The Comptons are 50-year Maryland and Virginia mem bers from Rixeyville, Va., who operate Sunnyside Farm. President Jack Hardesty and General Manager Robert Shore congratulate family members James, Paul and Phoebe Compton. Agricultural Generators Automatic L.P. Gas, Diesel, Natural Gas Generators 5 to 2,000 KW Service - Rental - New & Used Units In Stock systems Power Generation Systems Specialists Call Leonard Martin ATTENTION FREESTALL DARN OWNERS! Let Us Shi iw Y iu a decent Tunnel Ventilntii n System In u Freestnll Unrn. i Call CEDAR CREST To Assist You In Designing Your Ventilation System. We Also Do Complete Installations Cedar Crest Equipment M 339 King Street , Myerstown, PA 17067 r??£JS. (717) 866-1888 » 1-800-646-6601 330 Fonderwhite Road, Lebanon, PA 17042 9 717-273-4544 Fax 717-273-5186 k i V Retiring Directors (Continued from Page A4O) Generators 25 to 135 KW Units In Stock! m k m 2001 Jarvis Road • Lancaster, PA 17601 yg? 717-299-3974 c Concrete Meter Pump 9 Agricultural • Commercial • Residential It’s important to fill out your Census form... Here are a few ■ you can go for help. Crlspus Attucke Match 15- Mon,-Fri Community Center Api»l4. «-3 407Hcpi»dl^ rt ' . Oak Bottom Village March 27 - Mon. - Fn 123 Groffdale Dr. April 14 12-4 Quarryville Water Street "Mffph27* Mon.-Fri. Rescue . 'Apt# *4 12:00*4 210 8. PjrKfrSL Uncastor Lancaster Job Cntr. March 27 - Mon. - Fri. 60 West Walnut St. April 14 10 - 4:30 Lancaster l^ncasterCo,Ubiary Mamh27* ' Mon.-Fri. 125 N. ouke Si April 14 9*5:30 Lancaster Sat. 10 * 4 Trinity Lutheran March 27 - Mon - Fn. Church April 14 12-4 31 S. Duke St., Lancaster Stelnman March 27 * Mon. - Fri. Boys/Glrls Club April 14 12 * 8:30 333 Dauphin St.. Lancaster Sat 10 * 4 Lancqs^jrSiffiEpimq 1 E Mam St, Ephrata PA 17522 m r ■L k 'l^Hr Recognized for 50 years of membership was Beneva Farms, Poolesville, Md., owned and operated by David and Barbara Weitzer. Pictured left to right: President Jack Har desty, Barbara and David Weitzer and General Manager Robert Shore. Jordan Brothers Dairy, Mt. Crawford, Va., was honored for 50 years of Maryland and Virginia membership. The Jordans are pictured left to right: Jason and Amy, with daughter Madeline, President Jack Hardesty, Linda and Bill, John and Ruth and General Manager Robert Shore. Concrete Walls Built to Your Construction Needs Lancaster Poured Walls, Inc. Concrete Construction Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April IS, 2000-A4l