Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 08, 2000, Image 97
BONNIE BRAE AUCTION Rt. 724, Spring City, PA Annual Mower & Equipment Auction SAT., APRIL 29th 9 AM W© will sell on commission for you -- tractors - mowers - tools - autos - boats - etc. Call for rates. Richard J. Moyer AU00642L Auctioneer 610-948-8050 Annual Consignment Sale May 6, 2000 - 9:30 A.M. Located at Walnut Barn Equipment, Shade Mt. Rental, 7 miles south of Mifflin along Route 35. Consignment farm machinery, lawn & garden equipment, misc. shrubs & trees, new lumber, pressure-treated playhouse, pressure-treated posts & lawn furniture, name-brand new power mow ers, miniature wooden canvas-covered wagon, new tools, Tuscarora structure. 12x24 w/overhead door, side door, windows. For more information contact Levi Stoltzfus daytime - 436-5017, evening - 436-9728. Lunch by Walnut Cheese Nook Bryan D. Imes, Auctioneer AU-001656-L RRI Box 902, Port Royal, PA 17082 PUBLIC AUCTION sth Annual Lawn & Garden -AU- Equipment ... mm Auction for ■■Hfe Ed’s Repair 4:30 P.M. 4:30 P.M. Friday, April 14, 2000 Location: From New Holland Rt. 23 W to Good’s Furniture. Turn right onto N. Shirk Rd. to stop sign. Turn left onto Linden Grove Rd. Go approx. 1 mile thru intersection in Voganville to auction on left, or From Hinkle town Rt. 322, at Ephrata Nat. Bank turn right onto Railroad Ave. to Linden Grove Rd. Turn right approx. 1-1/2 miles. Auction on left, Earl Twp., Lane. Co. This is only a Partial Listing Riding Mowers John Deere _Rfflj^j4r^nj^4^^^||^Hydro, 175Hydr0,210, 111 Hydro, 108,STX38,140Hydro, RX9S with Bagger, Cub Cadet Riding Mowers. “|1863 Hydro with Blade, 1720 315, 383 Hydro, Hydro. IBMlllll 125 Hydro, 104, Holms Kirliii” Mourns Hi IVrforniaiuc 14 H.H. Hydro Signature Series u/Hagger X Hlade ST 125 Hydro, 2027 Craftsman Riding Mowers 11 HP 4 Wheel Steer, 10 HP, 16 HP, 12 HP. Neu - 20 HP Yard Machine Hulro with 40 in. Deck Dixon 311 w/Bagger Simplicity 5216 42” Cut Kubota G 4200 Diesel Hydro 48” Cut Gravely 816 50” Cut w/Blade, Bxlo Storage Shed & Log Splitter John Deere LXI72 John Deere 332 diesel Model 1210 Grass Hopper New 15 hp Hydro Simplicity Express Mower John Deere 855 4 W lutl Driu 1 u/Blade Tillers & Misc. Items Troy Pony, Craftsman Rear Tine, Troy Horse with New 8 HP Bnggs Engine, J.D. Carts, Pert. Spreader, Aerator, String Trimmer, Misc. Parts Mowers Push Mowers. John Deere, Hahns, Lawn-Boys & Snappers Free Coffee and Donuts For All Buyers and Sellers Terms by Ed’s Repair Shop 354-4209 Advertised Items Subject &A. mL to Prior Sale. >5». Cash or Honorable Jte. Check Only All Announcements Sale Day Take Precedence Over All Advertising Not Responsible for Accidents Food on Premises Auctioneer: Mel Hoover AU-003111-L 717-354-8397 Home or 717-354-6431 Barn tsi is ,ign . . Bam Equip, Shade Mt Rental, 7 personal sale (or Mary A Engle miles Sof Mifflin Along Rt 35 Estate Florin Fire Co Mt Joy State of New Jersey State Agriculture Development Committee PUBLIC AUCTION of a Permanently Preserved Farm 261 Acres Franklin & Upper Pittsgrove Townships Gloucester & Salem Counties No Improvements One Residential “Opportunity” for Agricultural Purposes AUCTION: APRIL 26, 2000 Minimum Bid: $250,000 A Farmland Preservation Project For Details, Call (800) 474-5314 public Auction ANDREW ALLWGIN ESTATE COLLECTIBLES HOUSEHI UES ANTI Location: 2153 State Route 343, Lebanon, Swatara Township, Lebanon County, Pa. From Maple Street in Lebanon - north 3 miles on 7th Street/Route 343. From Route 22 in Fredericksburg - South 3.8 miles on Route 343 to auction site. Canning jars; wooden crates; lots of fruit baskets; sprinkling cans; flower vas es; Fyrex mixing bowls; cook and bake ware; Corning ware; juice reamers; spice tins; cast iron skillets; Michters bottles; Old cancelled checks; Savage 220LD single shot 12 ga. shotgun; books; lots of asst, bottles; MILK BOTTLES - Groff, Avon, Hershey, Lebanon, Hoaks, Dairy Lee, Wengerts, etc., Wengerts creamer; sad irons; national Geographies; luggage; canner; 78 records, slide projector and screen; comforters; nic nacs; snitz dryer; pictures and frames, calendars; assorted glassware and china; bedding; wash basket; lots of Christ mas Items; local adv. pencils IBL ,LE' High grained dry sink; (5) blanket chests; oak S roll top desk, 5 section Shaw Walker stack case; Behney walnut desk; walnut 12 lite dutch cupboard (All wein); (2) low dry sinks w/lids; (3) trunks; player piano; (2) china closets, drop wing table w/drawer; 4 pc. bedroom suite; (2) Thompson Store child's chairs, marble top table; Liberty #3 cast iron stove; 5 pc. Victorian parlor suite; cot tage bed; bucket bench (Allwein); walnut press back rocker; drop wing ext table w/7 boards; Victorian parlor sofa, cane seat rocker; cedar chest; 30+ asssorted chairs and rockers; night stand; asst flower tables; pedestal stand; flour chest; cottage dresser mirrors; wash stand; oak buffet; school desks; oak swivel desk chair; square oak ext table; tables (Allwein); small church pew; benches; park bench; chest of drawers; (2) oak dressers; floor lamps; butter churn; floor lamps; veneering set; wooden door. Depression glass; pressed, pattern and colored glass; thumb print tumbler; Sapolin Paint bank; asst china; glass apple jug; local advertising; granite cof fee pots; crocks and jugs, (2) coffee grinders; wooden comb box; milk white; carnival bowls; (2) Bomberger Rye shot glasses; Horitake service for 12 Sib ley china; peanut butter glasses; kerosene lamps; bracket light; MS Hershey statue; glass baskets; copper tea kettle; butter mold; ink well; paper adver tising; picture and greeting postcards; slawboards; lots of piano rolls; (2) chi na bathroom sets; small baskets; aprons; carpets; wooden jewelry box, asst jewelry; shaving set; pictures; weather vane; crank slaw cutter, iron pots; cranberry scoop; wooden measure; copper funnel; wooden Hershey Cocoa box; egg scales; milk kettles; candle mold; butcher ladles, carpet beaters, Indian statue; Radio Super wagon; homemade soap. CLOCKS: Walnut Grandfathers (Allwein); i - 980 Knauer's (1 of 2 made), shelf and mantle; cuckoo; unfinished cases. Amana 14 cu ft. refrigerator; Caloric gas range; 5 pc. dinette set; chest freez er; wringer washer; rinse tubs; single bed w/boxspring and mattress; Toshiba port, color TV (like new); old refrigerator; upholstered furniture; book shelf; slant front desk; radio/record/player comb. elec, sewing machine w/cabinet; heatrola; (3) metal cabinets, wooden glass door cabinet; walker and potty chair. TERMS: Cash or approval local check, no out of state checks Furniture to be sold Sat. at 12:00 noon Plenty of off street parking. Food and toilet facilities Inspection of Friday auction items after 12 00 noon and Saturday auction items after 7 00 a.m. Mr. Allwein was a local craftsman and furniture refinisher. Much of his works sells, tie was an avid collector - the sheds, barn and house are full Many gen erations of items selling. HARRY H j Auction by III SHIRLEY ARNOLD Executrix -JK 2051 HORSESHOE PIKE ANNVILLE, PA 17003-8850 (717) 867-1809 - SATURDAY APRIL IS, 2000 8:30 A.M. FURNITURE ANTIQUES 5 CLOCKS HOUSEHOLD wets Redcav & Matthews SAT MAY 6 - Feeder Cattle Sales Finger Lakes Livestock Exchange. Canandaigua, NY SAT MAY 6 - 9AM Tractor, Farm Eguipment, Misc Farm Items, Tools for Evan R & Fern Frantz 205 Stncklerstown Rd, near Newmanslown Lebanon Co Ben Habecker, Art Pannebecker Aucls SAT MAY 6 -10 AM Heifer Sale New Holland Sales Stables, 101 W Fulton St, New Holland, Pa SAT MAY 6 11AM Feeder steers In McKees Half Falls, Port Trevorton, Pa Alvin Wenger, owner Rodger A Lauver, Dean E Longacre, auct FRIDAY APRIL 14, 2000 3:00 P.M. OP (OP Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 8, 2000-849 SAT MAY 6 - Noon - Muncy Herb Rt 204, Selmsgrove, Pa Creek Twp, 1630 John Brady Absolute auction of 3 bedroom Drive JamesC Young, auct Courtney SAT MAY 6 - 12 N< Estate Auction, Baldwin & Stalker TUES MAY 9- 7 45PM Feeder Rds Col Steve Sitar Col Dick cattle Sale Westminster Live Monaskv, aucts stock Auction SAT MAY 6 -12 PM 6 acre WED MAY 10 - Bruce & Grace w/beautiful home approx 10 Olsen Montgomery NY Late miles W of State College Pa model Farm Machinery 1 Farm Centre Co Auct Ron J & Ron S So ld, Aucts Col F R Daniel and Gilligan #AU*339-L & #AU343O- jne Miedema L 814-237-0189 „ WED MAY 10 - 3PM Estate of SAT, MAY 6 - 4PM All Breed Esther Tormay, Selinsgrove Pa Pony Sale in conjunction w/Mart- i story, 4 bedroom home in s 29th Annual Spnng Auction of antiques collectibles & house Carriages. Sleighs & Antiques holds Massinger S Courtney Lebanon _ Area Fairgrounds, au cts 570-539-8791 Lebanon PA Martin Auctioneers yy§Q may 10 - 7 30PM Feeder gale four States Livestock MON MAY 8 - 6PM Holdegard Hagerstown Md PUBLIC SALE OF ANTIQUES, RIDING MOWER, HOUSEHOLD GOODS SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 2000 9:00 A.M. Located at the Goodville Fire Hall, between Blue Ball and Churchtown, Rt. 23, East Earl Twp, Lancaster County, PA. Sunbeam Microwave, Sunbeam Mixer, Dehumidifier; Small Gas Cookstove; Kenmore Wringer Washer; Small Kenmore Wood Cookstove, Atlantic Cast Iron Woodstove, Franklin Cast Iron Woodstove; Kenmore 8000 BTU Air Conditioner; Electrolux Sweepei, Granny’s Oven; Waffle Iron; Kitchen Utensils, Flatware, Meat Gnndei; Electric Roastei Oven, Set Of Stainless Flatware, Agate Pie Plates, Gray & Blue Agate; Tupperwaie, Pots & Pans, Apple Sauce Strainer; Large Agate Kettle; Cornmgwaie, Pressure Cooker; Roaster. Bakeware, Wooden Potato Masher, Kerosene Lamps, Ice Cieam Maker, Electric Crockpot, Table Lamps, Hurncane Lamps BLUE FLOWER WATER SET w/Large Bowl & Pitcher; Pink Depression Dish w/Lid; Germany Cup & Saucer; Germany Veg Dishes, Germany Pitcher; Small Carnival Vase; Small Nontake Bowl; Master Salts & Reg Salts, Salt & Pepper Sets; Bear Bank, Green Depiession Sherbets & Plates; Berry Set, Glass Bowls, Flo-Blue Plate, Compote; Lot Ot Small Plates, Platters, Peanut Butter Glasses, Glass Cake Plates CRESOLENE VAPORIZER; Crocks, Jardiniers; Old Cookie Cutters, Green Canning Jars, Old Christmas Birds, Hat Pins, Crockeiy Jugs; Pillows, Buttons, Wooden Spools, Old Ladies’ Hats, Old Cloth Napkins, Doilies, Hooked Rugs, Small Old Wooden Boxes, Clark’s Spool Cotton Box, Old Adv Matches, Old Post Cards; Remington Shot Box: Glasses Box From Louis Weber & Son, Lancastei, World War II Ration Tokens, Chas H Frey, Lancaster Drawing Book For The Young Folks, Niagara Rotating Lamp, Dahlia Quilt & Othei Quilts, Knotted Comlortei; Bedding, Costume Jewehy, LARGE 1926 HERTZLER’S REUNION PITCHER; “The Heit/lei-Hait/lei Family Histoiy”, Ist & 2nd Editions “Fishei Family Histoiy”, “Geoige Petersheim Family", Tennessee John Stolt/tus by Peton Yoder, “As Long As Wood Grows And Watei Flows - A Histoiy Ot The Conestoga Mennonite Church”, “Picture History Morgantown 1770-1970” OAK CORNER CUPBOARD; Laige Old Cornei Cupboard, Extension Table w/4 Chairs. Camel Back Trunk; Dovetailed Blanket Chest, Oak Chest ot Drawers, Cedai Chest, Single Beds, Painted Plank Bottom Chau, Sota, Laige Benches, Quilt Flames, Wall Mmois, Folding Chairs LARGE IRON KETTLE W/TRIPOD; Eagle Lockmaker’s Box; Wooden Wishing Well; Wooden Crates; Birdhouse, Flowei Stands, Cement Donkey & Cart; Bud Bath 832 TORO RIDING MOWER; Lawn Boy 21” Mower; Cyclo-Action 8 H P Chippers/Shredder, 2500 Watt Generator, Echo Weedeater, Lawn Rollei, Small Air Compressor; Cyclone Seed Sower; Lawn Spieader, B&D Hedge Tnmmei. Power Saw, Drills & Bits, Brace & Bits, Wheelbanow; Bench Grmdei, Block Planes, Drawing Knife, Hammers & Hatchets, 1/4” & 1/2” Socket Sets, Aluminum Barn Shovel, Yard Tools; Organizer Cabinets, Masonry Tools, Lot of Hand Tools; Pipe Vise, Cutter & Threader, Staple Gun Kit; Tow Chains, Yard Gate, Metal Fence Post: Electric Fence Chargei, Garden Cultivator, Double Tree Potato Plow, Pump Tiough Plus Many Moie Items TERMS BY MARTHA L. KAUFFMAN •» MMk» Tiaa Tor You" XPCTIOMKXKIMQ BIK VICK XU2OO4L 717-334-4435 U Audrey E. Weaver, Auctioneer Robert R. Rissler, Auctioneer Refreshments Available by Goods ille Ladies’ Auxihaiy Not Responsible For Accidents c & aucls 570-539-8791 'EWER 'ISSLER *y