FARM EQUIPMENT Manure spreaders. New Idea ground* drive. Buy, SeM, Trade. Repair. Lan caster Co. 717-786-3387 1993 JD 9500 combine, exc cond, w/918 flex head. 301-662-5563. Crop processor kits for X) 3970,3960, NH 892,900. $4466. JD 3950, 3940, NH 782, 790, $4266. JD 5000 8. 6000 series replacement rolls, $933/ea. Homing Mfg. 717-445-9317 BxBxlB bale wagon, wooden sides, $750; Ath ens 7-tooth dsc chisel, $3650; Int. 4R S-tine culti vator, new, $775; NH 461 haybine, $350. 610-562-4464. IH 1466, original paint, 2923 hrs, 1 owner, axle duals. 570-379-3308. 5140 CIH Maxuum, 2565 hrs. 6 weights, power shift. Firestone radials, 3 remotes, ex. cond. ,$27,500 obo. CIH 600 blower, nice $2750. Vti tire scraper, 3pth, $4OO. 355 NH grinder mixer, w/ 3 stream, long auger. 717-328-3976 AAF 33 grain ckil, grass box, 15 hoe, A-l, $BOO. 301-898-7426. NH 846 round baler, good cond, asking $3,500. 570-752-1817. New Holand baler, exc. cond, bam kept. 856/ 358-9123,856/455-2160. Fancy Gleaner F 2, late model, tan Interior, good value. Large selection of JD & Gleaner heads. Zeb loftEq, 800-919-3322 Flotation tires & rim kits for manure trucks. Tires for manure spreaders. 717-866-7822 JD 1460 mow/co. Farmatt Super AV tractor w/ cultivators. 1502 N spray er pump. 717-733-4516. '52 Ford 8N tractor, exc cond new paint & tires, w/FE Idr, 717-246-3949. JD Vanbrunt 13 dbc grain drl, good working order. 717/532-2473 730 Case tractor, good condition, sel as is, good blower tractor, $3OOO firm AAifffin Co. 717/935-2506. GeW 95 mixermM $l,OOO. IR 100 CFAA diesel, air compresser $2,000. T-bar web for NH 790-791 spreader $75. 717-354-7267. John Blue 40' sprayer w/ stainless steel 500 gal. tank; 1500 gal. supply tank w/shp motor. 410/810-1560. DX 160 4WD, new engine, new trans, duals, ready to go. 609-953-0372. JD 7000, 7200 planters, some new arrivals. 7000 6RN $5250; JD 7200 no till 6RN only $lO,BOO for quick sale. Zeisloft Eq. 800-919-3322 CoL Co. Ml side delivery rake, 5 bar, exc cond, $l,lOO. Cal eves, 304-735-5710. Firestone tire, 15x5x38, used, 3/4 tread, $B5. AC 6R 30” com planter, liq fert, $5OO. JD 4R 38" com planter, liq fert, $350. AC 6R cultivator, rear mt, w/liq fert attach, $5OO. JD frt mt cultivator 6 or 4 row $5OO. MF hay rake $4OO. AAH silage cutter blower, $3OO. 30' alum dump traler, exc cond. 215-536-8624. JD #260 3pt hitch rotary disc mower. 717/624-2896 after 7pm. JD 3940 forage harvester/hay 8, narrow row com heact com head lust rebuilt, excel cond. 3 forage wagons, $7OOO/al. 717-786-2080 Case 1030 Tractor, Completely Rebuilt Engine, Excellent Condition (856) 769-1777 20' Clark aluminum feed tank for truck w/5 com partments & blower, $5OO 080. 717/536-3597. IH 475 18' disc, hyd fold, $3200; Nl 5209 dscbine, $4500; IH 720 forage har vester 2RN, 5' pickup, $1500; JD 350 crawler loader for parts, $lBOO. 570/966-4462. BLUE RIDGE REPAIR , Tractor & Equipment Repair NH 1499 Self Propelled j Your Shop or Ours! Haybine, Roll Back Service Available 12’ Cut, Less than 1,000 Hrs., Nelson Horst Excellent Condition, Shed Kept. 128 Shady Road, Newburg, PA 17240 (717) 684-2121 717-423-6924 |717) 285-3797 igaaaaas. White 508 Plow 5 or 6 bottom Spring Reset $2,250 Harrisonburg, VA ID 1750 No-TW Planter 6 Row Narrow, Vacuum, No-Till Openers, | Dawn Row cleaners, Insecticide Boxes, , Spray Used only three seasons,; absolutely clean and ready to go. Call: Alstede Farms 908*879*7189 519300 iair I Otw 30 Tractora In Stock - Sail - Rai Case 930,8 speed, WF, 3pt nice, rubber or 5tee1..54,700 JD R, runs good, decent sheet metal $4,500 JD 4010 dsl., WF, runs v. good $4,600 IH 806 dual PTO, no 3 pt., runs nice $5,500 1H1466 cab, dual PTO, no 3 pt, nice $7,100 IH 660 diesel, runs good, decent sheet metal $2,800 PARTING OUT: Case 930, 830, 900, 500, LA, L, DC, SC, S, VAC, Case VAC 14, RC, IH 656 Hydro, 560,650,19, W 9, WD9, M, H, F2O, JD B, Oliver 70, MM UTU, MM GT, AC WC, WD, AC 19QXT Some used tires New & Used Parts & Supplies. King's Tractor ILJLif.f 1426 Noble Road Kirkwood, PA 17536 8 am to 8:30 am Set of 16.8x38 snap on duals 40% rubber $4OO 080. 1 electric dalet lack with charger $3OO 080. Call after 6:00 PAA 856-589-2637. Brand new JD 3pt hitch kits for 520 thru 630, $1075 080. 717/530-9459. IH 826 TA 3 pt. $6,950 540-896-7148 717-529-4066 For Sale: Inf'lloB6 tr eat), heat, air 570-837-2640. actor. Call Great Bend 570 QT load er, self-levelling, used very little. 717-597-8654 No Sunday cals LI Giant skeleton eleva tor 24'. $450; 250 bu gravi- FOR SALE: 1065 Gehl tv wagon, 8-ton Ml gear vestor w/grass and o $650,717/475-3107. heads, used 1 seas 717-243-4590. JD 4440, quad, hyd. front wheel asst, • JD 6620 Combine, 2285 hrs. Heavy Rear Axle, Exc. cond • JD 643 Com Head Low Tin Oil Bath, Exc. cond. • IH 986 CAH, 3744 hrs, 18.4-38 w/axle mount duals, Exc. cond $12,500 • 1980 International Truck, 9.00-20 (All New) 14' grain body, 345 cu. In gas. Good cond $5,000 • IH 490 Disc 20' w/buster bars, Good cond $4,000 • JD 7000 6 row planter with Mounted Coulters, Very Good cond $6,000 • Westfield 80x61 auger PTO, Exc. cond $2,000 • Westfield 80x51 auger PTO, Brand New (used once).s2,ooo • Westfield Truck auger. Good cond $4OO Front & Rear, Quick Coupler, Triple Remotes, Ex. Cond. $44,900 Joseph Weaver 610/466-0945 FOR SAUL ‘ » , Mmm 1994 Ford LNBOOO with 18’ Aluminum Grain Body, 250 HP, 6 Speed Direct Trans., 32,000 GVW, 240,000 Miles Best Offer Contact John LaVelle Rollins Leasing Corp. (717)560-5336 • Case 2470,4WD, 175 HP, AC, PTO, 3 PTH, 4065 Hrs., VGC $10,900 • Case 730 Comfort King, Gas, WFE, Majored, 55hp, VGC $5,400 • Case 400, NFE, Gas, Majored, w/Pulley, VGC $2,400 • JD 350, 7-16" Hyd. Reset, On Land $1,500 • JD 2500, 5-18" Hyd Reset, Hillside $1,700 •21’ Field Cultivator-Finisher, One Pass, Vibra Shanks, S-tmes, and Rolling Baskets $3,500 • Air Blast Sprayer For Sweet Corn, 3 pth, 6-8 Row $5OO • Bush Hog, 13 or 15 Shank Chisel, 3 pth w/Gage Wheels $950 • Haybuster 1068, No Till Drill $l,OOO • IH 4R 3pth Cultivator w/4 Cole Sidedressers $1,500 •NH Model 90 Hydraulic Large Bale Stacker, 3 pth $490 CALL EVENINGS 814-736-8266 354 PerWns charged, out of 2105 White tractor, strong runner, $3500 obo. 717-258-4897 Used AC 7020 Engine parts available 717-867-2331 $27,000 ...$7,000 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 15, 2000-C5 (2) 3' BriMon pup culti- 4 Gandy Insecticide appli packers, $225/ea. caters, good condition, 717-656-6109. $l5O. Massey 300 com- 1936 JD unstyled A, com pletely restored, $4,700 080. 302-731-6245. Large selection ot IH grain drills, all sizes 16x7, 18x7. 21x7. Some with seeders. Alt reduced. Zeisloft Eq. 800-919-3322 336 JD Baler, Good Condition $3,000 315 NH Baler, Excellent Condition.... s3,soo 7’ 3pt. Hitch Scaper Blade $2OO 14’Flatbed $lOO 717-776-7806 1976 D6OO Dodge Truck w/ John Bean 40 PC Air Crop Sprayer, 500 gal. tank, Creek fill pump 4955 MFD, Duals, Power Shil 5820 Chopper, Hyd Spout, Metal Detector 717-273-6105 | $10,500 firm -1 of-a-kind | b Westminster, MD | | (410) 876-6666 evenings | BnaiaiaiaiauiunauiqqiiiauiiaiaaiaMiauiiaiaiaiaiaaauiaiaummauiuiifimije Cub loboy, 5-sp, belly mower, 12 V, $2850. 410/877-1658. 3 large gravity bin boxes need a little work & pain! $550/all. 610/562-4464.
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