-C39 &■* CAT EXCAVATORS CAT GENERATORS OTHER BRANDS CO. NEW TOWMASTER TRAILERS 10,000 to 50,000 Lb. Capacity • T-10DD, 9995 GVWR, Torflex Axles, Ramps, 16’ Deck • C-10P, 9995 GVWR, Ramps, 16' Deck • C-10, 9995 GVWR, Torflex Axles, Ramps, 16’ Deck • T-10T, 9995 GVWR, Tilt, Torllex Axles 16' Deck • T-40,20 Ton Tag-along • T-50, 25 Ton Tag-along, 3 Axle C ; • 1989 Gradall G66OE, Cummins Diesel Up & I i I Down, Joy Stick, Excellent Condition • Gradall G6OO, Detroit Diesel Up& Down $49,900 ..$56,000 ..$97,500 $119,900 7100 Kreidler Rd. York, PA 17403 Interstate 83 • Exit 3 717/428-1517 or 717/741-9000 residence 717/840-6622 residence Fax 717/428-2990 y* h i . fS a igr»y. , • Clark 85 Wheel Loader, Art, GM Diesel, Good Tires • Athey 7-12 D Belt Loader, JD Diesel, Hydrostatic, 28’ Bell $24,000 $15,000 $35,000