AB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 15, 2000 VIV/l Full Egg Moon Easter comes just after the Full Egg Moon (April 18) this week We celebrate the Christian Resurrection, the return of spring, and the promise of new chicks all with the little egg, a powerful symbol of life Native Americans and Europeans used eggs in their healing rites and divinations, passing a raw egg in its shell over the body of a patient, in hopes that the egg would absorb the ills , The egg was broken open and examined to reveal the nature f ' - iSf of the sickness so a cure could y.t be established In dreams, unbroken eggs foretell good luck, fertility, or riches (especially if seen by the basketful), but a broken egg signals a quarrel ok who that ever lived and loved, Can ever look upon an egg unmoved? Tip of the We e k u-.' For best flavor, briefly toast pine nuts (in a hot skillet or 350° F oven) before using in a recipe. Minted Lamb Chops 1 cup fresh mint leaves, packed H H ake a peslo ol the 1 1 rst 1/4 cup fresh parsley 11/Ik ingredients, pulsing 1 tablespoon fresh basil leaves |UI in a blender until well 3 cloves garlic mixed Heat the 2 tea -1/4 cup pine nuts spoons o( olive oil in a 1/2 cup virgin olive oil s k,llet Jnd SJUte the |jmb 1/3 cup grated Parmesan Lh ()VCI medium heat salt and pepper, to taste untll Just bdre , k 2 teaspoons virgin olive otl inside Season with salt 4 lamb chops (4 ounces each), dntl P c PP er - to P wlth tnmmed pesto, and serve at once salt and peppei Makes 4 to taste (small) servings. United Feature Syndicate 200 Madison Ave (Printed in (he U S A ) N V , NY 10016 (212-293-8500) Easter, April 23 > OLD FARMER’S WEATHER PROVERBS Kill a beetle and it will ram April weather, rain and sunshine, hath together. -Clarence Day When the stars begin to huddle, the earth will soon become a puddle. Special Offer 100 unexpected uses for everyday items Send $3 to Household Chart, Dept UU, The Old Farmer’s Almanac PO Box 520, Dublin, NH 03444 Friend’s Stockyard,lnc, Accident, Md. Report Supplied by Auction Monday, April 10,2000 STOCK STEERS AND BULLS 200- 500 LBS. 50.00-114.00. STOCK HEIFERS 36.00-94.00. SLAUGHTER STEERS GOOD TO CHOICE 66.00-74.00, MEDIUM TO GOOD 52.00-63.50, HEAVY CHOICE OVER 1450 LBS. 61.00-66.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS HEAVY CHOICE 56.00-64.00, LIGHT 45.00- 55.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS GOOD TO CHOICE 68.00-73.50, MEDIUM TO GOOD 45.00-67.00. BULLS HEAVY 45.00-53.75, LIGHT 40.00- COWS UTILITY (HOLSTEINS) 38.00- COMMERCIAL TO GOOD 32.50-37.50, CULL COWS 32.00 AND DOWN. VEALS GOOD TO CHOICE 50.00- 80.00, MEDIUM TO GOOD 20.00- 47.00. 808 CALVES 30.00 AND DOWN. HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES f FOR SALE - MANURE 4 ► 20-25 ton trailer loads $lO/per ton within 10 mile radius n ►r VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. Paradise, PA 17562 4 ► (717) 442-4181 J L. Robert Frame, President 4 The Millcreek Row Mulcher lets you apply mulch 3 times faster. Apply compost and organic mulch to any row crop automatically YOUR CHOICE Millcreek Row Mulchers also let you drop spread in the center of rows RETURN TO FARM 90-120 LBS. UP TO 200.00. HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES RETURN TO FARM 90-120 LBS. UP TO 400.00. BEEF CROSS CALVES RETURN TO FARM UP TO 140.00. HOGS, TOP QUALITY, UP TO 43.00. SOWS UP TO 35.00. LAMBS CHOICE UP TO 75.00. LIVESTOCK PRICES ARE ALL GIVEN PER HUNDRED WEIGHT. ANNUAL SPRING GRASS CATTLE SALE SAT., APRIL 29, 7 P.M. Carlisle Livestock Carlisle, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, April 11,2000 SLAUGHTER CATTLE: STEERS, CHOICE HOLSTEINS 63.00-65.25; HEIFERS LOW CHOICE 62.00-64.75; COWS STEADY AND STRONG. BREAKERS 39.50-46.00, BONERS 38.50- LEAN 33.00-40.00, BIG MIDDLE 37.00-39.00, SHELLY 31.00 AND DOWN; BULLS 1400-1600 LBS. 47.50- FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS 400- 950 LBS. 65.00-89.00, UOLSTEINS From tree fruit to vegetable beds, from bramble crops to vineyards, organic mulch and compost can reduce chemical input for weed suppression, retain soil moisture, and improve soil fertility by adding organic matter to sandy and clay soils. Now Millcreek eliminates the costly labor needed for organic mulch and compost application. The remarkable new Millcreek Row Mulcher works with all types of organic material, and even lets you adjust the depth and width of the mulch rows from 12" to 120" wide, from 1/2" to 6" deep. Starting under $6500, no other machine compares when it comes to capabilities, versatility, and cost effectiveness. Rugged construction. Six sizes, from 3.4 to 20 cubic yard capacity. Custom designs. Call today for a free color brochure, or to discuss your specific needs. 1-800-311 -1323 www.millcreekmfg.com Bird-m-Hand, PA 17505 400-600 LBS. 69.00-78.00; HEIFERS 400-900 LBS. 57.50-80.00, HOLSTEINS 600-850 LBS. 62.00-89.00; CALVES RETURNING TO THE FARM, HOL STEIN BULLS #1 80-130 LBS. 132.50- 177.00, HOLSTEIN HEIFERS #1 85- 125 LBS. 285.00-370.00, BEEF X BULLS 90-115 LBS. 110.00-125.00. SWINE: HOGS US#l-3 220-270 LBS. 45.50-46.00, 290-375 LBS. 32.00-41.00, US#2-4 44.00-45.00; SOWS US#l-3 350- 550 LBS. 31.50-41.00, TIIIN-WEAK ROUGH TO 30.00; FEEDER PIGS BY THE LB. 13-28 LBS. 115.00-172.50, 30- .35 LBS. 100.00-162.50. GOATS: LARGE NANNIES AND BILLIES 52.00-90.00, FANCY KIDS 52.00-69.00, FLESHY KIDS 40.00- 50.00, SMALL-THIN KIDS 21.00-39.00. LAMBS; GOOD AND CHOICE 35- 60 LBS. 117.50-145.00, 65-130 LBS. 90.00-131.00. SHEEP: ALL WEIGHTS FAT 29.00- 37.00. SALE EVERY TUES. 5 P.M. FOR RABBITS, POULTRY AND EGGS; 6:30 P.M. FOR LIVESTOCK, START ING WITH CALVES; SPECIAL FED CATTLE SALES TUES., APRIL 18.